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Milkmaidman's Top 38 Season 4 Episodes


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Most of you have already been through this list, and this is for the people who haven't.






Episode Number : 71b

Premiered : 5/12/2006




As predictable as it is, Karate Island is my least favorite Season 4 episode. Let's start with the plot-TERRIBLE. Spongebob becomes King of Karate, then becomes an arrogant (dolphin noise). Then we learn this was a scam to buy real estate. WHAT?!?!?!?!?! ARE YOU SERIOUS MR. MIYAGI! That's another celebrity cameo in the dumpster. I can't stand when SB acts arrogant, so I can't stand this episode. Also, the Four Floors of Fear-WHERE WAS THE FIGHTING? Even though he and Sandy are well matched, he acts he's miles better than Sandy. Man, that was annoying. The humor-wait, what humor? Anyways, I hated Spongebob in this episode, I hated Sandy, too. I also hated Master Udon. If all that's not bad enough, this earned the #1 ON THE BDE COUNTDOWN? No. Just No. So anyways, in my opinion, this is the worst season 4 episode and the sixth worst overall. 





Episode Number : 72a

Premiered : 6/2/2006


For starters, I wanna say HOW AND WHY DID WE VOTE THIS TO BE 12TH BEST EPISODE BEFORE NOVEMBER 2006?! Now on with it. I hate hate hate the plot. Spongebob breaks his spatula, and after crying for a minute, tries to find a few a new one. BUT WAIT! NOTHING CAN EVER REPLACE SPAT! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Also, about the scenes where Spongebob visits his spatula in the hospital WAIT WHAT. As I was saying, everytime a Season 4 episode is bad, it's also mean spirited (This, Good Neighbors, Squid Wood, The Thing, etc). In fact, there are two major mean spirited parts in this episode. The first is the first scene in the hospital. "I'm not a doctor. I'm an actor researching for a role." That was just...mean. That's all I have to say. The second is Le Spa-oh my god. This..uh "Spatulanian Stereotype" was probably the worst one time character in Spongebob history and created one of the meanest scenes on this show-when Spongebob tries him out and he runs away. During all of his screen time, I wanted to take a nagging stick and kill him violently. The humor was nonexistent, and all the characters put up terrible performances, especially Le Spatula. In conclusion, I think this is the second worst season 4 episode and the seventh worst overall.




Episode Number : 80a

Premiered : 11/10/2006


Hooboy. I remember this. Similar to  To Squarepants Or Not To Squarepants, this was overhyped. boring, stupid, and it's laughable this is called a special. WHY DO WE NEED A TOP 100 FOR JUST A REGULAR EPISODE? PLUS THAT, AND THE COUNTDOWN WAS COMPLETELY SCREWED UP (i.e. Karate Island at 1, Ghost Host at 4, All That Glitters at 12, Band Geeks at 38, Chocolate with Nuts at 45, Something Smells wasn't even on here). Let's get on with the actual episode, even though the top 100 did help bring this episode down to the bottom 3. The song was bad, and so was the plot. Just about everything fell flat on it's face, especially the scenes at Squiddy's clarinet recital. Mostly after the recital ended. "This was supposed to be my perfect day, and-SIT DOWN!" Just let him leave. No one wants to listen to you blabber about your day plans, right guys? Anyway, Spongebob did all the characters a favor while trying to have fun, so they reward him by letting him have anything he wants, so they make a musical/play thing about his Best Day Ever, which eventually turns into him singing "It's the Best Day Everrrrrrrrrrrr", until the episode ends. WELL THAT WAS GREAT WASN'T IT. Stupid song, stupid plot, very poor execution.




Episode Number : 65b

Premiered : 9/30/2005



This episode's really annoying and is anything but funny (Fun Fact : This episode was originally called UnFunny Pants. No kidding). The plot is terrible and the idea of a laugh box, especially it burning out from too laughing. is really stupid. It's basically Spongebob laughing for the first half of the episode and him crying for the second half. I'M HYPED! Well, there's a little more to it than that. Let's start with the quote-on-quote joke Spongebob was laughing at. "Another day, another....nickel! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHEEEHEEEHEEEHOHOHOHHAHA! THAT'S JUST HILARIOUS! Look, Bobby, if you wanna have a good laugh, go watch Chocolate with Nuts with Squidward millions of miles away from you. The humor-Well, THERE IS NO HUMOR! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO CHANGE THE EPISODE NAME FROM UNFUNNY PANTS TO LAUGHBOX AND FINALLY TO FUNNY PANTS! The characters basically all did horrible performances. The last thing I wanted to talk about is the ending. Learning that laugh boxes are real was a nice plot twist, but I really hated Spongebob gave Squiddy his laugh box. HOORAY FOR UNRESOLVED ENDINGS! Anyways, in conclusion, this episode is very annoying and very stupid.




Episode Number : 79b

Premiered : 7/24/2007



I can't stand this pile of garbage. Let's start with the plot. Spongebob wants to play with Squi-Wait, what?! He wants to play with Squidward? WHAT THE (DOLPHIN NOISE) HAPPENED TO PATRICK? Anyways, the fact that a puppet ruined Squidward's life is stupid. Very stupid. The humor-nonexistent. There's nothing funny about this episode. A Squid Wood rant isn't a Squid Wood rant if you don't mention the horrible and boring dance filler. Last time I saw this, I nearly fell asleep. It's actually a little disturbing. I mean, they're shaking their butts right in front of the camera! This episode's also actually a little creepy. It just has that cringing feeling, and also, in the beginning if you don't remember, Spongebob is creepily staring Squidward while Squid was NAKED. That was seriously one of the creepiest faces on the show, but Boating Buddies beats all. Oh yeah, I HAVE to mention the ending. The music critic-I wanted to shoot him and stuff his bloody remains in a crowded box along with Le Spatula. They'd make good friends. Even I could be a better music critic. Oh yeah, when Spongebob introduced his puppet of HIMSELF, I literally wanted to cry. Anyways, just about every character in this episode was terrible. In conclusion. This is an awful episode, and if this isn't on your bottom 33, I'm sorry, but you're very sick.





Episode Number : 76a

Premiered : 1/15/2007



I hate this piece of trash so much. Let's start with the plot-Terrible and abusive. The humor is nonexistent, once again. Also, if I remember correctly, zoos were made for people to see and animals they can't normally see and how they live, not to imprison animals so people can point and jeer at their oddity. GOT THAT WRITERS? The only good thing is the reference to Once Bitten, a good-but-not-great episode. "He only bites Squidward." That was a nice touch. Everything else was just awful. The best character was Squidward, and everyone else I couldn't stand. In conclusion, this episode was terrible, and I can't stand it at all, the only good thing being the reference to Once Bitten.




Episode Number : 64b

Premiered : 5/20/2005




Even though we're near the end of the 30's, I still hate this episode with a passion. Let's start where we always do-the plot. This episode's plot is awful with horrendous execution. Even more nonexistent humor comes from this episode. Also, Squid could have just calmed down asked them NICELY to go away. Instead he spends all of the episode blowing up the audience's eardrums. BUT, the abuse he had to go through.......uuuuuuuugggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh. Especially the ending. TTTThhhhhheeeeee eeeeeennnnnnndddddddiiiinnnnnnnngggg. I wanted to blow up those two (dolphin noises).  Why does it all happen to Poor Squiddy? Not only does he have to do community service, he has to do it with the dumbest idiots it has ever been my misfortune to know. What needs to be said has been said, so in conclusion, I really really hate this episode.



Episode Number : 70a

Premiered : 5/5/2006



This, in my opinion, is the beginning of Spongebob's downfall. This, is a terrible episode, with a terrible plot. Dutchy's ship crashes and is no longer scary, so Spongebob tries to make him scary again. That's actually pretty stupid. I haven't seen this one in a while, but there probably wasn't much humor, maybe nonexistent humor. Now for the Power Within scene. Oh god, this. First off, EAGLES AND CHICKENS CANT BREATHE UNDERWATER! Next, It's just plain stupid and random overall. Third, the Dutchman cried! HE CRIED! HOW DOES THAT WORK?!?! THAT'S THE STUPIDEST THING EVER! Last but not least, this is the scariest episode of Spongebob Squarepants. This is way more than enough to give a kid very hardcore nightmares. All the characters were bad, the Dutchman was the worst, for once. In conclusion, this episode is terrible and the start of downhill.



Comment if you want more and like if you like this list :)




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Well... hard to really say. So far there are nothing but episodes you hate. When do you start being positive about them? :P

right now lol




Episode Number : 73a

Premiered : 9/22/2006



This episode is right at the line of "decent" and "plain bad". I will say the plot is interesting, and there's actually a little decent humor in this episode. Another thing I liked is the reference to Imitation Krabs (Robot Krabs is seen in the pile of stuff used to attempt the stealing of the Krabby Patty Formuler) and possibly other episodes. This episode would be a little higher if it wasn't for KRABSY'S GOSH DARN UTTER OBLIVIOUSNESS. During most of his screen time, and especially when he went inside the Chum Bucket, I wanted to take Thor's hammer, cover it in metal, AND SMASH THE DUDE RIGHT IN HIS ARMOR ABS. He was so annoying. Now for the montage when Krabs and Plankton "start over". This music was meh, while the montage itself was also meh. This episode was honestly OK.



Sorry for lack of updates.


Episode Number : 67b

Premiered : 10/7/2005


This was actually an OK episode. It's not as bad as you guys say it is. I really liked the plot, and there's actually some humor in this episode, most notably "actors". I will admit the makeup artist scene was kinda gross, but this episode was still OK.





Episode Number : 77a

Premiered : 2/19/2007





This episode was honestly OK. You're probably disagreeing with me already, but I will admit PATRICK HAD UTTER OBLIVIOUSNESS TO THE MAX. There was actually a little humor here, but this episode was overall OK.




Episode Number : 78a

Premiered : 3/31/2007



This episode was another OK one. I kinda liked the plot. The ending, though, was just ehhhhhhh. It just kinda fell flat on it's face. There was some decent humor, which is why I think this episode is OK.




Episode Number : 80b

Premiered : 2/19/2007



Don't think i'm saying I like this episode, but's it's honestly OK, but the smallest bit better than Born to be Wild. It was pretty disgusting, but somehow earned itself an OK spot.




Episode Number : 78b

Premiered : 3/31/2007




Hooboy. This episode is honestly plain OK. I really like the plot, since I really like the idea of Krabs and Plankton being friends, and it reminds us that Starbucks has taken over the world  was interesting to see them going back to their first years where they were friends. There was some humor that was a little performance. Something that is terrible about this episode is the ending. Oog. Think about how nearly every character in the show is covered in kelp, with absolutely no antidote. Most of the characters, especially Krabs and Plankton, were pretty good. In conculsion, this was an OK episode.



.300px-Enemy_In-Law.jpg is episode 23.

Episode Number : 67a

Premiered : 10/14/2005



OK. This will take a lot of explaining. Many people think the plot is.......disturbing, but I actually like it. There have been plots like this many cartoons, so what's different about this one? There was a few jokes, my favorite being, "PLANKTON! KRABS! EUGENE? MOMMY? MOMMY? SPONGEBOB!! SPONGEBOB!." YYYeeeaaahhh. The characters were all great, especially the ones that had the most screen time, and I really like how they managed to extend this to 11 minutes for such a simple plot. In conclusion, this episode was good but not great.



Episode Number : 74a

Premiered : 10/13/2006



I don't know if this will cost me my bones, but my Whale of a Birthday and Pink Purloiner placements sure will (SPOILERS). Anyways, this episode actually overexagerates Spongebob's love for the Krusty Krab a little. Of course he can stay away from the Krusty Krab! OK, maybe he's grown to adore it to the point that....aw forget it. Anyways, "I've been waiting for you Patrick" actually gave me a couple nightmares a few years ago, but it didn't anywhere as bad a mark as the giant talking baby from Angelica's Worst Nightmare (Rugrats), which scarred me for life. But this is a review of a SPONGEBOB episode, so back to it. I also think this was a creative episode i.e. The Krusty Krab playset (I love paradoxes). Anyways, this episode was, once again, good but not great.










Episode Number : 77b

Premiered : 2/19/2007




I have very mixed feelings about this episode. The good part is the great plot, and the humor. There is a bad part, as I said earlier, though. That part is PATRICK'S UNSTANDABLE UTTER OBLIVIOUSNESS. I CAN'T STAND HIM DURING MOST OF THIS EPISODE GOSH DARN IT. He was pretty good otherwise, especially when he finally wised up and killed his bad self. The ending was probably the biggest plot twist in Spongebob history. No one saw that coming, i'm sure. In conclusion, this was an OK episode. See you at the top 20!


Episode Number : 75b

Premiered : 11/25/2006



This is another episode I have mixed feelings about. However, there are more good things than bad things in this episode. However, I do find this episode's plot disturbing. Patrick turns into a woman. (Disgusted look on face) WRITERS, ARE YOU THINKING WHAT I THINK YOU'RE THINKING? Anyways, this episode had some enjoyable humor, like the ending. Squidward's reaction was hilarious. Also, I found myself liking how Krabs and Squidward fell in love with "Patricia", and all the main characters did pretty good. In conclusion, this is a pretty OK episode.

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Good Top 38 so far. By the way, I don't think Squid Wood was a terrible episode. Sorry but this isn't on my top bottom 33. Squid's Visit and Boating Buddies are way worse than this episode.

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Episode Number : 73b

Premiered : 9/29/2006



We're now halfway there halfway there halfway there! Anyways, the worst episode in the top half is our very own Once Bitten. I like the plot, but I have no idea why. I guess it just has that oh so special something I've been looking for. But enough Hey Arnold references for now. There was a pretty good amount of humor in this episode. Squidward's final lines were hilarious. Most of characters put up very good performances, and those reasons are the reasons why I like this episode.








Episode Number : 76b

Premiered : 1/15/2007


This was a good episode. I really liked the plot. I liek dat magic stuff. It was just WAY too cheesy. My god. I also loved Tom's face while he was driving the boat with bratty son in it. Dude, you should've just ordered chocolate ice cream the way your dad would. Anyways, the jokes were just great. I laughed alot at this episode. The ending was kinda disappointing but I still liked it. That's all I have to say.






Episode Number : 72b

Premiered : 6/2/2006



This is a pretty good episode, and it's Graveyard Shift compared to it's cryfest partner. You know what I'm talking about? Episode 37? Rings a bell yet? Of course it does. I like the plot. I really do. The song has been known to kill the ears of many, but really, I've seen this episode and heard the song many times, and look at me! I'M COOL!






But we're getting off topic. I didn't find the song that bad. I didn't find the jokes that bad either. They were pretty funny, actually. Anyways, I like this episode, and I hope you do to.





Episode Number ; 75a

Premiered : 10/6/2006




I honestly like this episode alot. This is one of the very few episodes I let Squid Abuse slide past my clutches. Many people find this episode gross, but I like the plot, and the jokes were pretty well-executed. While I admit it was kinda weird at points, I still liked it. This episode is known for having one of the biggest continuity errors in the history of Spongebob, as the episodes ends with.....Spongebob..and..Patrick...stuck....inside...Squidward. And in That's No Lady, (the next episode) they're all fine and dandy. Maybe some doctors cut open Squidward I don't know. Anyways, I quite liked this episode TBH.




Episode Number : 71a

Premiered : 5/12/2006



I probably put this too high, but I'm not changing the spot here. This episode has lots of replay value in my eyes, and that's one reason it's up here. There are other reasons, obviously. I like the plot, even though this is a Pearl episode (and probably the best one). The humor in this episode was also well executed. There were many funny moments, my favorite being Squid's variation of Boys Who Cry. That was hilarious. Overall, I like this episode alot.




Episode Number : 70b

Premiered : 5/5/2006



This is a pretty good episode. It had a good plot, and lots of hilarious humor. Most of the humor came from Mr. Dr. Professor Patrick "uhuhuhuhu SAY MOAR WORDS!", but most of the rest of the characters had pretty funny moments too. The song was decent, and that's pretty much all there is to say about this episode.






Episode Number : 62a

Premiered : 5/13/2005



This is a pretty good episode. First off the plot. It was actually pretty good. I used hate this episode alot, but I watched this episode recently and I changed my mind. I actually the Squiddo abuse slide. The idea of a "cash coma" is pretty stupid, though. Anyways, the jokes were pretty funny. There isn't much to say about this episode, so yeah



Episode Number : 68b

Premiered : 11/4/2005


This is an actually pretty good but underrated episode. Even though the plot is pretty overused, it still had good execution. The attempts and jokes were also actually pretty well executed. Many people hate on this episode for the ending, which is understandable.It's just...........DEEEEAUGH. The rest of this episode brings it up to #12 spot, though





Episode Number : 69b

Premiered : 4/1/2006




This is a great episode. I really liked the plot. I don't know why, I just do. The jokes were hilarious and well executed. Like so:




"Would anyone care for a bonbon?"

"I would!"

"How does it taste?"

"It's a delightful tasty sensation!"



The Sergeant was awesome. He was hilarious. I also liked his final moment in the episode:



(gets hit by car)



But did he die or stay alive, the world may never know. I'd honestly like him to return. I also think this the last episode in Spongebob's first "better" era. Anyways, see you at the top 10!


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Episode Number : 61b

Premiered : 5/6/2005



I really liked this episode. There was some pretty funny faces in this episode, and I also liked the plot. Spongebob as a Navy Buddy was pretty funny. The jokes were pretty well executed. I liked when Spongebob made his station shipshape. This isn't an episode with much to talk to much, so I'm gonna end this off on this note: I really like this episode, and I think it's funny.



Episode Number : 64a

Premiered : 5/20/2005




Oooooooooooh, Skill Crane. Yup, it's good enough to be in the top 10 for Season 4. Yes, I know this is a Squid abuse episode, the one thing I can't stand the most in this show along with SB and Pat's arrogance. I just......let it slide for some reason. But, since when were quarters GOLD-colored? It makes no sense. Anyways, that's all I have to say, and I'm pretty interested to see how the top 8 goes.





Episode Number : 79a

Premiered ; 2/19/2007



I probably put this too high. Confess A Bear. Nuff said. OK, episode 7 is........wait, I gotta be in more detail! I liked the great but simple plot of this episode. The jokes were funny and well executed, Confess A Bear being my favorite, as I already said. Nothing much else to say so now good to you sirs.




Episode Number : 62b

Premiered : 5/13/2005



Yes, Selling Out is in the Top 6. First off, this episode is unspeakably underrated. The plot is pretty good and creative, and the jokes were funny and well executed-again. I honestly think this episode was more of a treat for the adults who watched this and the lawyer shows on adult channels. It was pretty funny, but was a little boring at times. That's all I have to say for this underrated hoohah.








Episode Number : 65a

Premiered : 9/23/2005




I am for real. Selling Out is my 6th favorite S4 episode. I probably put this too high, though. I really liked the plot and I think it's pretty creative. Once agAIn, the jokes were funny and well executed. I also liked the Krabby O Monday's birthday song, but Mr. Krabs' song about money wasn't as good. So yeah, I really liked this episode and see ya at the top 5!




Episode Number : 61a

Premiered : 5/6/2005




OK, Number 5 is the first post movie episode in the-HOLD YOUR HORSES! It can't be past Season 3! I mean look at it! LOOK AT IT!







OK OK, it's Season 4. Otherwise it wouldn't be on this list! Yuk yuk yuk yuk! Anyways, I think it's a pretty creative episode. The plot is good, and the jokes were well executed. If I could play two instruments in the world, they would be Mayonnaise and a piano made out of cards. That's all for now.. Bye, Squidward! Bye. Mr. Krabs! Bye, Squidward.......




Episode Number : 68a

Premiered ; 10/21/2005





THE END IS NEAR! THE END IS NEAR! No, I'm talking about the list, Johnny. Anyways, episode 4 is Patrick SmartPants. I really liked the concept of this episode, a dumb character turning smart, instead of a smart character turning dumb, which also works out very well (*coughcoughbeanedfromheyarnoldcoughcough*) The jokes were well executed also, and the laughter was not found to be very illogical, making this episode 4th best episode of it's season.





Episode Number : 63

Premiered : 11/11/2005





This is an amazing episode. First off, the plot is good and sweet. This was a sad episode, though. It did manage have well-executed humor, my favorite part being when Granny gets reminded of her days a riveter. So yeah, I don't have much to say about this episode and all it's falling office products. So in conclusion, I really like this episode.




Episode Number : 66

Premiered : 2/20/2006




This is honestly the best special of the series, with Where's Gary and Christmas Who? coming very very very very close. Not only does this episode have an awesome concept and very well executed humor, it has the best one time character ever created on this show - Mr. Squidly Tentacles! His songs were actually pretty good. All that being said, let me conclude with this - DaD is the best special of the series and what could top it? Well.......







Episode Number : 69a

Premiered ; 4/1/2006


Yep, KT is the best S4 episode in Spongebob, and the best post movie episode overall. But not the best episode overall, that honor goes to Graveyard Shift. It has a great plot, with pretty funny jokes. Let's do a play by play analysis of the whole episode.




So we begin with SB and Squidward walking to work, with Spongebob telling Squidward about how he overcooked the fries only to realize a second later they weren't overcooked at all! .......Someone tell me how that makes sense. Then they come to a stop and he see...a hotel? What's this? We then see Krabs in a suit, That's new.  Anyways, Krabby begins blabbing about a hotel he went to at a fast food convention and how he to pay $25 for a burger, which is just freaking insane. But he goes with it like it's the new fad of the 21st century as he wants to have the moolah. Then a customer comes in like he knows where he's going and just walks up to the front desk and orders like they're all still in a wooden burger joint. Geesh, these people are even stupider than they seem, which is saying something. Mr. Krabs welcomes him to the Krusty Towers, where the motto is apparently "We shall never deny a guest, even the most ridiculous request". Wait, DID KRABS JUST PLAGIARIZE?!?! It's funny, because sometimes, the Bikini Bottom police write people up 95 times in the same day just for breathing (Keep Bikini Bottom Beautiful), and here, Krabs does an actual crime, and the police don't give a hoot or do anything about it. Anyways, Frank leaves cause he's doesn't have enough time since has to RENT A ROOM. Then Patrick comes and "registers", which is a pretty funny moment. They then go up and Pat apparently hates crusts on Krabby Patty. When did that happen? Squid then gets fed up after a while and becomes a guest instead of a worker. He then asks to go up the employee elevator, and there's apparently been an add of 6 floors since we saw the Krusty Towers outerior. Anyways, he begins to start making Krabby and SB to his every need. It was pretty funny. They then decide to go to the pool and somehow the pool gets crushed by their...weight, I guess and the whole hotel falls down. They then end up in the hospital and after Krabs gets the bill, he decides to open up a hospital himself. The episode ends right then and there. I really want to see what happens after that. But this is still the best Season 4 episode Milkmaidman out.



Well that was quick.


I'm taking a break from lists.. See you then.

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