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Mother of pearl!
Is The Owl House some new restaurant competing with the Krusty Krab?
Wait a minute...I hate golf!
I am proud to announce the Krusty Krab finally is open again for business!
You got to get up pretty early to sneak a pair of buns like those past Mr. Krabs!
We never deny a guest, even the most ridiculous request!
That smelly smell...
A new year means more opportunities for new money, that's what I say!
Unless I get money at my Thanksgiving dinner, not interested!
Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake.
I did not murder anyone!
Danny DeVito
press x to doubt
Happy Halloween from Eugene! Also, great job Loyal Krew, eat our shorts Buddies!
a patty is a patty, that's what I saaaay
There be no such thing as ghosts, Mr. Squidward!
Ahoy lads! I just got arrested for tax evasion!
Memphis Tennessee
someone post his bail tonight
Sea Bears and fairy tales are NOT real!
I hate golf.
This would go great with some milk!
The deed is done.
YES! Hello.
Catch a few clams!
Back in my day, we used to beat people up for saying memes in real life!
Weird Al Yankovic
Everything's all topsy-turvy now!
I'm always gonna feel it, you can't stop me Nickelodeon!
Since when was I a camp counselor!?
Better question, what the barnacles is Kamp Koral?
Wait a minute, I hate golf!