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The Darkstar Bunch


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Chapter 11: Working The Grill


After being ass raped by a countless number of men over a long period of time, ACS was released from prison for good behavior.  ACS actually had a good idea and stuck to it, instead of buying 17 computers and playing a Minecraft Simulator, he instead applied for a job at McDonalds.


"Well you life isn't significant, you reek of dead animal, and you still have an orange jumpsuit from prison...You're Hired!" the manager shook Mr. Darkstar's hand.  "Thank you so much...Christine!"  ACS said reading the manager's nametag.  "You will be a great addition to the McDonalds team.  Now get to flipping those patties and running that drive-thru window."  Christine said.  ACS went up to give her another hand shake, but instead was greeted by a slap on his greasy fat face.  "SEXUAL HARASSMENT!  YOU'RE FIRED, GETTING SUED, AND GETTING ARRESTED FOR AGGRAVATED SEXUAL ASSAULT."  "Well shit burgers."


3 years later...


"Two prison sentences back to back and my anus is the size of Jupiter's Storm."  ACS said, rubbing his butt.  "What could possibly go wrong now?"  ACS asked, crossing the street.  Just then, a semi-truck going about 88 miles per hour smashed into Allen James.

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Chapter 12: The Awakening (I Guess)

"Is he dead yet?"  a female voice was heard in the distance.  "Unfortunately no Nurse, he seems to be alive, and waking up.  Hello there Mr. James."  a doctor was standing over ACS, covered in blood and sweating.  "It's been a long journey buddy, we've done several operations, and now during your final operations, you've awoken from your year long coma.  How does it feel to be back?"  the Doc asked.  "Well my rib cage is open, and there's my liver over there."  ACS said, since he is a emotionless nutjob with no life.  "That's good to know buddy."  The doctor said, patting his stomach.


3 months later


"100,000 dollars?!  I can't afford this!"  ACS said, shaking his head.  "Welp, to fucking bad buddy."  The doctor said to him.  'I gotta flee this country, with my friends, and fast!'  ACS thought to himself.  "TO THE ACSMOBILE!"  Prince Darkstar dashed as fast as a fighter jet to his busted down white van with "Free Candy" spray-painted on the side.  "The gang's all here!"  ACS saw JD, KDFire, and Madcatz were all eating dick-shaped foods in the back.  "Where are we heading bro?"  JD asked his "brother".  "It's either Canada or Mexico, which one do you guys think?"  the four sat there and pondered until they all said, "MEXICO!"

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Chapter 16: Viva La Mexico


"You sure this is a safe place to hide from the government Allen?"  JD asked his brother.  "Of course you silly bean!"  ACS patted his non-existent brother's head.  "Why I think we could benefit from this experience!"  the four were sitting on the hard floor of a small warehouse outside of Tijuana.  "It's roomy, new surroundings, and new friends, just looks at Paco!"  a typical stereotypical Mexican was  standing against a wall, eating a burrito.  "Que?", "What a nice man!"  James put his arms around him for a hug, but was shoved in the gut by Paco's revolver.  "I wouldn't do that Gringo."  Paco dropped the burrito.  "I'm sorry man, I thought we could just be..."  "You come onto my property chico, and you're about to get mi saludos."  Paco shot his revolver, piercing ACS's stomach.  "OH FUCK."  KDFire started to run out of the warehouse, but ran into a line of Mexican's armed with AK-47's.  "Oh boy."  The 5 men unloaded their weapons in KDFire, killing him instantly.  "Well fuck."  Madcatz said, putting his hands up.  JD followed in suit, as ACS clutched his stomach in absolute pain from the gunshot.  The 6 Mexicans started speaking with each other in Spanish.  "Get in the van hombres."  Paco picked up ACS, and shoo'd the other two towards their beat down, white van.  "Where are you taking us Paco?"  JD asked.  "You're working for us now, you're going to be our drug smugglers into America."


Later that Night


"Here is the 100 kilo's of coke, and 100 kilos of narcotics."  Paco handed JD and Madcatz the drugs, and sent them off to try and hop the boarder.  "Can't we just go by car?  We have passports."  JD said, trying to be moral and shit.  "No, too dangerous."  Paco said.  "What are you going to do with our Best Friend, ACS?"  Madcatz asked.  "He'll be just fine with us, just trust me."  Paco said, rubbing his dirty, greasy hands together.


The Next Day

"Two Americans Crossing the Mexican/American Boarder Into America Were Shot To Death By Boarder Patrol"  a newspaper headline read.  "FUCK!"  Paco slammed the paper on the table next to ACS.  "We can't get shit done this year!  Every single time, something goes wrong!  I need my money!"  he then preceded to ramble on in Spanish.  ACS, who had not received medical attention, was laying on a torn up, broke-down couch.  "Can you give me some Morphine, I know you have some Paco."  ACS said, weakly.  "FUCK YOU PUTA."  Paco threw his sombrero at him.  Paco stormed out of his mobile home, leaving ACS on his couch.  "All my friends are dead, I'm dying, and I'm stuck in a dirty, Mexican trailer.  Gotta...play my Flight Simulator."  ACS's only source of energy was the simulated flying of a 747 and landing on that long, hard landing strip.  ACS attempted to get up out of the couch, he eventually got up, and leaned on a dresser Paco had, but he landed on it so hard that one of Paco's many knives he had in his collection had falling, and stuck inside his shoulder.  "Fuck me."  Allen had slid down his dresser, leaving a blood streak.  He grabbed the handle of the knife, and tried pulling it out, but only made it worse, since he was ripping it out from an angle.  "God Damn it."  ACS shrugged it off, and stood up, staggering, he waddled to the door.  "HEY!"  Paco spotted ACS fall to the ground outside his house.  "That's it buddy, You've made me angry for the last time."  Paco reached into his holster, and pulled out his revolver.  "Say goodbye Allen James." 

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Chapter 17: The Arrival

"Drop the gun Paco."  ACS looked past Paco to see a woman with a shotgun aimed on Paco's back.  "Who do you think you are amiga?"  "I'm Aya, and welcome to my America."  she shot Paco point blank in the face with her shotgun, blowing his skull all over ACS's cowering face, as he pissed his pants in fear.  "Why...are you doing this mam?"  ACS said, quivering.  "I didn't want you dead Allen, I want you alive."  "Why do you want me alive?  I'd be better off dead in my position."  ACS said like an emo.  "That's my point, I want to torture your ass."  Aya smashed the butt of her shotgun in his skull, fracturing it.  She hoisted him up over her shoulders and threw him in the trunk of her car.


Later that day


"Why is it dark?  Where am I?"  ACS had awoken in a dark room, only lit by a swaying light bulb.  He was bound to a chair, and a table covered in an array of weaponry sat in front of him  "I see you've awoken Darkstar."  Aya emerged from the darkness.  "What do you want from me?"  "You know that casino you nearly bankrupted?"  "Yeah?"  "I owned that casino, you know that semi truck that ran you over?"  "Yeah?"  "That was me, I've sent all these things to try and kill you once and for all, and I wasn't going to let some Mexican bastard steal my prize.  He may have killed all your "friends" but who cares about them since they are a figment of your imagination."  "You're doing this...for the money I won?"  "Stole, you were cheating, and I don't appreciate cheaters."  Aya grabbed a baseball off the table.  "Why'd you do it Darkstar?"  "For my 11 laptops and Shadow the Hedgehog merch."  ACS said truthfully.  "Not good enough!"  she swung the bat, connecting on his jaw.  ACS's teeth flew out of his skull and scattered on the floor.  Blood was dripping from his mouth, as the bat at nearly knocked him out.  She grabbed his jaw and brought him face to face with her.  "Why did you really do it?"  she asked  "The fame and fortune"  ACS managed to squeak out.  She dropped his head and the bat.  "I knew it, just an attention whore, who'd of guessed.  "Next order of business,"  Aya walked over and grabbed a bone saw.  "You were a pro wrestler at one point is that correct?"  Aya asked.  "Yes mam."  ACS said.  "You decided in your time as a pro to make some unpaid debts, again.  In fact, one of the people you ripped thousands of dollars off of, is here today and his name is BROOOOCK LESNER.  Brock Lesner stepped out of the shadow's, decked out in his UFC gear.  Aya went over and cut the rope of his chair.  "ACS, you and Brock are going to have an MMA match right here, right now.  Brock, do no hold back."  Brock nodded, and threw the first punch.  ACS was hit square in the nose, breaking it instantly.  He fell to the hard, cold floor, in a blood hep.  Brock got on top of him and let down a fury of punches, all of which connected.  Aya walked over, and signaled Brock to stop.  Brock got up, smiled, and left.  "I think that pays off his debts, do you think?"  Aya asked the unconscious Darkstar. 

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Chapter 18: Near Dusk


"Is this a good place to put him boss?"  a large fella asked Aya, as he picked ACS up from the trunk of the car.  "This is just fine Jenk."  Aya said, washing the blood off her baseball bat. The three were at a run down petrol station in the middle of the desert.

 "Wake up."  Aya nudged ACS with the bat.  'Wha...where am I?"  ACS had welts and large purple bruises all over his body.  He cringed in pain when he tried standing up.  "That's right, just sit down."  Aya said, hitting the bat against her shin.  "Please lady, just let me go... I have to find my friends."  Aya smashed the bat into ACS's side.  The force was strong enough that they could hear his ribs cracking and breaking.  "Your "friends" don't exist, JD, KDFire, Madcatz, they are all the same person Allen, and that's you."  She dropped her bat and picked him up by his collar.  "Listen fatass, you are deranged, and you are a stain on the human race, and somebody has to clean that stain.  That person is me."  She smashed his face into one of the station's windows, covering him in glass shards and blood.  "FUCK"  ACS screamed as the blood trickled down his face.  "No use in screaming, no one can hear you boy."  She threw him on the ground, and started pounding his face in with her fists and high heels.  After several minutes of this violence, Aya stood up and signaled Jenk to come over.  "Take his ass home, I don't ever want to see his face again."  Aya grabbed her bat, and smashed it into both of his knees, completely blowing out the cartilage in them.


2 days later


"We're here Mr. James."  ACS woke up inside the backseat of a car.  "Why can't I feel my legs?"  he asked.  "Aya smashed your knees with her bat."  "I think I'm going to be..."  he then threw up on the car floor.  "Hey, you're messing up the interior!"  Jenk was now getting angry.  He got out of the car, and dragged ACS into his cardboard box.  "And if you ever try to rob our casino again,"  Jenk grabbed ACS's only remaining Flight Simulator Disc.  "NO!"  he screamed as Jenk snapped the disk in half.  "We end your life."

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