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Thousand Oaks shooting

Steel Sponge

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A mass shooting has recently occurred in the state that I live in, which took place two hours away from where I live. As of this writing, 13 people including the perpetrator are confirmed dead while 25 others are injured. My heart goes out the victims and their families.

Edited by Steel Sponge
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God, another mass shooting? Why do people keep using their guns to do acts of violence like these? This sort of thing is one of the reasons why I'm wary about guns in the first place. I express condolences to the families of the victims.

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Another time for the government to do jack shit about the underlying issues behind mass shootings such as gun control and reasonable mental health care.

My deepest condolences to all those affected by this tragedy. 

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Very saddened by this, mass shootings are happening everywhere and I think the government needs to take much more action with preventing these kind of events. My condolences to victims and relatives of the victims of this tragedy.

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I said this in a topic about the Santa Fe shooting a few months back, but since that was on SBM I'm going to say it again here.


"I think all these [mass] shootings have been so frequent lately, that they don't even affect people anymore. The way Sandy Hook impacted me and everyone at my school was so large that now in this day the Marjory Stoneman Douglas shooting felt like an afterthought. No one cared.

I think this was said before, but shootings should never get to the point where they become so commonplace that we consider them "normal" occurrences. Every loss of life is truly a sad thing, but they've just been everywhere and it becomes impossible to feel sad for everything that happens. The reason why people gave attention to stuff like Columbine, Mandalay Bay, and Sandy Hook as mentioned, was because nothing as shocking or bizarre as what happened on those days had happened before. All these minor school shootings feel like nothing at all. I know it's terrible to think "Oh, 3 [EDIT: 12] people died? So what?", but that's just it. I've adapted to all these terrible things. I just can't receive the stimuli related to the sadness of the situation that I used to. And I don't know if I ever will again."

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