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Popeye Q. Krabs

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Status Updates posted by Popeye Q. Krabs

  1. Yay. I see that my degree has been officially posted to my transcript. Now it's just time to focus deeply on teaching myself more skills and applying for jobs. Back-up plan would be to go back for either a master's or a second bachelor's degree in a different field and take classes in other interests I have when I get my financials straightened out. 

  2. Today's the day. Graduation, here I come!

  3. Fml. have to wake up at 6:45 in the morning tomorrow. I hate this project and class so much. 

    1. Slippin' Freddy

      Slippin' Freddy

      I know how you feel. I have to wake up at 6 IN THE MORNING on Wednesday and Thursday for two dumb FSA tests.

  4. How nasty are my patties and buns?

  5. I scraped my lower back by accident in the shower. It was after trimming the area and when I went up, that's when it happened. It burned quite a bit, but thankfully, I ran some water on it and put witch hazel on the area and it's not bleeding too much. I think I'll be okay.

  6. Butterflies in the stomach are the worst.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. fortnitefan12


      As you can see, a lot of stuff has changed since you were gone.

    3. Slippin' Freddy

      Slippin' Freddy

      Popeye is back to pop more eyes.

    4. WhoBibbles


      I agree with you about that. ALSO <333333333333333333

  7. In a terrible mood right now and something really personal and close to home came up. Please understand.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. WhoBibbles


      Sorry to hear what you are going through. I hope you'll get over it. :( 

    3. Katniss


      Sorry to hear that, hope things get better for you soon

  8. I can't believe it's already been more than two years since I created my account here. Whoa.

    1. Jane


      I've had mine for a year. But I didn't start using it until this July.

  9. Now I have three job interviews this week. Holy crap.

    1. Cha


      good luck

    2. Popeye Q. Krabs

      Popeye Q. Krabs

      Thank you. I appreciate it.

  10. My cold has gotten worse,and my throat feels so sore. I also have a fever. Yuck.

    1. Jane


      Get better soon

    2. WhoBibbles


      I feel same too. Get well soon

    3. Popeye Q. Krabs
  11. These tests will be the death of me. One test tonight at 7:15, another tomorrow at 1:30 which I just studied for and brushed up on some stuff I was feeling shaky on and then the hiring event on Sunday and all this stuff and then applying for more retail jobs, like the Home Depot application I submitted today. At least I have a lot of stuff to do now rather than having absolutely nothing to do and feeling like crap.

  12. Website upgrade is great so far. No crashes. Life is good.

  13. Ton of work to do tonight. Eh.

    1. Jane


      If I had homework I'd do it immediately after I get home. That way I'd have enough time to screw around online w/out homework in the way.

  14. Go to work, go to work, go to work.....

    1. crushingmayhem


      That's not right, I need the one for Sunday.

  15. This market segmentation lesson mentioned that people watch American Dad and drove Mazda cars and play racquetball.

  16. I wonder what other programming languages the site uses. I've noticed PHP and possibly Java but what else?

  17. My god. I got an interview tomorrow morning. Nervous but can't wait.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Popeye Q. Krabs

      Popeye Q. Krabs



      Update: Another company I applied for an internship for gave me a call right now and they want to send me a more detailed application to fill out. I didn't think I'd get any offers but I'm surprised.

    3. G4RY SMELLY
    4. The Guy With the Computer

      The Guy With the Computer

      I wish you the best of luck.

  18. I want to eat a patty cake....

    1. The Guy With the Computer

      The Guy With the Computer

      Why hasn't the baker's man baked us one as fast as he can yet?

    2. Sweat


      He's probably go on faster if you weren't clapping and annoying the rest of the bakery, you jerks.

  19. Labor day weekend after this marketing class. Let's do it.

  20. Welcome to tons and tons of projects and self-studying.

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