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That Excited SpongeKid

Cotton Candy Blue
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Everything posted by That Excited SpongeKid

  1. December was the best month for me. February was the worst.
  2. - Spongebob trivial pursuit - panda slippers - panda hand cream - candy -2 pairs of pajamas along with slippers - spongebob mystery chibi box ( I got mr krabs ) - lots of stim toys - four spongebob squishy keychains Etc. My birthday is on Christmas eve, so I included things I got that day too. Snowflake 3:
  3. I'm in Arizona for Christmas this year, it's going to be 70 degrees. I'm happily hiding from the ice and snow. My favorite winter holiday is Christmas and my birthday is actually Christmas Eve.
  4. I chose youtube, I use it more than every other social media platform. I've had terrible experiences on twitter with people spamming my homepage with sub tweets and stuff like that, and I've literally never used the other platforms listed here lol.
  5. When I was younger, I always liked the ones with performances of songs I liked, but I rarely watch any awards shows now. I chose none.
  6. Growing up in the 00's, I listened to a lot of emo music. My mom and brother were both going through their emo phase lol. In high school in the 10's, I listened to swedish edm. Now I listen to literally everything except country and hip hop. My go-to is dance-pop. I chose other haha.
  7. Right now, M&Ms. I have some on my table now, along with Twix and KitKats.
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