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Status Replies posted by Ron

  1. I've always seen the terms 'Thanks a Lot' and 'Good for You' as sarcastic.

  2. can anyone else access the SBM chat?

  3. Don't normally ask for prayers/sympathy or whatever, but keep my dog in your thoughts. Got attacked by a German Sheppard five times over, she's a little 7-8 year old bishan. We're optimistic thanks to vaccinations and such, but knowing you guys care helps as well

  4. I'm back, suckas


  6. Why is mentioning this site a big deal on SBM? Someone just casually mentioned it and there were like a thousand responses telling him to to compare the two.

  7. So yep, since my password actually works here, I think you guys are gonna be seeing me here more often. I want to join in on the fun too.

  8. Tom Holland is going play Spider-Man in the 3rd reboot. So guys get ready for a brand new Spider-Man movie series

  9. goodbye Not Omair, hello E.V.I.L!

    1. Ron


      Try clearing the cache I suggested in the topic; it should let you back in and you won't have to abandon your account. :P

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  10. goodbye Not Omair, hello E.V.I.L!

  11. 79 users....whoa.

  12. Regents Chemistry prep is harmful for the soul. I mean, I sold my soul to Satan long ago and even I know it hurts the soul so it must really be terrible.

    1. Ron


      Just finished honors chemistry, it is hell.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  13. 41,000 posts.

  14. Can't wait to play SpongeCraft with that HoloLens thingy.

  15. Oh hey! I've been on SBC a year. I wish I could've realized that earlier :P

  16. Okay, new place. Now what?

  17. i remember when we fuckin hated sponge buddy mania

  18. I didn't make a single status update during 2014.

  19. Yo when and why the hell did Trap Queen get so popular

  20. Last final done!

  21. Last final done!

  22. Quien hablas espanol aqui? No me diga que yo soy el unico....

  23. How is everyone's day so far?

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