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Status Updates posted by dmandagiraffe

  1. You have forsaken us.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Spongybobgod


      Please give me 15000 doubloons.

    3. dmandagiraffe


      No. You have failed my test and therefore I cannot give you any doubloons without breaking my moral code.

    4. Spongybobgod


      I only need about 35000

  2. i am a very happy man!

    1. Jjs Goodman

      Jjs Goodman

      My wife and I parted on amicable terms, I told my best friend I loved him and we got married, and my daughter actually felt comfortable coming out as trans to us, this has been great.

  3. how long has it been since i typed one of these i've been so neglectful

  4. just signed up for spring 2020 classes ???

  5. yo Balloon Boy flew 10 years ago today

  6. Does anyone have suggestions for media I could cover on dman recommends? I've already got enough planned to cover at least 10 more posts, I just want more exposure to see what everyone else considers to be undiscovered.

  7. i have done absolutely nothing notable throughout my entire lifespan

  8. This has been a long time coming...


  9. guys being prepared for college  makes me feel so close to breaking point but I'm not giving up please pray for me

  10. Anyone else think the band Spongebob and friends should get back together?


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SpongeCob


      i thought his band was called spongebob and the rip tides or something like that

    3. President Squidward

      President Squidward

      ^spongebob AND THE HIIIIIII SEAS

    4. SpongeCob


      yeah that was it ^

  11. I had a dream last night about terrorists bombing my local walmart; should I be worried

    1. That Excited SpongeKid
    2. dmandagiraffe


      ok so today my friend showed me a video where some kid's mom launches through the roof of a walmart causing it to explode, now i'm really worried

  12. That moment when it feels like you slept for hours but it's actually just 11 and your parents won't stop snoring from the other side of the hotel room

    1. 4EverGreen


      Welcome to the club!


  14. just selected my college classes

  15. it's the last day of school and i can't get any sleep, why must i be awake at 4 in the morning ugghhhhhh

  16. I've just binged up to the 50-something-th episode of Pokemon. Pikachu's jukebox was a mistake.

    1. WinterArcanine


      I thought you hated pokemon

    2. dmandagiraffe


      I never hated it, I just never really got into it as much as everyone else.

  17. i just swore in front of a teacher at school rip

  18. I thought you were a terrible Snipe-catcher, Fug. Well played.

  19. here snipey snipey *clap clap clap*

  20. If we have another Snowcember movie night, we have to watch The Christmas Light

  21. GIMPS has discovered a new largest prime number today! 282,589,933-1 has over 24 million digits, but is still prime. Also, I'm a math nerd. deal with it

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