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Status Updates posted by illiniguy34

  1. I don't know if I've gone crazy, but I can't seem to find the function to change profile pictures. Anyone else?

    1. Cha


      go to your profile and then to your avatar

    2. illiniguy34
  2. I got blocked on Twitter by Clay Claymore for debating opposing viewpoints on fanbases XD. What a coward.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. illiniguy34


      I'm not that riled up, I'm actually laughing more cause I found this to be sad on his end. Though personally, I wouldn't want to meet him. Besides, most (if not everyone else) in the Commentary Community (to quote Josh's dad from Drake & Josh, "we call it a CC") don't like him.

    3. Jane


      He seems like an okay guy. I think when he says stuff like "all cartoon fans are neckbeards" and "gravity falls is shit" he's trying to piss people off to laugh at. He even admitted to trolling on his ask.fm IIRC.


      Admittedly you guys do have a point that he gives too much attention to people like Enter. I think he does vids on him to annoy the fans and for views/subs though.

    4. illiniguy34


      He's not a troll because there's one thing trolls never do: admit that they're trolling. Also you forgot about the redundancy of his repetitive, redundant show dedicated to 03bgood (who's already an overdone topic).

  3. I hate it when people use the opinion card. Sure it's what a person thinks, but what's so wrong about debating opinions?

    1. Sweat


      Well if someone's using that card that's solely subjective like music or movies, then why "debate" it unless their reasoning is flawed or something.

    2. illiniguy34


      I'm talking as if said opinion has flaws in it.

  4. I will do something insane if the World Series is the Cubs vs the Astros.

    1. Minty Car

      Minty Car

      Or the Cubs at all? It's only been 70 years

    2. illiniguy34
    3. Katniss


      the Astroooos *sobs*

  5. It feels so weird doing an essay after not doing one for 3 months.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. illiniguy34


      Wow, what was it on?

    3. Popeye Q. Krabs

      Popeye Q. Krabs

      Just a takeaway on an article I had to read. Already turned it in online and it's due on Wed.

    4. illiniguy34


      Small world, I gotta do a short essay on an article.

  6. It's not criminal to be an individual!

  7. It's tied 3-3. LET'S GO HAWKS!!!!!

  8. Just now watching "Watamote", liking it so far.

    1. crushingmayhem


      Might watch it soon, people have told me about it.

    2. CyanideFishbone


      Watamote is awesome. I like it a lot. I own 3 issues of the manga. I've finished the first 2, but never got around to volume 3.

  9. Man, tonight was one crazy night it'll tell ya.

  10. May God bless America on this day.

  11. My first day of school is over. Yay.

    1. Space Cowboy

      Space Cowboy

      nice. y first day is tomorrow. ughhh

    2. Popeye Q. Krabs
    3. Katniss


      Same here! I want to take a nice long rest before I start on my homework

  12. New episode of Star tonight! :3 And hopefully I'll see it right as it premieres this time!

    1. Katniss


      Kewl. I'll watch via the Watch Disney XD app since my dad will probably be watching the Eagles/Falcons game around that time

    2. illiniguy34


      Kewl. I'll probably have to watch it on my parents' TV because for some bizarre reason, only that TV has Disney XD and I'll have my mom and brother watch "American Ninja Warrior" on the other TV.

    3. Space Cowboy

      Space Cowboy

      ninja warrior used to be funny. now it's too serious.

  13. No joke, my head feels like it's gonna explode.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. illiniguy34


      Everything's fine now, for the most part anyways.

    3. WhoBibbles


      I feel that sometimes too. I can understand :(

    4. illiniguy34


      Nope, nothing got resolved. FFFFFFFFFuck.

  14. O_O Apparently Dirty Dan is the name of a porn star. 

    1. Old Man Jenkins

      Old Man Jenkins

      I wouldn't be surprised if there's a Pinhead Larry too.

    2. illiniguy34
  15. O_O I just realized "Kamen Rider Ghost" premieres on Sunday. 

  16. Of course, SBM is down. Sigh.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RD Rockruff

      RD Rockruff

      SBM's server hasn't crashed DAILY (at least what I've known)

  17. Okay, new place. Now what?

  18. Really digging the new look so far :3. 

  19. Right when I'm taking a Math class, I have an anxiety attack. 

    1. Katniss


      :( sorry to hear that

    2. illiniguy34


      Yup, during a test.

  20. Saw Jurassic World last night, it was amazing!

  21. So Fantastic Four got 11% on Rotten Tomatoes. Hey Fox, maybe it'd be a good idea to give them back to Marvel now...

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Less_SpongeBob


      Still, if the company that made MCU quality films like the recent Days of Future Past, you'd at least expect them to put some decency into this.

    3. illiniguy34


      True, very true. The thing that seems common with the negative reviews of it say that it's like an MCU, but without any charm, humor, light-heartedness, or anything else besides being gritty among other factors.

  22. So I finally watched the new Star. Liked the first one, though I'm on the fence with the second one. Also I don't think I'd ever attempt to walk on hot coals.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Katniss


      Banagic was...interesting. That ending was unexpected and sad. The episode itself was quite silly and the Marco subplot wasn't anything special, though it was nice to see him at karate again.

    3. illiniguy34


      @Katniss yeah, poor Buff Frog. Also, part of me also thinks Toffee is gonna turn against Ludo just to get Star's wand for himself and that he intentionally sabotaged Buff Frog's weapon.

    4. illiniguy34


      @Katniss I guess "Banagic" goes back to the idea that, oh yeah, Star isn't 100% familiar with Earth, though it didn't do THAT much for me personally. Marco's subplot was there to show that Star had no choice but to set off by himself, but I did also like the ending as well.

  23. So I just finished Watatmote, I loved the series overall.

    1. CyanideFishbone


      Great series. Love your avatar.

    2. illiniguy34


      Thanks, now DO YOU THINK I'M CUTE?!

  24. So I turn on my webcam in a Skype call, and my friend Reilly was wearing the same Jurassic Park shirt as me XD.

  25. So I've just started watching "Maria Holic" cause a friend recommended it to me. I'd say it's interesting so far.

    1. crushingmayhem


      That show is somewhat good. But its made by Shaft so it might have its moments.

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