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Ask Miss Smiles!

Sauce Mama

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As I dramatically await the answer to our memories of when we use to use soap, allow me to take the time to write out this period filled goodbye. Even when you forget to write yours, I'll still write you (and OMJ and Cha) one anyway. Had fun when I had the time to post. Tried to keep up with you guys, even when I was in a wabbit suit. And now if I ever come out to Cali, you could show me around in a rabbit suit. Although, I hope your friends don't like to throw rocks. Speaking of rabbits, I'll probably change my name to Hoppy tomorrow. Almost forgot about that for a minute there, but I'm too tired to change it now. As for almost forgetting, how could I forget how we share so many of the same flagship-ings after you asked me that question. I really hope Mordecai x Margaret happen real soon. I honestly can't say that I am as big a fan of Rigby x Eileen because Eileen is only an ok character in my eyes, but Mordecai x Margaret = HECK TO THE YES. I hope that I don't lay in bed too long tonight still trying to translate your Ariana Grande-ish accented Saucenese sentences. That seriously was amusing. You are tempting me to finally buy a webcam so I can record my voice for all of SBC to see. Anyway, I accidentally made this goodbye longer than it should have been since I really want to get some sleep. So good night Sweet and Sour Sauce? (trying to get another nickname to stick since like you said, you have lots of them ;))

EDIT: And now I know the answer to our memories of using soap.

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