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Mr. Eugene Krabs

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Status Updates posted by Mr. Eugene Krabs

  1. Is The Owl House some new restaurant competing with the Krusty Krab?

  2. Wait a minute...I hate golf!

  3. I am proud to announce the Krusty Krab finally is open again for business!

  4. You got to get up pretty early to sneak a pair of buns like those past Mr. Krabs!

  5. We never deny a guest, even the most ridiculous request!

  6. A new year means more opportunities for new money, that's what I say!

  7. Unless I get money at my Thanksgiving dinner, not interested!

  8. Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake.

  9. I did not murder anyone!

  10. Happy Halloween from Eugene! Also, great job Loyal Krew, eat our shorts Buddies!

  11. a patty is a patty, that's what I saaaay

  12. There be no such thing as ghosts, Mr. Squidward!

  13. Ahoy lads! I just got arrested for tax evasion!

    1. Memphis Tennessee

      Memphis Tennessee

      someone post his bail tonight

  14. Sea Bears and fairy tales are NOT real!

  15. This would go great with some milk!

  16. The deed is done.

  17. Catch a few clams!

  18. Back in my day, we used to beat people up for saying memes in real life!

    1. Weird Al Yankovic

      Weird Al Yankovic

      Everything's all topsy-turvy now!

  19. I'm always gonna feel it, you can't stop me Nickelodeon!

  20. Since when was I a camp counselor!?

    1. Plankton


      Better question, what the barnacles is Kamp Koral?

    2. Wumbo


      Wait a minute, I hate golf!

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