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Status Updates posted by CyanideFishbone

  1. Dear everyone complaining about the voice acting in Mega Man 11-


    1. Steel Sponge

      Steel Sponge

      RUSTED old machines should stay home and play with their TOASTERS...!


    1. Wumbo


      this is why the internet was invented

  3. Yammy and Ulquiorra? More like Nappa and emo Vegeta lmao. That said no hard feelings toward the two

  4. It's my final day of summer vacation. Fun......

  5. R.I.P. John McCain. Never been a fan of his politics but I have so much respect for him in standing up for all the terrible stuff going on in our government recently.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CyanideFishbone


      @Prime Jedi He was praised by both parties in the Senate for his bravery and usually often bipartisanship and was generally a very moderate Republican especially focused on issues concerning national security and our armed forces. My all time favorite McCain clip is during his 2008 presidential run when he's taking questions from his crowd and he gives the mic to this one woman who talks all about all this crap on how she thinks Obama is an Arab and he proceeds to say no to that and calls Obama a decent man, except they just disagree politically. It's sad to think that would never fly today in our political climate. Also miss his super blunt and dry humor toward most of his colleagues. 

    3. Prime Jedi

      Prime Jedi

      I remember seeing that, and even when she was trying to call Obama an arab and spread false facts, John McCain was respectful to her even while pulling the mic away. Agreed, that would have never happened in the 2016 election, and I'm still angered about Trump questioning if McCain was a hero because he got captured.

    4. CyanideFishbone


      @Prime Jedi Yeah, Trump's actions toward McCain are nothing short of despicable. Everything Trump does or says is absolutely despicable. I can not put into words how much I hate that man.

  6. Nacho fries are overrated tbh. Like they're seriously not that good. Taco Bell isn't that good in general though

  7. Me and 3 of my friends ordered 80 chicken nuggets from McDonalds yesterday. We regret nothing.

    1. ooooooofy


      thats a lotta nuggs

  8. Decided that with me watching the original Dragon Ball, I want to individually review each saga and rank them all in the end from best to worst. It'll be a hot minute until it'll come out though, as I'm almost done with the General Blue Saga.

  9. Haven't seen it yet because I don't have a Netflix account, but i'm kind of let down by Disenchantment's lukewarm response. Kind of thought this would happen, but I find it hard to believe after looking through the list of writers. Bill Oakley? Matt Groening? Josh Weinstein? David X. Cohen? All amazing screenwriters. I'll give it a fair shot though; just have to find out how to watch it, and also I've got a decent sized laundry list of shows I want to watch and school is starting soon, but I should be able to fit in a 10-episode long season.

  10. Finally have been feeling fine the last two days. Thank god. I'm still getting used to the feeling of my mouth without wisdom teeth but that should go by quickly.

  11. Day 2- When you get your wisdom teeth out, never, ever, take Vicodin unless you are in extreme pain. I was prescribed it and took some at midnight and basically all it made me do was throw up and lose sleep, and made me feel nauseous for about 12 hours straight. Other than that, I've been doing well, it's just that really threw me off. I'm already sick and tired of feeling like this, but unfortunately I've just got to wait it out to recover.

    1. sbl


      I took Tylenol 3. They tasted like ass but helped.

    2. CyanideFishbone


      I've taken Tylenol and it's helped quite a bit

  12. Wisdom teeth update: Operation went well, and recovery has been going well. Was extremely swollen when I got home but that went away pretty quickly. Only thing is it hurts to eat or drink anything, even Jello and pudding and all the stuff I've been eating that they want us to eat. Even hurts to drink water which I hate, so basically I have to take extremely small sips/bites. At this rate though I should be fine tomorrow or the day after.

    1. sbl


      I recently got my 2 bottom wisdom teeth out a few weeks ago. Same as you, the pain when you wanna eat or drink something sucks, even with the painkillers they give you.

  13. Getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow. Wish me luck

  14. Admittedly a little self-conscious about seeming self-centered on here. Do I seem self-centered, or is it all in my head?

    1. Jjs Goodman

      Jjs Goodman

      you're fine bro

  15. Not gonna lie, I have been heavily contemplating reviewing every single episode of Regular Show. It's one of my favorite shows ever, and I want to talk about it and also I have Hulu which has every episode. Just gotta find the time; it'd be a little while.

  16. One of the reasons why I'm nice to everyone, including people I don't like, is well because I'm a passive guy but also that you never know how they feel on the inside for the most part. Just wish most of the people around me realized this.

  17. Me and my cousins managed to finish the first saga of the original Dragon Ball while in California. Loved it and I'm definitely gonna watch more, just got a lot of series I'm watching right now.

  18. Just got back from California. Sorry about the absence. Had a lot of fun though! It's about 2 am here so I'm about to go to bed though.

  19. I'm leaving to go on vacation to California for 2 weeks tomorrow, so I should be less active.

  20. I think it's hilarious that Ishida from Bleach's theme song is Idioteque by Radiohead. Ishida's completely the type of dude to listen to Radiohead.

  21. I hate to be that guy, but Butch Hartman's Kickstarter just sounds like a complete disaster. I'm skeptical that it'll get off the ground though. Also Oaxis is a really stupid name, just saying

    1. Honest Slug

      Honest Slug

      The more I learn about Butch Hartman the less I like him.

    2. Steel Sponge

      Steel Sponge

      [Family intensifies]

  22. I don't know if anyone feels the same way, but part of me feels like I kind of.... outgrew Rick and Morty. I feel like I enjoy the show less and less as I get older, even the older episodes. Maybe I need to rewatch some of the older episodes for validation, I've got too much time on my hands anyway.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Space Cowboy

      Space Cowboy

      I don't know if I've outgrown it but I've come to the point where i'm indifferent to if they release new episodes or not. I got other things to do lol 

    3. Old Man Jenkins

      Old Man Jenkins

      I'll probably still tune in when something new does drop, but I am for sure distancing myself from watching anymore of the goddamn rerun cycle. 

    4. WinterArcanine


      Maybe your IQ is just decreasing

  23. Let a dude nerd out and MAN I AM SO EXCITED FOR ALL MIGHT VS ALL FOR ONE!

  24. Highly considering re-reviewing my Top 25 Worst Spongebob Episodes list from 2014-2015.

  25. Finally out of school! Thank the lord.

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