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One-Time SpongeBob Characters: Where Are They Now?


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All right, last episode this season, save the bonus episodes. Please keep suggesting characters!

Episode 9: Last Call Season 1: Where Are They Now?

Lenny Luther (that jerk who stole SpongeBob's ice cream cone in Walking Small)

After being scared off by Plankton, Lenny has learned his lesson about stealing people's things. It's just not right! Instead of being a jerk all the time, he turned over a new leaf and became nice and benevolent to people. In fact, just recently he was named "Model Citizen of the Year" by the Bikini Bottom Council. So for once, Plankton actually helped someone.

Garth Roberts (the guy who sat on SpongeBob's body, which is also his face)

The truth about Garth is that he is incredibly awkward. So when he sat on SpongeBob, he wasn't quite sure what to do with himself. Should he get off? Should he continue to rest his behind? What was the social protocol in this situation? Eventually, he decided to get off of SpongeBob, and continue to make more awkward decisions, such as laughing at a funeral, tripping over a sidewalk crack, and the like.

The first of the King Neptunes (Neptune's Spatula)

After being humiliated by SpongeBob, Neptune resigned his position as king, giving it to his even more insecure brother, also named Neptune. (Their dad was really into the name "Neptune".) He figured that the public wouldn't even be able to tell the difference, given that they both have the same name and red hair. After resigning, he decided to live a quiet, secluded life, playing Solitaire.

The Atomic Flounder (Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy II)

After scorching/nuking Barnacle Boy with his... breath attack thing, The Atomic Flounder felt pretty pleased to know that he still had it. As he waited for the bus, an old friend came by to say hello. It was the Jumbo Shrimp! But since he's retired too, the old fellows simply spent their time reminiscing over their past evil deeds. After enjoying a good laugh, they bid each other goodbye. The Atomic Flounder went home to eat a can of soup (he doesn't even need a microwave, what with his power).

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It's back!

Season 2

Episode 10: Your Shoe Smells

The pornography anemone (Your Shoe's Untied)

The anemone has been a well-known pornography artist for a long time. The way she moves back and forth, side to side. It's enough to get any sea creature in Bikini Bottom watching. But soon, the anemone grew dissatisfied with her life. She wanted to be something more than just a piece of meat. So she decided to quit her job in pornography and apply for a new job. Unfortunately, she doesn't have any skills necessary to land a new job. So she decided to go back to school and learn all about accounting. She now has the same job as the former Heart Man. Whether that's something to be proud of is another story entirely.

The eel that is sadly only an eel (Your Shoe's Untied)

After her altercation with SpongeBob, the eel became very existential. Why, Neptune? she wondered. Why am I only an eel? And why I am so discontent with it? Why couldn't you make me something better? She slithered out of the Krusty Krab, and wondered if it was time to end it all. She slithered into the middle of the road, getting run over by a truck. By a happenstance that could probably only be accurately described as a miracle, she survived. She now prays to Neptune every day, thankful for her survival, her life, and her well-being.

Mary Cross (the crossing guard in Something Smells)

After abandoning her post to run away from SpongeBob's breath, and potentially endangering a group of children, Mary was promptly fired from her job. She had to move to another town just to find a new one. When asked to send in her résumé, she fudged it a little to cover up the incident. She was never found out, and is now living happily as a crossing guard in Bikini Top. So remember kids, always lie on your résumé!

Didgeridoo Player (Something Smells)

After being blown away by SpongeBob's terrible breath, Didgeridoo Player tried mercilessly to get the band back together. Unfortunately, nobody wanted to reunite due to the fear of a similar incident happening again. As a result, Didgeridoo Player went on to have an astonishing solo career, becoming the most famous didgeridoo player in Bikini Bottom.

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Episode 11: Doofuses

Joseph Fisher (DEUUEAUGH fish from Something Smells)

After smelling SpongeBob's rancid breath, Joseph's face stayed in that permanent DEUUEAUGH position. He had to quit his job as a teacher, because the kids either made fun of him or were scared of him. He tried to get another job, but to no avail. He is now homeless and desperately seeking plastic surgery.

Carl Moxbury (The "YOU TRYIN' TO KILL US?" fish from Something Smells)

After becoming convinced that an attempt on his life was taken, Carl became increasingly paranoid. He stayed home and locked all his doors and windows for a good 3 weeks. After getting fired from his job for not showing up, Carl decided that it was time to face the world again. He stepped outside, and instantly gained confidence. He now works as a motivational speaker, telling people not to be afraid.

Frank George (the guy who was on his way to the big doofus convention in Bossy Boots)

It may have seemed that Frank's comment was made in jest. But a little known fact is that he really was on his way to a big doofus convention. Being the doofus that he is, he drove off without reply from SpongeBob. At the doofus convention, a great time was had by all. It's easy to please doofuses.

The trophy delivery man (Big Pink Loser)

After delivering many trophies to happy recipients, the trophy delivery man wished that he could have a trophy of his own. Then he had an idea. He snuck into the trophy-making factory and made a trophy stating that he won a trophy for outstanding achievement in trophy deliveries. Even though he made it himself, he was still proud of his achievement. His trophy is now mounted on a shelf, adored by his dear wife. (He still hasn't told her that he made the trophy himself.)

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It's something rarer than a Bigfoot sighting! It's a spin-off episode by Wumbo!

Episode 12: Buddies and Butch

Stick Buddy, Rock Buddy, and Sink Buddy (Bubble Buddy)

After being shunned by SpongeBob in favour of Bubble Buddy, the three lesser buddies decided to stage a revolt. However, being that they were inanimate, this proved to be difficult. In fact, they could barely even make a plan, due to being inanimate. Ah hell, they did nothing. They're a sink, a rock, and a stick. What can that do? Geez.

Grubby Grouper (Bubble Buddy)

Grubby wasn't lyin' when he said he needed to go catch some gnarly pounders. He actually meant Quarter Pounders, just fyi. He downed a couple of them at the nearest McDonald's (which is not nearly as popular underwater as it is up here) and rode off in his boat, calling it a day.

Samuel Goodfin (the fish expressing resentment over being kept waiting for a bubble in Bubble Buddy)

After being shell-shocked by the bubble keeping him waiting, Samuel pushed and shoved his way to the front of the line so he could get into the outhouse first. Unfortunately, this was not well received by the crowd, who took their anger out by tipping the lifeguard chair over. When Samuel exited, he noticed the chaos he was partially responsible for. He decided to organize a league of do-gooders to help clean up the beach. His troupe worked wonders, and everybody in Bikini Bottom praised Samuel by singing "For He's a Jolly Good Rookie".

Butch Bartman (the fish who taunts SpongeBob in Grandma's Kisses, after which the crowd states, "ALL RIGHT ALREADY!")

After getting shunned by his mocking cohorts, Butch decided to find a different crowd who would appreciate his witty comments. Unfortunately, he got in with the wrong crowd. He joined the Nematode Fan Club, a club bent on destruction (which is why they idolize Nematodes). As well as providing the wisecracks for the group, he helped them with their plan to utterly destroy Bikini Bottom. The Nematode Fan Club was soon detained by police, and now Butch sits rotting in a jail cell for the next 25 years.

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Episode 13: You Know What's Weird? These Guys Are Actually All Octopi (Part 1)

Squicholas Suctioncup (the guy who appears in the Tentacle Acres ad in Squidville)

Squicholas has been doing these advertisements for 3 years now. And truth be told, he was getting a little tired with his job. So he quit, and now he works for a hemorrhoid company. That's what happens when you don't beef up your résumé, kids.

The guards of Tentacle Acres (Squidville)

After fainting on the job and letting the wrong type into Tentacle Acres, the two guards were promptly fired. They tried to find another job, but their snooty demeanors made it hard for employers to relate to them. Finally though, they found a job where the workers were just as snooty as they were. That's right, the guards of Tentacle Acres now work on Piers Morgan Tonight.

Squilbert Scranton (the guy who Squidward bumps into in Squidville)

Squilbert wasn't always this nasty. Indeed, he was once the kindest guy in Tentacle Acres. But then tragedy struck. His wife of 10 years died in a car accident. Ever since then, he has been disillusioned with society and the world. He transformed into the grumpy, insulting curmudgeon that he is today. After insulting Squidward's alertness and comebacks, he ventured off to Curmudgeons Anonymous, to try and cope with his problem. He admitted to his compadres at the meeting what he did earlier that day, and vowed to take the 12-step program to reduce his anger. He's still on Step 6, looking for that elusive brown-shirted octopus whom he wronged so he can apologize.

The clarinet trio (Squidville)

After Squidward blew them off to go sit on a park bench and mope about how everything is too perfect or some shit, the clarinet trio continued to play. The same tune. Over and over. And over. After a while, wouldn't you know it, they got tired of it. So they decided to try a new song. For breaking the status quo, however, they were booed and heckled by the regular crowd. The clarinet trio decided to disband and take up canned bread manufacturing.

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