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The Misadventures of Patrick Star


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(Posted 10/18/09) S1E1: The Big Move

(Posted 10/18/09) S1E2: Nautical Nuisance/New Neighbor

(Posted 10/18/09) S1E3: Job Hunting/That ÔÇÿ70s Pat

(Posted 10/18/09) S1E4: Meet the Starfish Parents/My Life as a Teenage Patrick

(Posted 10/18/09) S1E5: YvonneÔÇÖs Sister/Soap Opera

(Posted 10/18/09) S1E6: Babysitting/The Stink

(Posted 10/18/09) S1E7: Too Tired to Work/Extinct

(Posted 10/18/09) S1E8: Lost

(Posted 10/18/09) S1E9: Busted/Issues With Sharing

(Posted 10/18/09) S1E10: WaterFalls Challenge/HaroldÔÇÖs Job

(Posted 10/18/09) S1E11: YvonneÔÇÖs New Hair/Krabs Takeover

(Posted 10/18/09) S1E12: Stupidity/Clowning Around

(Posted 10/18/09) S1E13: Bride of Archie

(Posted 10/18/09) S1E14: Talent/Mystery

(Posted 10/18/09) S1E15: Secrets/Makeup

(Posted 10/18/09) S1E16: Concert/Movie Craze

(Posted 10/18/09) S1E17: Curiosity Killed the Pat

(Posted 10/18/09) S1E18: Hide and Seek/Yvonne Writes a Song

(Posted 10/18/09) S1E19: Missing Money/The Pillow

(Posted 10/18/09) S1E20: Party at ArchieÔÇÖs House!

(Posted 10/18/09) S2E1 (21): Sponge of a Friend (1)

(Posted 10/18/09) S2E2 (22): Sponge of an Enemy (2)

(Posted 10/18/09) S2E3 (23): Is Nicholas a Friend?/What a Fight

(Posted 10/18/09) S2E4 (24): Fat Pat/Caffeine Rush

(Posted 10/18/09) S2E5 (25): No Pet for Pat/ Paid Vacation

(Posted 10/18/09) S2E6 (26): Do You Believe In Ghosts?

(Posted 10/18/09) S2E7 (27): Mr. Fix It/Talent Show

(Posted 10/18/09) S2E8 (28): JeremyÔÇÖs New Groove

(Posted 10/18/09) S2E9 (29): HaroldÔÇÖs Parents/Race Against Time

(Posted 10/18/09) S2E10 (30): After the Kiss/New Soda

(Posted 10/18/09) S2E11 (31): Saint Nicholas

(Posted 10/18/09) S2E12 (32): After the Other Kiss/Enrique is So Depressed

(Posted 10/18/09) S2E13 (33): YvonneÔÇÖs Departure

(Posted 10/18/09) S2E14 (34): I Look at This Photograph/Every Time it Really Makes Me Laugh

(Posted 10/18/09) S2E15 (35): Hidden Cameras/YvonneÔÇÖs Eyes Turn Green

(Posted 10/18/09) S2E16 (36): Welcome to the Future Drama! (1)

(Posted 10/18/09) S2E17 (37): Valentines Day In the Future (2)

(Posted 10/18/09) S2E18 (38): The Plan (3)

(Posted 10/18/09) S2E19 (39): Back to the Present (4)

(Posted 10/18/09) S2E20 (40): Archie For Mayor/And the Mayor Is

(Posted 10/18/09) S2E21 (41): Wandering/Jack

(Posted 10/18/09) S2E22 (42): Back in WaterFalls/The Battle in CalvinÔÇÖs Brain

(Posted 10/18/09) S2E23 (43): The Road Back to WaterFalls

(Posted 10/19/09) S3E1 (44): In Your Hands

(Posted 10/19/09) S3E2 (45): Devising a Plan/Adrenaline

(Posted 10/19/09) S3E3 (46): Oh. Snap!

(Posted 10/19/09) S3E4 (47): Bad Thoughts and Webcams

(Posted 10/19/09) S3E5 (48): Keeping Secrets/CalvinÔÇÖs Disturbance

(Posted 10/22/09) S3E6 (49): Karate Lesson/First Date

(Posted 10/22/09) S3E7: (50): 50th Episode Spectacular! (Hour Long Special)

(Posted 10/22/09) S3E8 (51): MermaidMan & BarnacleBoy Visit/Big Mouth

(Posted 10/22/09) S3E9 (52): Long-Lost Brother

(Posted 10/22/09) S3E10 (53): Stormy/Mystery II

(Posted 10/22/09) S3E11 (54): That Stupid Song/Patrick Patty

(Posted 10/23/09) S3E12 (55): Confronting Kurne

(Posted 10/30/09) S3E13 (56): Suspicions/Fight! Fight!

(Posted 11/03/09) S3E14 (57): The Doctor's Office/Where Are My Friends?

(Posted 01/16/10) S3E15 (58): An Unusual Return/He's Got the Power

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Season One

S1E1 (1)- The Big Move: After Patrick's home is destroyed by some of he and SpongeBob's shenanigans, he finds a vacant rock in WaterFalls, and he needs some money to move there. He gets some from Mr. Krabs after working for the Krusty Krab, then pays for the house. Then, he leaves Bikini Bottom, and says goodbye to everyone. SpongeBob does not want to say goodbye, and goes through a hard time. When Patrick arrives, he meets Yvonne, who he likes immediately. He moves into his house right away (making furniture using sand, of course). The episode ends with Patrick saying "I'm going to like it here."

S1E2 (2)- Nautical Nuisance/New Neighbor: Nautical Nuisance: Patrick really enjoys life in WaterFalls. Then, he sees a sign posted on a pole that says "WATERFALLS BAND: ACCEPTING NEW MEMBERS." Patrick goes to the Band Hall and gets an instrument (no... not mayonnaise). Patrick then goes home to practice his trombone. He's not very good, and he is very noisy with it. His grumpy old neighbor Ian comes to confront him about the constant, loud, noises. Patrick says he understands, and Ian is happy when he leaves Patrick's house. Then, almost as soon as Ian leaves, the noise continues. He goes back into Patrick's house and Patrick says "Oh... I'm sorry. Why don't you come over for dinner?" Ian accepts. Later that day, Ian comes over. He is disgusted by his neighbor's lifestyle. Patrick tries serving him sandburgers and French fries (which are also made of sand). Ian then makes the tough decision to move away from WaterFalls. Patrick is hurt by this decision, and starts to stay in his house a lot. Yvonne is the one to get him out. She tells him that everyone on the street hated Ian in the first place, and that he was a giant jerk. She tells Patrick that he did the whole neighborhood a big favor. This makes Patrick feel better, and he and Yvonne go and get an ice cream cone.

New Neighbor: Patrick waits for someone to move into Ian's old house. It has been about three months since he moved. Yvonne says houses usually fill up very fast in their neighborhood. Patrick and Yvonne wonder if they will ever get a new neighbor. Patrick is sitting on top of his rock playing the trombone, and suddenly, he sees a moving boat come in. Patrick sees his new neighbor. Harold Cod steps out of the moving boat, carrying his luggage. Patrick walks over to him, and asks him if he needs some help with the bags. Harold greatly accepts the help. Patrick goes into his house with the luggage, and notices that Harold's house isn't exactly spotless. It's messy and unorganized like Patrick's is. Patrick and Harold instantly connect to each other, and then they become the best of friends immediately. They go to see movies and go to the park, and then Yvonne gets jealous. She goes to Patrick and says, "Why don't we hang out anymore?" Patrick says that he's busy most of the time with Harold, and Yvonne gets angry at him, and gives him a hasty "FINE!" Then, Patrick realizes he hurt her feelings, and he goes to her house with Harold, and they both apologize to her. The three of them agree to hang out together.

S1E3 (3)- Job Hunting/That '70s Pat: Job Hunting: Patrick is sitting down watching TV with Harold and Yvonne. Suddenly, while they are in the middle of their favorite show, the TV breaks. Patrick needs money for a new TV! He goes and finds a job at Archie's Shop, one of the busiest jobs in town. After he works for Archie for a month, Archie gives Patrick new TV because he just got a better one. Patrick continues to work for Archie, and decides to permanently work for Archie. Then, Patrick becomes too absorbed in his work, and Harold and Yvonne get angry that they no longer spend time with them. Patrick is staying at Archie's Shop long past his shift, and they are angry. Then, when they approach him, Patrick decides to work less, and let Harold and Yvonne visit him at work.

That '70s Pat: Jeremy Clown sees Patrick hanging out with Harold and Yvonne. He is jealous. Jeremy Clown is incredibly rich and smart, but he is lonely. He lives alone. He has no friends. He has no family. He is depressed. Then, he gets an idea. He puts Patrick in a confusing environment, and makes him think that he has traveled back in time to the 1970s. Patrick is confused, but manages to get an afro and some groovy clothes! Jeremy is angry when Patrick manages to make friends with the people that Jeremy hired to convince Patrick that it was the '70s. Eventually, Patrick gets out of the '70s environment, and meets Jeremy for the first time. After Jeremy explains what he did, Patrick says "Uh... okay," and leaves.

S1E4 (4)- Meet the Starfish Parents/My Life as a Teenage Patrick: Meet the Starfish Parents: Patrick is sleeping, and suddenly, his telephone rings. He answers, and his parents are on the phone (his REAL parents). They ask him how SpongeBob, Squidward, Sandy, and Mr. Krabs are doing. This is when Patrick realizes that he still has not informed his parents about his move to WaterFalls. So, he tells them. They then insist that they come to dinner at Patrick's house, and they want to be introduced to Patrick's new friends. Patrick hesitates, but says okay. His parents are very happy, and they hang up. Patrick then invites Harold, Yvonne, and Archie over for dinner at his house the next night. They all accept. The next night, Patrick's parents arrive. About twenty minutes later, Harold and Yvonne come. Five minutes later, Archie comes, too. Then, Jeremy pops in, uninvited! Jeremy tells Patrick's parents all sorts of things that Patrick does NOT want them to hear. Patrick is angry, and kicks Jeremy out. Patrick's parents are then upset, and say to let the little clownfish back in the house. Patrick says no. Then his parents are angry with him, and say that they are disappointed that he left Bikini Bottom. Then, when they ask how he even knows Archie, Archie says that Patrick works for him. Both parents are shocked that their son got a job. They suddenly approve of Patrick's new life. Dinner is then served, and everyone says it is delicious, what they don't know is that Jeremy put something in it that makes them drowsy. Suddenly, everyone dozes off, except Harold, who said he was not hungry. He is able to catch Jeremy and get the antidote. Then, when Patrick's parents wake up, they realize what a terrible little fish Jeremy is, and they kick him out of the house with their son.

My Life as a Teenage Patrick: Jeremy puts Patrick in a machine that makes him a teenager again, and Patrick's bratty behavior makes Harold and Yvonne have to look after him. Archie has to find Jeremy and get him to restore Patrick to his normal age, though it is very difficult to find him. Patrick goes missing after he runs away from Harold and Yvonne, and it is up to the two of them to find him. They find him in a sketchy part of town, hanging out with a gang of some bad teenage fish. It is difficult to convince Patrick to come back to the house, but eventually, they can. Archie can not find Jeremy, and then he receives some help from a man he meets in his shop. When Archie finally finds Jeremy, they get Patrick back in the machine, and he is returned to his original age.

S1E5 (5)- Yvonnes Sister/Soap Opera: Yvonnes Sister: Yvonnes sister comes to visit her one day, and Patrick immediately likes her, Shelly, as well. Shelly is a purple starfish with blond hair, like her sister. Then, Patrick and Shelly go out on a date, which upsets Yvonne. This confuses Yvonne, because she thought that she and Patrick were just friends, but she feels different about him in this situation. While on the date with Shelly, Patrick eats like a slob, and Shelly is disgusted. She says Er Patrick, dont you think you could use your fork? and Patrick says Uh whats a fork? Then, when Shelly and Patrick go home, Yvonne asks them, So, how did it go? Shelly says it was okay, but she and Patrick will probably never go out on a date ever again. Yvonne is happy, and happy that she did not have to tell Patrick about her feelings.

Soap Opera: A new soap opera premieres on TV, and Patrick, Harold, and Yvonne really enjoy sitting down and watching it together. They enjoy the twists and turns involve in the show, and then, when one of the characters says that he is leaving the town of Fishville, all three of them are shocked and upset. Then, after the show, there is a commercial saying that there will be auditions to replace the character. Patrick already has a job, and Yvonne is a girl, so Harold says that he is going to audition. When Harold goes, the casting agents say he is perfect for the role of Artimus, the other characterÔÇÖs evil twin. He begins acting in the show, and becomes the stuck up celebrity type. He treats Patrick and Yvonne horribly, and he treats everyone like his slaves. Patrick and he have a talk, but he practically spits on Patrick with disgust. HeÔÇÖs a giant jerk. He gets movie deals, and commercials, and more. Their little Harold is a big star. But then, when his character leaves the show, his fame evaporates. He is a Hollywood washout. HeÔÇÖs a nobody. He goes to Patrick and Yvonne and begs for forgiveness. Reluctantly, they forgive him, and enjoy watching the show.

S1E6 (6)- Babysitting/The Stink: Babysitting: The neighbors need someone to watch their children while they go on vacation. Both Patrick and Yvonne ask for the job, and the neighbors say both can have the job and they can split the pay. What they didnÔÇÖt know was that the neighbors had twenty-six children! Patrick and Yvonne have some issues keeping the children calm. And then, they lose the children, and have to find all twenty-six of them before their parents get home!

The Stink: Patrick and Harold make a bet to see who can go without showering longer. But, when customers begin complaining about ÔÇÿthe stinkÔÇÖ Patrick needs to shower. And, Harold can barely stand smelling himself. Both shower at the EXACT same time! That means that they both have to eat eighteen year old bananas, according to Yvonne!

S1E7 (7)- Too Tired to Work/Extinct: Too Tired to Work: After Patrick begins staying up very late, he is too tired to come to work. Archie tells him to get some sleep, but he can never fall asleep, and he thinks that there is something wrong with his house that is not letting him sleep well. He searches the entire house once, twice, three times, and finds nothing wrong. Then, Harold and Yvonne help Patrick look for something wrong. They check once, twice, three times, and find nothing. Then, they find out that Jeremy put a pea under PatrickÔÇÖs mattress so he would not be able to sleep! Patrick kicks Jeremy out of his house, and manages to sleep.

Extinct: Patrick befriends a sea creature whose species supposedly died out billions of years ago. But, no one but Patrick is able to see him. Archie sends him to a therapist because these fantasies are interfering with his work. The therapist says he can see the creature too, and the both of them start a club for people who can see it. Then, the sea creature reveals itself at the end of the episode, then suddenly disappears to everyone, even Patrick and his therapist.

S1E8 (8 )- Lost: Jeremy thinks he has come up with the ultimate scheme to make PatrickÔÇÖs life miserable! He puts Patrick on an island (yes, an UNDERWATER island). He is trapped there, alone. Then Harold, Yvonne, and Archie come looking for him. They find them, then their ship mysteriously disappears. The four of them encounter a tribe of fish with mysterious secrets and ideals. They become part of the tribe, and then are nearly sacrificed to the gods, until Jeremy realizes what he did was way over the line, and he saves the four of them. But then, the boat he comes in to save them runs out of gas, and they are all trapped in the middle of nowhere! They need someone to rescue them, but there is no cell phone reception! They wave their hands in the air, but no passing helicopters reply. Then, when they see a passing boat, they point their thumbs up in the air (yes, they suddenly have FIVE fingers instead of four!) The boat stops, and lets them in. Yvonne says that the man in the boat looks a bit sketchy, but everyone ignores her, and gets in the boat with him. Yvonne hesitates, but gets in the car. It turns out that Yvonne was right! The man takes them to an abandoned building, and leaves them there. He drives away. Hours later, people come and say ÔÇ£Here are our workers.ÔÇØ They put all five of them to work. ItÔÇÖs slave labor! Then, JeremyÔÇÖs assistant Calvin Clam comes and saves all of them.

S1E9 (9)- Busted/Issues With Sharing: Busted: Patrick really needs a new remote for his television, and he figures itÔÇÖs okay if he just takes it from ArchieÔÇÖs Shop. So, he does. And, no one cares. But then, he realizes that he didnÔÇÖt take an ordinary remote. He took a thousand dollar remote that has special powers! Then, he goes to special precautions so he is not caught. And, as a bonus, he plays with the remote! But, Archie catches Patrick, and reminds him that stealing is wrong. Patrick has learned a lesson. But, when he canÔÇÖt find the remote to return it, he is thrown in jail. Harold and Yvonne put their money together to bail him out.

Issues With Sharing: Harold gets a new video game for his game system, and Patrick thinks it looks like tons of fun. Patrick loves watching him play it. But, when Patrick asks to play with him, Harold says no, and the two get in a fight about Harold not sharing with him. Yvonne is the one to have them reunite when she makes them sit in a room together for forty-eight hours.

S1E10 (10)- WaterFalls Challenge/HaroldÔÇÖs Job: WaterFalls Challenge: WaterFalls is challenging its residents to have the cleanest house in town! Patrick makes an attempt, but of course, falls short (WAY short). Yvonne makes an attempt, but when she tries, Patrick volunteers to help, and ruins everything. And Harold tries, but gets tired after a while, and does not finish. The winner is their neighbor Robert. Robert then gets $500! But, there is a catch, Robert has to let a bunch of tourists through his home, so they can show the quality standards that WaterFalls has for their residents. Robert thinks that it is unfair that they did not tell him about this. Patrick, Harold, and Yvonne help him launch a protest about the unfairness of the WaterFalls Challenge, which ends in them being sent to jail. Archie bails them out, and tells the mayor that it is against the law for him to have people come through RobertÔÇÖs home when he did not agree to it, and the mayor gets angry. Then, Archie reminds the mayor that what he did it is against the law, and the mayor has Robert sign the paper. Robert reluctantly does. The state of RobertÔÇÖs home causes tons of people to move to WaterFalls!

HaroldÔÇÖs Job: To spend a bit more time with Patrick, Harold gets a job at ArchieÔÇÖs shop. But, Harold is not very good at working, as Archie learns after he hires him. Patrick and Harold cause all sorts of trouble in the store, and Archie has no choice but to fire Harold. He goes to fire him, when Harold quits, because he is bored with the job, and wants to find something else to do.


And there's the first half of Season 1.

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S1E11 (11)- YvonneÔÇÖs New Hair/ Krabs Takeover: YvonneÔÇÖs New Hair: Yvonne becomes self-conscious about her looks after she goes to a beauty salon and sees people that are much prettier than she is. Then, she thinks that she can make herself much prettier by getting a new hairdo! So, she gets a new hairdo at the barber. When she shows it to Patrick and Harold, they say that it is great. But, when Patrick and Harold are speaking in private, they say that there is nothing different about her hair. It takes a while for Yvonne to realize that she was scammed by the barber. When she does realize it though, she goes and approaches him. He says he used the greatest style of hairsty.ling: imagination. Then, Yvonne comes to the conclusion that this man is ÔÇ£mentally unstableÔÇØ and she just asks for a refund, which he gives to her. Patrick, Harold, and Yvonne decide that it would be best if they never go to that barber again.

Krabs Takeover: Mr. Krabs comes to see Patrick at WaterFalls! Then, Patrick decides to take him to work with him to show him how well he is doing. Then, Mr. Krabs says that ArchieÔÇÖs Shop is amateur at best. He makes some ÔÇÿminor suggestions,ÔÇÖ and soon he is the manager of ArchieÔÇÖs Shop! Archie is such a kind person, that he cannot find it in his heart to tell Mr. Krabs to leave. So, he puts the task on PatrickÔÇÖs shoulders. This is a tough decision, because Patrick thinks that he and Mr. Krabs go way back. Yvonne advises him to tell Mr. Krabs to get back to Bikini Bottom, because chances are that he wonÔÇÖt ever see him again, and even if he does, he wonÔÇÖt see him for a long time. So, Patrick goes to tell Mr. Krabs to hit the road, and then Mr. Krabs gets a call from Pearl. She needs him home right away. He quits his job and rushes back to Bikini Bottom for his little baby Pearl!

S1E12 (12)- Stupidity/Clowning Around: Stupidity: After a brand new show premieres on television, everyone in WaterFalls starts sitting on the couch and watching it. The strange thing is, the show is just a fish on a screen. But then, everyone in WaterFalls becomes, well stupid. Everyone except Patrick, who was already stupid! He thinks that everyone in town was brainwashed. He knows where to check. He runs to Jeremys house. There he finds Jeremy broadcasting the TV show! Jeremy is yelling Yes! YES! Face my wrath, WaterFalls. Especially you, Patrick Then, Patrick comes in and says Hi, Jeremy. Then Jeremy says, OH NO!!! and Patrick says, Yep Im not stupid. Jeremy then mumbles At least, not any more stupid than you already were. Patrick then beats Jeremy up, saving the city of WaterFalls from the epidemic of impending stupidity.

Clowning Around: After being beat up by Patrick, Jeremy is crippled. He needs money for an operation to heal himself. His insurance will not cover it, and he refuses to pay any of his precious money for it. So, he decides to get a job. He gets a job as a clown, and stands in front of a popular restaurant and jumps around and entertains people. But, when people begin making fun of him, he canÔÇÖt take it, and he goes on a rampage through town in a giant clown suit! Patrick, Harold, and Yvonne have to try to stop him from destroying WaterFalls. The three of them climb up the giant clown suit, and get inside the hatch at the top, where Jeremy is controlling the suit. They are able to beat him up, putting him back where he started. He decides to use his own money to cover the operation, and everything is okay.

S1E13 (13)- Bride of Archie: Archie proposes to his girlfriend, and she accepts. Everyone is happy for Archie, and they clap for him when he makes the announcement. Then, the screen says ÔÇ£FOUR MONTHS LATERÔÇØ and we fast forward to the wedding. ArchieÔÇÖs wedding is amazing. ItÔÇÖs in a room made of gold. ArchieÔÇÖs fianc?®e, Stacey, walks down the aisle with her father, William. But, Archie is not there! Patrick, Harold, Yvonne, and Stacey decide to go and look for him. Stacey shows a picture of them to people that they see. A man named Jared says that he saw him go on a hot air balloon. So, Patrick, Harold, Yvonne, and Stacey rent a hot air balloon and sail up into the sky, searching for Archie. They see him in the distance, in a yellow hot air balloon. They try to go towards him, and then the wind blows them away! They are washed away to New Kelp City! There, they tell the citizens that they need a new hot air balloon. The mayor gives them one for free, but he just wants them to sing a song! Stacey (special guest voice Fergie) sings ÔÇ£Finding Archie,ÔÇØ and the mayor then gives them a hot air balloon. They ride off, and they think they see a yellow hot air balloon. Then, a gust of wind takes them right to ArchieÔÇÖs balloon! Stacey jumps right into it. Then, so do Patrick, then Yvonne, and then, Harold. They all ask Archie why he isnÔÇÖt at the wedding. He says, ÔÇ£IÔÇÖm sorry, StaceyÔǪ I justÔǪ I didnÔÇÖt know what to do. I was so nervousÔǪ and y-youÔÇÖre just so beautiful. I didnÔÇÖt think that a woman like you would be happy with a man like me.ÔÇØ Stacey says, ÔÇ£Archie Boss, I love you. I want to be Mrs. Boss.ÔÇØ Then, after a quick kiss (to which Harold says ÔÇ£YUCK!ÔÇØ) we fast forward to the wedding, where we see them getting married. The words ÔÇ£THE ENDÔÇØ come over the screen.

S1E14 (14)- Talent/Mystery: Talent: Patrick, Harold, and Yvonne are very bored one day, and are looking for something fun to do. Then, there is a commercial on TV: Talent show! Thats right, you heard me! WaterFalls is having a talent show! Come on, come all! Do you have a talent? Great!! Come to the community center at 6:30 PM SHARP in exactly ONE WEEK if you want to participate, or just watch! Yvonne suggests that they go to the community center so they can be in the talent show. Patrick says that it is a great idea, and that he can play mayonnaise! Then, Yvonne says Um how about you play your trombone instead? and Patrick says Now thats thinking! Harold decides that he will not enter because he has no talent. But, Yvonne says, Harold, arent you a great comedian? and he says Oh yeah thanks for reminding me! Yvonne decides that she will sing. So, the next week, they go to the WaterFalls community center. It is the night of the talent show! Everyone dances and sings, jokes and puppets, mimes and well, you get the picture. Then, it is Yvonnes turn. She sings a famous song that everyone loves, and then, then everyone in the crowd cheers and yells and claps for her. Then, some more people go, and it is Patricks turn. He plays the trombone, and everyone claps and yells and cheers for him. Harold then goes up and tells some of his jokes, and when he is finished, the crowd is laughing and clapping for his wonderful performance. Then, the crowd is told to wait to find out who the winner is. Patrick claims that he will win. Harold claims that he will win. Yvonne claims that she will win. Then, the three of them start beating each other up, fighting in a hilarious way. Then the announcer says The winner is Yvonne Starrina, with her amazing singing! And then, there is an encore of Yvonnes performance.

Mystery: In the first installment of this The Misadventures of Patrick Star ÔÇÿMysteryÔÇÖ series, Patrick and Harold unite as detectives when Archie wants to know why the order of items in an aisle has been reversed. They come up with new names: Patrick isÔǪ Detective 1. Harold isÔǪ That Other Guy. Detective 1 and That Other Guy begin to interrogate employees, but they get into an argument when That Other Guy blames Detective 1 for the crime. Then, they both forgive each other when Archie says that he was the one who did it, and he merely forgot about it.

S1E15 (15)- Secrets/Makeup: Secrets: Harold is leaving his house late at night, and coming back early in the morning, and both Patrick and Yvonne have noticed. They talk to each other about it, and decide that they will both camp out in PatrickÔÇÖs house, looking out the window. They will take shifts looking out the window. While one is looking out the window, the other will get the chance to sleep. Then, there is a problem, when it is PatrickÔÇÖs shift, he falls asleep! Yvonne is angry with him when it is the end of his shift, because Harold is already home, and they still donÔÇÖt know what it is that he has been doing! Then, Yvonne hires a man who claims to be stealthy. He will follow Harold for them. After a day of following him, the spy tells them that Harold is taking dance clas.ses. Patrick and Yvonne go to him and tell them that they know his secret. At first, Harold is upset that they spied on him and that they know. Then, he decides that it is probably better that they know. He has them go to one of his dance recitals to see him dance. Then, Harold messes up, and falls down. He breaks his fin! Then, he is shipped off to Weenie Hut General, ending the episode.

Makeup: Yvonne begins looking at beauty magazines, as she is obsessed with appearances and things like that. An article says Makeup is now all the rage! Pick it up at the store unless youre totally lame! And Yvonne takes it very seriously. She then buys tons of expensive makeup, and Patrick thinks that she looks horrible. When he tells her what he thinks, she gets angry, and they get in a fight. Harold tries to get them to make up, only getting him involved in the fight as well. When it begins interfering at work when Yvonne and Harold come to visit or shop, Archie tries to solve the problem with a simple solution: get rid of the makeup. So, Yvonne does, and everything is okay again, when Patrick, Harold, and Archie remind her that looks are not everything.

S1E16 (16)- Concert/Movie Craze: Concert: During a band meeting at the community center, Mrs. Brown tells everyone that the band will be having a concert in one week, and that everyone should prepare so they will have a great performance when the day of the concert comes. Patrick thinks that he is terrible at his trombone, so he stresses and practices like crazy. He doesnÔÇÖt hang out with Harold and Yvonne at all, and they begin to start hanging out without him. But they begin to miss Patrick. Then, Patrick even misses work! HeÔÇÖs usually always on time for work! All at the same time, Harold, Yvonne, and Archie all come to PatrickÔÇÖs rock at the same time to talk to him. When they see what Patrick has been doing, they talk to him about adjusting his schedule, and to stop worrying, and to spend a few hours of every day practicing, and not twenty-four hours a day. Patrick takes their advice, and invites them to the concert, and everything is okay. Then, on the day of the concert, they all go together, and when Patrick plays Harold, Yvonne, and Archie decide that he should have practiced twenty-four hours a day after all. He is horrible! After the concert, none of them have the heart to tell him, and he is convinced that he was terrific. Mrs. Brown is the one to tell him that he was terrible, and then Patrick thinks that she is just crazy, and they all go back to PatrickÔÇÖs house for a party, celebrating his ÔÇÿterrificÔÇÖ performance.

Movie Craze: Scary Plotter, a popular book now made movie, comes out in theaters, and all anyone wants to do is see it. This includes Patrick, Harold, and Yvonne. They are all trying desperately to get their hands on tickets for the movie, but all of them are unsuccessful in their various attempts. The only thing that they can do is sneak into the theater, which involves them making a very smart (well, most would call it very dumb) plan to get into the theater. They try to sneak in, but are immediately caught, and thrown in the WaterFalls Jail for the night. Approximately eight months pass, and Patrick, Harold, and Yvonne try to rent the movie on DVD, but CodBuster has no more copies of it!

S1E17 (17)- Curiosity Killed the Pat: Archie Boss is a fish (we dont know what kind of fish though he could be anything). He is a wonderful boss, or at least he acts like one. But could he be a killer? And could he have murdered his own wife? Patrick begins to have suspicions when he is invited to Archies house, and Stacey is nowhere to be seen. And, usually while at work, Archie always talks about his wife and what Archie and her did the previous night, but recently Staceys name had not come up at all. Patrick was very confused. So he talked to Harold and Yvonne about his suspicions. Harold overreacts and jumps to a very harsh conclusion: he says that Archie killed Stacey! Yvonne is totally against Harolds theory, saying that it is totally ridiculous. So, when Patrick and Harold sneak into Archies mansion to search for Stacey or any clues, Yvonne hastily objects to tagging along. While Patrick and Harold are inside of Archies mansion, they get split up, and are lost inside of the massive mansion. Harold is chased through the house by Archies vicious seadog, and Patrick thinks that he is being watched by a ghost, the ghost of Stacey! Then, it all ends when Patrick and Harold crash into each other, and Stacey! Stacey is outraged that the two of them are in her home uninvited, and she calls Archie right away, with a very scratchy voice. They all meet in the den, and Archie explains everything to Patrick and Harold. Stacey had been keeping herself in the bedroom because she has been feeling very sick. And, Archie has not been mentioning her because he is very worried about her health. Patrick and Harold feel horrible, and they leave. Because they feel so bad, they visit Stacey (with Yvonne) every day until she makes a full recovery. After Stacey is all better, Archie and Yvonne remind Patrick and Harold that thinking things about someone with no logic to back up the theory is a rumor, and making rumors is wrong. Patrick and Harold say that they have learned a lesson, and then they only start another rumor about Yvonne!

S1E18 (18 )- Hide and Seek/Yvonne Writes a Song: Hide and Seek: After Harold claims that Patrick is no good at any game that they play, Yvonne has an idea. The three of them should play hide and seek. But, not just any game of hide and seek. Hide and seek, hiding in any place in WaterFalls. They invite every resident of WaterFalls to play the game with them, and everyone attends, except one fish. Guess who. When word gets to Jeremy, a great idea hits him. Hell actually hide everyone in WaterFalls from Patrick, and Patrick will have to seek them! Jeremy thinks that this is his best plan yet. Patrick will be driven crazy looking for all of the people of WaterFalls, but he will never find them! He will be alone for the rest of his life! So, when the games begin, Jeremy uses a new machine that he got to capture all of the residents of WaterFalls except Patrick in a net. Patrick goes crazy trying to find them, like Jeremy suspected. But then, Yvonne escapes, and goes and finds Patrick. She tells him where Jeremy had hidden her and the other residents of WaterFalls. Together, Patrick and Yvonne find them, and everyone is happy, though they are mad at Patrick for getting them in that situation in the first place. But, they take their anger out on Jeremy by kicking his butt!

Yvonne Writes a Song: Yvonne is just sitting in her house, practically bored to tears. Then, she gets a sudden burst of inspiration, and she writes a song its about love. She becomes famous from this song, and she has to find the perfect singer to sing it. She picks Stacey to sing the song, and it is an instant hit on FishTunes. Then, she has an interview with a magazine, and the interviewer asks her who the inspiration for the hit song Wishing I Had You was. Stacey says the name Rick, but in her mind she is saying repeatedly: Patrick. Patrick Star. The episode ends with Stacey making the music video of Wishing I Had You.

S1E19 (19)- Missing Money/The Pillow: Missing Money: Patrick blames Harold and Yvonne when $32 are missing from his wallet, and the three of them get in a fight. Harold and Yvonne are both against Patrick for blaming them without a reason. They say that he probably just spent the money. Patrick says that there is no way that he spent the money, and then Patrick is no longer friends with Harold and Yvonne. Then, he finds the $32, and he says that everything is okay to Harold and Yvonne, but they want an apology. But, Patrick says that he doesnÔÇÖt need to apologize. Eventually, Patrick just says heÔÇÖs sorry, and everything is okay.

The Pillow: A special pillow is delivered to Patrick, and Harold and Yvonne tell him not to use it because he doesnÔÇÖt know who sent it to him. Patrick, of course, ignores both of them, and puts the pillow on his bed, and sleeps. But, inside the pillow is a tiny little robot, planted in by Jeremy. The robot climbs into PatrickÔÇÖs head, and controls him. Patrick loses his job and his friendship with Harold and Yvonne because of the robot, who makes him act very rude to everyone. When Harold tries to hit him, he whacks the robot right out of Patrick. Everything is okay!

S1E20 (20)- Party at Archies House!: Patrick, Harold, and Yvonne are very bored lately. Theres nothing to do in WaterFalls. Its very dull the same thing every day. Every single day. They look desperately for something to entertain them, but find nothing. Then, something wonderful comes up. Archie is throwing a party! They all go out and buy some party clothes at the WaterFalls Outlet Mall. Eleven days later, its party time! Most of WaterFalls heads off to Archies mansion. They get there, and start dancing, and during karaoke, Stacey and Yvonne shine when they sing a duet. Then, it gets too wild when Patrick accidentally breaks one of Archies family heirlooms. It was a painting of Archies great-great-great grandfather with a solid gold frame. Archies great-great-great grandfather was the one who discovered WaterFalls. The painting was worth $8,000,000,000! There is someone at the party who can help Patrick fix the painting, Gerald. Gerald can try to fix it and look like nothing happened to the painting, but Harold and Yvonne have to make sure that Archie does not step foot in the room that Patrick and Gerald are in. Gerald manages to fix it, and then Patrick just accidentally breaks it again! Then, Archie walks in! Patrick is scared that he will be fired for costing his boss $8,000,000,000, and for destroying a painting of the founder of WaterFalls. But, Archie only laughs. He explains that the painting was a replica, and worth no more than $8, and not $8,000,000,000. Patrick is relieved, and he learns the lesson that he should not hide anything from anyone, because hell always get caught.


And that's the end of Season One. I'll be posting the HIT second season here soon. 893573.gif

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S2E1 (21)- Sponge of a Friend (1): Life in WaterFalls has been pretty exciting lately, ArchieÔÇÖs Shop just got a new employee named Nicholas. Patrick, Harold, and Yvonne are not sure how they feel about Nicholas, but Nicholas really wants to be their friend, especially since he lives in their neighborhood. But, a distraction comes when SpongeBob arrives in WaterFalls to visit Patrick! Harold and Yvonne say that they are happy to finally meet the famous SpongeBob SquarePants who Patrick will never shut up about. SpongeBob is flattered, and the four of them decide that they should find something exciting to do. They decide to go sandboarding (the underwater equivalent to snowboarding). While they are sandboarding, Jeremy sees them, and has a perfect plan. Patrick seemed very attached to the sponge. He decides to use his new mind control device to make SpongeBob his slave. We see Patrick, Harold, Yvonne, and SpongeBob sandboarding, then Patrick suddenly falls down, and Harold, Yvonne, and SpongeBob rush to go and save him. He crashes into a tree. He wakes up in a hospital bed, with Harold, Yvonne, and SpongeBob looking at him. After they talk about what happens, SpongeBob says that he is going to go to tell the nurse that Patrick woke up. Then, when SpongeBob is in the hall, Jeremy knocks him out, drags him to his mansion, and uses his mind control device to make him his slave. He whispers to SpongeBob, "Destroy Patrick Star..."

S2E2 (22)- Sponge of an Enemy (2): Previously on The Misadventures of Patrick Star... A new employee at ArchieÔÇÖs shop named Nicholas lives in PatrickÔÇÖs neighborhood, but that doesnÔÇÖt matter. What matters is that SpongeBob stops by WaterFalls to visit. While Patrick, Harold, Yvonne, and SpongeBob are sandboarding, Jeremy uses his new mind control device to send SpongeBob on a mission to destroy Patrick, his best friend!

SpongeBob, whose eyes are now red and spirals, walks into PatrickÔÇÖs hospital room and says ÔÇ£Hello, Patrick Star, how are you doing today?ÔÇØ Patrick is confused. SpongeBob never calls him ÔÇ£Patrick StarÔÇØ just ÔÇ£Patrick.ÔÇØ In fact, Patrick wasnÔÇÖt really sure he had a last name, or a middle nameÔǪ. ÔÇ£Hello, SpongeBob SquarePants, IÔÇÖm fineÔǪÔÇØ Patrick says, still feeling confused. The conversation goes on with SpongeBob continuing to talk abnormally, and Patrick reacting with his stupidity growing. Then, Harold and Yvonne walk in, and Yvonne immediately says ÔÇ£Uh, SpongeBob, you lookÔǪ different, are you okay?ÔÇØ SpongeBob assures Yvonne that he is ÔÇ£satisfactory.ÔÇØ The scene ends, and the next scene is in JeremyÔÇÖs mansion, while he is talking to his assistant, Calvin Clam (last seen in episode eight, Lost). Calvin is asking Jeremy why he used the mind control device when it is only a prototype, and Jeremy assures him that the device is fine, and SpongeBob will successfully destroy Patrick with no trouble. Calvin says ÔÇ£I hope youÔÇÖre rightÔǪÔÇØ We go back to PatrickÔÇÖs house to see that he just has a cast on his arm, and he is watching TV with Harold, Yvonne, and SpongeBob. Suddenly, SpongeBob snaps. He punches Patrick in the throat. ÔÇ£Oh no!ÔÇØ Harold yells. ÔÇ£Harold kicks SpongeBob, and then Yvonne slaps him. SpongeBob then grabs Patrick, and says, ÔÇ£Patrick Star must be taken to my master.ÔÇØ He runs and shoves Patrick in HaroldÔÇÖs boatmobile, and drives off. Harold and Yvonne are left alone, confused. ÔÇ£What just happened?ÔÇØ Yvonne asked, and Harold said he doesnÔÇÖt know. Then, they need to find out who SpongeBobÔÇÖs ÔÇÿmasterÔÇÖ is. They brainstorm, and they realize that the only fish in WaterFalls who wants to get rid of Patrick is Jeremy. So they hop into YvonneÔÇÖs boatmobile and see SpongeBob driving HaroldÔÇÖs boatmobile just ahead of them. They speed up, and then SpongeBob does. Suddenly, itÔÇÖs a giant car chase! Then, SpongeBob hits a milk truck to slow Yvonne down, and suddenly milk is rushing towards them, and Yvonne swerves, crashing her boatmobile. ÔÇ£No!ÔÇØ she yells. Then, they call a taxi and tell them to go to JeremyÔÇÖs mansion. The taxi gets them there, and they see SpongeBob park, so they sneak inside. They see follow SpongeBob stealthily. Patrick spots them, and yells ÔÇ£Hi, guys!ÔÇØ which gives them away. SpongeBob then rushes towards Yvonne, and knocks her out. ÔÇ£How dare you!ÔÇØ Patrick says. The next thing he knows, heÔÇÖs rushing towards his best friend, beating him up. ÔÇ£Heart..ÔÇØ SpongeBob says. ÔÇ£What?ÔÇØ Harold asks. ÔÇ£HeartÔǪ breaking,ÔÇØ SpongeBob says. Suddenly, SpongeBob snaps out of it. He hugs Patrick, then he hugs Harold, then he gets Yvonne up and hugs her. Calvin tells Jeremy, ÔÇ£I told you the prototype might have glitchesÔǪÔÇØ and Jeremy twitches.

S2E3 (23)- Is Nicholas a Friend?/What a Fight: Is Nicholas a Friend?: SpongeBob is gone, so its just Patrick, Harold, Yvonne and Nicholas. He wants to know if he can be their friend, but theyre not so sure. I have an idea! Patrick said. So, he says that Nicholas should go through a series of challenges. First, he is stung by 46 jellyfish 3 times each. Then, he has to race Enrique, the fastest runner in WaterFalls. What does this have to do with being your friend? he asks, panting, after the race. Yvonne shrugs, as if she is embarrassed. Then, after 18 more grueling challenges like petting electric eels, cleaning Harolds bathroom, and dusting Patricks house, Nicholas quits. Yvonne thinks Harold should be their friend, but Patrick and Yvonne say he did not complete all the challenges, so he cant be. Yvonne begs Nicholas to come back and complete the last challenge. So, he comes back and does the last challenge: touch his toes. Done! Nicholas is now their friend, and he is happy. The episode ends with Nicholas smiling, and Yvonne sighing in relief.

What a Fight: After going to see a movie, Patrick notices that his wallet is missing. When he goes to Harolds house later that day, he finds it there, on Harolds coffee table. Thief! Patrick yells. Harold insists he did not steal it, and Patrick left it there after watching The Fishez live on TV the night before. But, Patrick doesnt believe him, so Harold yells, Get out of my house! Now, the two are in a huge fight. The next day, Yvonne and Nicholas come over, and ask where Patrick is, and Harold says he doesnt care. Uh-oh Yvonne says, sensing the tension. Then, she goes over to Patricks house to see him, and he is sitting down in his chair, looking angry. Then, she does something to cheer him up. She kisses him on the cheek, then walks off. Seconds later, Patrick goes to Harolds house. Then, Yvonne realizes she made a big mistake.

S2E4 (24)- Fat Pat/Caffeine Rush: Fat Pat: Yvonne fears the repercussions of kissing Patrick on the cheek, but then when she goes to his house the next day, he acts as if everything is normal. She is relieved. Harold, Yvonne, and Nicholas are all over at PatrickÔÇÖs house, and they decide to listen to the radio. Then, Patrick hears that there is an eating contest at a fair. So, he goes to that fair and eats tons of pies. Then, they say that the contest hasnÔÇÖt started yet. So, they make more pies, and Patrick eats even more. The next day, Archie says that Patrick is too fat to work at the store, so he has to lose some weight. Harold and Nicholas start taking him to the gym every day. But, he gets easily exhausted. So, he gets a personal trainer: Jake. Jake helps Patrick get really fit. A little too fit. He becomes obnoxious, and then he enters in an anchor throwing competition. Then, when he sees that his friends donÔÇÖt like the new him, he immediately stops, and everything is back to normal.

Caffeine Rush: Patrick, Harold, Yvonne, and Nicholas go to Seabucks to get a cup of coffee. Harold has never had coffee before, and he overdoes it, having tons of coffee. Then, he goes on a rampage through WaterFalls. And when Jeremy sees this, he cant help but exploit it. He makes Harold angry and angrier, and soon Harold is attacking everyone, including the people he is closest to, like Patrick, for instance. But then, Yvonne runs to Seabucks and asks if there is a cure for having 100 cups of their coffee. And they suggest the Special Seabucks Tranquilizer Gun. So, Yvonne shoots Harold, and they all take him home.

S2E5 (25)- No Pet for Pat/Paid Vacation: No Pet for Pat: The episode opens with Patrick working at Archies Shop, and he hears a storm coming. He continues working, and then when his shift is over, and he sees a little sea-snail, whining. Patrick, of course, doesnt want to leave the little baby snail alone, so he picks it up and takes it home. Im gonna call you Irving, he said. The next day, Yvonne and Harold come over. Patrick asks where Nicholas is, but they just ask why the snail is there. Patrick explains, and Yvonne says that since the storm is over, Irving should go back into the wild where he belongs. Patrick says okay, and when Harold and Yvonne leave, he tries to release Irving into the wild, but Irving refuses. So, Patrick takes him back home, and then that night he goes to bed. The next morning, Irving is gone. The episode ends with us seeing Irving going off into the woods, with a tear.

Paid Vacation: After Irvings departure, Patrick asks for a weeks paid vacation from Archies Shop, and Archie gives it to him. Then Patrick always stays at home and mopes. Yvonne, Harold, and Nicholas try to think of something to do, so they show him how much fun they are having without him, but that only makes Patrick angry, and more upset. Its as if he doesnt matter to his friends. They do everything they can to cheer him up, but all they can do is try to go and find Irving. They go to the woods and find him dead. They cant tell Patrick, but theyre around him too much, and Yvonne cant stand the pressure. She tells him. Patrick is really upset, and he cries on Yvonnes shoulder, then quickly withdraws, blushing. Yvonne gives him a hug and tells him everything will be okay, then she also blushes. Harold rolls his eyes, and Nicholas looks confused, and Patrick just continues to cry, and cry, and cry.

S2E6 (26)- Do You Believe In Ghosts?: After the loss of Irving, Patrick is really upset. It shows him crying for a while, then the narrator says ÔÇ£ONE MONTH LATER.ÔÇØ Patrick seems over it, and it is now Halloween. Then, he and Harold, Yvonne, Nicholas, and Archie are telling ghost stories in ArchieÔÇÖs Shop. Then, they seem to be haunted by a ghost. Patrick has an idea, ÔÇ£ItÔÇÖs the ghost of Irving!ÔÇØ he cries. Yvonne isnÔÇÖt listening. All she can think of is when she and Patrick hugged a month ago. But, Nicholas assures Patrick that it isnÔÇÖt IrvingÔÇÖs ghost, and so does Harold, but Archie is not so sure. ÔÇ£I have studied ghosts and the paranormal world,ÔÇØ Archie said. He explains that around a month after their death, they often do haunt the person who wronged them, and try to make them miserable. But Archie does not know how wrong he is. It is Jeremy, continuing his newest plot to make Patrick miserable. He planted Irving, knowing Patrick would love him, then when Patrick released him, he killed him, putting him in an easy place so Harold, Yvonne, and Nicholas could find him. And now, he is using his machines to create the phenomenon of being haunted by a ghost. Calvin had told him that he never thought he would sink that low, but Jeremy merely laughed and claimed that Calvin didnÔÇÖt know him at all. Calvin was then fired. Patrick went home that night feeling very upset. Then, Jeremy is sneaking through his house, and he has it look like the ghost of Irving is floating through the house. ÔÇ£Patrick! You betrayed me,ÔÇØ he says, holding out the ÔÇÿeÔÇÖ in ÔÇÿme.ÔÇÖ Patrick shivers, very scared. Then, Yvonne walks in to talk to Patrick about what happened at the shop, and Jeremy runs, grabs her, and throws her in the closet, ties her up, and puts duct tape over her mouth. He continues to scare Patrick, who is oblivious to practically everything happening. So, Jeremy uses a new machine to make one of PatrickÔÇÖs vases fall. Patrick goes to pick it up, and then he steps on Jeremy, who was using camouflage. ÔÇ£Ahhh!!! ItÔÇÖs Irving!ÔÇØ he yelled, and ran out of the house. Jeremy laughed. We go into the closet, where we see Yvonne breaking out of the ropes, and texting Harold: ÔÇ£Stuck in PatrickÔÇÖs house. Jeremy. Bring Nicholas & Archie and come help. In closet.ÔÇØ Later, Harold, Nicholas, and Archie are running to PatrickÔÇÖs house, and they see Patrick crying in front of the house. They ask him whatÔÇÖs wrong, and he tells them everything, everything he saw at least. He didnÔÇÖt see the camouflaged Jeremy, so he just thought he stumbled on a ghost. Then, the four of them run inside and see Jeremy, who had taken off his camouflage. Patrick is very angry. While Harold, Nicholas, and Archie are getting Yvonne out of the closet, Patrick kicks Jeremy, and throws him out of his month. We then fast forward to ÔÇ£TWO DAYS LATER,ÔÇØ and it is IrvingÔÇÖs funeral. Patrick is crying, but it seems that he is finally over the loss of Irving. It seems that everything may finally be back to normal after two months of pain and suffering. But, thoughts are lingering in YvonneÔÇÖs head. The thoughts of her kissing Patrick on the cheek, and when they hugged, and both of them blushed. Did she have feelings for Patrick Star? And, did Patrick Star return those feelings? She decided it may be best to throw away any questions she has about the topic, and pretend nothing ever happened. But no matter what Yvonne thinks, it did happen, and theyÔÇÖll both always remember it, but they have both decided to throw away any questions they have, and return to being friends, and just friends.

S2E7 (27)- Mr. Fix It/Talent Show: Mr. Fix It: One day, Patrick is watching TV, and his TV suddenly breaks. Harold and Yvonne are both out, so Patrick goes to Nicholas for help. He asks if Nicholas can help fix the TV, and Nicholas said he would definitely be able to. So he came over, and helped Patrick fix his TV in under a minute! Then, Patrick gets an idea. Nicholas could start a business! Nicholas thinks that it is a great idea, and he and Patrick try to think of a name for this business. Mr. Fix It! So, they start advertising, and then they get a call from Enrique (first seen in Is Nicholas a Friend?), the fastest runner in WaterFalls. His window is broken. So, Nicholas and Patrick head off, and Nicholas manages to fix it. Then, they get a call from Calvin (first seen in Lost), JeremyÔÇÖs former assistant. His phone is having trouble working, so Nicholas and Patrick rush over there. Then, when they get in, the lights turn off. Jeremy reveals himself, laughing. Calvin is there, somewhat smiling, but really looking mostly ashamed in himself. Jeremy is just standing there, and Nicholas says ÔÇ£I can fix you,ÔÇØ and he throws him out of CalvinÔÇÖs house, fixes CalvinÔÇÖs phone, and he and Patrick leave, deciding to shut down Mr. Fix It.

Talent Show: After winning the WaterFalls Talent Show last year, Yvonne is put on the judgeÔÇÖs panel for this yearÔÇÖs. Patrick plans to enter again with his trombone, and he asks Yvonne if she thinks he has a chance to win. She says honestly, no. Patrick is upset, but he doesnÔÇÖt let it get to him. He practices, and practices, and practices. He has no time for his friends. HeÔÇÖs always practicing. Yvonne thinks heÔÇÖs mad at her. So, she goes to his house, and hears him playing. She practically faints because itÔÇÖs so amazing. The next day, Patrick plays at the talent show, and he wins. He is very happy, and he blushes, looking at Yvonne, as if saying, ÔÇ£You liar.ÔÇØ

S2E8 (28 )- JeremyÔÇÖs New Groove: It is the day after the events in the last episode, and Calvin is angry at Jeremy, his boss. He tells him that lately he has been very cruel. He was planning to kill Nicholas! Calvin threatens to quit, for good, unless Jeremy straightens up his act and apologizes to Patrick for killing Irving and almost killing his friend, Nicholas. Reluctantly, Jeremy goes and apologizes to Patrick. Patrick smiles, and he says itÔÇÖs okay. Then, he talks to Yvonne, Harold, and Nicholas, and they say that this is their perfect chance for revenge on Jeremy. They can act like they are his friends, and then betray him in the end. So, Jeremy is a part of their group. They watch TV together, get ice cream, go to the park, and more. Then, Jeremy begins to get suspicious. Why are these four people being so nice to him? It makes no sense. They hated him just two days ago. So, he sets up cameras in PatrickÔÇÖs house, and the next day, when he leaves, he looks and sees what the four of them are saying. They are saying how Jeremy is pathetic, and how he thinks they really are friends, and how they canÔÇÖt wait to betray him. Jeremy knew it! He goes back to PatrickÔÇÖs house the next day, still acting as if he is his best friend, and then, he takes out his sleeping gas, and robs PatrickÔÇÖs house! When Patrick, Harold, Yvonne, and Nicholas wake up, theyÔÇÖre confused. But, they know what happened. ÔÇ£Aww, we didnÔÇÖt even get to betray him!ÔÇØ Harold says. So, they go to JeremyÔÇÖs mansion in PatrickÔÇÖs boatmobile, and then they turn the doorknob. The door is locked! Nicholas said, ÔÇ£I can handle this,ÔÇØ and he uses some karate moves and the door falls down. The four of them run in, and Calvin points them to a door on his left. The four of them smirk, and they go in there, and go in to beat up Jeremy. But, guess what? He gets out a smoke bomb, and throws it to the ground, then, he runs away. But, everything he robbed is still there! ÔÇ£Boy, heÔÇÖs stupid,ÔÇØ Yvonne said. They laugh and put everything in PatrickÔÇÖs boatmobile, with CalvinÔÇÖs help. Calvin waves them off and says ÔÇ£Have a nice day!ÔÇØ Nicholas laughs and says, ÔÇ£Well, for a bad guyÔÇÖs assistant, he isnÔÇÖt so bad. Kinda nice, actually.ÔÇØ

S2E9 (29)- Harolds Parents/Race Against Time: Harolds Parents: Harold learns his parents are coming to visit him. He goes into shock. He hasnt seen his parents since he left home. They were upset with the way he chose to live. They wanted him to be successful like them. Rich like them. Famous like them. They were the Cods. They were famous for acting in movies, and even more. No one knew that Harold was their son. He wanted it to stay that way. Either way, he cleans up his house, and then they come. Together they reminisce on his childhood days, and they begin to like their son again. They approve of him. They love him. Then, Patrick comes in, dumb as could be, and they are disappointed in Harold. So, Harold says Patrick is just some annoying mental patient that doesnt know when to get out. So Patrick gets out of the house, very upset. Soon he rushes into Harolds house and begins yelling at him. Harold is embarrassed again. He tells his parents that he will speak with Patrick in the kitchen. He explains that he doesnt want him to be around, and hes sorry. So, Patrick goes out to the living room where Harolds parents are and yells Harold hates you! loudly. His parents laugh and say it isnt true. But Harold is sick of these lies by now and he says he is not very fond of them, and that Patrick is his best friend, not a mental patient. His parents laugh, and walk out, ashamed once more. Harold shrugs. Oh well I never liked them in the first place. Snobs.

Race Against Time: Theres a new girl in WaterFalls! Her name is Time (not what you expected, huh?). She is an athlete, and, quite pretty. She runs, and runs, and runs. Some call her the fastest runner in WaterFalls. Then, Enrique, who was the fastest runner in WaterFalls, is shocked and offended. He challenges Time to a race. A race across town! At first, Time laughs. She laughs, and laughs, and laughs some more. Then, she realizes that Enrique is serious. She becomes very serious-looking and determined. She accepts his challenge. One week later, we see Patrick at his house, getting ready for the big race. He goes to watch with Yvonne. He asks where Harold and Nicholas are, and she says that they are watching TV because they thought the race sounded stupid and pointless, since they knew Time was faster than Enrique anyways. Yvonne laughed and said that Enrique was way faster, and the guys only liked Time because she was hot. Patrick kind of agreed. Kind of. He said Uh sure. I guess. Maybe. Yvonne rolled her eyes, annoyed by him. During the race, everyone is cheering for Time. Everyone but Patrick and Yvonne. Yvonne isnt cheering for anyone at all, and Patrick is switching people, because on one hand, he doesnt want to upset Yvonne, but on the other hand, he doesnt want to upset Time, because shes, well, Yvonne said it best hot. By the end of the race, Yvonne is enjoying it. She isnt even disappointed when Time wins. When its all over and done with, in the spirit of victory, she kisses Patrick on the lips!

S2E10 (30)- After the Kiss/New Soda: After the Kiss: Yvonne runs away, embarrassed. Shes blushing as much as it is scientifically possible for her to do. Patrick is still confused, just standing there with a blank yet excited expression on his face. Everyone in town is staring at Patrick because he looks so strange. One of the townspeople, Ashton, snaps him out of it, and he runs home, confused, and still excited. Harold comes in the next day, and as soon as he sees Patrick he says Holy crap. You wouldnt believe what Ive heard today. He tells Patrick that he heard rumors that Patrick and Yvonne had some smoochie-smoochie time. Patrick says it was only for a second, and it was just a peck on the lips. It sinks in. He had kissed Yvonne Starrina! He went to her house nervously, to talk about what happened. The door is locked. Cmon, Yvonne, let me in. I just want to talk. Soon, she unlocks the door. They talk. They decide it was just a spur of the moment, and it didnt mean anything. Did it? Maybe. But, they dont think so. Thats all that matters. Just friends. Always just friends, no matter what happens between them.

New Soda: We open up in a factory with a man crafting a new soda. He puts in a secret ingredient and laughs. Later, we see a can of the soda, and we see Patrick drinking it. HeÔÇÖs saying itÔÇÖs ÔÇ£soooooooooooo good,ÔÇØ over. And over. And over. And over. Yvonne says that she thinks that that soda looks ÔÇÿsketchy.ÔÇÖ She advises Patrick to read the ingredients on the back of the can. But, he refused. That night, he is wandering WaterFalls. He wanders into JeremyÔÇÖs mansion! Jeremy thanks his new employee, Hank, for developing the soda and making sure Patrick got a can. Then, he takes Patrick into his back room and ties him up. Harold, Yvonne, and Nicholas jump into JeremyÔÇÖs mansion the next day and get Patrick, telling him theyÔÇÖre not stupid. He left a note showing a map to his house. So, they take Patrick back home. Patrick apologizes for not listening to Yvonne. She says he should really start trusting her, because when he doesnÔÇÖt, it only leads to trouble.

S2E11 (31)- Saint Nicholas: Its Christmas in WaterFalls! One problem. No one but Patrick and Nicholas know what Christmas even is. So, they tell everyone in WaterFalls what it is, and they celebrate it that year. But, Nicholas disappears on Christmas Eve. Where is he? Patrick notices his name is Nicholas and so is Santas. Could Nicholas be Santa Claus? He shares this with Harold and Yvonne, and they say that it could be plausible, well, Harold does. Yvonne says the idea is garbage, and the whole thing is a coincidence. Then Patrick points out that Nicholas knew what Christmas was. Yvonne points out that Patrick did too. Patrick said it was because he lived in Bikini Bottom. Yvonne said Nicholas might have lived in WaterFalls. Patrick said he didnt because Patrick would have known him. Yvonne said he may have visited. Patrick said maybe he didnt. Yvonne said that MAYBE another place besides Bikini Bottom celebrates Christmas. Patrick cant argue with that. But he still thinks that Nicholas is Santa. He decides hes going to investigate. Come on, that idea is so far-fetched! Yvonne keeps saying. But Patrick doesnt let it stop him. He sneaks into Nicholass house, and suddenly when he steps in after breaking down the door he finds no evidence, but an alarm sounds and the police are summoned to the house. They take Patrick to jail. Harold comes and explains it was all a misunderstanding. When Patrick asks where Yvonne is, he says, She said your ass can rot in jail for all she cares, and you should really start listening to her. The next day, Nicholas comes home. When asked where he was, he says he was visiting his parents. Patrick calls him a liar and tells him that he was delivering presents to boys and girls everywhere. Nicholas is confused, and Yvonne explains everything, angry at Patrick, not facing him. Patrick decides he believes Nicholas, and Archie throws a Christmas party at his house, with Stacey singing a new song that she has written. She says, Trust me, its gonna be awesome, and then sings the amazing song. Everyone is clapping and cheering, and Patrick and Yvonne accidentally end up under the mistletoe. Yvonne shrugs and looks Patrick in the eyes. She leans in to kiss Patrick, and Patrick leans in to kiss her. The kiss is deepened. Its bliss. Finally, Harold said. The episode ends, and the kiss still hasnt been broken.

S2E12 (32)- After the Other Kiss/Enrique Is So Depressed: After the Other Kiss...: It is one week after the Christmas party at Archies house. Patrick and Yvonne arent speaking to each other. Yvonne is embarrassed for letting that kiss go too far, and Patrick is upset that she isnt talking to him. But Harold and Nicholas make them talk to each other, and so they talk. Yvonne apologizes, and Patrick says she has no reason to apologize.

ÔÇ£Listen Yvonne, IÔÇÖve been thinking a lot about this, and --ÔÇ£

ÔÇ£Patrick, IÔÇÖm leaving WaterFalls to compete on a reality show.ÔÇØ


ÔÇ£Yeah, Underwater Survival. I sent in an application, and they accepted. I leave in a few weeks.ÔÇØ

Upon hearing this, Patrick goes in to kiss her, but she rejects and walks away. ÔÇ£Oh my, god!ÔÇØ Nicholas said. Both he and Harold feel horrible for Patrick.

Enrique Is So Depressed: Patrick and Yvonne have both been locked in their house for the past 21 hours, and Harold and Nicholas are so bored. They walk around town, and spot Enrique, sitting down on a bench sobbing. They ask him whatÔÇÖs wrong. He says his life has been horrible since he lost that race to Time. He never wins any races anymore. So, Harold decides that he and Nicholas can help him. Enrique excepts, and soon they are devising a plan so Enrique will start running again. They get an idea! If Enrique is challenged to a race, thereÔÇÖs no way heÔÇÖll refuse. So, Harold challenges, and he accepts. Harold throws the race, and Enrique is speeding along. Time is watching, and she is impressed. When Enrique wins the race against Harold, she challenges him to another race. This time, Enrique wins! Then, Time smiles, and takes Enrique into a passionate kiss. Later, Enrique thanks Harold and Nicholas. They are happy to help, but the urgent matter is the crisis between Patrick and Yvonne, and their friendship.

S2E13 (33)- Yvonnes Departure: Patrick and Yvonne havent spoken since Yvonne delivered the news, and Yvonne is leaving tonight! Harold and Nicholas havent talked to either of them because theyve remained locked in their homes. Archie blasts into Patricks house, saying he needs Patrick at work, or hell have to fire him. So, Patrick goes to work, very upset. Archie asks him whats wrong, and Patrick explains everything. Archie feels horrible for Patrick. Hes always looked at Patrick like the son he never had, and he doesnt want to see poor Patrick go through it. He lets Patrick go home, and he advises that he and Yvonne make up before she leaves for Underwater Survival. Patrick decides that he probably should apologize, so he knocks on Yvonnes door. Inevitably, she doesnt let him in, and the door is locked. Please, Yvonne, I need to see you, Patrick said. Soon, Yvonne unlocks and opens the door. She looks extremely sad, and Patrick immediately kisses her. This time the kiss deepens, and neither of them pulls away or looks at all hesitant. It lasts for what seems like a lifetime to the both of them, and Harold and Nicholas see and they both sigh in relief. They walk in and clap. Archie sees it too and claps with them. Even Jeremy is clapping for the two of them. Soon all of WaterFalls knows that Patrick and Yvonne finally kissed for real. And theyre still kissing. When the kiss is finally broken, Patrick says, Ill miss you, Yvonne. Ill miss you a lot. That night, Yvonne gets on a plane so she can leave for the show. Before she leaves, Patrick gives her one last kiss. See you after I win! she says confidently, yet somehow remaining sad. Goodbye, Patrick said, his heart breaking. Yet he was okay. He had to let Yvonne go, and let her win that show, and when she came back, he would be ready, and they could have a relationship. Finally. It will be worth waiting for. He just doesnt know if he can wait much longer.


There's the first 13 Season Two episodes. Just 10 more left in the legendary season. :cheers: :cheers:

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S2E14 (34)- I Look at This Photograph/Every Time it Really Makes Me Laugh: I Look at This Photograph: Yvonne had left the day before. Patrick is having difficulties adjusting to life without her. He is used to seeing her smiling face every day. He stares at a photograph he has of her. He canÔÇÖt stop staring at it. ItÔÇÖs barely been a day and heÔÇÖs already crying, missing her like crazy, wishing she was back. And it will be a long time before she returns to WaterFalls. Patrick is heartbroken. He stares at the picture every day. Once again, Harold and Nicholas are concerned. ItÔÇÖs now been three days, and Patrick has spent all his time staring at that picture. WhatÔÇÖs going on? They go to Jeremy. They know heÔÇÖs behind this. But he says heÔÇÖs not, and Patrick is just obsessed with that Yvonne girl. So, Harold and Nicholas go back to PatrickÔÇÖs house to get him to step outside and enjoy the weather. He refuses.

ÔÇ£Will he ever get over her?ÔÇØ Harold asks.

ÔÇ£Probably not,ÔÇØ Nicholas replied.

ÔÇ£Hey, at least it makes for some good TV. I mean Underwater Survival! What did you think I meant?ÔÇØ

But, Patrick then realizes he should spend time with his friends. TheyÔÇÖll help ease his pain. He steps outside. Harold and Nicholas are happy to see him. They go to see Scary Plotter 2 (first one came out in Movie Craze) together.

Every Time it Really Makes Me Laugh: Jeremy may not have done something to the picture the time before, but this time he is, heÔÇÖs putting laugh goo on it! It will make Patrick laugh hysterically every time he sees the picture. He sneaks into PatrickÔÇÖs house and spreads the goo all over the picture, and then sneaks out of the house. When Patrick goes in he has a laughing outburst. Then, Harold goes in and he looks at the picture too, causing him to laugh. ItÔÇÖs up to Nicholas to save them! He goes to Jeremy, since he knows it was him who did this to his friends, and demands the antidote. Jeremy doesnÔÇÖt give it to him, so Nicholas runs to Calvin and asks for help. Calvin gladly helps out and gives Nicholas the antidote, and Nicholas climbs out the window and quickly puts the antidote on the picture. Everything is going to be okay.

S2E15 (35)- Hidden Cameras/YvonneÔÇÖs Eyes Turn Green: Hidden Cameras: Jeremy has a great new plan. HeÔÇÖs going to give Patrick the feeling of being watched. So when Patrick goes to work at ArchieÔÇÖs Shop one day, Jeremy goes into his house and sets up hidden cameras everywhere. But Harold goes in to water PatrickÔÇÖs plants, and he thinks he hears someone. He checks, and he finds Jeremy, and then he locks him in PatrickÔÇÖs closet and continues to get the cameras set up. After he is done he rushes back to his mansion and gets ready to have some fun watching Patrick. But then, he sees Nicholas walk in, and Patrick kills him! 499524.gif Then, Harold escapes from the closet crying, and kills Patrick! Jeremy turns the cameras off, horrified, and decides not to ever spy again. Then, Patrick, Harold, and Nicholas are shown laughing, giving high fives, since they just pulled the: Best. Prank. Ever.

YvonneÔÇÖs Eyes Turn Green: Patrick is taking a walk one day, and suddenly he spots a girl with blue eyes and brown hair. She is beautiful. Patrick asks what her name is, and she tells him it is Chenelle. Over the next few days, Patrick and Chenelle bond. Harold and Nicholas donÔÇÖt know what to think, but then their neighbor, Robert (first seen in WaterFalls Challenge) hears a rumor that they are dating! They try to disprove the rumor and they go to PatrickÔÇÖs house, only to see a make-out session between Patrick and Chenelle! They run out of the house, shocked.

ÔÇ£I thought Patrick loves Yvonne!ÔÇØ Nicholas yells.

ÔÇ£So did I!ÔÇØ Harold replied.

ÔÇ£Then why was he mackinÔÇÖ on that other girl?!ÔÇØ

Both are upset, but no one is more upset than Yvonne. Her webcam was on for their entire kiss, and Patrick forgot to turn his off, meaning she got a front row seat. Later Chenelle leaves WaterFalls, because she was just on vacation. It is then Patrick realizes what he did was horribly wrong, but he doesnÔÇÖt tell anyone. He doesnÔÇÖt think anyone knows.

S2E16 (36)- Welcome to the Future Drama! (1): Jeremy is having some issues thinking of a new plan to make Patrick miserable. He hires people to give him some plans, and he documents some, saving them for later. Then, he picks one at random, and comes up with a great one: Send Patrick, Harold, and Nicholas to the future! So with his advanced technology and plenty of money, Jeremy creates a gun that will beam the three of them to the future, forever trapping them there. But there is a minor complication, and he has Calvin help him with it. The gun wont work! Theres some sort of issue with it, and when Calvin finally manages to fix it, it zaps him into the future! Jeremy doesnt care. If he comes back, he doesnt care. If he doesnt come back, oh well. Hell find a new assistant. Life goes on, and it would go on pretty easily without that backstabbing, unhelpful assistant. What matters is getting Patrick, Harold, and Nicholas to the future so hell never have to see them again! Plus, Patrick will be away from his precious Yvonne eye-candy, even though she had already left for that sure-to-be-mediocre reality show, Underwater Survival. He rushes to Patricks home with the gun carefully stuffed in his back pocket. He knocks on the door, and Patrick opens it, looking confused when he sees Jeremy. Then, Jeremy zaps him. Then, Harold runs, Jeremy zaps him. Nicholas runs. ZAP! Soon, all three of them are in the future. When they arrive, they run into Calvin, who looks upset. The four of them decide to stick together so they do not get lost and get separated. They need to find a way back to WaterFalls themselves. Then, they meet someone. Hi, my name is Quacky Quackster. Who the hell are you? The four of them laugh awkwardly, then some random guy comes up to them and yells, WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF TOMORROW! Then, it finally sinks in. They. Are. Stranded. In. The. FUTURE!!!!!!!!!!

S2E17 (37)- Valentines Day In the Future (2): Previously on The Misadventures of Patrick Star... Jeremy had issues thinking of a new way to make Patrick miserable, and he hired people to come up with ideas, leading to him getting the idea of sending Patrick, Harold, and Nicholas to the future. But Calvin is accidentally sent to the future as well. Jeremy zaps Patrick, Harold, and Nicholas, and they meet up with Calvin. Then, they meet Quacky Quackster. Then after an introduction from another man, it sinks in that theyre trapped in the future!

Quacky takes Patrick, Harold, Nicholas, and Calvin onto his ship, the Starmen 20X6. He introduces the four of them to Spongetarz, Patrock, and Spandy. Patrock looks almost just like Patrick! Patrick is baffled, and Quacky explains that its the future version of Patrick. And, Spongetarz looks identical to SpongeBob! Its the future SpongeBob! After the introductions, they look at the calendar. Its Valentines Day. I promised Yvonne that I would call her on Valentines Day Patrick said. Hes really upset. He realizes: Theyre in the future Yvonne is dead. Unless they get back to the past, hell never see her again. Never.

Uh-oh Harold said. More of Patrick and his baby momma drama!

Uh Yvonne isnt Patricks baby momma, Nicholas said.

ÔÇ£Or is he?ÔÇØ Harold said.

Nicholas couldnÔÇÖt tell if he was joking or not. He punched his shoulder and said, ÔÇ£Shut up.ÔÇØ

Patrick is very upset. Harold and Nicholas tell him that it will be okay, and that he shouldnÔÇÖt worry. Then he is surrounded by all the merchandise. The valentines, the candy hearts, more, and more, and more. He canÔÇÖt take it anymore. He runs off to the graveyard, and he sees YvonneÔÇÖs grave. He is really upset. He pounds on the ground, crying. He leaves flowers there. HeÔÇÖs really upset. HeÔÇÖs so depressed. Spandy is the first one of QuackyÔÇÖs friends to be concerned. She goes to see if Patrick is okay. He shuns her. She reminds him of Sandy, who is dead now, too. Then Spongetarz comes in, which doesnÔÇÖt help at all. It only makes it worse. And worse. And worse. He confines himself to the room Quacky has provided him. Harold knocks on his door, but it doesnÔÇÖt go down. Nicholas knocks it down with karate, and the two of them walk in. They talk to him, and he says, ÔÇ£We need to get back to our time.ÔÇØ The episode ends with ÔÇ£Our Time NowÔÇØ (


S2E18 (38 )- The Plan (3): Patrick, Harold, and Nicholas go to Calvin, saying they need to talk. They talk about how they could get back to their time, and Harold suggests asking Quacky. But, Nicholas does not trust him, he says he gets a ÔÇÿweird vibeÔÇÖ every time they are around him, like heÔÇÖs going to snap. Nevertheless, the four of them go to Quacky to ask him how they can get back to their time, and Quacky then runs away, looking nervous. The four of them are confused. They go to Spandy, who isnÔÇÖt as nervous. She hesitates, but tells the four of them of the Time League. She says that the Time League controls time, and they donÔÇÖt let anyone travel in time, only their Elders. Only the Elders can approve time travelers, but no one has seen the Elders in years. It is rumored that the Elders live in the Heart of the Time League Headquarters. Nicholas looks very nervous, but Patrick, Harold, and Calvin look intrigued.

ÔÇ£Crap,ÔÇØ Nicholas said. ÔÇ£WeÔÇÖre going to the Heart of the Time League Headquarters, arenÔÇÖt we?ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Oh yeah,ÔÇØ Harold said.

ÔÇ£Uh-huh,ÔÇØ said Patrick.

ÔÇ£You bet!ÔÇØ Calvin said enthusiastically.

Spandy got Spongetarz and Patrock, but they canÔÇÖt find Quacky. They look for a long time, but just canÔÇÖt find him. They decide to go on without him, and they go in the hovering boatmobiles to go to the Time League Headquarters. They manage to get there, and then they need to find a way to get in. They beat up some of the guards and they put their uniforms on. Then, they go into the building, and find a map. They then begin their journey to the Heart. But then, they run into Soul Crunchers. They remind you of the most painful things in life. One of them goes to Patrick, and reminds him of Yvonne. He begins sobbing horribly.

ÔÇ£Oh my, god!ÔÇØ said Harold. ÔÇ£I am sick of this crap!!ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Shut up!ÔÇØ Patrick whined.

ÔÇ£HeÔÇÖs right Patrick, shut up,ÔÇØ said Nicholas. He looked very pained as well. One of the Soul Crunchers was attacking him. He is reminded of the death of his mother. He falls down, disturbed, upset, and heartbroken.

Patrick suddenly has an epiphany. He realizes that his friends are right. He should be happy for Yvonne, getting to be on that show. He should be cheerful, and enjoy the time with his friends that are still there.

Suddenly, Patrick gets away from the Soul Cruncher, and helps Harold, Nicholas, Calvin, Spongetarz, Patrock, and Spandy. But he had trouble with Nicholas. He assured him that everything was going to be okay, and that he needed to come. So, Nicholas eventually gets up, and they continue on their way to the Heart. But then, they are faced in front of thousands of men with hearts on their uniforms. The Guards of the Heart. ÔÇ£Oh crap,ÔÇØ said Harold.

S2E19 (39)- Quack to the Present (4): Previously on The Misadventures of Patrick Star... Patrick, Harold, Nicholas, and Calvin decide that they need to get back to their time as soon as possible, and they go to Quacky for help, but he just runs off. They then go to Spandy, and with her they devise a plan to infiltrate the Time League Headquarters and get to the Heart, where the Elders reside. Patrick, Harold, Nicholas, and Calvin go with Spandy, Spongetarz, and Patrock. But they are unable to find Quacky. They head to the Headquarters, and manage to get through some obstacles, but then the toughest one comes: Soul Crushers. They remind Patrick of Yvonne leaving, and he breaks down. But then Harold and Nicholas confront him, despite the fact that Nicholas is being forced to relive his motherÔÇÖs death. After getting past the Soul Crushers, they are faces against thousands of men with hearts on their uniforms. The Guards of the Heart.

Patrick, Harold, Nicholas, Calvin, Spandy, Spongetarz, and Patrock are standing there in front of the thousands of Guards. They are horrified, and they know that they are going to be killed. But then, they hear they hear the distinct sound of a QUACK! Suddenly, Quacky burst in, and he, Spandy, Spongetarz, and Patrock smile. They tell Patrick, Harold, Nicholas, and Calvin to continue towards the Heart while they take care of the Guards. Patrick, Harold, Nicholas, and Calvin follow orders and continue towards the Heart. Then, they reach their destination: The Heart of the Time League Headquarters. They stand face-to-face with the three Elders. There is Gozrath, Imera, and Gucciano. The three of them stare at Patrick and his friends.

We know your desires said Gucciano.

We are contemplating your purity said Gozrath.

We have reached our consensus said Imera.

You will return to your time said Gucciano.

You will complete a task said Gozrath.

You will find the Underwater Fountain of Youth said Imera.

ÔÇ£No prob,ÔÇØ said Harold.

Patrick, Harold, Nicholas, and Calvin rushed to find the Underwater Fountain of Youth, and when they did, it was in the Ice Cave. It was being guarded by a sea creature known as the Barechacka. It was up to Nicholas and his karate to take down the beast, when he did, he and Harold went to the Fountain while Patrick and Calvin went back to the Elders. Later, the Elders are taken to the Fountain, and are all turned back to the age of 30. When Patrick asks how old they were before, they all say 1,074 and Patricks mouth drops open. Then, Gozrath, Imera, and Gucciano join hands, and stare at Patrick, Harold, Nicholas, and Calvin. They send them back to their time. The four of them are standing right in front of Archies Shop. Archie asks Patrick where he was, and Patrick tells him everything. Archie is shocked. He tells them that they were gone for two and a half weeks, though they were only in the future for about eight days. They all agree it was very peculiar. Then, Calvin decides to go back to Jeremy. He doesnt tell Patrick, Harold, Nicholas, and Archie though. All he does is run off.

S2E20 (40)- Archie For Mayor/And the Mayor Is: Archie For Mayor: Its time for the citizens of WaterFalls to elect a new mayor. Guess whos campaigning? None other than Jeremy! Patrick says that Jeremy cant win the election, but no one is running against him. Archie is the only one gutsy enough to do it. He runs, but he needs help from his two best employees, Patrick and Nicholas, for his campaign. So Patrick and Nicholas make campaigning commercials for him, and flyers to put around WaterFalls. Jeremy sees the flyers, and chuckles. He thinks that Archie doesnt stand a chance. In fact, he knows that Archie doesnt stand a chance. Of course, hes well-liked and respected, and does tons for the community, and everyone hates Jeremy because he makes them all miserable. Suddenly he realizes that he is the one who doesnt stand a chance. He has to do something so hell win he gets the perfect idea.

And the Mayor Is: The new mayor of WaterFalls is announced. And its JEREMY!

ÔÇ£How did this happen?!ÔÇØ Nicholas cries.

This cant be true said Harold.

I cant believe him Patrick said.

ÔÇ£ThereÔÇÖs no way this was a fair election,ÔÇØ Archie said. ÔÇ£Jeremy did something. He rigged the election somehow. ThereÔÇÖs-- thereÔÇÖs no way that he actually won fairly.ÔÇØ

The four of them march to Jeremy to lodge a complaint and call him out. Jeremy laughs evilly. He says he won, and thereÇÖs not a thing they can do about it. His first thing heÔÇÖs doing as mayor? Kick Patrick out of WaterFalls, of course.

S2E21 (41)- Wandering/Jack: Wandering: All Patrick can do is wander. And wander. And wander. And wander a little more. Sure, he has a lot of time to think after what all has happened this past year. A lot has happened. A lot. But, he can just barely remember what happened. Jeremy started laughing maniacally like a giant psychopath, and then these big thugs in leather jackets were suddenly grabbing him. He was being ÔÇÿescortedÔÇÖ out of WaterFalls, they said. And Harold, Nicholas, and Archie tried to defend him, but Jeremy got some more of the leather jacket guys, that he called the WaterFalls Security Enforcement League, or WFSEL, to take to their homes. Then, Calvin came in, very visibly fed up with his boss. He confronts him.

ÔÇ£Jeremy, I have had enough,ÔÇØ he said.

No one is making you stay, said Jeremy. But I do value your help and I dont believe that your dear mother would appreciate your resignation. Jeremy showed Calvin a picture of Bobbetta, his mother, with an evil smirk on his face.

ÔÇ£You wouldnÔÇÖt,ÔÇØ said Calvin.

ÔÇ£Oh,ÔÇØ said Jeremy, ÔÇ£I think I would.ÔÇØ

Suddenly, Patrick sees a man who is staring at him, and he goes up to him and begins talking to him, wondering where he is.

Jack: The man looks kind. He tells Patrick that his name is William. William invites Patrick into his home. Patrick asks where they are, and William tells him that they are in Rock Bottom, the populated part, of course. Soon, Patrick is introduced to Williams family: Tina, his wife, and Jack, his son. Tina gladly welcomes Patrick into her home, but Jack, is a spoiled little brat. Hes about twelve years old, and obviously was not disciplined enough. Tina has a request. She needs Patrick to get Jack to behave. He treats everyone horribly, and he does not respect her or William. So, Patrick goes to Jack, and tries talking to him. Nothing. Jack just gets angry that some stranger is trying to tell him that hes acting out. Ha. Ha. Ha. Why would he listen to Tubby? But Patrick saying that to him made him realize that maybe he had been kind of bad. Maybe he had been disrespectful. Maybe he needs to start treating people better. He acts much better, and Tina thanks Patrick, and tells him he can stay as long as he will need to. Then, the camera slowly crawls back to WaterFalls.

S2E22 (42)- Back in WaterFalls/The Battle in CalvinÔÇÖs Brain: Back in WaterFalls: We see Archie, confined to his home.

Stacey, this is so hard, he said. Jeremy has kicked Patrick out of WaterFalls, and hes confined me to my home

ÔÇ£I know itÔÇÖs tough, but you can get through it,ÔÇØ Stacey said. ÔÇ£YouÔÇÖre strong.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Thanks,ÔÇØ said Archie.

We then go to Jeremy, sitting in his office in City Hall. Hes cracking up. Its been a week since Patrick left. He had to be dead by now. He would never be back. This makes Jeremy happy. Or does it? For the past two years, all hes done is make the oaf miserable, and nearly kill him. What would he do without him? No, no, no, he shouldnt be having those thoughts. Those thoughts would result in him having a search party. Ha. Fat chance. No, it wont be happening. He just has to keep telling himself that. Then we go to Harolds house, where he and Nicholas are watching TV miserably. Patrick is gone, and they dont know if hes ever coming back. WaterFalls has been really gloomy since he left, at least North Falls Lane has been. They really want Patrick back, but they have no way of doing so. They, like Archie, have been confined to their homes, but Nicholas managed to sneak over to Harolds house, but thats all that he managed to do. He couldnt devise some clever plan. He couldnt help Patrick in any way. And he hated himself for that. He really did. Patrick was in everyones prayers. Everyone was praying that he wasnt dead.

The Battle in Calvins Brain: Calvin does not know what hes going to do. He cant go on like this, working for Jeremy, but if he quit, who knows what the now insane clownfish would do to his mother? He hated being afraid like this. He absolutely hated it. But, he had to do something, secretly. He snuck out of City Hall, and gave Harold and Nicholas tons of food, and then went to Archies mansion to let Archie know that he would be out of there soon, hopefully. He hoped Jeremy knew nothing about it. But, he would be sorely disappointed. Jeremy had cameras set up all through WaterFalls. He has seen everything that his backstabbing assistant had done. He was angry.

S2E23 (43)- The Road Back to WaterFalls: Patrick is enjoying himself in WilliamÔÇÖs home. It was actually his chance to sort of get away from it all. Get away from all the stress. Get away from missing Yvonne. Plus, this being banished thing had Yvonne totally out of his mind. Plus, Jack is kind of becoming his friend. He canÔÇÖt imagine leaving them. But then he realizes: He has to get back to WaterFalls. He has to. He has to save his friends and the entire town from Jeremy. He begins packing, and says goodbye to William, Tina, and Jack. Jack says thank you to Patrick for turning his personality around, and he really appreciates it. Patrick says that itÔÇÖs no problem, and he begins his trek to WaterFalls. ItÔÇÖs soooooo long. He knows he has a long road ahead of him.

Jeremy had been angered for the last time. The very last time. Bobbetta was tied up, in a chair, in CalvinÔÇÖs room in JeremyÔÇÖs house. He was going to wait for Calvin to come home, and then tell him that he was confined to his room. Then, he would see his precious mother tied up. It was perfect. Then, he would kill that defiant assistant, with his mother watching. It was the perfect plan. Calvin came home, and Jeremy sent him to his room.

Patrick was now on the outskirts of WaterFalls, walking inside. But he was stopped by the WFSEL. He fights them off, one by one, and is joined by Harold and Nicholas, who escaped from HaroldÔÇÖs house. Then, he runs to JeremyÔÇÖs mansion, only to hear the sound of a gunshot....


Season 2 ends... with a cliffhanger!! 955394.gif

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S3E1 (44)- In Your Hands: Patrick, in shock, now runs faster to JeremyÔÇÖs mansion. When he sees a gun in CalvinÔÇÖs hand and Jeremy laying down on the floor with a bullet wound in his stomach, his mouth hangs open, and he just stands there, gaping. What happened?

Calvin noticed that Jeremy was acting very strange and secretive. It was the way he always acted when he was planning something. He got nervous, and snuck into Jeremys office to review his footage that he had got on tape. It showed him talking to himself, and then tying up Bobbetta. Then, he put a pistol in his pocket, and told Bobbetta his plan. Calvin then got a gun, and went into Jeremys mansion with his gun hidden under his shirt. Then, he took it out, and shot Jeremy right away.

Soon, an ambulance was at the mansion, and Patrick was describing what he saw. And he saw nothing. All he saw was Jeremy, the mayor of WaterFalls, laying on the ground, near dead. Was Patrick happy? Was he upset? He didnÔÇÖt know how he felt. Jeremy is in the Intensive Care Unit, and WaterFalls gets a new mayor, a man named Ulrich Henning. Mayor Henning releases a statement saying that Jeremy may or may not pull through, and that even if he does pull through, he will not return to his position as mayor. In the meantime, Patrick is really enjoying his time back in WaterFalls, seeing his friends. He, Harold, and Nicholas are having loads of fun, more than Patrick has had since Yvonne left. Later that week, Calvin visits the hospital to see Jeremy.

Welcome said Jeremy, traitor.

Calvin hastily apologizes to his boss, and says heÔÇÖll do anything to make it up to him.

ÔÇ£Anything?ÔÇØ Jeremy asks frailly.

Calvin nods.

ÔÇ£Kill Patrick Star. Take my place. ItÔÇÖs all in your hands now.ÔÇØ

S3E2 (45)- Devising a Plan/Adrenaline: Devising a Plan: Calvin has accepted Jeremys request, knowing that it very well could be his last request. He thinks of a plan to get rid of Patrick, and he thinks of one. Of course, it was a mediocre one, but still, it was one. So, he trapped Patrick in a cage. Patrick is confused, he asks whats going on, and Calvin says nothing important. Hes only doing what Jeremy wants. Patrick thought Jeremy could definitely do better than that. Soon Harold and Nicholas bust down the door and rescue their friend, and Calvin is deeply disappointed. He goes to Jeremy, but hes in a coma, and is unable to speak to him.

Adrenaline: After finally getting over Jeremy being in a coma, Calvin is running on loads of adrenaline. It was great! Doing something to Patrick, torturing him was EXCELLENT! He now realizes why Jeremy does it. Because it is amazingly fun. Not boring. Not miserable. Not like Calvins life. So, he does tons of wacky things to Patrick, sure, theyre not the caliber of Jeremys plans, but theyre still pretty good. Soon, Patrick is tired of it, he then comes up with a plan to stop Calvin. He gets tons of underwater-zebras to chase after him, and Calvin runs off.

S3E3 (46)- Oh. Snap!: Patrick is pretty bored. Not a lot has happened. So, he and Harold go on a walk while Nicholas is practicing his karate. While on the walk, Patrick gets a text message:

Hi, Patrick. ItÔÇÖs Chenelle. And GUESS WHAT? I moved to WaterFalls. We can start dating! IÔÇÖll meet you at your house in an hour. Be there! 125508.gif125508.gif125508.gif125508.gif

ÔÇ£Oh. Snap!ÔÇØ said Harold.

ÔÇ£What?ÔÇØ Patrick asked.

Uh Chenelle is back, he said, trying to make Patrick remember. You know, the girl whose face you were trying to swallow a few months ago?

Suddenly, it sank in. Chenelle was back. ÔÇ£Oh. Snap!ÔÇØ Patrick shrieked.

Patrick tried to avoid it. He stayed away from his house. He stayed away from his whole neighborhood. He started working more and more and more. Archie asks him whatÔÇÖs going on. Patrick explains everything. Archie is disappointed, but he tells Patrick that everything will be okay. He just needs to go and tell Chenelle that he loves Yvonne, and while he likes her too, he really loves Yvonne. But Patrick asks himself, really? But, he pushes those thoughts away. When Yvonne returned, he would still love her just as much as he had when she left, or even more. So, he went to ChenelleÔÇÖs house, and she smiled as soon as he entered. Immediately, they were laying on the couch, making out, before Patrick had a chance to say a thing.

S3E4 (47)- Bad Thoughts and Webcams: After starting to date Chenelle, Patrick has questions stirring up in his head. Why is he doing this? Could this be cheating on Yvonne? To the first question, Chenelle is pretty easy on the eyes. To the next one he doesnt think so. Technically, he and Yvonne arent together. So what, they kissed a few times. Did that mean anything? Right now, in Patricks mind, it meant virtually nothing at all. And then he realized right now, Yvonne meant virtually nothing at all to him. He was supposed to be missing her like crazy, but ever since that night in the future, he wasnt sure. He really liked her, but lately, he didnt know if he loved her, like he used to think he did. But even then, did he? All these questions were confusing him. It hurt his head to think about things like this. He didnt think his mind was this complex. The complexity of this situation was stressful. Then, he saw he was getting a Web Chat Request from Yvonne. He accepted, and then she saw Chenelle in the background.

She cringed. Patrick er, who is that?

ÔÇ£Huh?ÔÇØ Patrick said.

ÔÇ£Who the hell is that skank in the background?ÔÇØ Yvonne said, grinding her teeth.

Geez, dont get so angry, said Patrick. Its - - Chenelle. Chenelle, we were friends.

Must be pretty good friends said Yvonne.

ÔÇ£What do you mean by that?ÔÇØ Patrick asked.

I mean I saw you groping her a few months ago, Yvonne said. You left your webcam on. I I thought we had something special. She began tearing up, and she wiped her eye with her hand, and got some tissues and blew her nose.

ÔÇ£You - - You saw that?ÔÇØ Patrick asked.

ÔÇ£Yes,ÔÇØ she said. ÔÇ£I did.ÔÇØ

Then, it was over. Yvonne turned off her webcam.

ÔÇ£Who was that, Pat?ÔÇØ Chenelle said.

ÔÇ£It was - - ÔÇØ Patrick began, but then hesitated.

ÔÇ£It was who?ÔÇØ Chenelle asked.

It was no one, said Patrick. Just an old friend.

S3E5 (48 )- Keeping Secrets/CalvinÔÇÖs Disturbance: Keeping Secrets: Stacey has been hiding something from Archie. And he wants to know what it is that she has been hiding. He is really beginning to get suspicious. He asks her whatÔÇÖs going on, and she says nothing, but thatÔÇÖs a lie. We flashback to Stacey, visiting her doctor, who lets her know that sheÔÇÖs pregnant. She doesnÔÇÖt know what to do. She asks him if heÔÇÖs absolutely sure, and he says he is absolutely positive. Stacey is really nervous, and she doesnÔÇÖt want to keep this from Archie, but she doesnÔÇÖt know how heÔÇÖll take the news. But, ArchieÔÇÖs suspicions are really getting to him, and he tells Patrick to ask Stacey if she is hiding anything from Archie. Stacey breaks down when Patrick goes to ask her, and tells him everything, but she tells him he needs to keep the secret for her.

Calvins Disturbance: Calvin is trying to come up with a new plan to kill Patrick, or at least slightly maim him, or just make him slightly uncomfortable, or give him some sort of inconvenience. But, no matter what, he gets distracted. Only now does he realize how tough this was for Jeremy. There was so much noise! Scallops chirping, construction, and more. So, Calvin goes outside and soothes some of the scallops, but they bite him. He screams, and runs off. He comes up with schemes to get rid of the scallops, then eventually, they leave because they are annoyed with Calvin disturbing them. Calvin considers this a victory. Then, he goes to take care of the construction. He asks the workers to stop, but they refuse. So, he tries to negotiate, and passes them a $5 bill. One of the construction workers is offended, and they beat him up. Eventually, they leave, because they are done for the day. Once again, Calvin considers this a victory. He goes back inside, to keep coming up with a great plan.


There ya go! 893573.gif First 5 Season 3 episodes. More coming soon.

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S3E6 (49)- Karate Lesson/First Date: Karate Lesson: Nicholas has to go to karate lessons, unfortunately. Lately his sensei has been downright cruel. HeÔÇÖs been making them break bricks with their pinky toes. Nicholas is getting annoyed. After a grueling lesson, Nicholas goes to confront his sensei, but only hears an interesting conversation.

ÔÇ£Master, soon, I will have the sacrifices,ÔÇØ Sensei Kurne said.

ÔÇ£You must make haste,ÔÇØ said Sensei KurneÔÇÖs master, whoever he was. ÔÇ£The deadline is approaching, and we need them.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£I apologize, but I must make them strong before they are of any use to us,ÔÇØ said Sensei Kurne.

ÔÇ£Shut up,ÔÇØ said Master. ÔÇ£You must hurry.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Master Elyar, you must be aware that in order to take part in the war, these students must all become black belts,ÔÇØ said Sensei Kurne.

Master Elyar groaned. ÔÇ£Goodbye, apprentice.ÔÇØ

Nicholas heard a Poof! and soon, Sensei Kurne came out, looking angry. Nicholas hid.

First Date: Patrick and Chenelle decide to go on their first date instead of just staying locked inside of PatrickÔÇÖs house, making out. Patrick decides that they should go to JacksonÔÇÖs Fabulously Fancy Restaurant. Chenelle says that it sounds great. While they are there, they run into Enrique and Time, who look like they are arguing about something. Patrick asks whatÔÇÖs going on, and Enrique explains that he recently lost a race to a newcomer named Harvey. Harvey really is the fastest runner in town. Harvey then walks into the restaurant with a very familiar face: YvonneÔÇÖs sister, Shelly. Patrick feels awkward. He remembers going on a date with Shelly a while ago. He sinks down into his chair, avoiding Shelly. Chenelle asks whatÔÇÖs going on, and Patrick explains. She laughs, and then Shelly sees the two of them. It takes Shelly a second to recognize Patrick, then she immediately realizes who he is, and looks disgusted, and continues walking. Harvey smirks. Enrique is angry. There, in the restaurant, he challenges Harvey to a race. Then, Patrick and Chenelle leave the restaurant, searching for some peace and quiet. Eventually, they just find their way back to PatrickÔÇÖs couch, on top of each other, making out.

S3E7 (50)- 50th Episode Spectacular!: In this hour long special, the producers, writers, directors, and cast talk about what it was like to get this far. There are loads of interviews, and more. And, there is an exclusive tour of the office, and an interview with Stacey Ferguson (Fergie), the voice of Stacey. Plus, thereÔÇÖs tons more! Loads of music, and then, we get to see a sneak peek on things to come from Season 3. We see a strange fish who looks a lot like Harold, NicholasÔÇÖs Sensei Kurne, Chenelle, and more in the six-minute long sneak peek! Then, the creator of the show talks about his inspiration, and how he thinks the show has changed from how it was in the first episode to how it is now, and if he thinks these are good changes or bad ones.

S3E8 (51)- MermaidMan and BarnacleBoy Visit/Big Mouth: MermaidMan and BarnacleBoy Visit: MermaidMan and BarnacleBoy come to WaterFalls, and Patrick is really excited to meet his two favorite superheroes. But then he realizes, theyÔÇÖre so senile, they have no clue where they are. So, it is Patrick, Harold, and NicholasÔÇÖs responsibility to return the two retired crime-fighters to Bikini Bottom where they belong. Along the way, they must fight the Dirty Bubble, ManRay, and more, but they manage to get them home safely. The problem is, even when theyÔÇÖre home, they have no clue where they are.

Big Mouth: At work one day, Archie is really tense. He knows that Stacey is hiding something, and he knows that Patrick knows what it is. As much as Patrick wants to tell Archie that Stacey is pregnant, he swore to her that he wouldnÔÇÖt tell. Why should he? But, as soon as Archie walks over, sure enough, Patrick blabs. ArchieÔÇÖs mouth makes the shape of an O, and he walks away, in shock. Patrick now realizes that he has made a big mistake, and he goes to tell Stacey what he did. When he goes to see her, sheÔÇÖs really upset with him, but she decides that sheÔÇÖll tell Archie before heÔÇÖs angry with her. Then, Archie walks in, and hugs Stacey as tight as he can.

ÔÇ£Why didnÔÇÖt you tell me that IÔÇÖm going to be a father?ÔÇØ he asked, with a tear in his eye.

I dont know Stacey said. I didnt know how you would handle it. Why are you crying?

ÔÇ£Because these are tears of joy,ÔÇØ he said. ÔÇ£IÔÇÖve always wanted a child.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Oh,ÔÇØ Stacey said. ÔÇ£I love you.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£I love you too.ÔÇØ Archie said.

Patrick smiled. Had he done this? He hoped so, because both of them looked really happy.

S3E9 (52)- Long-Lost Brother: How exciting has life in WaterFalls been lately? You can ask any of the citys residents. Except Harold. Everyone has something going on except him. Theres Patrick, having some fling with Chenelle, Nicholas thinking Sensei Kurne is evil, Archie getting a baby, Jeremy being shot, and Calvin trying to kill Patrick, oh, and Enrique sucking at running, again. Whats going on for Harold, though? Nothing. Until today! He gets a knock on his door, and he sees a face that looks a lot like him. In fact, nearly identical, except hes wearing a different-colored shirt. Harold invites the stranger in, and they begin talking, and talking, and talking. The stranger tells Harold that his name is Edmond, and that he is Harolds twin. Harold is in shock. He kicks the stranger out, calling him a liar. Then, he goes to talk to Patrick and Nicholas, who tell them its not that ridiculous. Harolds parents were divorced. Harold lived with his mother, and its possible that Edmond lived with their father. Harold decides that they could be right, but he wants to be sure that this guy really is his brother. He tells him that the two of them are going to the doctors office, and Edmond happily obliges. The doctor runs a DNA test, and theyre brothers. Harold is still in shock, but he has no choice but to accept that this stranger is the brother he thought he never had. Edmond tells Harold that he was just fired from his job, and he has no place to go. Harold hesitates, but decides to let his brother live with him. He gets some money, and makes a room for Edmond to stay with him in his home.

S3E10 (53)- Stormy/Mystery II: Stormy: Patrick and Chenelle want to try to go on a date, again. But, they cant. They try to walk out the door, and then lightning nearly hits them, they rush back inside, trapped inside because of the extremely stormy weather. Then, Harold and Edmond step out of his house, not thinking the storm is that big, going to visit Patrick. Then, when they get there, Patrick pulls them inside so they dont get zapped. Then, Nicholas walks over to the house with ease. Patrick wonders if the lightning is over. He steps outside, and as soon as he does, he is zapped. Then, we go to see Calvin, controlling the storm, laughing evilly. Then, he accidentally zaps his remote that he is using to control the storm, and suddenly, everything goes haywire. He works hard to stop the giant storm, and then is electrocuted at least twenty-nine times in the process. But, eventually, the storm is over, and Calvin is sent to the hospital.

Mystery II: Nicholas is being completely paranoid about Sensei Kurne, and Patrick and Harold are sick of it. This looks like a case for Patrick and Harold, they get on their detective uniforms. Patrick is Detective 1. Harold is That Other Guy! They seek out to prove Nicholas wrong about his sensei being evil, so they go to his dojo. There, they see Sensei Kurne. Detective 1 goes in to interview Sensei Kurne, but Sensei Kurne uses karate to knock him out. That Other Guy hides. Sensei Kurne then talks to someone that is named Master Elyar. That Other Guy remembers that name Nicholas was right! He grabs Detective 1 and goes back to Nicholass home to tell him everything. Case closed!

S3E11 (54)- That Stupid Song/Patrick Patty: That Stupid Song: Lately, Patrick is really starting to enjoy dating Chenelle. Not only because she wonÔÇÖt stop making out with him, which is notably pretty great, but he is really beginning to enjoy being around her. Then, they turn on the radio one day, and what song is on? ÔÇ£Wishing I Had You.ÔÇØ A song Yvonne wrote. The song Yvonne wrote (see Season 1 Episode 18: Hide and Seek/Yvonne Writes a Song). Suddenly, Patrick begins missing Yvonne more and more. The thoughts surface again. The thoughts about how this is wrong, and how he should be anxiously waiting for YvonneÔÇÖs return, and not livinÔÇÖ it up with Chenelle. So, he breaks up with Chenelle. She runs off, crying. Harold and Nicholas are extremely happy, but they ask Patrick why he did it. He explains. Edmond gives him some advice. He tells him that he should enjoy YvonneÔÇÖs time away, and if being with Chenelle is what it takes to enjoy it, then he should be with her, as long as Patrick knows that this is just a fling, and that he canÔÇÖt ever see he and Chenelle getting married and having children. So, Patrick goes to ChenelleÔÇÖs house, and the two get back together.

Patrick Patty: One day, Archies Shop is low on business, and a customer comes in. For some reason, he thought it was a restaurant. Archie apologizes, and tells him that it is a store, and not a restaurant, though they do sell groceries. Then, Patrick has an idea. He remembers the Krabby Patty! He immediately makes one, remembering a time in Bikini Bottom when SpongeBob told him the secret formula. The customer tells Patrick the patty is scrumptious, and he asks what it is called. Patrick nearly says Krabby Patty, but then he gets an idea -- the Patrick Patty! He tells the customer the name, and the customer soon tells all his friends. Soon, business is booming! People want Patrick Patties, and while theyre at Archies Shop, they buy other things, too! Its great for Archie. Then, Patrick feels overworked. Customer demand is up. So, Archie suggests that they get a few more fry cooks to help Patrick out. But, Patrick thinks that the secret formula should stay secret, and that if he gets three fry cooks, they three of them will know, then soon three more people will know, and three more people, and soon more. So, he tells Archie that Patrick Patties are officially gone.


And THAT is every episode of the show so far.

New episodes coming tomorrow. Get excited!

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S3E12 (55)- Confronting Kurne: Nicholas is finally going to talk to Kurne about what he heard. After what feels like his longest karate lesson ever, he confronts the old fish. Kurne has a gray beard that goes down past his chin, and he is completely bold, his head shinier than King NeptuneÔÇÖs.

Sensei Nicholas said. I have a problem.

ÔÇ£And what is this problem?ÔÇØ Kurne uttered through the side of his small mouth.

ÔÇ£I want to know what it is that youÔÇÖre up to.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£And,ÔÇØ Kurne began, and Nicholas swore he could see fire in his eyes, ÔÇ£what do you mean by that, young Nicholas?ÔÇØ

I heard you talking to a man Master Elyar. And I have two friends - Detective 1 and That Other Guy I mean, Patrick and Harold - who are witnesses.

I see Kurne said, his yellow teeth clenched. As he spoke, Nicholas could smell his horrible, rancid breath. If this man was evil, he didnt know what was. Master Elyar he has given me a mission. A quest, if you will. That quest is to raise an army of ultimate ninjas to destroy a certain citizen of WaterFalls.

ÔÇ£Who is your target?ÔÇØ Nicholas asked.

ÔÇ£That information will not be revealed.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Well, you were telling your master that you would get him ÔÇÿthe sacrifices.ÔÇÖ What are they?ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Young Nicholas, you know of the ritual of Ehrr. Everyone close to your victim will be killed before them. Then, your victim faces a more excruciatingly painful death, according to ancient lore.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£So, youÔÇÖre going to get everyone thatÔÇÖs close to your victim?ÔÇØ Nicholas asked, beginning to understand the big picture of what was going on.

Indeed Kurne said. Unfortunately I have already said too much.

Kurne aimed his foot at NicholasÔÇÖs jaw, but Nicholas grabbed the manÔÇÖs foot, and threw him across the room. Kurne sprang back up, and punched Nicholas right in the face. Nicholas clutched his face in agonizing pain, and Kurne kicked him, causing him to fall down. Nicholas awoke later, smelling the sound of smoke. When he opens his eyes, he sees the roomÔǪ on fire around him. What he wonders isÔǪ why is he not burning? In any case, he gets out of the room that he was in. Outside, he sees that it says ÔÇ£Welcome to Coralwood.ÔÇØ Which means, Nicholas is now trapped in Coralwood. Kurne tried to kill him, then shipped him to Coralwood! That was painfully far from WaterFalls! But the main question on NicholasÔÇÖs mindÔǪ would Kurne ever stop calling him ÔÇÿyoungÔÇÖ Nicholas? ErÔǪ letÔÇÖs try that again. How was he still alive with the fire? With no marks to show he was even in a fire?


Shocking? Revealing? More than that? I would soooo love reviews. =P New episode coming soon.

This will be a multiple-episode story arc, along with other things going on this season. And the drama doesn't end in Season 3. icon_twisted.gif

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S3E13 (56)- Suspicions/Fight! Fight!: Suspicions: Patrick is noticing some strange things about HaroldÔÇÖs long-lost twin brother, Edmond. Lately he seems very tense, and every time the conversation leads to his childhood, the memories are ÔÇÿhazyÔÇÖ and heÔÇÖs at a loss for words, like heÔÇÖs trying to come up with some sort of story to tell. A false story. Patrick decides to go to Archie for advice. But, Archie isnÔÇÖt there. He and Stacey are at a doctorÔÇÖs appointment to determine the sex of their child. So, Patrick goes straight to the source, Edmond. HeÔÇÖs never been alone with the sketchy - well, letÔÇÖs admit it - stranger, before. He was just a little nervous, but he went to the house while Harold was at the store. There, he saw someone that was not Edmond. ExceptÔǪ Patrick knew it was. There was a-- costume right next to him. A disguise! Edmond was just a guy in a Harold suit! Patrick did not speak. His fears had been confirmed, unfortunately.

Fight! Fight!: Patrick goes to Harold with his suspicions. Harold only laughs, saying that Patrick must be joking. Patrick says heÔÇÖs serious, to which Harold turns solemn. He asks if Patrick has any evidence.

ÔÇ£IsnÔÇÖt it evidence enough that me, your best friend, is telling you this?ÔÇØ Patrick said.

ÔÇ£Does that mean you have no proof?ÔÇØ Harold said impatiently.

ÔÇ£Harold, heÔÇÖs in a costume!ÔÇØ Patrick said indignantly.

ÔÇ£A costume of what?ÔÇØ Harold said.

ÔÇ£A costume of YOU!ÔÇØ Patrick yelled.

ÔÇ£Patrick, I think itÔÇÖs time for you to leave.ÔÇØ

Patrick leaves HaroldÔÇÖs house, feeling angry. He knocks on NicholasÔÇÖs door, to no avail. He goes to ArchieÔÇÖs Shop, no sign of him there. He goes to his dojo, where Sensei Kurne grabs him, ties him up, and throws him in the back room.


Short? Yeahhhh. Important? Yeahhhh!! Reviews appreciated.

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S3E14 (57)- The Doctors Office/Where Are My Friends?: The Doctors Office: Archie is really nervous. Hes at the doctors office with Stacey, theyre in the waiting room, getting ready to see if the baby is healthy, and find out the sex of the baby. Archie sees a sick little boy in the waiting room. His mother gets a call on her cell phone, and her son tries to follow her out as she walks outside to talk. She holds up a finger, telling him to wait (ironyyyyy theyre in the waiting room. Duh). Then, Archie starts talking to the little boy. The boy is cracking jokes with Archie, asking him to play Legos with him, and Archie suddenly cant wait to be a father. Suddenly, the boys mother is back in, and its time for the doctor to see the boy. The boy waves goodbye to Archie, and Archie waves back. Later, when its time for Archie to find out the sex of his baby, he isnt afraid. And hes happy to hear its a boy.

Where Are My Friends?: Its been two weeks since Patrick and Harolds falling out and Sensei Kurne capturing Patrick, and Harold is finally ready to forgive his buddy when he realizes that he is nowhere to be seen. He knocks on his door to no avail, and he goes to Archies Shop, where Archie excitedly tells him the sex of the baby and that he hasnt seen Patrick, or Nicholas, for that matter. And Yvonne is gone. Theres no one there. Is everyone avoiding him? He calls Patrick on his cell phone, and someone answers. Who is it? Kurne.

ÔÇ£Who is this?ÔÇØ Kurne said.

ÔÇ£I think I should be the one asking that question,ÔÇØ said Harold.

This is none of your business, boy Kurne said.

The call ended. Then, as the episode ends, we see Yvonne getting off her plane, back in WaterFalls.


Just 10 more episodes left in the epic third season. Stay tuned....

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I am so honored that this very special episode of Misadventures is my 100th post on the Community. Enjoy.

S3E15 (58 )- An Unusual Return/HeÔÇÿs Got the Power: An Unusual Return: In the morning, there is a knock on HaroldÔÇÖs door. ItÔÇÖs none other than Yvonne, whoÔÇÖs looking great! She gives him a hug, and asks where Patrick is. Harold explains, and Yvonne begins to worry. Then, someone else knocks on the door. Harold winces when he sees who it is. Chenelle. Yvonne does something thatÔÇÖs not like herÔǪ she slaps Chenelle.

Im back, Skankzilla Yvonne said. So you can stay away from my boyfriend.

Chenelle laughs. ÔÇ£I donÔÇÖt think so. And I donÔÇÖt even know where my Patrick is. But when he gets back, heÔÇÖs going to choose me. Not you.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Get out,ÔÇØ Yvonne says between clenched teeth.

ÔÇ£Oh, and thatÔÇÖs for you to decide? Last time I checked this was HaroldÔÇÖs house. Not yours.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Chenelle, get out. Me and Yvonne need to talk,ÔÇØ Harold said.

Its about Patrick. I know it! she said. And since it is, Im staying. Im Im worried about him. Please let me stay.

Fine Harold said.

Yvonne crossed her arms and sighed.

ÔÇ£WhatÔÇÖs going on with Patrick?ÔÇØ Chenelle said. ÔÇ£I havenÔÇÖt seen him in days.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£ItÔÇÖs got something to do with NicholasÔÇÖs sensei, Kurne,ÔÇØ Harold said. ÔÇ£We all need to get to the dojo.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£This guy could be dangerous,ÔÇØ Yvonne said. ÔÇ£WeÔÇÖre gonna need some sort of protection.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£I hate to admit it, but YvonneÔÇÖs right,ÔÇØ Chenelle said.

ÔÇ£Alright, well IÔÇÖm not exactly the House of Weapons,ÔÇØ Harold said.

ÔÇ£I know who could help,ÔÇØ Yvonne said.

ÔÇ£Who?ÔÇØ Harold and Chenelle asked.

Yvonne drove Harold and Chenelle to the home of whoever could help. They arrived at a house, one that looked familiar to Harold. Yvonne got out and knocked on the door, and Enrique opened the door, Time standing behind him. WaterFallsÔÇÖ top athletes. If the stereotype machine was working, then they must know kung fu or some sort of self defense mechanism. Yvonne told them everything, and they agreed to help. They were going to go to the dojo, but Yvonne had one more stop. Harold knew this house. Archie and StaceyÔÇÖs mansion. Yvonne told Archie everything, and Archie agreed to come.

ÔÇ£IÔÇÖm coming, too,ÔÇØ Stacey said.

ÔÇ£Dear, youÔÇÖre seven months pregnant,ÔÇØ Archie said. ÔÇ£ThereÔÇÖs no way youÔÇÖre coming with us.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Listen Archie,ÔÇØ Stacey said, ÔÇ£we both know IÔÇÖm going to come either way. So letÔÇÖs save the fight and get to the dojo, and save Patrick Star.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£I love you,ÔÇØ Archie said. The two share a kiss, and they hop in the boatmobile.

Seven fish crammed into YvonneÔÇÖs boatmobile, they get ready to save Patrick Star, forgetting about their other good friend, Nicholas, who is also in quite the predicament.

HeÔÇÿs Got the Power: Nicholas was standing in front of Master Elyar. He had long, snowy white hair that drooped down, extending across the ground. His pupils were a stunning red, his face covered in the deepest of wrinkles.

ÔÇ£It is time to let Ehrr commence,ÔÇØ Master Elyar declared.

Ehrr? Nicholas asked. Like, the death of a loved one first, then leading to a more painful death for the target Youre after Patrick!

ÔÇ£Correct,ÔÇØ Master Elyar said.

ÔÇ£Why?ÔÇØ Nicholas asked.

ÔÇ£Orders from Calvin Clam,ÔÇØ Master Elyar said.

ÔÇ£Whoa,ÔÇØ Nicholas said. ÔÇ£I never thought heÔÇÖd go this far into torturing Patrick.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£Yes, yes,ÔÇØ Master Elyar said. ÔÇ£Very interesting. Now if youÔÇÖll excuse me, itÔÇÖs time for me to kill you.ÔÇØ

Master Elyar flew up into the air in slow motion, and kicked Nicholas right in the face. Nicholas felt a sort of power rushing through his veins. In a rapid burst of punches and kicks, he knocks Master Elyar down, killing him. The student has become the master, in a very unexpected twist. Suddenly, a bus to WaterFalls swung up right in front of him, and he knew thatÔÇÖs where he was needed. He yelled at the bus driver, telling him to go faster, and that his friendÔÇÖs life depended on it. He had all the answers that they needed, and this guy was driving 2 miles an hour. It was ridiculous. He threw the guy off the seat, and through him to the back of the bus. Power still running through his veins, Nicholas wired the bus so it could go unbelievably fast. He started driving, and got to WaterFalls in 10 minutes. He arrived at the same time as Yvonne, Harold, Archie, Stacey, Enrique, and Time. It was time to save Patrick.


A new episode coming very soon. Season 3 is getting closer and closer to its end.

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Here's another one!!

S3E16 (59)- Waking Up/Friends Stick Together: Waking Up: Calvin was visiting Jeremy in the hospital. He had spent months and months comatose, and now something amazing occurred. Jeremy woke up. Calvin was so relieved, and he told Jeremy about his scheme to kill Patrick, hoping his boss would be ecstatic. Instead, Jeremy hopped out of his hospital bed and slapped Calvin across the face.

ÔÇ£What was that for?ÔÇØ Calvin asked.

ÔÇ£First of all, donÔÇÖt ever get involved with Kurne and Elyar. Ever. Second, my schemes with Patrick never went that far for a reason. Sometimes, I want to kill him, but not that horribly. HeÔÇÖs only a person. And this show should be semi-appropriate for children!ÔÇØ

Oh, Calvin said. And sir please dont break the fourth wall.|

ÔÇ£Sorry,ÔÇØ Jeremy said. ÔÇ£Now we have to stop Kurne from killing Patrick and his friends.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£His friends?ÔÇØ Calvin asked.

ÔÇ£You donÔÇÖt know anything, do you? When they say they kill someone, they do it in a horrible way. Ehrr is the most common. You kill their loved ones first, and then you kill them, with their loved onesÔÇÖ corpses surrounding them, in a circle.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£WHOA!ÔÇØ Calvin just said.

ÔÇ£What?ÔÇØ Jeremy asked.

ÔÇ£Like, 2 seconds ago you said this show should be appropriate for children!ÔÇØ Calvin said.

ÔÇ£Oh, shut up,ÔÇØ Jeremy said.

ÔÇ£Glad to have you back, sir,ÔÇØ Calvin mumbled.

ÔÇ£Hey, I havenÔÇÖt forgotten you shooting me,ÔÇØ Jeremy said.

CalvinÔÇÖs phone started to ring. He answered.

ÔÇ£Bad news, Elyar is dead,ÔÇØ Kurne said. ÔÇ£Good news, all of his friends are right outside. Just where I want them.ÔÇØFriends Stick Together: Harold, Yvonne, Nicholas, Archie, Stacey, Chenelle, Enrique, and Time were standing outside the dojo.

ÔÇ£We need a plan,ÔÇØ Enrique said.

ÔÇ£No time,ÔÇØ Chenelle said. ÔÇ£We gotta save my Pat!ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£We have to think about this logically,ÔÇØ Yvonne said. ÔÇ£And, heÔÇÖs MINE.ÔÇØ

Mine Chenelle said.

Mine Yvonne countered.

Shut up, both of you, Nicholas said. By the way, welcome back Yvonne. And I agree with Chenelle, for some reason. Theres no time for us to make any sort of strategy. We need to get in there and save Patrick, before theres no Patrick to save.

ÔÇ£LetÔÇÖs go!ÔÇØ Archie said.

ÔÇ£I just realized something, Time,ÔÇØ Enrique said.

ÔÇ£What?ÔÇØ Time asked.

ÔÇ£WeÔÇÖre risking our lives to save someone we hardly know!ÔÇØ Enrique screamed.

You present a good point Time deduced.

Arm in arm, the two of them run away.

ÔÇ£Cowards!ÔÇØ Stacey yelled.

ÔÇ£I guess we have to go in without them,ÔÇØ Harold said.

ÔÇ£YouÔÇÖre right,ÔÇØ Yvonne said.

We really do barely know them Harold said.

ÔÇ£No, we helped them a couple of times,ÔÇØ Nicholas said.

ÔÇ£Oh yeah,ÔÇØ Harold said. ÔÇ£Do you remember when? And how?ÔÇØ

On a few separate occasions. There was that jar of mayonnaise, and when Time got that kelp stuck in her tooth Nicholas said.

ÔÇ£Shut up and letÔÇÖs go!ÔÇØ Yvonne yelled.

Then, Jeremy and Calvin arrived.

ÔÇ£HeÔÇÖs alive?ÔÇØ Harold asked.

ÔÇ£Why wouldnÔÇÖt he be?ÔÇØ Yvonne asked.

ÔÇ£Oh... we forgot to tell you that part. Calvin shot Jeremy, and put him in a coma. ItÔÇÖs a long story,ÔÇØ Harold said.

ÔÇ£Yes, yes, IÔÇÖm alive. Now, I make one offer to save your friend.ÇØ He rolled his eyes. ÔÇ£Take it or leave it.ÔÇØ

ÔÇ£We take it!ÔÇØ Chenelle said.

ÔÇ£Thought so,ÔÇØ Jeremy said.

He and Calvin walked inside, and walked out with Kurne in handcuffs, and Patrick, happy as could be. Patrick saw Yvonne, ran over, and passionately kissed her, not caring that Chenelle was standing there at all.


And that is one of my favorite episodes... new episode coming soon.

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