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Status Updates posted by terminoob

  1. So are we like being run by people that don't have jobs? Or was the money just a miscalculation? Because donations for anything shouldn't be necessary. It's not the job of regular members to pay for the site.

    1. Moar Boy

      Moar Boy

      Also tell that to those guys in Wikipedia

  2. What's the sound of one hand clapping? JUSTICE.

  3. Got a grilled cheese for lunch with a side of pickles. PICKLES.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Elastic Dawg

      Elastic Dawg

      Oh my god, dude, grilled cheese+pickles+bacon+honey mustard=best munchie food ever.

    3. Metal Snake

      Metal Snake

      Don't care what anyone else says, I like pickles.

    4. Elastic Dawg

      Elastic Dawg

      Chip pickles are dope. The long ones (LOL THATS WHAT SHE SAID)...not so much

  4. Maybe I'll write something and then maybe I'll post it. Do people still put effort into stories? Or is that not cool anymore?

    1. Metal Snake

      Metal Snake

      Hey guys, stop PMS'ing all over the place.

    2. terminoob
    3. Ron


      lol he's quoting me.

  5. I'm losing control of my life one caffeinated drink at a time and I think I'm the only one that finds it funny.

    1. Metal Snake

      Metal Snake

      I lost control of my life even before I got addicted to coffee. ^_^

  6. No, graphic design major, Comic Sans is NOT the font used in comic books, but I'm glad you hate comic books because of that anyway.

    1. Elastic Dawg

      Elastic Dawg

      Yeah, Papeya New Guinea makes it look deeper and more mystical

    2. Ron


      ur wrong


    1. Young Nug

      Young Nug

      Yeah, force that enthusiasm!

    2. Cha


      Make one of them of the Royal Doofus please

  8. What's today? The 11th? Maybe I'll get a tattoo in a couple weeks.

    1. Ron


      I want a tattoo so fucking bad.

    2. E.V.I.L.


      If I ever got a tattoo, it would obvi be of a llama

    3. kev
  9. Hear me out: Peanut butter and jelly Hot Pockets.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. WWESpongefan


      I guess I'm a little more daring than other people. If I ever see it, I would seriously buy it and try it.

    3. Elastic Dawg

      Elastic Dawg

      ...is this a thing?

    4. Macseed


      But it'd be frozen.

  10. Prior to me shaving my beard I never got carded at Gamestop, and now that I just have stubble I get carded! This is an outrage! I'm going to grow my beard back out of anger!

    1. Metal Snake

      Metal Snake

      Oh my goodness, my mother comes home with "complaints" about being carded all the time. XD

  11. I don't know what's worse. People using social media to give pointless updates about their life, or people using social media to try to be funny only to fail miserably.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Moar Boy

      Moar Boy

      The stalkers really appreciate "People using social media to give pointless updates about their life"

    3. William Leonard

      William Leonard

      What's worse is the people who take a picture of their food every day and put them on Facebook.

    4. E.V.I.L.


      I know the worst: Omair using social media for anything

  12. Well gawrsh this sucks.

    1. E.V.I.L.
    2. Sweat


      How would that be pronounced?

    3. So Sejima

      So Sejima

      gaw rsh. that's how

  13. I bet the people who decided employees could work Saturday mornings never had to work Saturday mornings.

    1. E.V.I.L.



    2. Space Cowboy

      Space Cowboy

      That's capitalism for ya.

    3. crushingmayhem


      Pretty much so. That's the way this world works.

  14. Lil' teaser of the graphic novel comin' y'alls way next week.

  15. Coffee-fueled night number two. At this rate, I'll stop sleeping entirely and I still won't have enough time to do my work.

  16. Alright, chugging iced coffee at 11:13pm. This can only end badly.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Young Nug

      Young Nug

      It's in the status right below you, my good termi

    3. terminoob


      Well nobody told me that so I didn't know!

    4. Metal Snake

      Metal Snake

      Never really got iced coffee.

  17. (Words (I like) + Words (you like)) x time = Conversations

  18. Remember that graphic novel I said I was working on? Of course not! But you should! Because it's happening! Act 1 (of 3!) will be done before summer ends. Expect violence, drugs, demons, and chainsaws named Valentina.

    1. Shark Tale

      Shark Tale

      I'll take 20

    2. Doctor Sex

      Doctor Sex

      chainsaws in anything cant be bad

  19. It was the wiggity-whackest of times, it was the dopest of times.

  20. Glad I got out of that party in time. The police would've cramped my style.

    1. So Sejima

      So Sejima


  21. Well, Freshmen year's over and I'm still alive. Now what?

  22. Got a job interview for an animation company that works for Warner Bros. I'm thinking of showing up dressed as Bugs Bunny.

  23. Ahahahaha pretending hacking for the lulz is hilarious ahahahahaha you guys have so much power over us ahahahahahaha

    1. The Lion King

      The Lion King

      I know, right? It's awesome!

  24. Okay it's 1:50 I'm not responsible for anything I say from here on out.

    1. Clappy


      Including this status update?

    2. terminoob


      ESPECIALLY this status update.

  25. News everyone! I'm designing alien figures! They'll be hitting Internet shelves next year. If you ever wanted to caress a piece of my art, now's your chance.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Crow

      The Crow

      Shut up and take my money

    3. Elastic Dawg

      Elastic Dawg

      Sounds sweet. Kidrobotish stuff i'm assuming?

    4. Space Cowboy

      Space Cowboy

      I'll TAKE IT! I'll TAKE 12!

      (I hope you get the reference.)

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