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Status Replies posted by Ron

  1. got a 68 on my APUSH exam.. I passed... :):):):):):):):):)

    1. Ron



      jk i have an A in the class

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. When you wake up to find out class was canceled >>>>>

  3. When you wake up to find out class was canceled >>>>>

  4. This new era of The Daily Show is getting off to a good start! Trevor Noah was hilarious in last night's episode.

  5. First day of my new job is Thursday. Can't wait.

  6. Wake me up when september ends. kthxbai

  7. I've become addicted to Starbucks. Am I a basic white girl??

  8. cheers to overrated indie/alternative artists who will be irrelevant in 2 weeks

  9. cheers to overrated indie/alternative artists who will be irrelevant in 2 weeks

  10. Just what Detroit needed, a statue of satan...

  11. And we have crossed the 100 threshold...

  12. Tonight was crazy

  13. Welcome to the Rebound Community

  14. Alright, it's time to explore the wonders of SBC more often. I AM OFFICIALLY HERE, EVERYBODY!

  15. I'm really getting more used to the site. I should have been posting here more from the beginning.

  16. It's my anniversary today (Hooray!). P.S: Is SBC broken? o.o

  17. I can't wait until 2025 becomes the new 2015, and 2015 will become the next 2005, and 2005 will be the next 1995.

  18. SBC drinking game: take a shot every time Zaid changes his na-*passes out*

  19. How do you block somebody on here?

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