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About HawkbitAlpha

  • Birthday 07/14/1999


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    Making it through with another point of view again

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  1. Good morning, world, and all who inhabit it! [falls down stairs] ...okay, ow. Anyway, welcome back to the SBC Community Mixtape, where we bring together only the best musics our members have to offer. I've woken up this morning feeling oddly nostalgic for a fairly recent point in time for music, and that's led me to finally decide on our next theme. At the risk of jinxing things, I've decided that, this time, we'll be recapturing the mood of: QUARANTINE BLUES No matter who you are, I think we can all agree that this time 4 years ago was some degree of exceptionally miserable. For that exact reason, one of the earlier Community Mixtapes was all about music we used to keep our stress levels down. This is a similar idea, but more specific: I want to get an idea of what all of y'all were listening to in order to preserve your sanity during the suffering that was the lockdown spring/summer of 2020. Whether it was new songs from the time, or older ones that you found yourself revisiting more than usual, our idea here is to make a bit of a time capsule. Let's have at it! The rules: There's no set length limits per submission, but try not to go too overboard. Try to post your submissions using a Spotify playlist. If this is not possible for you, at least make sure that all of your submissions are available on Spotify. Joke/troll entries can and most likely will be excluded. No repeat entries (can't submit the same thing as somebody else). The deadline for submissions will be next Saturday, August 3rd. Until then, I need to file a lawsuit against Pfizer for not giving me the 5G receptors that anti-vaxxers promised me.
  2. Considering that I just took 2 months to respond to this post, that should tell you how good I am at committing to certain things, Breaking Bad included
  3. Until now, I thought the Frontierlands map from the original SCF had been totally lost, but it looks like that isn't totally true. As it turns out, a few weeks after the server launched, for whatever reason, I had downloaded a local copy of the map to my PC, and I've now been able to retrieve it from my old hard drive. Dated July 24th, 2023, this is, as far as I know, the only surviving copy of the map to contain any of the builds that we made on the server. This is obviously a much earlier copy than we would've liked to have, but it's better than nothing, I'd say. If y'all want to indulge in a little nostalgia from last summer, here it is! DOWNLOAD HERE
  4. I took "party" in this context to mean a good old house party. In that case, why not dig into some slightly lower-key classics?
  5. What's up, fellow Ghost enjoyer?
  6. Those of you who were regulars of SpongeCraft Frontiers in its first run last year will probably have fond memories of Littleroot Village, the NPC village that we took over and turned into the de facto capital of the server. Losing that town was the worst result of the deletion of the old map, and even with the reboot of SCF, we've been without a suitable replacement for it since... UNTIL NOW! Upon scanning the map around the spawn point, the SCF op team has decided on a new village for us pioneers to occupy. With that said, let's take the 3-minute minecart ride on the new rail connection from Truffleville pier... ...and have a fresh look at... TWINLEAF TOWN After a few hours of preparatory work, including building the customary protective village fence, placing torches, restructuring pathways, and other smaller decorative changes, the newly-named Twinleaf Town is now the first officially-incorporated municipality of new SCF. Situated on the boundary between a taiga biome and a beach, this picturesque little town faces directly onto a lake, and is in close proximity to multiple mineshafts. This weekend's event is set to take us into this very zone for a build competition, and personally, I plan on setting up a new homestead close by beforehand. Come check out the new town when you get the chance!
  7. ...did you even read the theme?
  8. What do we want? We want songs! How do we want them? In the form of the SBC Community Mixtape, for its 18th edition! As this project is now officially legal, maybe it's just a little ironic that, this time, we're going to be going with our most stereotypically adolescent theme yet. Get your best eyeshadow and black clothes ready, as we're going back to the 2000s to join... THE BLACK PARADE Yes, after 17 iterations of the Community Mixtape, it's time that we finally dig into the world of emo, post-hardcore, and more - the sounds that ruled the rock world in the early and mid-2000s, at least, as far as every emo and scene kid was concerned. MCR, The Used, Paramore, Fall Out Boy, Dashboard Confessional, Jimmy Eat World, Underoath, and so many more were the soundtrack to a lot of childhoods, including here, and it's now been long enough that we can call it nostalgic. Bring it on! The rules: There's no set length limits per submission, but try not to go too overboard. Try to post your submissions using a Spotify playlist. If this is not possible for you, at least make sure that all of your submissions are available on Spotify. Joke/troll entries can and most likely will be excluded. No repeat entries (can't submit the same thing as somebody else). The deadline for submissions will be next Saturday, May 18th. Until then, I have a Hot Topic run to make.
  9. I was wondering where I recognized your name from, and then remembered I'd been seeing you all over SBM. Welcome to the other side! (We mostly exist on Discord nowadays, if you're into that kind of thing.)
  10. Welcome back to the mixing zone, my fellow SpongeBobbies, for the 17th edition of the SBC Community Mixtape! I hope y'all are ready for the Day of Black Sun today, but while the US is looking to the sky for the upcoming eclipse, we're once again firing up the good old PokeBlock blender of music to make our next combined concoction. This time, it's going to be with one of our most out-there themes yet, as we'll be... ROCKIN' THE BOWERY Allow me to introduce all of you to a little hole in the wall, previously located at 315 Bowery in NYC's East Village, called CBGB. Or, rather, I'll let the main character from the 2009 movie Bandslam explain: "CBGB: the nerve center of everything that mattered in music in the past 40 years. [...] Birthplace of punk! The Ramones, Patti Smith... Do you know how many times she must have spit on this floor? Bad Brains... Without CBGB, there'd be no Sex Pistols or The Clash, so U2 doesn't get inspired to form a band in Ireland. And the Killers don't hear U2 in Vegas, and decide to pick up guitars... The list is endless!" More to the point: CBGB was a famed music club in NYC that was the epicenter of punk and new wave. Just about every band you can think of from those particular scenes played there at some point. It closed in 2006, and has since been turned into a men's fashion store, but the music lives on. Can you tell where I'm going with this? The assignment for everyone this time is to find and add songs by artists that are known to have played at CBGB during its over 40-year lifespan. That list of artists is quite extensive, and to that end, I've taken the time to document them in the spoiler tab below: The rules: We're going to do this similar to Steel's Obama Block Party, in that, once someone has added at least one song by a given artist to their submissions, that artist is officially claimed, and can't be submitted by anyone else. I'll try and keep track of them in the list above. To balance out the above, you can only have a maximum of six different artists in your submission. Try to post your submissions using a Spotify playlist. If this is not possible for you, at least make sure that all of your submissions are available on Spotify. Joke/troll entries can and most likely will be excluded. No repeat entries (can't submit the same thing as somebody else). Tentative deadline for submissions is Saturday, April 13th. Now, can someone show me how to sneak into the secret abandoned CBGB bathrooms?
  11. I 100% would've jumped on Muse if you didn't first. That being said:
  12. Both, as long as they fit the sound we're talking about!
  13. That's the name I use when I'm showing off my O face
  14. **** SBCOMMUNITY BASIC **** 64K RAM SYSTEM 38911 BASIC BYTES FREE READY. LOAD"THESBCCOMMUNITYMIXTAPE16",8,1: SEARCHING FOR THESBCCOMMUNITYMIXTAPE16 LOADING READY. Hello again, fellow kids, and welcome to the 16th edition of the SBC Community Mixtape! It's been a few months since our last entry, and with it, it's time that we brought this tradition back with a bang. So, as we kick Arcade Anarchy III into motion, what better way to get back into the Mixtape series with a bit of a challenge? By that, I mean that our theme this time is: CHIPS AND BITS Some of the best soundtracks in gaming history have been powered by the most basic of audio hardware, only capable of outputting simple beeps and white noise. That distinct sound has also given rise to the genre of chiptunes, modern music made using vintage game hardware. Whether it's a chiptune, or a genuine game soundtrack from back in the day, I want all of you to bring the best retro game-sounding music you can think of. Be it from the NES, the Game Boy Advance, or anything in between, this mixtape is all about the essence of 8-bit and 16-bit music, and the kind that captures it in spirit. The rules: From now on, we're doing away with fixed total time limits on submissions per person. Just try and not go overboard, is all we ask. Since a lot of submissions here will probably not be on Spotify, we'll be doing this one as a Youtube playlist. That being said, you can make your submissions as either a Youtube playlist of your own, or simply list the songs you want to add in the replies below. Joke/troll entries can and most likely will be excluded. No repeat entries (can't submit the same thing as somebody else). Tentative deadline for submissions is next Saturday, March 16th. Until then, I'm off to search for a functioning Bosconian cabinet.
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