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SpongeBob's #1 Fan

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Status Replies posted by SpongeBob's #1 Fan

  1. So I'm finally returning on a more permanent basis.

    1. SpongeBob's #1 Fan

      SpongeBob's #1 Fan

      Well, welcome back!

  2. it's crazy that i've been on SBC for 11 years!

  3. i have covid.....but i think my taste is coming back yay! wear your FUCKING MASKS 

  4. Just in time for my tenth anniversary, I have FINALLY reached the 5,000 content post mark! And to borrow a quote from The Beatles: "I'd like to thank you on behalf of the group, and hope we passed the audition." Enough said, true believers!

  5. WOW!!!! o.o I actually had the most like CONTENT yesterday on April 30th?! I'm honestly pretty amazed by that! :D In any case, I now have of total of eight days where I had the most liked content! Or as I'd like to call it, the Lucky Eights! And it won't be too much longer before I break the 1,400 Community Reputation threshold! It's just a matter of time! :cool: Enough said, true believers! ;)

    1. SpongeBob's #1 Fan

      SpongeBob's #1 Fan

      Yet I still have 0...

  6. Just in time for my tenth anniversary, I have FINALLY reached the 5,000 content post mark! And to borrow a quote from The Beatles: "I'd like to thank you on behalf of the group, and hope we passed the audition." Enough said, true believers!

  7. Strange as it seems, I think I'm phasing out of ol' Wendy and Casper.

  8. first of all, browsimg sbc on my nintendo swiss


    1. SpongeBob's #1 Fan

      SpongeBob's #1 Fan

      Don’t you mean your Nintendo Switch?  You made this mistake on SBM, too...

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. whos been drawin diks

    1. SpongeBob's #1 Fan

      SpongeBob's #1 Fan

      What?  It’s a Status Update, that’s off-topic, too and thanks!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  10. I just realized that I now have over 600 reactions in Community Reputation, which means that I'm now OFFICIALLY the rank of a Milkshake Operator! :cool: (Probably thanks in no small part due to the fact that I actually had the most liked content on November 17th! Thank you, fans! :D Enough said! ;)

  11. Well, looks like I might die come by Sunday. Unless I can somehow survive Irma or convince my parents to move away to somewhere like Hawaii.

    1. SpongeBob's #1 Fan

      SpongeBob's #1 Fan

      Stay safe!  If you want, you could come to Rochester...

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  12. Okay as of today I am officially looking for the game again.

    Even Autistic Aspergers Attention Defficeit hyperactive Lonely people like myself need breaks.

    Vacarion to fairmont was wonderful, relaxing in the water, with my friends and family.

    I also resumed contact with Luke, he moved to North Carolina. We work together.

    But it's back to a grind. Wish me luck, I have hopes I shall do this someday, but weather it is just over the horizon, or far over yonder.... I do not know.


    1. SpongeBob's #1 Fan

      SpongeBob's #1 Fan

      I have those two things as well...

      That explains your fixation on this Game!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  13. My dad is going to give me bike riding lessons today and I'm terrified. This wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the fact that I'm 18 years old. Oops.

    1. SpongeBob's #1 Fan

      SpongeBob's #1 Fan

      Eh, don't worry.  I don't really know how to ride a bike either.  I can ride a tandem bike, though.  I also can't swim very well...

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. This is just an interesting thing I've noticed. As of June 25, 2017 (sadly eight years since the tragic passing of Michael Jackson), I have FINALLY gotten 2,700 official POSTS on this website! I wonder how much longer it will take me to get to 4,400 posts?


    1. SpongeBob's #1 Fan

      SpongeBob's #1 Fan

      AIso, since when is posting pictures of deformities against the rules, here?

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)


  17. Well, that was fun.

    1. SpongeBob's #1 Fan

      SpongeBob's #1 Fan

      Yes, no more impossible (or at least they should be impossible) Donations!  :P

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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