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Captain America: Civil War


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Well, it seem like everyone was right about this movie. It really kicked ass. I think this probably topped first Avengers and became my favorite Marvel movie to me. I've seen complaints from MCU being pretty childish and I gotta agree on that a little, even though I still love MCU but this was the most mature and the bestly-written MCU movie they have done. Sure it had humor (good humor btw) but most of time it was brutal, violent and took superheroes' issues seriously. This definitely felt like a different superhero movie to me than just "lets save the world from this totally evil guy". I loved almost everything about this movie. Character study was nop-notch. I don't feel like none of superheroes were wasted. Ok, I could have seen more from Hawkeye and Ant-Man but even they had screentime to shine and Ant-Man blowed me away with one part I'm not gonna mention. Even though I was a bit more on Cap's side, it was also understandable to see Iron Man's side as well. New additions, Black Panther and Spider-Man were both awesome. I was so much invested in Black Panther's character and I really appericiated his development. He's becoming one of my favorite Avengers ever. Spider-Man was handled very well. He stole the movie. I loved how they made him a really goofy teenager and that's what he's supposed to be anyway. All of his moments cracked me up and he was pretty kick-ass and smart as well. As for others Cap was amazing once again, his relationship with Buck and Iron Man kept me interested. Iron Man, depsite my issues with him in general, I loved him here. Not only that I appericiated how he wanted to fix his problems, I also really felt bad for him. Scarlet Witch has become one of my favorite superheroes, she was such the most caring and the most reletable charcters in this movie. Vision, Black Widow, Falcon and Bucky were pretty well-written characters here too. And there's also the villain of the movie (not gonna reveal) and a lot of people said he was once again a weak and useless Marvel villain. Tbh I completely disagree. Yeah, at first he seems like it but when the movie was in last minutes, you could understand why he was doing all of these and I disagree that he was useless. Yeah, we could have gotten his character earlier but then again, he wasn't here too much and when he was here, he was useful to story and he was really brutal. I think he's the best villain we've gotten from MCU movies since Loki. It's really hard to make so many subplots and tie them together but I think they did a really good job tieing all of them together. The action and the comedy were so entertaining, as well as I really aperriciated it's mature moments and it's themes. I still have gripes for Hawkeye and Ant-Man being pretty under developed but in the end, this movie stole my heart. I think phase 3 started off with a bang and I hope it continues to be that way. Btw these two end credit scenes, awesome.


Grade: A+

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Don't get me wrong.  This movie was great.  This was superhero on superhero action done absolutely right.  Hell this movie was so good that it consistently reminded me that Age of Ultron was ridiculously mediocre.  The future Avengers movies are in the right hands with The Russos.  They can juggle these personalities as well as Whedon did.

But my problem, was not with some characters not getting nearly enough focus.  Who cares if Ant Man didn't warrant all that much attention?  Characters like him and Hawkeye were meant to be supporting because this isn't The Avengers 2.5.  It's Captain America's movie with Iron Man as co-headliner.  It's primarily about their conflict and scenes about Bucky, Black Panther, and Spider-Man being reintroduced.  

No, my main problem was as it comes down to with most MCU movies, is how their villain is portrayed.  This one in particular felt just unneeded.  There was already way too much going on that Zemo's inclusion just reeked of being forced into this.  I did like his backstory at least so he's not underdeveloped like so many others in the MCU.  As a matter of fact, I wouldn't mind seeing him come back because clearly he needs his own movie to be the primary focus as antagonist.  My problem is that his plans go off way too perfectly, and if you step back for a moment and realize that, it sort of puts a bit of a chink on the rest of the movie. Everything falls into place at exactly the right time, exactly the right place. All the characters put themselves in just the right position for everything to go down the way the bad guy wants it to go down. It’s too many coincidences colliding and strains plausibility.  Normally that doesn't bother me because you can nitpick any superhero movie like The Dark Knight and point out The Joker gets away with way too much coincidence.  But here in this movie?  You already have a lot going on and you have a shit ton of personalities to juggle and a lot of subplots amongst these characters.  It becomes way too easy to notice that Zemo's inclusion is just way too unnecessary and everything he does in this is because the plot told him to because we need an actual antagonist instead of making this about two superheroes who don't see eye to eye.

Once again, I did love this movie.  Highly recommended and while it may not be perfect, it honestly didn't need to be.  All I wanted was a movie to justify the existence of this well known storyline from the comic books at this point in the MCU and we got it.  Can't wait to watch this again.

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Saw this movie this past weekend after running errands with the family at the local theater, which happens to have a bar and allows you to go into the theater with adult beverages (a win for my parents, who kindly enough purchased me a drink, even though I wasn't feeling in the mood for it).

We got there right as the movie was starting, which was awesome. The opening was interesting, the way it further fleshed out the background of Bucky in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I will honestly admit that I went into the movies with a biased opinion because I know how huge of an event the true Civil War was in the comics and the large number of characters it encompassed. Not to mention the divide it created between Iron Man (pro-registration act) and Captain America (anti-registration act). I quickly realized that they weren't following that thought path at all and adjusted my way of thinking to something more open and giving.

I agree completely on Zemo, he's such a great reoccurring villain in the comics as one of the current leaders of Hydra so it was kind of strange to see him working to undermine and destroy it. You can clearly see where they're trying to juggle and overlap all the storylines between the various movies and the Agents of Shield.

Not sure how I feel about Spider-Man though. I mean the new actor did well to personify Peter's sense of humor; but, it felt like he was stealing the limelight from Cap and Tony without really contributing much to the overall story.

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Ok went to see this again.  My point still stands about Zemo, but otherwise the movie still really holds up after a repeat viewing.  I think I might like it even more now if that was possible despite my very minor problems with it.  Definitely one of the best films of the MCU for certain.

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I just watched this in theaters today and thought it was very good. My favorite part was the fight scene with all the heroes. I happily went "What the hell?" when they brought Spider-Man and Ant-Man in. Their sudden inclusion made me like this better than Winter Soldier.

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3 minutes ago, Bada Bing Nuggets said:

Everyone's already said what I would've said about this, but can we all agree that the airport fight scene was one of the best scenes in a comic book movie ever?

Definitely my favorite scene from the movie.

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1 hour ago, Bada Bing Nuggets said:

Everyone's already said what I would've said about this, but can we all agree that the airport fight scene was one of the best scenes in a comic book movie ever?

That and the last fight, which was really brutal and I loved it.

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Just occurred to me that Zemo is one of the few villain that ever wins. Yeah he got arrested in the end but his goal (stir up things amongst the Avengers) is fulfilled and he seems to be pretty satisfied by it.


On 10/6/2016 at 10:55 PM, Bada Bing Nuggets said:

Everyone's already said what I would've said about this, but can we all agree that the airport fight scene was one of the best scenes in a comic book movie ever?

Ant-man turning into a giant is also in the comic book but damn it really do took me by surprise. Amazing.
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6 hours ago, The Drifter said:

Just occurred to me that Zemo is one of the few villain that ever wins. Yeah he got arrested in the end but his goal (stir up things amongst the Avengers) is fulfilled and he seems to be pretty satisfied by it.


Ant-man turning into a giant is also in the comic book but damn it really do took me by surprise. Amazing.

Yeah, I was surprised that they actually had him go Giant this soon. The effects for it were great too.

As everyone else has said, the airport fight scene was epic. The main thing I loved about it was how hard everyone was trying to not kill each other. Between Hawkeye 'pulling his punches', to Scarlet Witch positioning those cars so they would trap Tony rather than kill him. It really helped to make the airport scene stand out as one of the most intimate fight scenes in the MCU.

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