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Status Replies posted by Ron


  2. When I say hey, you say ho...... Hey!

  3. *graces my fans with my presence on sbc* *leaves ominously*

  4. What do you all think of the new badges?

  5. I want a new Patrick-Man episode where Man Ray kidnaps MM&BB Patrick-Man and friends save them.

  6. Testing a new SBC feature that I wasn't involved in for the first time... pretty great stuff. :D

  7. Testing a new SBC feature that I wasn't involved in for the first time... pretty great stuff. :D

  8. Whoa, how come Trophy is light green and he is an Emerald?

  9. Oh boy! Off for the holidays! It's a Christmas miracle!

  10. 925 posts I CAN DO THIS

  11. 925 posts I CAN DO THIS

  12. I just finished an 11 page essay I think I'm more senile than ever HAHAHAHA!

    1. Ron


      omfg lucky. this week of review in every class, then next week of actual finals. i am preparing to die

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  13. I just finished an 11 page essay I think I'm more senile than ever HAHAHAHA!

    1. Ron


      me neither I'm gonna be up until midnight tonight >.< and then 2 more weeks of school D:

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  14. I just finished an 11 page essay I think I'm more senile than ever HAHAHAHA!

    1. Ron


      ew essays and finals thats the shit i dont like

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  15. It's already December? What happened to August?

  16. I'm added up, added up, I just ate a plate for breakfast, put it in a cup, then I mix it up with Texas

  17. Back to using Safari...

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