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Sound the alarm...


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As the old saying goes, all good things must come to an end at some point. My reign on SBC is over...for now. Alas, it appears the foot of the Mr. Dr. Professor was a lot bigger than I expected for my tiny body. But I shall return one day again, to wreak havoc on your pitiful forum again! This was my closest attempt, but twas not meant to be. Who knows, third times a charm! Maybe next time I'll fully succeed. Also, not withstanding the fact that it's incredibly hard to breathe up here...

Now, I take my leave back to the ocean. Your old stupid skin and old stupid leader and his old stupid, non-chummy staff will be back momentarily. My reign will forever live on though...at least in my heart!

As a gift however, those Loyal Customers can keep my skin, so I'll live on with them if they use it. Which they should if they want to live before I boil them in hot oi-I mean yeah use it.

Goodbye everyone, I'll remember you all in therapy!



I won't actually, except for my knights Freddy, Omair Llamas, JCM and Trophy. They did good. :plankton:

Edited by Plankton
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