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Inanimate Carbon Rod

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Status Updates posted by Inanimate Carbon Rod

  1. Circus acrobats keep elephant hair in their pockets for good luck. I don't know why I just told you that.

  2. I love to singa, about the moon-a and the Juna-a and the spring-a, I love to singa...

    1. Rebel the Wolfgirl

      Rebel the Wolfgirl

      ...'bout a sky of blue, or a tea for two...

  3. Heads up, everybody: net neutrality dies on Apr. 23.

  4. Which fictional character would you guys say I'm most like?

  5. Man, what's with all the monotony in the Community Awards topic?

    1. Wumbo


      you haven't even voted

  6. How I wish I were happy.

    1. Inanimate Carbon Rod

      Inanimate Carbon Rod

      Thanks for the concern, my dudes. As if you couldn't plainly notice, I'm still not out of that "I'm a bad person who sucks hard" phase. Believe me! It's a hard feeling to get rid of! My flaws are like unexpected guests in a way: try and try all you can, and still, they won't go away. Bottom line, I suck. In fact I simply envy those around me, as they seem to be just a li'l bit better at certain things than I am. Everyone else in class seems to be paying close attention to whatever edutainment film the teacher's showing- and then there's me, zoned out, lost in thought. (If it were, say, Peabody's Improbable History or The Magic School Bus, I probs wouldn't be as zoned out.) Some people seem to have extensive knowledge about certain subjects, like politics and the police system- and then there's me, lacking any basic knowledge in those fields. I read other's witty posts here and on SBM, and I think to myself, "Gee, why couldn't I think of that?" Some people--- well, you get the general idea. Not even my profile picture of Wendy making a goofy face can't mask the blue funk I've been in for months and months. It's hopeless, simply hopeless!! If my clothes could change in response to change in mood , they'd be blue almost all the time!! (Although you'd need a certain good little witch to do that...) In fact, I might just consider taking a temporary break from my literature to focus on improving my cognitive abilities and everything else wrong with me (in everyday language, mental POWAH!), assuming my co-writer could do better than I ever could. I've been told time and time again, "You need to stop being so hard on yourself!!", but it's rawther challenging, Lawrence, rawther challenging!

      TLDR, I suck, and I won't rest 'til I find some way to improve myself, thus making me a happier person. Any one of you Spongemavens care to cheer me up or give me some sage advice that I could keep in mind for when I'm a glum chum?

  7. Is it just me, or am I phasing out of SBM and SBC?

    (Yeah, I probably am. Most likely for the long run.)

    1. Wumbo


      well bye then

  8. Just like the Jedi, I have returned! Alas, my stay will only be temporary, as I must take care of some unfinished business. After I take care of all that, I'll leave. I'll probably sporadically lurk around these parts as a guest after then, but for the most part you won't be seeing me much anymore.

    1. Rebel the Wolfgirl

      Rebel the Wolfgirl

      Sorry to see you leaving, my dude. I'll miss ya.

  9. Oh man, this lag...

    1. NegiSpongie


      Glad I'm not the only one having this problem.

  10. 100 seconds to midnight, so worried....we're all gonna die... so worried....the end is nigh...so worried...

    1. Rebel the Wolfgirl

      Rebel the Wolfgirl

      Don't let this get to you. That's exactly what they want you to feel.

  11. RIP Gene Deitch :(

    1. Old Man Jenkins

      Old Man Jenkins

      He brought Dicky Moe and Clint Clobber into my life. For that, I am eternally grateful. Rest in peace

  12. This status is dedicated to Stephen Hillenburg, was born on this day in 1961. 

    Rest in peace, Steve. Thanks for all you've done.

    1. 4EverGreen


      Thanks for all the fish, Stephen.


    1. 4EverGreen


      You know the funny thing about friends? You don't truly appreciate them, until it's not SAFE to be around them anymore! I am NEVER going to take my friends for granted again, even though I never have before! Enough said!

  14. Do you happen to know either Kenny the Shark or Jabberjaw?

    1. Shark


      yeah, they can go eat whale shit i'm the fucking OG

  15. Oh man, I'm surprised you gave me a "happy" icon for my lit. Thanks.

  16. That was a godly avatar you had for a few hours, my boy.

  17. Meow! (Happy birthday, Gary.)

  18. Welcome to the Elmyra Fun Show. I'm Elmyra and this is fun.

  19. This should be a smiley here.

    Screen Shot 2015-10-17 at 8.59.00 PM.png

  20. That mean ol' Billy-willy-head made me change my profile picture to the pink bunny-wunny!

  21. Dangit, I need to be more active here.

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