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Meko1432 last won the day on June 29

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About Meko1432

  • Birthday 08/25/2001

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    dying for pie
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  1. SBC? what does that stand for? Sex before condoms?

    1. PizzaPizza72


      No, it's Supermarket Branded Cheese

    2. WhoBibbles


      this message is sponsored by PrEP

  2. Episode 7: What If Prez Was The President of the USA Our story starts with the SBC gang resting next to a campfire in a post-apocalyptic America. Meko1432: I just don't get it. One minute he's hanging out on Discord chatting about music, and the next he's president of the USA, setting a bounty on Garrett's head! Hawk: i didnt vote for 'em Whobob: i'm surprised by how quickly he bailed on us a bounty hunter approaches them Hunter Joe: do you know a man that goes by the name 'garret' JJs: yeah sure! He's right over there, by that tree [points at a bush in the distance] Hunter Joe: thanks [pulls out his flame thrower] Garret: NO NOOO AHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Meko1432: You think Prez still thinks about us from time to time? JJs: why dont we go find out Hawk: but where would we find him? Meko1432: What a silly question, haha! We'll find him where we would find any other president. in the White House! the home of every president Hawk: i dont think they actually live in the white house JJs: sure they do [cut to them in the white house] Hawk: what's with all the doors Meko1432: it's the presidents' rooms, duh! Hawk: Meko, there's no such thing! Meko1432: sure there is! Hawk: So you're telling me that if I open this door, there will be a president? Meko1432: i'm betting on it [Hawk opens the door and spots president obama holding a chaos emerald] Obama: you've caught me at a very unfortunate time, now you must perish! [hawk closes the door quickly] Whobob (shouting): hey guys! i think i found prez' room! JJs: way to go, who! lets go in [they rush in] Prez: What're you guys doing here? It better be quick; I've gotta bomb Garrett at 6. Whobob: we just came to chat about..............you know Prez: what? oh! isnt it wild! one minute i'm talking about music to y'all and the next i'm president of the USA planning to bomb Garrett Hawk: that's literally what Meko just said Prez: you guys wanna see my 'annoy Garrett' button JJs: sure! but make it quick, this story's running a little long The End
  3. that's the thing i dont. i'm dead.
  4. Happy Birthday SpongeBob

  5. Meko1432

    Ask The Meko

    Frank Reynolds and Penguin
  6. i thought this was gonna be easier, but i think i got a decent enough idea. imagine this as a sonic boom episode The Summer Cold: Tails: Sonic! Sonic wake up! Sonic: What is it, tails? Tails: it's snowing!!! Sonic: Snowing? How is it snowing we're in the middle of summer?! [They leave the shack and find the whole island covered in snow] Sonic: woaah! how did this happen? [Amy goes to talk to them] Tails: any idea how this happened? Amy: no, but we need to find out who's behind it Sonic: Why? the snow's not hurting anyone Amy: but think of all the people without homes that are freezing to death as we speak Sonic: ugh fine we'll go see who's behind this Tails: i bet eggman's behind it, you'll find his base if you-- Sonic: yeah yeah i'll go get 'em [Sonic Runs to eggman's base and knocks on his door] Eggman: Oh Sonic The Hedgehog, how nice of you to visit Sonic: drop the act egghead, why did you cover the island with snow? Eggman: fine, follow me [They enter the base] Eggman (Cont'd): As a child, every winter the children would throw snowballs at me. I had to hide in the basement all winter, but for 30 years, I've been planning my revenge. Sonic: throwing snowballs is a usual winter activity, they just wanted to play with you egghead Eggman: you mean......all those years of humiliation and icy torture..............they were trying to play with me? Sonic: yes.... Eggman: [looks at window] My god....all the years i've wasted planning Sonic: how about you join me and the gang as we hang in the snow? Eggman: that sounds like fun, sure THE END
  7. Meko1432

    Ask The Meko

    still only half way through S2, will try to continue this weekend tho
  8. Meko1432

    Ask The Meko

    it's a tie between these (City Escape, Metal Harbor, Seaside Hill, Windmill Isle) i am THE meko
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