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Rebel the Wolfgirl

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Status Updates posted by Rebel the Wolfgirl

  1. I honestly think the tragedies I experienced in 2019, namely my dad's death in April, are making me think about what direction I want to take my writing in now.

    I'm thinking of adapting Cerebus' "Going Home" arc for my lit, since I can relate to Cerebus' conflict (i.e. not being there for his dad in spite of the rather troubled relationship they had).

    1. 4EverGreen


      In my honest opinion, Cerebus' "Going Home" arc was the LAST good arc Dave Sim managed to write for him, so that would be a pretty good idea.

  2. state of shock part 1 when :troll:

  3. I'm wanting to start a wizard rock band called Voldemort and the Death Dealers (no, it's not supposed to be "Death Eaters", it's a reference to My Immortal)

    *time to add this to my list of shit I'm never getting done*

  4. Have I shown you this before?


    1. Inanimate Carbon Rod

      Inanimate Carbon Rod

      No, I don't think you have. Really cool find! Thanks for sharing, Blake.

  5. Finally arrived in Hawaii for my vacation.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. That Excited SpongeKid

      That Excited SpongeKid

      have fun! i would like to go to hawaii

    3. 4EverGreen


      I hope it's a lot sunnier there, than it currently is in California, we actually have RAIN right now (we're SO spoiled if we actually HAVE to complain about WHEN it rains!) :rolleyes: Enough said! :cool:

    4. President Squidward

      President Squidward

      ^fuck the sun fr. rain is beautiful

  6. Hot take: I will never understand the hate for Rivers Cuomo and Weezer

    1. 4EverGreen


      I don't understand it either, and I never WANT to, either!

    2. Steel Sponge

      Steel Sponge

      The band's discography is a rollercoaster ride of quality so I can see not liking their music, but I don't see outright hating the band.

    3. Rebel the Wolfgirl

      Rebel the Wolfgirl

      Honestly, their best seem to be the self-titled albums, at least in my opinion.

  7. @4EverGreen Eggs and Ham

    1. 4EverGreen


      Note to self, must remember to watch "Green Eggs and Ham" on Netflix when I can get a chance to.

  8. Thanks for the nomination in the GCAs, Steel. I myself don't think I'm creative (especially in regards to my lits), but it's nice to know someone thinks so.

  9. "Power pop is what we play — what The Small Faces used to play, and the kind of pop The Beach Boys played in the days of "Fun, Fun, Fun" which I preferred."

    —Pete Townshend

    Truer words have never been spoken. If anyone asks me what I play, I'll say something similar.

    "Call it psychobilly, call it power pop, call it horror punk, pop punk or even emo if you want. All of them are both valid and completely inaccurate to me. If you ask me what music I do tomorrow, I'd just say it's rock and roll."

  10. Holy crap, I've been on such a power pop kick lately

  11. Finally back on an actual computer.

    1. President Squidward

      President Squidward

      Nice! You can use rym again wooo

  12. Fuuuuuck, seeing @Pancake John Lennon's thread on comic strips makes me wanna do a Calvin and Hobbes lit 

    But tbh, I have so many ideas for lits and not enough focus and motivation to see them through uuuugh

  13. More ramblings on music: my stepdad and I actually had a conversation over "explicit" content in modern music, but not for the reasons you think. Our shared objection comes less from " THIS IS FILTHY THINK OF THE CHILDREN " and more along the lines of "This is uncreative, too literal". Something I like about older music (jazz and blues especially) is how due to the more restrictive morals at the time, artists had to come up with all sorts of euphemisms and wink wink nudge nudging to get around the censors - hence the use of things like food and cars in those songs. You can be explicit without being explicit, if that makes any sense.

  14. I find it sad that the only two chord progressions I know are 12-bar blues and the 50s progression.

    then again, considering my love of rockabilly and classic rhythm and blues, it might as well be a blessing in disguise :funny:

    1. 4EverGreen


      I tried learning how to play guitar in High School. Although I was TECHNICALLY good at it, "Reality Ensues" due to the fact, to quote Ringo Starr: "I got blisters on my fingers!" So, glad to see that you're committed enough to at least learn and PRACTICE those progressions on a daily basis. Currently playing "Sonic Mania" on the Nintendo Switch, and it's AMAZING how "The Bus Came Back" for several video game elements that haven't been seen or used in years! We'll see if I'm able to get my act together to release a "Power Rangers Multiverse Force" episode up by Halloween. Enough said!

    2. Rebel the Wolfgirl

      Rebel the Wolfgirl

      It also helps that in terms of my vocal range, I'm a low tenor; my older brother actually made a good point that low tenors have jazzy/bluesy voices, so I could very well emulate the styles of Elvis or Little Richard if I wanted to.

    3. 4EverGreen
  15. Hot take: I hate Yesterday with the white hot intensity of one thousand suns. It is a disrespect to the legacy of the Beatles, and if I could, I would take every opportunity to prevent its very existence. Thank you.

    1. Rebel the Wolfgirl

      Rebel the Wolfgirl

      jk I'm exaggerating, but I still don't like the movie in all honesty, mostly because the potential is wasted, imho

    2. 4EverGreen


      Think of it this way; most of the continuity of "Yesterday", exists in an ALTERNATE dimension, where for reasons unknown, The Beatles didn't exist (or never got famous). And if they didn't exist (or never got famous), wouldn't you still WANT to have access to the music they made, even if it WASN'T made by them?! I mean, we make "Power Rangers Multiverse Force", which DEALS with dimensions! Speaking of dimensions, I have actually FINALLY seen the "Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel" episode "Dimensions In Danger". CONTINUITY CONNECTION with graphic novel "Soul of the Dragon" CONFIRMED, with the existence of J. J. Oliver, Tommy's marriage to Katherine Hillard, and the existence of at least ONE Master Morpher! And since this episode was released a YEAR before I wrote the episode "How to Save a Life" for "Power Rangers Multiverse Force", that would make the fact that I included a Master Morpher in THAT episode, a "Lucky Translation", since I wrote that episode PRIOR to having actually seeing "Dimensions In Danger"! Also, "The Bus Came Back" for T.J., and ROCKY in that episode as well! I just wanted to let you know that helpful information!

  16. Sorry for the inactivity, my computer has not been working.

    1. 4EverGreen


      I hate that! :rolleyes: Here's hoping you can get a new computer or something like that, soon.

  17. 9qpSjCR.gif

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Rebel the Wolfgirl

      Rebel the Wolfgirl

      She's my waifu for a reason, buddy.

      ...IMO, I think she and Pooh would be awesome friends.

    3. Aquatic Konquest

      Aquatic Konquest

      REQUEST - Discoveries by spongefan257
      ...or she might think he's a weirdo.
      (I should redraw this, goddang. This is really old.)

    4. Rebel the Wolfgirl

      Rebel the Wolfgirl

      "Pay no attention to me, for I am a little raincloud."

      "...No you're not."

  18. Thanks for all the outpour you gave, guys. It's helped a lot in this situation.

  19. Today has been a...very hard day for me. My biological father committed suicide, and I'm heading out to Texas to attend his memorial service.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Inanimate Carbon Rod

      Inanimate Carbon Rod

      So sorry to hear about that, man. :( 

    3. WhoBibbles


      Sorry for your loss. May he rest in peace.

    4. ooooooofy


      omg that is terrible I hope you're doing okay:((( if you ever need to talk we're here!


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