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The Crow

Rose Gold
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Status Updates posted by The Crow

  1. Gotta go run some errands. Keep violating the game section without me! But then again, I might still be here...

    1. The Crow
    2. Clappy



    3. The Crow

      The Crow

      Yes ClapBob, I am finished...with those errands...

  2. New S(lums)BU tomorrow fo sho

    1. Clappy


      You'll get around to it eventually.

    2. Webizoid


      *time card* TOMORROW FOR SURE

    3. So Sejima

      So Sejima

      you said that 2 days ago. *time cards eventually and ugh*

  3. Considering I may very well reach my 20K milestone within the next week at the rate I'm going, what should I do to celebrate?

    1. crushingmayhem


      Throw another posting party, I'm sure i'll be there. :P

    2. Cha


      Rub it in Clapward's face. :smirk:

    3. The Crow

      The Crow

      Why? He'd still be ahead of me in posts :P

  4. Jelly sighting!: 7:09 AM

    1. Jellatine


      BWAH! Take a picture! QUICKLY!

    2. The Crow

      The Crow


    3. So Sejima

      So Sejima


  5. Oh boy! 4:20 AM!

    1. Clappy


      Good night OMJ

    2. So Sejima

      So Sejima

      *eats krabby fries*

    3. crushingmayhem


      Hope you slept well.

  6. Tonight, on Community Deathmatch! It's a blast from the past as "That's 70s Guy" Travis takes on WhaleBlubber

    1. Aya♥
    2. So Sejima

      So Sejima

      I wanted that jjs OMJ match.

    3. Clappy


      I bet one person wins.

  7. Tonight on Community Deathmatch! Sauce Mama makes her Deathmatch debut in a surprise exhibition! Will this sauce be boss or has this sauce passed her expiration date?

    1. So Sejima

      So Sejima

      I think I know what the surprise is

    2. Cha
    3. Sauce Mama

      Sauce Mama


  8. Thought I was gonna watch the new Blair Witch by myself today and then suddenly Jorge Garcia walks in and takes a seat two rows in front of me. It was a pretty big deal to me.

  9. A former staff member is back in business and a current staff member rises to the occasion on tonight's episode of Community Deathmatch!

    1. The Crow

      The Crow

      Also, there better not be a single mention of me on there or I will threaten you  so hard

    2. Rebel the Wolfgirl

      Rebel the Wolfgirl

      Shaddap, ACS. :funny: 

    3. The Simpsons

      The Simpsons

      Gee, I wonder who that current staff member is. :funny:


      Also, you're arrested if I don't win the fight, I hope you know that :stinkeye:

  10. Holy crap lois, remember that time when I joined SBC 10 years ago today (still technically the 15th where I live)

    fuckin wild, mang

    1. Cha
    2. Shark Tale

      Shark Tale

      happy 10 years mang! It really is wild how ancient 2011 feels now.

    3. Sauce Mama

      Sauce Mama

      10 years?! damn, old man. that really is wild haha

  11. If those flatfoots playing ball next to my only mode of transportation of all things to play by so much as lay a finger on it, I'll shove that ball down the nearest adult's mouth. And I have a lot to choose from out there.

    1. Sauce Mama

      Sauce Mama

      Yeah wooo! You go OMJ!!

    2. shin


      sassy man jenkins

  12. I feel like I'm playing LA Noire right now.

    1. Sauce Mama
    2. The Crow

      The Crow

      Partaking in some Detective BrOMJ action earlier.

  13. Nothing like watching some good ole Castle Scraps...I am so ashamed to have gone to that school.

    1. Clappy


      And here I thought that box cutter fights at my old high school were too extreme.

    2. The Crow

      The Crow

      These kids need to drop the MMA acts and straight up brawl like the good ole days. I would at least catch a kick and try to send the guy crashing down or break his leg.

  14. I swear, if one more college calls my phone and asks about a different person...

    1. Elastic Dawg

      Elastic Dawg

      ...you're gonna pose as them and end up going to college.

    2. The Crow

      The Crow

      Rajah dat, bu!

  15. As much as I'd like to see my hometown team pull off an upset and beat the top dog, USC is probably gonna beat UH silly again.

    1. Ron


      I was supposed to go to that game. >_> My brother decided to bitch at the last minute and say he hadn't gone to a game yet, so now he's there (and he doesn't even give a damn about football) and I'm here. -_-

    2. The Crow

      The Crow

      Well, I was proven right. At least I won my bet. Here's to improving on your game, UH.

  16. Broken Condom Style!

    1. Sabre


      To me it always sounded like "Open Condom Store"

    2. Webizoid



  17. Clappy, Jelly and OMJ...together again. It brings a tear to my eye. :')

    1. Clappy


      EDIT: together again after midnight EST. :P

    2. crushingmayhem


      Nice, speaking of friends we haven't talked in a while.

  18. My face has gone viral. Fap, fap, fap all you want.

    1. Clappy


      But I already knew what your face looked like from the previous two-three times you've shown it. :P

    2. E.V.I.L.


      You have a face? :o

  19. Facebook is looking at my store. I like this. Holla Holla Make Dolla!

    1. Macseed


      Your store? What?

    2. Macseed


      Oh wait the Glove U one.

  20. Wumbo's Back! ALRIGHT!

    1. Elastic Dawg

      Elastic Dawg


    2. Wumbo


      Am I original?


  21. Goddamn, what's up with these gun-toting 20-something year olds? Srsly.

    1. Cha


      They need a lesson from OMJ about the use of guns.

    2. Elastic Dawg

      Elastic Dawg

      OMJ is the right choice for America at this point.

  22. Nothing like a haircut to cap off the year.

    1. Sauce Mama

      Sauce Mama

      Gotta snazzy new 'do, Mister OMJ?

    2. The Crow

      The Crow

      More like I got butchered.

  23. Only now I found the new link >_> Happy Independence Day!

    1. Clappy


      It was posted in the SpongeBob Universe thread days ago man. :P

    2. Sauce Mama

      Sauce Mama

      It's 4th of July already??? That must've been some party last night...

  24. Time for some belated breakfast. Goodbye everyone, I'll remember you all in my bowl of Oops All Berries

    1. Aya♥


      Boo Berry is the best cereal

    2. The Crow

      The Crow

      Frankenstein Berry yeeeeah yeeeeeaaah!

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