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Cotton Candy Blue
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Everything posted by WhoBibbles

  1. I kinda took it from you on discord cuz you were right
  2. BoJack Horseman (IT ENTERS ITS 10TH YEAR)
  3. i have been living with my mother and my brother for a while
  4. I cant believe Im excited for this movie. It's a musical and Lady Gaga is Harley Quinn, how can I say no
  5. we all have our favorite seasons, what's your favorite one? Vote If you want to as well as comment below.
  6. sliding one last time
  7. The Many Deaths of The Player: This is a game about an immortal person named The Player who has to accomplish tasks without getting themselves killed by hitmen lurking around the city nor dying in accidents. When you complete one task, it gets you leveled up and move the story by learning new information and skills but if you get killed, you lose some of progress, so you have to be careful not to get killed, otherwise you have to do the tasks again. The main story is that the person suddenly dies in a car crash while waking up in their bed the next morning and you uncover the mystery of it while trying to do the tasks. And the story leads into some real conspiracy about who made them immortal and hitmen are trying to kill them, so they can get the body before the body gets resurrected and a business guy who owns a corporation can make scientists experiment on the person and uncover the mystery of it. If you get captured, the game restarts in your last check up. The story would unravel eventually that the reason why The Player is immortal is that there's an old scientist guy that causes the death of The Player from the start, so he can test the immortality serum he invented to see if he can resurrect his dead boyfriend from ages ago who died from being stabbed when he resisted to get mugged. What the scientist didn't occur was that he was also being followed by the business villain, so he had to be discreet and have The Player find him through leaving tasks for him to do. He wants The Player to find him, so he can take his blood sample and replicate the formula because he burned the formula in case someone checked on him. Him and The Player eventually meets but before they can talk, they gets confronted by the villain, he wants to have immortality serum, so he can keep his business empire going but The Player manages to take down him after learning enough skills to get them prepared for the hitmen.The Player later confronts the scientist for killing them. And the scientist realizes that so much destruction has happened because he wanted to see his long lost boyfriend again and he figured it wasn't worth doing it anymore. He lets The Player go and The Player gets to live forever. The Game would be rated M and be available in every console.
  8. have you made a progress on breaking bad
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