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70s' Totally Original Idea of Posting His Top 15 TV Shows


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Maybe mean is the wrong word. But even when Homer was a jackass in the first seasons, you knew he still loved his family. I don't get that from the new seasons all the time? That's more what I mean.

Agree on that. Tho Homer is more of an idiot than a jerk in new eps. He was more of a jerk in Scully seasons.

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Don't shoot me for this but I've...never seen The Simpsons.

Okay, when I was younger, I remember sitting through some reruns out of boredom and because they were cartoons, but I've never properly watched the show.

I would definitely recommend checking out some episodes. It's such a great show.

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10. Orange is the New Black (2013 - present)

This is one of my favorite shows currently on TV. It's at a disadvantage on this list because it's only had three seasons so I'm not sure it can keep up the amazing quality it's had so far, but without a doubt it deserves to be in my top 10. I think most people know the general story of this show so I won't get too much into that. What's really cool is how in the first season it introduces Piper as the protagonist and then uses her to tell the stories of such a diverse group of women. She's still the lead of the show, but she's not nearly as important as I'd expected while watching the first few episodes of the first season. If Piper is ever released from prison, the show can absolutely still go on. This is, bar none, the best ensemble cast on TV and I can't wait to see what the show does in future seasons. (Also I watched season 3 in a little over a day, I may have a slight problem with this show.)

Favorite Character: Poussey Washington
Favorite Season: Season 2


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9. Friday Night Lights (2006 - 2011)

For some reason, many times when I try to recommend this show to someone the response I get is "I don't care about football." Well, I'm a completely non-athletic gay kid who could not possibly care less about sports as a whole and I fucking adore this show. Some amazing characters played by wonderful actors, and pretty much guaranteed to make even grown men cry. The show is inspiring and even the football scenes are totally compelling. It's a weirdly underrated show, considering all the critical love it gets it's a little odd that it's still not that widely watched. The whole thing is on Netflix so I hope more people discover it. If you're on the fence about the show, I 100% recommend giving it a shot. You won't regret it. Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.

Favorite Character: Tami Taylor
Favorite Season: Season 3


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8. Friends (1994 - 2004)

I actually originally had this a lot higher on my list, but adjusted it a little bit and put one half-hour comedy above it. :o Nonetheless, this is still a classic show, and one I have pretty much nothing negative to say about. I watched this show all the way through in middle school, and whenever I had a shitty day (which was pretty often, fuck middle school) I could rely on Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Chandler, Joey, and Ross to make me laugh and feel better. It's still a show I frequently rewatch, I've seen every episode countless times and I'm still not tired of them. Each character is lovely and very funny in their own way, although when I watch now I've come to the realization I kiiiinda hate Ross. Anyways.

Favorite Character: Phoebe Buffay
Favorite Season: Season 4?? I guess??


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Nice choices so far, especially with "Scrubs" and That 70's Sh----oh now I see why you chose your username! Clever, unless I'm completely wrong in which case, feel free to correct me.

Yep, it is the inspiration for my username!

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7. Grey's Anatomy (2005 - present)

God, I used to hate this show so much. Everything about it just looked so horrible. My mom's been watching it since it premiered and I always made fun of how stupid the whole thing was. So of course last year I binged the entire thing on Netflix and loved it to death. Is it ridiculous? Yes, of course it is. But who the hell cares? The emotions of this giant cast characters always make sense, and the writing of the show is top-notch. The show has made some missteps, but that's because even twelve seasons in, it's still willing to take risks. I mean, listen to the shit this show's done. Bombs in the hospital. The main character drowning. A musical episode. A plane crash. One of the characters hallucinating that she's having sex with a ghost because she has a brain tumor. Breaking up basically every important couple. I want go into anything too spoiler-y, but believe me, there's much more. It's going through a bit of a creative resurgence right now and for a show that started 2005 I think that's just insane and amazing. It's more than earned this high spot on my list, in my book. The show has lost many cast members through the years (right now only four people who were in the pilot are still on the show) but it's never let that stop it. Some of my favorites are gone but new ones keep coming. At this point I think the show could go forever and I'm kind of okay with that? With shows like Scandal and How to Get Away With Murder, Shonda's power is only growing. But it's going to take an awful lot of good stuff for one of her new shows to top the monster of a show that is Grey's Anatomy. This is the best medical show in the history of television as far as I'm concerned.

Favorite Character: Callie Torres and Cristina Yang (don't make me choose)
Favorite Season: Season 2


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6. Lost (2004 - 2010)

God, I love everything about this show. Hearing the music in this scene makes me tear up. I love the characters, I love the twists, just everything. Yes, even the ending. There were some episodes (mostly in season 3) that were rather silly and unimportant, but overall there isn't much about the show I would change. The structure of getting to know these characters in every episodes through flasbacks was so rewarding, and the flashforwards in the fourth season were so fun to watch and piece together. The flash-sideways things in the last season were a little harder to connect to, but they also served their purpose. Some of the mysteries weren't solved in the end and I guess that's kind of disappointing. But... was anyone really expecting for every single weird thing that ever happened on the show to be explained? Was there a checklist of unexplained things you were waiting to have answered? While the answers were nice and I would never complain the mystery of the show wasn't important, the main draw of this show to me was always the characters, and the ending was emotionally satisfying for them. To me, that's more important than never getting to know what that one weird noise that Hurley heard that one time was. And the show has so many amazing characters, choosing my favorite here was so tough that I just had to go with the "safe" choice in the end.

Favorite Character: John Locke
Favorite Season: Season 1


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5. Parks and Recreation (2009 - 2015)




Yep, I'm putting this higher than Friends. Nope, I'm not sorry about it. It's crazy to think that after I struggled to finish the veeery short first season of this show, it later became my all-time favorite comedy. As someone who really enjoys comedy but also loves it even more when it manages to make me feel things for the characters, this show is perfect for me. While the first season tried too hard to be a copy of The Office, the second season was immediately an immense improvement, and the show realized what a talented cast it had at its disposal. When Mark Brendanaquits left at the end of season two and Adam Scott and Rob Lowe joined the show as Ben and Chris, things only improved. One of the best ensemble casts I've ever seen, with no weak link to be found. Litrally every character can crack me up. I really loved seeing these people interact with each other. This is a comedy that even when it wasn't funny (which it almost always was), I LOVED watching it because it just made me feel good. It's an absolute tragedy that the show is now over and straight-up iconic characters like Leslie Knope and Ron Swanson were never once recognized officially by the Emmys. This is already a pretty popular show -- despite low ratings on NBC -- and I think that as the years go on and people discover it through reruns and streaming, its popularity will only increase. And somehow I made myself sad. NBC, please bring back this show immediately.

Favorite Character: Leslie Knope or April Ludgate or Andy Dwyer or Ron Swanson (can't pick oops)
Favorite Season: Season 3


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Clappy reminded me I'm doing this by liking a post, whoops :)

4. One Tree Hill (2003 - 2012)

I've watched a lot of cheesy teen type shows, they're kind of like crack to me. But this one was definitely my favorite. I didn't love every season (seasons 5 and 6 were trying times but the show got it back together for the last few in my opinion). I loved almost every character and loved getting to spend nine entire seasons with them. I binged the show on Netflix in my freshman year of high school. The day I started I was really sick and I watched fourteen episodes, I'm not kidding. I was that addicted to this show. Tons of crazy shit happens as the show goes on, but it manages to feel weirdly grounded in spite of it. The show also had one of my favorite relationships of all time with Nathan and Haley. Those two got married in high school and the show somehow made me support it. Like magic. We got to follow them from their first meeting to seeing them married with children and it was just awesome to watch and very emotionally rewarding. I didn't agree with every move the show ever made, but I still watched the entire thing over the course of maybe a month, so clearly it did something right. Like I said, it's certainly a cheesy show, but I mean that in the very best way. I debated back and forth about putting it this high on the list, but in the end decided it's definitely one of the shows I look back on most fondly.

Favorite Character: Brooke Davis and Haley James Scott, can't choose
Favorite Season: Season 1? Season 4?


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