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Dimensional Honor

Steel Sponge

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The title and everything got renewed and stuff. Thus meaning I got an idea. So far I'm hoping to give you guys a little October surprise. Here's the plot and characters so far:

A new legacy arrives when a group of scientists invent an orb, a failed thesis put it in construction. One day, it's true power is discovered when one of their sons, Caleb Dash snatched it from the lab. He became no ordinary kid, the orb gave him a supernatural form, along with abilities he was never offered to have. Eventually, he was transported to an xtra-dimensional universe, where creatures called "Dimensional Monsters of Courage" lived. Caleb noticed he's become one. He then realizes he's called to save the dimension from destruction of a nasty orginization called "The Megaminds of Darkness." It's up to him, his 3 other friends, and his older brother to become victorious.


Caleb Dash: A clumsy and curious 8-year old bearer of an orb that went wrong.
Garrett Dash: A lazy and encouraging 15-year old brother of Caleb.
Harry Chessley: The best friend of Caleb; shared power of a spare orb to search for Caleb.
Dakota Regis: Another best friend of Caleb; shared power of a spare orb also.
Jeff Johnson: Third acquaitance of Caleb; shared power of a spare orb also.
Mark Grayson: An enemy of Caleb; sub-antagonist.
Arzuno: Former bearer of an orb; Caleb's DMOC teacher.
Armin Brace: Sub-acquaintance of Caleb; Revealed to be a DMOC specialist.
Savanna: Another sub-acquaintance of Caleb; Caleb secretly admires her.
Ann Lissa: Another sub-acquaintance of Caleb.


Coming soon.

What do you guys think?

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Okay, I have a little explanation. First, I was recently thinking about using this for NaNoWriMo in the future. Second, this would mean you guys have to wait until November. Third and last, the title is now "Dimensional Honor," so I'd consider the previous title as a working title. Yeah, I joined NaNo, specifically four months ago, nothing else to be said.

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