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Static Shock


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Okay, I loved this show. Hell, I still love it. I constantly watch episodes on teh internetz. And, I never understood it, but the concept is really simple, and they made soooo much out of it.

Basically, after being peer preasure'd to go to a gang fight-(Oh, and this was a kids show. THEY SHOWED GUNS. They had an audience of like, 7 year olds. Looking back has taught me that TV is so censored anymore)-And while there, when they cops come, one of them shoots a weird gas tank that explodes, and gets everyone involved in the fight, including main character Vergil Hawkins, caught, and some of them get super powers! And thus, Virgil becomes Static Shock! But not all of them fight for good. They are also called "Bang Babies", and call the explosion "The Big Bang"

Also, we meet other characters, like Gear, who is Virgil's best friend Richie, who gained super powers after the lingering feel of the gas came home with Virgil on his jacket, but it was so faint that it took Richie two seasons to get his powers developed.

If anyone hates this, I hate you. Discuss 630566.gif

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Dear god this show ruled. Loved the one with Green Lantern.

I remember that one! My favorite was the one with the son who tried to inject himself with the chemicals of the Big Bang gas.


I love you.

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The son who got turned into a statue at the end and it took them like forever to change him back.

I like the ep where we find out that Rubberbandman and Ebon are brothers.

I remember the episode where Rubberbandman has dyslexia 428899.gif...But yeah, RBM and Ebon being brothers was just crazy amirite?

Oh, and I loved the episodes with the Batman crossover and a Superman crossover.

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The only episode I watched was when I was younger. For the life of me I can't remember what it was about, but I thought it seemed like an okay show. However, I never watched another episode of this after that one.

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Inorite? RBM and Ebon did look alike tho, I noticed after. Especially when RBM had his old supersuit.

Hotstreak, anybody?

Hotstreak was badass. Remember in the finale where he *SPOILER* merged with Ebon? Also, remember Shiv? He could make the weapons out of energy. But my 2nd(First is Ebon) favorite villain by far was Leech. He was in a one off episode, but he was BAD. ASS.

And yes, i'm that much a fan that i've seen every episode and know a lot of the one off characters.

Oh, and anybody remember, IMO, the saddest episode ever? Static and Gear find this girl with time travel powers. Virgil/Static then *SPOILERS* gets the idea to go back to stop his mom from being killed. She sees him as Static and congratulates him. He then tries to stick her on a building so she couldn't go down and stop the BAAAAAAAD gang fights(Like, the city looked like it was on fire). But, then Ebon strikes and Static has to leave his mom, and she gets down. Static stops Ebon, who followed him into the past, but his mom still dies. He's atleast happy he got to say goodbye. *SPOILERS OVER* It seriously had me in tears.

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Hotstreak was badass. Remember in the finale where he *SPOILER* merged with Ebon? Also, remember Shiv? He could make the weapons out of energy. But my 2nd(First is Ebon) favorite villain by far was Leech. He was in a one off episode, but he was BAD. ASS.

And yes, i'm that much a fan that i've seen every episode and know a lot of the one off characters.

Oh, and anybody remember, IMO, the saddest episode ever? Static and Gear find this girl with time travel powers. Virgil/Static then *SPOILERS* gets the idea to go back to stop his mom from being killed. She sees him as Static and congratulates him. He then tries to stick her on a building so she couldn't go down and stop the BAAAAAAAD gang fights(Like, the city looked like it was on fire). But, then Ebon strikes and Static has to leave his mom, and she gets down. Static stops Ebon, who followed him into the past, but his mom still dies. He's atleast happy he got to say goodbye. *SPOILERS OVER* It seriously had me in tears.

Me too! That was my favorite episode!

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