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BoJack Horseman

Cotton Candy Blue
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Status Updates posted by BoJack Horseman

  1. Season 14 premiere of Family Guy was so funny or maybe I'm just high just like Stewie.

  2. This new skin is great

  3. The first episode of Guardians of the Galaxy was pretty okay.

  4. I only changed my name to WhoBoob for a few days cuz Hal made me do this. Don't get too excited. :P

  5. We're back, everybody.

  6. When I look at my old reviews, oh boy, I cringe.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. E.V.I.L.


      You're going to look back at any old thing you do ever and cringe.

    3. JakeFromStateFarm
    4. FAS


      I don't really do reviews that much anymore because it's too much writing. I might just do pros and cons from now on.

  7. Congrats sbnator20 for being Employee of September 2015

  8. I slept for 1 hour and something bit my arms and legs. WTF

  9. I hate when bus drivers allow more people to bus when the bus is too crowded.

    1. Sweat


      bus bus bus bus bus

    2. BoJack Horseman

      BoJack Horseman

      *Gets run over by a bus*

    3. Sweat
  10. For those that haven't heard yet, I'm actually homosexual.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. BoJack Horseman
    3. kylie


      wtf** whobob is sexually atracted to houses? 

    4. BoJack Horseman

      BoJack Horseman

      we shall execute him for having a relationship with a house and burn that house down. poor house.

  11. Oh my God, you guys. I was in a dream within a dream within a dream. I'm not even joking. I felt so horrible.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. fortnitefan12
    3. Metal Snake

      Metal Snake

      Sorry about that. I once had a dream within a dream, but it wasn't that deep.

    4. BoJack Horseman

      BoJack Horseman

      Thanks a lot you guys :)

  12. Going on a road trip soon. Home sweet home, here we come.

  13. the last comments on homestuck's update is in a nutshell. So ashamed.

  14. I finally watched The Sixth Sense and it deserved to be one of my favorite movies


    1. Amphibia



  16. Disney makes itself look like it's really kid-friendly but it's not really, lol.

    1. Space Cowboy

      Space Cowboy

      that movie about the sudan princess they were going to make is evident of that lol

  17. Oh man, Chronicle movie is so messed up.

    1. Clappy


      I think Chronicle is great. How far are you? If you haven't finished keep watching. Andrew is a fascinating character and his evolution is so well done that it makes the movie worthwhile.

    2. BoJack Horseman

      BoJack Horseman

      I actually finished the movie and I loved it so much. No found footage film will beat this one. It was so messed up but it's pretty interesting and funny.

  18. I got jealous, so I'm joining the fad.

  19. Holy crap, We Bear Bears fad is spreaded here. If those bears were alive, they would be so proud.

  20. Man, Turkey is going to get warmer and warmer until it turns into Hell. How's the weater in USA?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. BoJack Horseman

      BoJack Horseman

      Best pun ever bro 10/10, I cried

    3. E.V.I.L.


      no SB_DW, I'm referring to people who go to any article in which it says its nsowing and sarcastically responds "where's that global warming"

    4. BoJack Horseman

      BoJack Horseman

      I was jking but yeah, it's understandable :P

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