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48 minutes ago, Katniss said:

what's your favorite drink to get at Starbucks?

for hot drinks, venti soy latte is my go-to. i honestly think it's better than the regular milk variant. 

for cold drinks, venti strawberry acai or light coffee frappuccino, or one of their lemonade-tea things is usually pretty good too. 

seasonally i like getting the peppermint mocha :DD


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27 minutes ago, Katniss said:

when you're casually browsing your tumblr dash and see some anon telling your fav girl group blog to stop posting about mamamoo because "they're racist"?



ohhh it's so dumb people have no idea about cultural connotations and how things are perceived differently by different cultures. a good example being what happened with tiffany when she used a sc filter with the japanese rising sun flag on it during koreas independence day. while most of the international fans were confused about the controversy, many korean netizens were extremely upset about the incident and most called for tiffany to be pulled from the group and some even wanted her to be deported and have her citizenship revoked. of course this was a bit much, but it especially came across as questionable to international fans because koreas history of being oppressed by japan had little to no effect on the west. we hardly learn about it in schools. for the most part none of our families had to deal with this tragedy. but for them, it was a major incident thats highly sensitive to koreans. likewise, koreans tend to feel that way about black issues in the united states, especially when it comes to things like blackface, which is what made mamamoo become hated by some. you'll notice absolutely no dip in their korean fans however because in korea this kind of thing simply doesn't have the same cultural connotation.

is that a justification? not exactly. but it's definitely something that needs to be taken into consideration before people start crying about mamamoo/apink/any other group who've done this kind of thing being 'racist.' and really, if you're this touchy, how are you even into kpop? half the stars do things that would be considered upsetting to the west (wearing dreadlocks, 'appropriating,' etc) but to them, it means absolutely nothing. 

that's the big problem with international kpop fans, i've noticed. they hold korea to western standards without even thinking about the societal differences. it's embarrassing. 

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3 hours ago, Kiyozu♡ said:

the sign says kitchen, but my heart says SHOUT IF I HIT LOVELY BONER? -chainsaw over sb music-

the sign says restaurant but my heart says roofiestaurant -mariachi plays- 

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