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Everything posted by 4EverGreen

  1. They say big things can come in small packages, so I'll smash a small pumpkin.
  2. I'm digging up Smitty's grave.
  3. So, this message is kind of a response to what Rebel The Wolfgirl wrote...I've been thinking about it, and I decided that I'm going to try my best to carry on with "Power Rangers Multiverse Force". While I admit that (especially at the start) I had trouble finding my own voice), I personally believe that a story isn't about how it starts, it's about how it ends. So, while I will GRADUALLY start writing out the elements that don't really belong in a "Power Rangers" story, there will be some elements that won't fully go away. And I'll try to write more frequently, and get season two finished (and start work on season three) as soon as possible. Enough said, true believers!

  4. In movie theaters, I saw "Barbie" (which shouldn't have BEEN anywhere near as good as it was, but it WAS; and I saw "A Haunting In Venice".
  5. I'll dig up with I'm With Stupid's Grave!
  6. Large, because like the BAND Smashing Pumpkins once sang: "The impossible is possible tonight, tonight!"
  7. Any examples you'd like to share? My personal horror movie flicks are "House Of Wax (The 1953 Version), Rear Window, North By Northwest, Vertigo, The Birds, Jaws," and "Friday The 13th (1980 Version)".
  8. Actually, from what I read; the "Power Rangers" franchise ISN'T coming to an end, but they are planning to (somehow) reboot it next year, apparently WITHOUT the usage of ANY "Super Sentai" footage whatsoever! I personally don't know how they're going to make THAT work, but I certainly wish them good luck!
  9. On the bright side, the makers of THIS movie have the advantage of knowing what NOT to do when making a movie LIKE "Five Nights At Freddie's" (something that "The Banana Splits 'Film'" honestly didn't have and something that "Winnie The Pooh: Blood And Honey" for some reason CHOSE to ignore); so statistically speaking, it has a BETTER chance of being a better movie than THOSE two attempts! Enough said, true believers!
  10. "Spongebob On Parade" is now called "Whatever Floats Your...Floats!"
  11. 1991-1999, (and technically speaking, "Spongebob Squarepants" should belong in this era, since it DID start airing episodes in 1999). Anyways, all the shows listed were ones I actually watched a good number of the episodes of them. Enough said, true believers!
  12. In that case, here is my selection of songs that I would like to be included in this thing. / Michael Jackson: 1. "Wanna Be Starting Something" 2. "The Girl Is Mine" (With Paul McCartney). 3. "PYT, Pretty Young Thing" Heart: 4. "These Dreams" 5. "Never" 6. "Who Will You Run To?" Jefferson Starship: 7. "Find Your Way Back" 8. "Stranger" 9. "Layin' It On The Line" / Enough said, true believers!
  13. Can our choice of any songs include a duet with another singer?
  14. It takes REAL talent to blow bubbles without a bubble wand!
  15. I think the GIF speaks for itself.
  16. I'm ready to re-run the latest episode of "Total Cartoon Legends!" I hope you enjoy reading it, as much as I did writing it! / Sniz is seen driving in a car, and without looking at the camera, he angrily says: "LAST time on Total Cartoon Legends, an arrogant man who shall forever remain SWAY-SWAY, did the most HORRIBLE thing in the world EVER!!!!...Okay, maybe not the most HORRIBLE thing in the world EVER, but STILL pretty bad! After a brief trip down memory lane, it was time to collect the Lost Lucky Pocket Watch of Henry Ford, as well as some other Legends that we didn't get to collect during this season! But SWAY-SWAY had to go and RUIN it by over-reacting to the fact that Buhdeuce could now FLY while he couldn't, and he CRASHED his Rocket Van into a tree, WRECKING our VALUABLE studio, and damaging his OWN good looks! Thankfully, thanks to the fact that Buhdeuce was willing to pay the bill for the damages, $35.6 million and 25 cents of his $40 million prize, we hired a really GOOD repair guy, someone who former contestant Heffer Wolfe HIGHLY recommended, and we are FINALLY going to return to the studio, and see how EVERYTHING has been fixed! The Final Three has been decided! Spongebob Squarepants, Marlene Otter, and Yakkity Yak, with help from Sandy, Bubble Bass, and Bulma respectively, are about to put all of their knowledge and skills on the line, in the pen-ultimate episode of Total Cartoon Legends!" And from the studio, Olmec says: "It's going to be legendary!" / Instead of the usual show open, it opens on a recreation of an ancient mid-evil tapestry, and a scene of the remaining characters and their partners on it, as a familiar song from "The Sword In The Stone" plays in the background; the theme song for "The Sword In The Stone". / A Man sings: "A legend is sung of when England was young, and knights were brave and bold. The good king had died, and no one could decide, who was rightful heir to the throne. It seemed that the land would be torn by a war; or saved by a miracle alone. And that miracle appeared in London town, the sword in the stone." / "The Legend Of King Arthur's Lost Sword Of Excalibur!" / The episode opens up on Sniz pulling up to the outside of the studio, were a very FAMILIAR one shot pig repairman from "Rocko's Modern Life" is seen at the entrance. Sniz parks his car at the car parking space marked "For Show Hosts ONLY", and turns off the car and steps out of it! The Pig Repairman says: "Well, it's about TIME you got here; I've had this place ready to go for you for quite a while now!" Sniz breathes deeply, still TRYING to get over his anger over what Sway-Sway did, and Sniz calmly says: "I...needed some TIME to collect my anger over what happened at the studio, but I think that I am now OVER it! I trust that everything has been put back in it's PROPER place?!" The Pig Repairman says: "Better than THAT; I IMPROVED it! You are going to LOVE what I've DONE to the place!" Sniz opens the Studio doors, and he says: "I'll be the judge of..." Sniz looks into the Studio and SCREAMS: "AHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The camera pans out to reveal that the pig repairman has turned EVERYTHING except Olmec into a giant BATHROOM!!!! Sniz says: "You...turned my studio into a BATHROOM!!!!" Sniz runs into another room, revealing a bathroom and he says: "My kitchen is a BATHROOM!!!!" Sniz runs into another room, revealing a bathroom and he says: "My hallway is a BATHROOM!!!!" Sniz runs into another room, revealing a bathroom and he says: "My garage is a BATHROOM!!!!" Sniz runs into another room, revealing a bathroom and he says: "My Confessional is a BATHROOM!!!!" Sniz runs into another room revealing a bathroom and he says: "My BALLROOM is a BATHROOM!!!!" Sniz runs into ANOTHER room revealing a bathroom and he says: "Even MY BATHROOM is a BATHROOM!!!!" Than Sniz THINKS about IT, and he says: "Well I, guess THAT'S OKAY!" Sniz runs back to the Pig Repairman, and Sniz says: "There are TOO MANY bathrooms in this studio?!" The Pig Repairman asks: "What are you TALKING about?! You can NEVER have TOO many bathrooms!" Sniz throws a suitcase full of money at him, and screams: "OUT!!!! Out of my studio you SICK psycho! And take the STUPID $35.6 million and 25 cents I had to pay for you! I am giving you a PALTRY two stars for your service!" Wanda poofs in, and she asks: "What's the SECOND star for?" Sniz says: "Well, he TECHNICALLY did do repair work!" And Johnny Krill plays a rim-shot! Wanda raises an eye-brow, and she asks: "THAT joke was WORTHY of a rim-shot?!" Johnny says: "I'm just going off of what the cue cards tell me to do. Besides, I get PAID by the rim shot!" General Barracuda says: "Now THAT'S job security!" Sniz says: "It's about TIME you got back! Please THROW this delinquent repairman OUT of HERE!!!!" The Pig Repairman says: "Don't bother! I'll see MYSELF out!!!! SHEESH!!!! Can't even do anything NICE for anyone anymore!" And The Pig Repairman leaves the building! Wanda says: "What are WE going to do NOW?! We can't POSSIBLY hold the last two challenges of this season with the studio...like THIS!!!!" Sniz groans, and he says: "I know, I KNOW!!!! Where's an EXPLOSIVE Rocket Van when you NEED IT?!!! It looks like it's time for Plan B!" General Barracuda says: "And just WHERE exactly do you plan to FIND a Plan B?!!!" The Studio doors open, and who should walk back in, EXCEPT FONDUE?!!! Fondue says: "The TRUE co-host of this series is BACK in business! FINALLY finished with my community service!" Sniz says: "Oh, look; see, there? It resolved itself! I trust you have a way OUT of this...dilemma?" Johnny says: "Well, if you ask ME; I've always been told that when life gives you LEMONS, you make LEMONADE!!!!" Everyone LOOKS at Johnny, and General Barracuda BLUNTLY says: "We are NOT making a challenge revolving around bathrooms or ANYTHING of that nature! We'll save THAT for a show that's otherwise utterly bankrupt and out of ideas, like how 'Teen Titans Go!' RUINED Cartoon Network!" General Barracuda turns to the camera, and he says: "It's the HARD truth, people; you got to LIVE with it!" Fondue says: "That was NOT my idea! We'll simply have to finish the last two challenges on location! Fortunately for you; I've already thought of TWO challenges that can be finished in the SAME country; Ye Merry Olde England!!!!" Wanda raises an eyebrow again, and she asks: "Is 'Ye' even considered an ACTUAL English word ANYMORE?!" Fondue says: "Who cares?! Everyone UNDERSTOOD what I meant!" Sniz says: "Quite right! General Barracuda, get the other contestants and their helpers that we will be taking a...Wanda, has legal CLEARED us to reference Beatles songs?" Wanda poofs up a contract signed by Sir Paul McCartney and Sir Ringo Starr, and Wanda says: "I've got legal right HERE; YES!!!!" Sniz says: "Than tell the contestants that we'll be going on a 'Magical Mystery Tour'...but with an ACTUAL plot!" General Barracuda says: "Right! I just HOPE everyone is DONE fawning over Sway-Sway in sick bay! He has some NERVE, making ME of all characters SCARED for my LIFE!!!!" / (Confessional that's now a Bathroom) General Barracuda says: "I am SO glad I don't have to use a Confessional like THIS every day! I pride myself on being fearless and respected! Any guy or girl who makes me feel NOT like that, I personally have no use for! I am SO glad that neither he NOR Buhdeuce are in the competition anymore!" (End Confessional) Buhdeuce, the remaining contestants, and their helpers, are in the sick bay, worrying over a heavily bandaged, and still charred Sway-Sway, with the Sick Bay being the ONLY room in the ENTIRE place that wasn't TURNED into a Bathroom! Sandy shakes her head and she says: "I had a feeling; I had a feeling RIGHT from the start that being FRIENDS with a dumb-butt like Sway-Sway would be NO good for YOU, Buhdeuce!" Marlene says: "See? That condescending attitude of yours is precisely why YOU didn't make the final four this time, and Buhdeuce DID!" Bubble Bass rolls his eyes and says: "Even I would've known THAT fact, and that's coming from someone who used to constantly LIVE it!" Spongebob says: "Besides, we SHOULDN'T be putting Sway-Sway and Buhdeuce DOWN!!!! This thing could've happened to ANY of us!" Buhdeuce says: "But none of YOU own Rocket Vans; how COULD this sort of thing happened to any of you?!" Yakkity looks STUMPED, and he says: "That...is an EXCELLENT question, and I'll get right back to you as SOON as I figure one out!" Bulma says: "Statistically speaking, there are several ways this COULD'VE happened...none come to mind at the moment!" Sway-Sway moans in pain, and he opens his eyes and sees Buhdeuce, and Sway-Sway ruefully says: "Oh, YOU'RE still here! Here to rub it in my FACE that you can fly and I CAN'T?!!!" Buhdeuce sputters and he says: "D...DON'T act like that! Do you HONESTLY think that I meant to be insensitive to you on PURPOSE?!!! I mean, I would have NEVER bragged ABOUT being to fly if I had ANY knowledge that YOU couldn't!!!!" Spongebob says: "Trust me, I know honesty when I see it." Bulma scoffs, and she says: "Puh-LEESE!!!! Do you HONESTLY expect ME to believe THAT?! You couldn't TELL if Squidward was being sarcastic to SAVE your life!" Bubble Bass says: "That's ONLY for the SHOW!!!! There's a HUGE difference between what he does on the show, and what he does in real life!" Sandy says: "I never thought I'd say this, but I actually AGREE with Bubble Bass on THAT point!" Marlene says: "Besides, none of US can ACTUALLY fly; but you don't see US acting all jealous towards Buhdeuce about it!" Sway-Sway WINCES at that comment, realizing that they have a point, and Sway-Sway groans, and says: "Oh...what have I DONE?!!! Buhdeuce, I...shouldn't have been jealous with you! The truth of the matter is, all the times we were cruising, doing our usual runs; even when I told myself that I was doing it ALL to impress Jenny Quackles; I'm not sure if I could've done HALF of the things I was able to do, without YOU to help me out! Only a TRUE friend would've done that; I'm sorry for not realizing it sooner!" Bubble Bass says: "I have to admit, the reason why I sometimes acted AGAINST Spongebob, is because I was jealous of his diligent work ethic! And instead of trying to build myself up, I tried to knock him down. I...realize now, that trying to knock someone else down, only brings YOURSELF down more! It never made ME feel any better about myself! It was only when I started applying myself to situations that I was able to turn my life around." Yakkity says: "In all fairness, Buhdeuce; you really SHOULD still be in the competition!" Bulma sputters, and she asks: "W...why would you even SAY that?!" Yakkity says: "Because all of YOU had prior experience to coming on here! I had no RIGHT to get this far; a newcomer in this game, with no strategizing skills and few talents to speak of. I coasted through MOST of this game by relying on your genius, Bulma!" Bulma says: "SEE?! SOMEBODY recognizes my genius!" Bubble Bass says: "So did I, but you don't see ME making a spectacle of myself...unless I need to do it as part of my in-show character!" Bulma asks: "Do you EVER shut that MOUTH off?!" Bubble Bass says: "Look who's TALKING!!!!" Bulma sighs, and she admits: "Fair enough." Buhdeuce says: "Well, I never thought I would've made it as far as fourth place EITHER, especially without Sway-Sway! But you know the reason why I did? Not just blind luck and the right circumstances, but the determination to never give up on trying to achieve my dream! So I've lost my chance to win this season; it's not the end of the world! Did Marlene quit after only getting third place on season two?" Marlene says: "Nope! I auditioned for a chance to win on season 3, than I auditioned AGAIN for a chance to win on season 4B!" Buhdeuce says: "Thank you! And so, Yakkity; this is the perfect chance for YOU to prove to EVERYONE on this show, that you have as much of a right to be here as we did! You've come this far, now is your chance to go all of the way!" Yakkity says: "You're right, Buhdeuce! I'll do it not just for my Grandma, my mom, or my dad WHEREVER he is; I'll do it for you and Sway-Sway!" General Barracuda comes in and he says: "I hate to interrupt this little 'Love-Fest or whatever it is you call it..." Bubble Bass rolls his eyes and he says: "What are you TALKING about? You ALWAYS like to interrupt and ruin things like this!" (Bathroom Confessional) General Barracuda fumes, and says: "OOH, I HATE it when he's right about something and I CAN'T honestly refute it!" / Bubble Bass says: "I knew I had to have inherited SOMETHING from my dad...besides a snarky attitude that could give even the Nostalgia Critic a run for his money!" (End Confessional) General Barracuda says: "Ignoring THAT factually true statement, I've come to announce that hospital visiting time is OVER!!!! Sniz AND Fondue have got a challenge for YOU to do, and we'll be going to jolly old England to do it!" Spongebob asks: "WAIT!!!! You mean, Fondue is BACK?!!!" General Barracuda says: "If it up to me, I wouldn't have given him the time of day! But apparently, Sniz WANTED him back to do important stuff, so who am I to judge?" Marlene says: "Technically speaking, YOU judge a LOT of things!" (Bathroom Confessional) General Barracuda fumes, and he says: "NOW I remember how Marlene made it to the Final Three the FIRST time; a sharp mouth, and a SOMEHOW even sharper wit! It's no wonder Skipper loves HER so; just about the ONLY thing he's ever done RIGHT in his life!" / Spongebob groans in frustration, and he says: "Oh, MAN!!!! If Sniz wants Fondue back, that means the next two challenges are going to be HARD ones, designed to get ME out and LOSE!!!! It would've been one thing to have LOST to Tigress, which everyone was expecting ME to do, but to lose to Marlene and ESPECIALLY Yakkity; I don't see how there could be a MORE lopsided disadvantage for me than THIS!" / Marlene says: "What can I say? I know what my strengths are, and I know how to utilize them! My strategy this time? Wait until everyone else is finished fighting amongst themselves, and see who is left! Against Spongebob and Yakkity, I don't see how there could be a MORE lopsided advantage for me than THIS!" / Yakkity says: "I'm not going to pretend that I don't know where I stand in this whole situation! Marlene, and even SPONGEBOB; have done so much work to get to this point! My biggest selling point was that I was smart enough to work with Bulma for as long as it was convenient and useful to me! But now; it's all up to me...somehow. I really don't SEE any advantage or disadvantage to this situation. Honestly? It COULD go either way!" (End Confessional) General Barracuda slow-claps and he sarcastically says: "Wow. Two for two AGAINST me; usually you have to pay EXTRA for that! Anyways, contestants and helpers are to come with me! We're going on a Magical Mystery Tour to England!" Buhdeuce asks: "Can Sway-Sway and I come along, to?" General Barracuda incredulously asks: "COME ALONG?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're LUCKY that Sniz was even willing to HEAL Sway-Sway for damaging the studio, even if he LEGALLY had to provide it!" Yakkity says: "But Buhdeuce is one of the biggest reasons that I've GOTTEN this far! I don't think that I WOULD be here without him! If THEY don't get to go, I WON'T go; than you'd have to EXPLAIN to Sniz and Fondue why they are SHORT one contestant at the Final Three!" (Bathroom Confessional) General Barracuda fumes AGAIN, and he says: "OOH, I HATE it when a contestant does THAT!!!!" / Buhdeuce air fist-pumps, and he says: "YES!!!! Yakkity HAS it! He has initiative! I KNEW that it would show up eventually! He just MIGHT be able to pull out a win after all!" (End Confessional) General Barracuda groans in frustration, and he says: "Okay, FINE!!!! Bring whoever, and come to the bus! Please note that the studio of Nickelodeon and it's employers do not assume any responsibility for personal injury or loss of luggage!" Yakkity and Bubble Bass get Sway-Sway on a hospital wheel-chair, but Yakkity WINCES at the sight of Sway-Sway without feathers. Yakkity goes to the closet, and pulls out his dad's old fur coat, and Yakkity says: "I'm sorry, but that look will NEVER do! Here, take my father's old fur coat! It's not feathers, but it will at LEAST keep you covered until your feathers grow back!" Sway-Sway genuinely says: "Wow, THANK you! What did I ever do to deserve such good friends? And after I acted like such a DUMB-BUTT to?" Buhdeuce says: "We ALL make mistakes from time to time, but we DON'T have to let our mistakes define us; we can learn and grow from them!" Bulma says: "Except for ME, because I don't MAKE any mistakes, so I have to LEARN from the mistakes of others!" Bubble Bass says: "And leave it to Bulma to ruin what could have OTHERWISE, been a tender, perfect moment!" (Bathroom Confessional) Bubble Bass says: "I'm so glad I'm not the one hosting this show; balancing the comedy with tenderness, is a LOT harder than it looks!" / Sandy says: "I'll just be glad when this show is done, so Spongebob and I can focus on more IMPORTANT things, like my upcoming spin-off movie!" (End Confessional) Everyone runs out to outside the studio, where everyone is SURPRISED to see the ACTUAL bus from the TV movie of "The Magical Mystery Tour", and Sniz is dressed up like a tour guide! Marlene says: "Wow! You really didn't skimp on the budget! I hope it drives as COOL as it looks!" Sniz says: "I had Wanda detail it myself! I will NEVER trust Heffer with making a decision regarding repair jobs or anything ELSE again!" Wanda says: "And quite frankly, I don't BLAME you!" Fondue says: "And I just KNOW Sniz has something VERY important for me to do!" Sniz says: "As a matter of fact, I do! Fondue, I want YOU...to take apart all this bathroom NONSENSE and return the studio to the way it originally looked!" Fondue looks aghast and he says: "But...a job THAT big would take up the rest of this SEASON; I'd miss out on the last two challenges!" Sniz says: "Well, don't look at ME!!!! I'd DO the job myself, but my hosting duties come first; and there's not enough money in the budget to accommodate YOU; and even if there WAS, there's not enough room in the bus!" Fondue says: "You mean I gave you the idea for the LAST two challenges, just to be STUCK with Olmec doing repair duty?!" Sniz says: "On the contrary, Olmec is GOING to be coming with us!" Sandy says: "Not to question YOUR logic, but HOW is a giant Mayan/Aztec/Inca stone head going to fit in the bus?" General Barracuda says: "Everybody, what's our go-to answer?!" Everyone BESIDES Sandy says: "Fairy Godparents who we can have wish for and grant any wish that we need!" (Bathroom Confessional) Sandy says: "Man, it's kind of LOUSY how we can have such a simple solution for what would OTHERWISE be an impossible PLOT problem to figure out!" (End Confessional) Fondue says: "WAIT!!!! Why don't we just have the Fairy Godparents wish the studio back to normal?!" Sniz says: "Fondue, these are WISHES; not miracles!" (Bathroom Confessional) Fondue groans, and says: "This is why the fandom CAN'T have nice things!" (End Confessional) Sniz says: "In any case, we're NOT going to fit Olmec INSIDE of the Bus, Olmec is going to BECOME the Bus! Wanda?!" Wanda says: "I've always WANTED to do THIS spell!" And Wanda waves her wand, and Olmec's face magically becomes the front of the bus! Olmec says: "Come on, everybody; climb on for the Magical Mystery Tour! We're going to England, where we will do a challenge of, The Legend Of King Arthur's Lost Sword Of Excalibur!" Sniz says: "And lucky for ALL of you, there won't BE any Moat Challenge today; we'll be traveling over plenty of water over the Atlantic Ocean as it is! Everybody, climb on in!" (Bathroom Confessional) Spongebob breathes a sigh of relief, and he says: "PHEW!!!! Fondue won't be coming for the last two challenges after all. I might be able to win this game after all! Please, don't let Tigress SEE this thing!" / Marlene says: "Fondue not coming for the last two challenges? Eh, tragic. However, I still have ONE advantage! Spongebob and Yakkity know NOTHING about how to handle a challenge that revolves around the final three; I'm the only one who DOES! I may not know what Spongebob and Yakkity can bring to this game, but I am NOT going to be caught off guard like I was the LAST time! I intend on giving it everything I've GOT this time!" / Yakkity says: "Fondue not coming doesn't change anything for ME in the slightest; the game could STILL go either way!" (End Confessional) Marlene says: "Right front window seat, called it!" Bubble Bass says: "Have that seat if you must; just remember, I'm your partner until the end of this thing!" Bulma says: "I don't think any of US will be forgetting that any time soon!" Buhdeuce shouts from outside of the bus, and he says: "Uh; would you PLEASE lower down the ramp for us so I can roll Sway-Sway INSIDE this thing?!" General Barracuda and Sniz just STARE at them with VERY dirty looks! Sway-Sway says: "They're...still mad that I...kind of...accidentally blew up the studio aren't they?!" Buhdeuce says: "And even AFTER I paid Sniz that money to FIX it! It's not MY fault the guy he hired turned out to be a total hack!" Spongebob says: "Ramp?! You don't need Sniz to roll down a ramp!" Spongebob morphs into a ramp, and he says: "You can roll up ME!!!!" (Bathroom Confessional) General Barracuda snaps his fingers, and he says: "Oh, MAN!!!! I forgot Spongebob could change forms like that!" Sniz pokes his head in, and he says: "YOU forgot one of the ONLY things that makes Spongebob a LEGITIMATE force to be reckoned with in this Final Three?!" General Barracuda says: "He has about 300 episodes in his main show alone! I can't keep TRACK of everything he's done!" / Bubble Bass says: "He should've asked me! I could've kept track FOR him! I do that out of necessity!" (End Confessional) Buhdeuce rolls Sway-Sway up Spongebob, and Spongebob says: "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" Buhduece finishes rolling Sway-Sway into Spongebob and Buhdeuce and Sway-Sway simultaneously say: "Sorry, Spongebob!" And Buhdeuce says: "Jinx! You owe me a soda!" Sway-Sway says: "Oh, man!" (Bathroom Confessional) Buhdeuce says: "We're starting to speak simultaneously together again! We're making progress!" (End Confessional) Spongebob changes back to normal, and everyone finishes picking a seat, including Johnny Krill who rushes to join them! Fondue asks: "You're taking Johnny KRILL to join you instead of me?!" Sniz says: "Eh, he still has the rest of this season in his contract. I'm not one to break it and have to pay fines for having done so!" Johnny says: "Yes! I STILL have plot relevance!" General Barracuda says: "Which is about the only thing you HAVE got!" Johnny says: "Irrelevant!" Sniz says: "All right, everyone buckled up?!" Everyone does so, and Sway-Sway's wheel-chair gets strapped into place. And Spongebob asks: "Sandy, do you have any idea what's about to happen?" Sandy says: "Not really, but knowing Sniz; it's probably going to be interesting!" Sniz says: "All right, everybody; I'm really going to push the throttle this time, and see what this thing can do!" / And to everyone's surprise, the bus suddenly lifts up INTO the air, and launches straight forward over the Atlantic Ocean! Psychedelic color and imagery fill the inside of the bus, all while The Beatles' song, "Magical Mystery Tour" plays in the background! / The Beatles sing: "(Roll up! Roll up for the magical mystery tour! Step right this way!) Roll up, roll up for the mystery tour! Roll up, roll up for the mystery tour! Roll up (And that's an invitation), roll up for the mystery tour! Roll up (To make a reservation), roll up for the mystery tour! The magical mystery tour is waiting to take you away! Waiting to take you away! Roll up, roll up for the mystery tour! Roll up, roll up for the mystery tour! Roll up (We've got everything you need), roll up for the mystery tour! Roll up (Satisfaction guaranteed), roll up for the mystery tour! The magical mystery tour is hoping to take you away! Hoping to take you away! Mystery trip! Aaaah... the magical mystery tour! Roll up, roll up for the mystery tour! Roll up (And that's an invitation), roll up for the mystery tour! Roll up (To make a reservation), roll up for the mystery tour! The magical mystery tour is coming to take you away! Coming to take you away! The magical mystery tour is dying to take you away! Dying to take you away, take you today!" / And as the song ends, Olmec says: "We will soon be landing at our destination in England, please remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop. We will take a quick break, and be back to perform our challenge, on 'Total Cartoon Legends'!" / (Commercial Break) / After the commercials end, the flying Magical Mystery Tour Bus circles around the English Countryside, until it lands and comes to a stop around the site of the Cadbury Castle in the English County of Somerset. Sniz announces: "We have arrived at our destination! All ashore who's going ashore, so to speak!" Everyone unloads off of the bus. Bulma looks around, and she says: "Uh, not to complain about your logic, but I THOUGHT we were going to Camelot!" Yakkity says: "Where you go to buy a lot of camels!" And Johnny Krill plays a rim-shot! And everyone looks at Yakkity weirdly. Yakkity says: "Come on! When ELSE am I EVER going to get the opportunity to use THAT joke?! I don't think anybody's doing a production run of 'Spamalot' anytime soon; at least, none that I have personally heard of!" Buhdeuce says: "You've got to admit, he has a point!" General Barracuda angrily says: "Shut up, you future duck roast! I'm in no mood for pint-sized PIPSQUEAKS who make MY life miserable, let ALONE USELESS ones like Spongebob Squarepants!" Bubble Bass groans, and he says: "Here we GO again! Dad, just DROP your irrational hatred for Spongebob Squarepants already! It WON'T do you any good, and it is NEVER going to make you FEEL any better about yourself! TRUST somebody who KNOWS from personal experience!" Spongebob says: "Besides, you have no PERSONAL reason to honestly hate me. You shouldn't even HAVE a reason, PERIOD! Master Coelaceanth is LONG gone, and you haven't worked for him LONG before that!" General Barracuda says: "That doesn't mean that I can't HATE you on PRINCIPLE! You and your WEAK little body, YOU MAKE ME SICK!!!! You know FULL well that if it weren't for you BEING a popular character on a popular SHOW, you NEVER would've lasted as LONG as you HAVE! In any SANE universe, you would've been voted off the very first DAY!!!!" Bulma says: "And the only REASON Tigress didn't is because she didn't want to RISK getting voted off herself!" General Barracuda scoffs, and he says: "Like I ever would've LET her leave in a vote-off against Spongebob Squarepants! But if I had KNOWN that Spongebob was popular enough to last THIS long, I would've figured out a way to get rid of him sooner!" Johnny Krill says: "Lucky for us, YOU'RE not in charge of who gets to stay or NOT!!!!" General Barracuda unleashes a devious smile, and he says: "No, but I AM a master of getting wins for those that I most WANT to get a win! Tigress HATES you, Spongebob; she hates you ALMOST as much as I do, and I have put a CALL to her, to give her an offer she could NEVER refuse; I have offered her to give HER the win of this ENTIRE season, if she beats YOU in a fight, thus PROVING she is the BEST contestant in the HISTORY of this show! In other words, win-win for ME; lose-lose for YOU!!!!" Marlene says: "You're WRONG!!!! Tigress would NEVER intentionally do something to BREAK Po's trust and faith in her!" General Barracuda motions his hands, as if expecting to welcome someone, and he says: "And HERE she COMES!!!!" Everyone looks to where General Barracuda is motioning, but no-one else is appearing! General Barracuda sputters, and he says: "What is WRONG with her?! Doesn't she care at ALL about the LEGITIMACY of contestants who are SUPPOSED to actually WIN this SHOW?!!! I said; 'HERE SHE COMES'!!!!" General Barracuda still motions, but he is STILL treated to nobody else appearing! Sway-Sway mockingly says: "What's WRONG, HORATIO?!!! Is everything NOT going the way you expect it to?!" General Barracuda angrily says: "YOU stay OUT of THIS, duck-meat; or I'll FIX you as WELL!!!!" Sniz says: "YOU will do no such thing; YOU are not PERMITTED to kill or personally HURT any contestant; even ones you PERSONALLY don't like!" Wanda poofs in, and she says: "And Tigress WON'T be appearing anyways! Read this copy of instructions she left for Master Crane!" Wanda hands General Barracuda a piece of paper with writing on it, and General Barracuda reads out loud: "Master Crane, please follow these instructions to the letter; lock me up tightly in the inescapable Kung Fu Training Simulation Room until the season is over. I have enough food and drink to last me for that long. And please, no matter how much I may beg or possibly threaten, do NOT let me out of that room for ANY reason until the season is over; the champion is decided, and I cannot change the decision in ANY way, shape or form whatsoever! I WANT to keep my promise to Po, by ANY means necessary! Sincerely, Tigress"?! Yakkity says: "Read it and weep; it looks like Tigress LOVES Po, MORE than she HATES Spongebob!" Sandy says: "And THAT means that Spongebob is going to get to play this upcoming game FAIR and SQUARE!!!!" General Barracuda ANGRILY says: "Oh, he IS; IS HE?! We'll soon SEE about THAT!!!!" And General Barracuda angrily stomps off! Marlene blows on her nails, and says: "General Barracuda is going to magically disguise himself as Tigress and fight Spongebob himself, CALLING it!" Buhdeuce asks: "How is he going to do THAT?! The Anti-Fairies are all in an inescapable, Anti-Magic jail! They can't magically get out, and nobody can WISH them out!" Bulma says: "But it IS possible that General Barracuda might have confiscated some magic of theirs! However, even in my WORST moments; I would NEVER touch THAT stuff! But why he's BOTHERING to antagonize Spongebob at this late venture of the game, is BEYOND me!" (Castle Confessional) General Barracuda chuckles evilly, and he says: "Leave it to Johnny Krill to make someplace for contestants, and ME, to have a confessional for the last two episodes of this season! I have had $35.6 million riding on Spongebob LOSING this season to a more competent contestant; I.E. practically ANYBODY, and I'm NOT going to lose that bet, even if I have to take matters into my OWN fins!" General Barracuda reaches into the left pocket of his pants, and pulls out some purple, Anti-Fairy magic dust! General Barracuda says: "Anti-Fairy magic dust, ground by Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Poof themselves! With this brand of magic, it SHOULD transform me INTO Tigress herself, EVEN the use of her voice, just LONG enough for me to THOROUGHLY beat Spongebob and make SURE he loses this season! And given how Spongebob is SUCH a delicate FLOWER under SUCH overwhelming pressure, that shouldn't take LONG at all! Bubble Bass may not be interested in having Spongebob eliminated, but I AM!!!!" General Barracuda chants an incantation and says: "Darkness and thunder, I confess; turn this Barracuda INTO...!" And General Barracuda dumps the magic dust onto himself, and when the dust CLEARS, turns into the EXACT likeness of Master Tigress, and the actual VOICE of Master Tigress starts speaking: "Master TIGRESS!!!! You will RUE the day you EVER forced ME to magically disguise myself as a girl!" (End Confessional) Yakkity says: "We AREN'T just going to stand around and LET General Barracuda go THROUGH with such a crazy plan, are we?!" Sniz sighs, and says: "Even I can barely control what he does! Once he gets an idea into his head...you REALLY can't get it out of him! Why don't we all just 'Play along'? He's BOUND to fail at THIS plan just like he's failed at all his OTHER attempts at antagonizing Spongebob!" Spongebob asks: "How do you figure that?!" Johnny Krill says: "Hello?! Since WHEN has ONE of General Barracuda's plans EVER worked against you?! He schemes, he plots, he plans; you and your friends ALWAYS figure out someway to thwart him DESPITE his best efforts! You'll be FINE, you're ALWAYS fine!" Bubble Bass says: "And I'm surprised that I can't actually ARGUE against him, there!" The magically disguised General Barracuda as Tigress appears, and says: "Maybe not, but I HIGHLY doubt you'll argue against ME!!!! I might have had to take a LONG way to get here WITHOUT taking a magical bus, but I still have WAY more than enough energy to beat YOU; Spongebob!" Marlene says: "CALLED IT!!!!" Spongebob, completely unconcerned says: "Oh, HELLO; 'Tigress'! Where's YOUR baby bump? And DON'T give me an answer that you'll REGRET giving because of political correctness!" General Barracuda as Tigress says: "A female tiger is on AVERAGE, pregnant for ONLY 93 to 114 DAYS; so my CUBS have already been BORN, Mr. Subpar Smartless-pants!!!!" Bulma winces, and she says: "OOH, technically not wrong; there!" Spongebob says: "Well, it doesn't matter whether or not you are or AREN'T who you say you are; because YOU have already been eliminated, regardless!" General Barracuda as Tigress angrily says: "Eliminated, my PAW!!!! I was forced to QUIT because of my pregnancy! But now that it's OVER, I'm ready to 'UN-QUIT'! And don't ACT like it hasn't been done! Sniz has allowed both Lil and Skipper to 'Un-quit', both of them TWICE!!!! Unless Spongebob has any objections, thus PROVING he's a COWARD and wants to run home, just a 'wittle' baby!" Spongebob defiantly says: "I'm up to anything YOU can dish out, cat!" General Barracuda as Tigress, CLEARLY didn't hear Spongebob, as the disguised fish shouts: "HA!!!! You see?! I TOLD you Spongebob would NEVER accept my challenge!" Buhdeuce says: "But--." General Barracuda as Tigress says: "I've told EVERYBODY that Spongebob always KNEW he never HAD a chance against ME!!!!" Sway-Sway says: "But--." General Barracuda as Tigress says: "This PROVES my point that Spongebob is a DIRTY coward, and I'M the one who DESERVED to WIN all along!!!!" Yakkity says: "But--." General Barracuda as Tigress says: "You have NO idea how LONG I've been wanting to stare you in the FACE, making you utterly AFRAID of me and RIGHTFULLY so, knowing that YOU could NEVER measure up against me--!" Bubble Bass angrily shouts: "HEY!!!! Spongebob SAID that he could HANDLE anything YOU could dish out!" General Barracuda as Tigress initially STILL doesn't get it, and says: "Obviously! A sponge would NEVER have a CHANCE of beating--!!" Than the realization FINALLY hits like a snowball, and General Barracuda as Tigress, twitches, and angrily asks: "Like, WHAT; did you SAY?!!!!!!!!!!!" Spongebob angrily says: "I SAID, I am NOT going to back down from your CHALLENGE!!!! All my LIFE, I have been pushed aside and treated like DIRT from condescending bullies like you; but I am NOT going to be pushed aside ANYMORE!!!! You are going to find out what HAPPENS when someone like me decides to push BACK against you, and you are NOT going to like it!" General Barracuda as Tigress angrily says: "How DARE you disagree with ME?!!! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHO YOU'RE DEALING WITH?!!!!!!!!!! Well, let me give you a little REMINDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" And General Barracuda as Tigress SLAMS his/her left arm paw as HARD as possible into the Cadbury Castle hill site, and the whole site, cracks, creaks, and CRUMBLES into nothingness into the ground! General Barracuda as Tigress smirks, and says: "Do you REALLY want to end up like THAT?!!!" Bulma, however, decides she's had ENOUGH of the charade, and she says: "I think it's time you DROPPED trying to PRETEND that you're Tigress, General Barracuda!" General Barracuda as Tigress, however, is unfazed, and says: "I don't have the SLIGHTEST idea what you're talking about! I AM Master Tigress! I am the STRONGEST, I am the SMARTEST, I am the FASTEST, I am the TOUGHEST, and by necessary extension and explanation, the MEANEST!!!! If I'm NOT who I say I am, than I HOPE Justin Bieber gets STRUCK by lightning!" Wanda magically poofs a TV set for General Barracuda to see, and a News Announcer on it says: "And in breaking news, after a long time of it NOT happening; Justin Bieber has ONCE again been struck by lightning!" General Barracuda as Tigress BREAKS the TV set, and says: "That proves NOTHING!!!!" Marlene says: "Look, you still have time to AVOID a crushing defeat! WE know you're not Tigress, Sniz knows you're NOT Tigress, even SPONGEBOB knows you're not Tigress! You can STILL get out of this GRACEFULLY!!!!" General Barracuda as Tigress, twitches and gets REALLY angry, and says: "LOOK, if you WANT me to PROVE that I really AM who I say I am, than I'm willing to THROW down with Spongebob, RIGHT now! I could care LESS whether or NOT whether it's Marlene or Yakkity who WINS; I just want to make SURE that SPONGEBOB loses!!!!" Sniz says: "Well, YOU'RE out of luck! This is a final Three, and it's going to STAY a Final Three! Because there's NO amount of money, in the WORLD; that can make me change my--!" And General Barracuda as Tigress, pulls out a BRIEFCASE filled with $30 million in it, and Sniz instantly says: "MONEY!!!! Cancelling ALL thoughts of rational legal and safety protocol in my mind! I'm sure if anybody HAS any complaints, THAT should be more than enough to cover it! Besides, just imagine the RATINGS!!!! What are your conditions, 'Tigress'?" General Barracuda as Tigress says: "Simple. Since we all know that Spongebob knows jack-squat about King Arthur or ANYTHING regarding the Knights of the Round Table, we'll just SKIP the Steps of Knowledge and get RIGHT to the Physical Challenge! A Sword fight, between Spongebob, and me!" Marlene asks: "What about me and Yakkity?" General Barracuda as Tigress says: "I'm FIGHTING on YOUR behalf! If I win, you two AUTOMATICALLY get to go to the Final Two and figure out the champion for YOURSELF! If Spongebob wins, than HE has to CHOOSE which of his TWO good buddies he will HAVE to eliminate, which he will NEVER do, because he would NEVER hurt the ones he LOVES!!!!" Sandy says: "You are ABSOLUTELY crazy!!!! Spongebob would NEVER agree to such--!" But Spongebob glowing yellow, angrily says: "I don't CARE what your conditions are, I am NOT backing down from this CHALLENGE!!!!" And Spongebob once again transforms into a Super Saiyan 2! General Barracuda as Tigress eagerly says: "That's it! How could you POSSIBLY lose to me, without the knowledge that you gave it your ALL, and you STILL couldn't win?!!!" And General Barracuda as Tigress TOSSES a sword STUCK in an anvil and stone to Spongebob, while General Barracuda as Tigress pulls out a sword NOT stuck in anything. General Barracuda as Tigress, says: "Oh, in case you're wondering, THAT is the Legendary Lost Sword of Excalibur! I'd figure I'd save Marlene and Yakkity the trouble of trying to find it!" Yakkity says: "Not that I doubt your ability, but you CAN'T just break the RULES like THAT!!!!" General Barracuda as Tigress says: "Actually, I think I've proven that I can! I'm richer AND stronger than everyone else HERE!!!!" Spongebob angrily says: "Richer, MAYBE!!!! But Stronger? Let's agree to DISAGREE!!!!" And Spongebob reaches for the hilt of the sword, in order to pull it out of the anvil and stone! General Barracuda as Tigress says: "Oh, did I forget to mention? Since in THIS version of the legend, Excalibur IS the Sword In The Stone, and 'Only the Chosen may wield'? Meaning an ETERNAL LOSER like you can NEVER pull it out! But, I'll still give you a customary ten seconds to realize your futility and run away. It will make the inevitable chase more interesting...for ME!!!! One..." But Spongebob grunts and groans as he attempts to pull Excalibur out of the stone and anvil! General Barracuda as Tigress says: "Two..." But Spongebob doesn't relent, and pushes harder AND tougher to get the sword out of the stone and anvil! General Barracuda as Tigress says: "Three..." Spongebob grunts as he is grasping to free the sword with all his might! General Barracuda as Tigress says: "Four..." Spongebob actually begins to wiggle the sword, and CRACKS begin appearing in the sword and anvil! General Barracuda as Tigress FINALLY realizes that Spongebob IS serious about TRYING to fight him, and says: "You're TRYING my patience!" Thankfully, at that moment, Po appears in the distance, and runs toward the scene, as General Barracuda as Tigress quickly counts: "Five, six, seven, eight, nine, TEN!!!!" And General Barracuda as Tigress lunges forward, only for Po to grab the disguised fish by the tail, and Po asks: "What are you DOING?!!! We had an AGREEMENT!!!!" General Barracuda as Tigress says: "Stay out of my WAY, foolish pretentious PRETENDER; or you won't live LONG!!!!" And General Barracuda as Tigress gives Po a left uppercut, and pins Po on the ground! General Barracuda as Tigress says: "I'm not just doing this for you, I'm doing this for ME!!!! We HAVE to prove that the STRONG are the STRONG and the WEAK are the WEAK!" But General Barracuda is totally unaware that Spongebob is actually FREEING the sword as light begins to shine on it! General Barracuda as Tigress says: "If we let Spongebob win this season, do you have ANY idea what that would DO to the balance of NATURE?!!! Horses would ride cars, cats would mother porcupines, humans wouldn't even be the main stars of an animated sitcom! It would ruin EVERYTHING until there is nothing RECOGNIZABLE of the Earth we KNOW! Is THAT WHAT YOU WANT?!!!" Po asks: "Tigress, what's WRONG with you?!" Spongebob angrily says: "I know what's WRONG!!!!" And Spongebob actually MANAGES to completely pry Excalibur FREE of the Sword In the Stone, causing General Barracuda as Tigress to scream: "AHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" And Spongebob actually manages to swing the sword, causing General Barracuda as Tigress to quickly defend with his/her own sword! General Barracuda as Tigress says: "Im...IMPOSSIBLE!!!!" Spongebob angrily says: "Like I said, 'Let's agree to disagree'!!!!" General Barracuda as Tigress, dodges out of the sword-lock, and gets to a standing position! General Barracuda as Tigress angrily says: "I don't CARE if you CAN turn Super Saiyan 2, wield Excalibur, star in around 300 episodes, 3 movies, and potentially 2 more movies, you will STILL never be stronger than ME!!!!" Spongebob says: "Your complete, utter, and unwarranted arrogance has ALWAYS been YOUR greatest weakness! But, I will agree with you on ONE point; I HAVE never been ABLE to beat YOU in combat before...GENERAL HORATIO BARRACUDA!" This causes General Barracuda as Tigress to go utterly BESERK, and he/she says: "I WILL PROVE MY SUPERIORITY IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO!!!!" And General Barracuda as Tigress begins thrashing and slashing with his/her sword as hard as possible, but Spongebob keeps BLOCKING every blow! Johnny Krill says: "Remember when this show USED to be about contestants answering questions and finding lost legends?" Olmec says: "Sadly, I do." Marlene says: "How long can they possibly FIGHT like that?!" Bulma says: "Even I don't know! Stamina and endurance can only help you hold out for so long, eventually, one of them is going to have to give!" General Barracuda as Tigress says: "You've been a LOT more trouble than ANY sponge should be worth, but it will SOON be over NOW; you MISERABLE INVERTEBRATE--!!!!" But at that moment, General Barracuda as Tigress begins twitching, and nervously says: "NO!!!! Not now, not now! Not now when I'm so freaking CLOSE!!!! AGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" And at that moment, the Anti-Fairy magic wears off, and General Barracuda reverts back to normal!!!! General Barracuda, in his normal voice screams: "NO!!!! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, and NO!!!! I was so close, I was so close, I was SO close; I was so, SO, STINKING CLOSE!!!! I didn't hesitate, I didn't mess around, I was the PERFECT warrior! And you're telling me I STILL couldn't seal the deal?!!!" Sniz says: "Well, while I appreciate the great fight, the fact of the matter is; the FIGHT was SUPPOSED to be between TIGRESS and Spongebob! YOU are NOT Tigress, so YOU are disqualified! Which means, by the rules of your OWN deal, Spongebob is the WINNER with Immunity!!!!" General Barracuda sputters, and he says: "But...I wasn't ACTUALLY supposed to ACTUALLY lose!!!! There's just no way!!" Spongebob powers down, and he drops Excalibur, and he says: "So, WHO'S the coward unwilling to accept his OWN deal now?!" General Barracuda angrily fumes, and he says: "I NEVER go back on my word! You've WON your little game and your little Immunity; but play time is over for YOU NOW!!!! Now, you have to FORCE one of your friends OUT OF THIS GAME!!" Sniz says: "I'm afraid, General Barracuda is right! A deal IS a deal! And someone must be eliminated from this challenge!!!!" General Barracuda laughs wickedly, and he says: "I'll still get the LAST laugh! You ALWAYS HURT THE ONES YOU LOVE!!" And Spongebob gulps nervously! (Castle Confessional) Spongebob says: "What have I gotten myself INTO?!!! I knew I shouldn't have fought General Barracuda, but he was just so...ERRR!!!! Well, I've got ONE trick that might SAVE my friends! I just hope it works!" / Marlene says: "Seeing Spongebob fight against General Barracuda was SO awesome! But was it worth it? Spongebob certainly isn't going to keep someone like ME around, if he WANTS an easy win! And I highly DOUBT he'd be willing to break Yakkity's heart! I just NEVER thought the game would end THIS way!" / Yakkity says: "I highly doubt Spongebob is going to want to keep ME! He's known and been friends with Marlene for FAR longer than he has with me; and therefore, has a lot more to LOSE by eliminating HER! I seriously DOUBT he's going to risk breaking Marlene's heart! I just NEVER thought the game would end THIS way!" (End Confessional) The Contestants, their helpers, Buhdeuce, Sway-Sway, Johnny Krill, Po, Wanda, Sniz, Olmec, and a reluctant General Barracuda are standing around a makeshift campfire. Po angrily says: "You have a LOT of nerve magically disguising yourself like Tigress and trying to make her LOOK bad! You ought to be ASHAMED of yourself!" General Barracuda scoffs, and he says: "PLEASE!!!! If I were CAPABLE of feeling ashamed of myself, I would NEVER admit that Bubble Bass, was in fact MY son; which I have!" Bubble Bass says: "I'm not sure whether to feel delighted or insulted by that comment!" Johnny Krill sighs, and he says: "Sad to say, General Barracuda has the same contract I've got. Sniz will let him finish the season before he decides what to do with him." Sniz says: "Well, I've just got to say, this episode went NOTHING like I thought it would! Don't get me wrong, it was interesting! But; I hope the next episode will go a lot more according to plan! Contestants; since Marlene and Yakkity will obviously vote for each other and cancel each others vote out, Spongebob will have the deciding vote as to which of his contestants he will eliminate. Once the choice is read, the contestant and their helper must hop on the Magical Mystery Tour Bus, where they will join the other eliminated contestants. That means they are out of the game and can never come back, EVER!!!!" And everyone looks nervously at Spongebob, who's looking nervous himself! Johnny says: "I have no personal stake in this thing, and even I'M nervous about the ordeal!" Sandy says: "Don't worry yourself, Spongebob will make the right call!" Bubble Bass says: "I hope so, otherwise, I'm going to miss out on the finale!" Bulma asks: "What about ME?! I'm the prettiest AND the smartest! I have EVERY right to be here, you know!" Buhduece says: "Like this season even REMOTELY revolved around YOU!" Yakkity says: "Exactly! I'M the one who's actually at RISK of being eliminated!" Spongebob says: "Everyone, just CALM DOWN!!!! I need to cast my vote!" Sniz says: "Right! Since we don't have our voting machine, Spongebob will write his choice on a piece of paper, and than hand it to me. You can use the Confessional to do your writing!" Spongebob gets up, and Sway-Sway sincerely says: "Good luck, Spongebob. You're gonna need it." General Barracuda says: "You didn't have to say THAT!!!!" (Castle Confessional) Spongebob looks around, and he says: "OH, PLEASE let this WORK!!!!" And he writes something down! (End Confessional) Spongebob heads back, and hands Sniz the piece of paper. Sniz says: "Spongebob has spoken! And the next contestant, who will be eliminated from this game, IS...!!!!" And everyone tenses up in anticipation, only for Sniz to get a WEIRD look and say: "NEITHER?!!!" Sniz says: "Uh, Spongebob; you were SUPPOSED to write down a contestant you WANTED to eliminate!" Wanda says: "Actually, what Spongebob did was a perfectly LEGAL maneuver! There's nothing against the rules against him wanting to NOT eliminate EITHER of the contestants! And once the vote is cast, it's valid and unbreakable; EVEN for you!" Sniz is exasperated, and he says: "And here I thought, Spongebob NOT wanting to eliminate anybody was amusing. But now, it's become a hindrance. Obviously, that's going to have to be a rule patch for that kind of stunt NEXT season! Well, since I am SO generous--." And everyone else laughs LOUDLY at that statement, and Sniz says: "Don't know exactly why THAT is so hilarious, but get it out of your system; I have decided that it WILL be a Final Three after all!" Marlene breathes a sigh of relief, and she says: "Spongebob SAVED us, Bubble Bass! We're STILL in the game!" Yakkity breathes a sigh of relief, and he says: "I never thought Spongebob would save US, Bulma! We still get to play, to!" Sandy is exasperated, and she asks: "Spongebob, why in the world did you DO that?! You've just MADE the Final Three at least 33-50% HARDER for yourself than you NEEDED to make it!" Spongebob says: "Maybe so! But I wouldn't feel right about it any other way! This way, I can play this game with as clean a conscience as I possibly can! This way, I'll know for sure which of the three of us is the best contestant among us!" Sniz says: "Well, that's all the time we have for this challenge, but tune in next time for the FINAL episode and challenge of this season!" Olmec says: "So don't be vain, and don't be whiny, or else we might have to get medieval on your heinie!" / Episode Notes: Featured songs in this episode, "The Sword In The Stone Theme Song," and "The Magical Mystery Tour". First time that General Barracuda has openly antagonized Spongebob since season two's "Predator Aliens: Countdown to Disaster!" The Final Three remains a Final Three due to Spongebob (legally) deciding to not eliminate either of his remaining contestants! Eliminated Contestants: 46. Kowalski. 45. Private. 44. Kaput. 43. Johnny Krill. 42. Haggis McHaggis. 41. Monster Krumholtz. 40. Aang. 39. Verminious J. Snaptrap. 38. Darwin. 37. Heffer Wolfe. 36. Judy Funny. 35. Sway-Sway. 34. Invader Zim. 33. Gonard. 32. Blonda. 31. Squidward Tentacles. 30. Dora the Explorer. 29. Tigress. 28. Otto Rocket. 27. Dog. 26. Zarbon. 25. Super Chum. 24. Kitty Katswell. 23. Jenny Wakeman. 22. Treeflower Fields. 21. Gerald. 20. Fee. 19. Harvey Beaks. 18. Daggett Beaver. 17. Pearl Krabs Barracuda. 16. Bulma Briefs. 15. Keswick. 14. Taotie. 13. Stimpy J. Cat. 12. Sandy Cheeks. 11. Larry The Lobster. 10. Wally. 9. Future Adult Rube Goldfish. 8. Chameleon. 7. Bubble Bass. 6. Po. 5. Dudley Puppy. 4. Buhdeuce. The Final Three: Spongebob Squarepants ("Spongebob Squarepants"). Marlene Otter ("The Penguins Of Madagascar"). Yakkity Yak, ("Yakkity Yak"). / Personal Notes: Prior to this season, I never thought I would be able to write for Spongebob in a compelling, and meaningful way. Thankfully, the advent of "The Patrick Star Show", and it's successful experiments with experimentation regarding character development in regards to Patrick, made me realize I could apply the same principle to Spongebob! This season, and his personal character arc, has been about him, transitioning from his ordinary, meek, extreme doormat personality; to (at least metaphorically) growing a spine, and becoming a competant, capable man who can stand up for himself and not let himself get taken advantage of others; or without sacrificing his integrity to be kind and compassionate towards others. As for what will happen in the finale? You'll have to wait to find out for yourselves! I hope you enjoyed reading this episode as much as I did writing it! Enough said, true believers!
  17. Once I get the second and final half of this episode out of the way, all that will be left is the finale of this season, so it's time for the second and final part of "The Legend Of King Arthur's Lost Sword Of Excalibur!" / After the commercials end, the flying Magical Mystery Tour Bus circles around the English Countryside, until it lands and comes to a stop around the site of the Cadbury Castle in the English County of Somerset. Sniz announces: "We have arrived at our destination! All ashore who's going ashore, so to speak!" Everyone unloads off of the bus. Bulma looks around, and she says: "Uh, not to complain about your logic, but I THOUGHT we were going to Camelot!" Yakkity says: "Where you go to buy a lot of camels!" And Johnny Krill plays a rim-shot! And everyone looks at Yakkity weirdly. Yakkity says: "Come on! When ELSE am I EVER going to get the opportunity to use THAT joke?! I don't think anybody's doing a production run of 'Spamalot' anytime soon; at least, none that I have personally heard of!" Buhdeuce says: "You've got to admit, he has a point!" General Barracuda angrily says: "Shut up, you future duck roast! I'm in no mood for pint-sized PIPSQUEAKS who make MY life miserable, let ALONE USELESS ones like Spongebob Squarepants!" Bubble Bass groans, and he says: "Here we GO again! Dad, just DROP your irrational hatred for Spongebob Squarepants already! It WON'T do you any good, and it is NEVER going to make you FEEL any better about yourself! TRUST somebody who KNOWS from personal experience!" Spongebob says: "Besides, you have no PERSONAL reason to honestly hate me. You shouldn't even HAVE a reason, PERIOD! Master Coelaceanth is LONG gone, and you haven't worked for him LONG before that!" General Barracuda says: "That doesn't mean that I can't HATE you on PRINCIPLE! You and your WEAK little body, YOU MAKE ME SICK!!!! You know FULL well that if it weren't for you BEING a popular character on a popular SHOW, you NEVER would've lasted as LONG as you HAVE! In any SANE universe, you would've been voted off the very first DAY!!!!" Bulma says: "And the only REASON Tigress didn't is because she didn't want to RISK getting voted off herself!" General Barracuda scoffs, and he says: "Like I ever would've LET her leave in a vote-off against Spongebob Squarepants! But if I had KNOWN that Spongebob was popular enough to last THIS long, I would've figured out a way to get rid of him sooner!" Johnny Krill says: "Lucky for us, YOU'RE not in charge of who gets to stay or NOT!!!!" General Barracuda unleashes a devious smile, and he says: "No, but I AM a master of getting wins for those that I most WANT to get a win! Tigress HATES you, Spongebob; she hates you ALMOST as much as I do, and I have put a CALL to her, to give her an offer she could NEVER refuse; I have offered her to give HER the win of this ENTIRE season, if she beats YOU in a fight, thus PROVING she is the BEST contestant in the HISTORY of this show! In other words, win-win for ME; lose-lose for YOU!!!!" Marlene says: "You're WRONG!!!! Tigress would NEVER intentionally do something to BREAK Po's trust and faith in her!" General Barracuda motions his hands, as if expecting to welcome someone, and he says: "And HERE she COMES!!!!" Everyone looks to where General Barracuda is motioning, but no-one else is appearing! General Barracuda sputters, and he says: "What is WRONG with her?! Doesn't she care at ALL about the LEGITIMACY of contestants who are SUPPOSED to actually WIN this SHOW?!!! I said; 'HERE SHE COMES'!!!!" General Barracuda still motions, but he is STILL treated to nobody else appearing! Sway-Sway mockingly says: "What's WRONG, HORATIO?!!! Is everything NOT going the way you expect it to?!" General Barracuda angrily says: "YOU stay OUT of THIS, duck-meat; or I'll FIX you as WELL!!!!" Sniz says: "YOU will do no such thing; YOU are not PERMITTED to kill or personally HURT any contestant; even ones you PERSONALLY don't like!" Wanda poofs in, and she says: "And Tigress WON'T be appearing anyways! Read this copy of instructions she left for Master Crane!" Wanda hands General Barracuda a piece of paper with writing on it, and General Barracuda reads out loud: "Master Crane, please follow these instructions to the letter; lock me up tightly in the inescapable Kung Fu Training Simulation Room until the season is over. I have enough food and drink to last me for that long. And please, no matter how much I may beg or possibly threaten, do NOT let me out of that room for ANY reason until the season is over; the champion is decided, and I cannot change the decision in ANY way, shape or form whatsoever! I WANT to keep my promise to Po, by ANY means necessary! Sincerely, Tigress"?! Yakkity says: "Read it and weep; it looks like Tigress LOVES Po, MORE than she HATES Spongebob!" Sandy says: "And THAT means that Spongebob is going to get to play this upcoming game FAIR and SQUARE!!!!" General Barracuda ANGRILY says: "Oh, he IS; IS HE?! We'll soon SEE about THAT!!!!" And General Barracuda angrily stomps off! Marlene blows on her nails, and says: "General Barracuda is going to magically disguise himself as Tigress and fight Spongebob himself, CALLING it!" Buhdeuce asks: "How is he going to do THAT?! The Anti-Fairies are all in an inescapable, Anti-Magic jail! They can't magically get out, and nobody can WISH them out!" Bulma says: "But it IS possible that General Barracuda might have confiscated some magic of theirs! However, even in my WORST moments; I would NEVER touch THAT stuff! But why he's BOTHERING to antagonize Spongebob at this late venture of the game, is BEYOND me!" (Castle Confessional) General Barracuda chuckles evilly, and he says: "Leave it to Johnny Krill to make someplace for contestants, and ME, to have a confessional for the last two episodes of this season! I have had $35.6 million riding on Spongebob LOSING this season to a more competent contestant; I.E. practically ANYBODY, and I'm NOT going to lose that bet, even if I have to take matters into my OWN fins!" General Barracuda reaches into the left pocket of his pants, and pulls out some purple, Anti-Fairy magic dust! General Barracuda says: "Anti-Fairy magic dust, ground by Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Poof themselves! With this brand of magic, it SHOULD transform me INTO Tigress herself, EVEN the use of her voice, just LONG enough for me to THOROUGHLY beat Spongebob and make SURE he loses this season! And given how Spongebob is SUCH a delicate FLOWER under SUCH overwhelming pressure, that shouldn't take LONG at all! Bubble Bass may not be interested in having Spongebob eliminated, but I AM!!!!" General Barracuda chants an incantation and says: "Darkness and thunder, I confess; turn this Barracuda INTO...!" And General Barracuda dumps the magic dust onto himself, and when the dust CLEARS, turns into the EXACT likeness of Master Tigress, and the actual VOICE of Master Tigress starts speaking: "Master TIGRESS!!!! You will RUE the day you EVER forced ME to magically disguise myself as a girl!" (End Confessional) Yakkity says: "We AREN'T just going to stand around and LET General Barracuda go THROUGH with such a crazy plan, are we?!" Sniz sighs, and says: "Even I can barely control what he does! Once he gets an idea into his head...you REALLY can't get it out of him! Why don't we all just 'Play along'? He's BOUND to fail at THIS plan just like he's failed at all his OTHER attempts at antagonizing Spongebob!" Spongebob asks: "How do you figure that?!" Johnny Krill says: "Hello?! Since WHEN has ONE of General Barracuda's plans EVER worked against you?! He schemes, he plots, he plans; you and your friends ALWAYS figure out someway to thwart him DESPITE his best efforts! You'll be FINE, you're ALWAYS fine!" Bubble Bass says: "And I'm surprised that I can't actually ARGUE against him, there!" The magically disguised General Barracuda as Tigress appears, and says: "Maybe not, but I HIGHLY doubt you'll argue against ME!!!! I might have had to take a LONG way to get here WITHOUT taking a magical bus, but I still have WAY more than enough energy to beat YOU; Spongebob!" Marlene says: "CALLED IT!!!!" Spongebob, completely unconcerned says: "Oh, HELLO; 'Tigress'! Where's YOUR baby bump? And DON'T give me an answer that you'll REGRET giving because of political correctness!" General Barracuda as Tigress says: "A female tiger is on AVERAGE, pregnant for ONLY 93 to 114 DAYS; so my CUBS have already been BORN, Mr. Subpar Smartless-pants!!!!" Bulma winces, and she says: "OOH, technically not wrong; there!" Spongebob says: "Well, it doesn't matter whether or not you are or AREN'T who you say you are; because YOU have already been eliminated, regardless!" General Barracuda as Tigress angrily says: "Eliminated, my PAW!!!! I was forced to QUIT because of my pregnancy! But now that it's OVER, I'm ready to 'UN-QUIT'! And don't ACT like it hasn't been done! Sniz has allowed both Lil and Skipper to 'Un-quit', both of them TWICE!!!! Unless Spongebob has any objections, thus PROVING he's a COWARD and wants to run home, just a 'wittle' baby!" Spongebob defiantly says: "I'm up to anything YOU can dish out, cat!" General Barracuda as Tigress, CLEARLY didn't hear Spongebob, as the disguised fish shouts: "HA!!!! You see?! I TOLD you Spongebob would NEVER accept my challenge!" Buhdeuce says: "But--." General Barracuda as Tigress says: "I've told EVERYBODY that Spongebob always KNEW he never HAD a chance against ME!!!!" Sway-Sway says: "But--." General Barracuda as Tigress says: "This PROVES my point that Spongebob is a DIRTY coward, and I'M the one who DESERVED to WIN all along!!!!" Yakkity says: "But--." General Barracuda as Tigress says: "You have NO idea how LONG I've been wanting to stare you in the FACE, making you utterly AFRAID of me and RIGHTFULLY so, knowing that YOU could NEVER measure up against me--!" Bubble Bass angrily shouts: "HEY!!!! Spongebob SAID that he could HANDLE anything YOU could dish out!" General Barracuda as Tigress initially STILL doesn't get it, and says: "Obviously! A sponge would NEVER have a CHANCE of beating--!!" Than the realization FINALLY hits like a snowball, and General Barracuda as Tigress, twitches, and angrily asks: "Like, WHAT; did you SAY?!!!!!!!!!!!" Spongebob angrily says: "I SAID, I am NOT going to back down from your CHALLENGE!!!! All my LIFE, I have been pushed aside and treated like DIRT from condescending bullies like you; but I am NOT going to be pushed aside ANYMORE!!!! You are going to find out what HAPPENS when someone like me decides to push BACK against you, and you are NOT going to like it!" General Barracuda as Tigress angrily says: "How DARE you disagree with ME?!!! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHO YOU'RE DEALING WITH?!!!!!!!!!! Well, let me give you a little REMINDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" And General Barracuda as Tigress SLAMS his/her left arm paw as HARD as possible into the Cadbury Castle hill site, and the whole site, cracks, creaks, and CRUMBLES into nothingness into the ground! General Barracuda as Tigress smirks, and says: "Do you REALLY want to end up like THAT?!!!" Bulma, however, decides she's had ENOUGH of the charade, and she says: "I think it's time you DROPPED trying to PRETEND that you're Tigress, General Barracuda!" General Barracuda as Tigress, however, is unfazed, and says: "I don't have the SLIGHTEST idea what you're talking about! I AM Master Tigress! I am the STRONGEST, I am the SMARTEST, I am the FASTEST, I am the TOUGHEST, and by necessary extension and explanation, the MEANEST!!!! If I'm NOT who I say I am, than I HOPE Justin Bieber gets STRUCK by lightning!" Wanda magically poofs a TV set for General Barracuda to see, and a News Announcer on it says: "And in breaking news, after a long time of it NOT happening; Justin Bieber has ONCE again been struck by lightning!" General Barracuda as Tigress BREAKS the TV set, and says: "That proves NOTHING!!!!" Marlene says: "Look, you still have time to AVOID a crushing defeat! WE know you're not Tigress, Sniz knows you're NOT Tigress, even SPONGEBOB knows you're not Tigress! You can STILL get out of this GRACEFULLY!!!!" General Barracuda as Tigress, twitches and gets REALLY angry, and says: "LOOK, if you WANT me to PROVE that I really AM who I say I am, than I'm willing to THROW down with Spongebob, RIGHT now! I could care LESS whether or NOT whether it's Marlene or Yakkity who WINS; I just want to make SURE that SPONGEBOB loses!!!!" Sniz says: "Well, YOU'RE out of luck! This is a final Three, and it's going to STAY a Final Three! Because there's NO amount of money, in the WORLD; that can make me change my--!" And General Barracuda as Tigress, pulls out a BRIEFCASE filled with $30 million in it, and Sniz instantly says: "MONEY!!!! Cancelling ALL thoughts of rational legal and safety protocol in my mind! I'm sure if anybody HAS any complaints, THAT should be more than enough to cover it! Besides, just imagine the RATINGS!!!! What are your conditions, 'Tigress'?" General Barracuda as Tigress says: "Simple. Since we all know that Spongebob knows jack-squat about King Arthur or ANYTHING regarding the Knights of the Round Table, we'll just SKIP the Steps of Knowledge and get RIGHT to the Physical Challenge! A Sword fight, between Spongebob, and me!" Marlene asks: "What about me and Yakkity?" General Barracuda as Tigress says: "I'm FIGHTING on YOUR behalf! If I win, you two AUTOMATICALLY get to go to the Final Two and figure out the champion for YOURSELF! If Spongebob wins, than HE has to CHOOSE which of his TWO good buddies he will HAVE to eliminate, which he will NEVER do, because he would NEVER hurt the ones he LOVES!!!!" Sandy says: "You are ABSOLUTELY crazy!!!! Spongebob would NEVER agree to such--!" But Spongebob glowing yellow, angrily says: "I don't CARE what your conditions are, I am NOT backing down from this CHALLENGE!!!!" And Spongebob once again transforms into a Super Saiyan 2! General Barracuda as Tigress eagerly says: "That's it! How could you POSSIBLY lose to me, without the knowledge that you gave it your ALL, and you STILL couldn't win?!!!" And General Barracuda as Tigress TOSSES a sword STUCK in an anvil and stone to Spongebob, while General Barracuda as Tigress pulls out a sword NOT stuck in anything. General Barracuda as Tigress, says: "Oh, in case you're wondering, THAT is the Legendary Lost Sword of Excalibur! I'd figure I'd save Marlene and Yakkity the trouble of trying to find it!" Yakkity says: "Not that I doubt your ability, but you CAN'T just break the RULES like THAT!!!!" General Barracuda as Tigress says: "Actually, I think I've proven that I can! I'm richer AND stronger than everyone else HERE!!!!" Spongebob angrily says: "Richer, MAYBE!!!! But Stronger? Let's agree to DISAGREE!!!!" And Spongebob reaches for the hilt of the sword, in order to pull it out of the anvil and stone! General Barracuda as Tigress says: "Oh, did I forget to mention? Since in THIS version of the legend, Excalibur IS the Sword In The Stone, and 'Only the Chosen may wield'? Meaning an ETERNAL LOSER like you can NEVER pull it out! But, I'll still give you a customary ten seconds to realize your futility and run away. It will make the inevitable chase more interesting...for ME!!!! One..." But Spongebob grunts and groans as he attempts to pull Excalibur out of the stone and anvil! General Barracuda as Tigress says: "Two..." But Spongebob doesn't relent, and pushes harder AND tougher to get the sword out of the stone and anvil! General Barracuda as Tigress says: "Three..." Spongebob grunts as he is grasping to free the sword with all his might! General Barracuda as Tigress says: "Four..." Spongebob actually begins to wiggle the sword, and CRACKS begin appearing in the sword and anvil! General Barracuda as Tigress FINALLY realizes that Spongebob IS serious about TRYING to fight him, and says: "You're TRYING my patience!" Thankfully, at that moment, Po appears in the distance, and runs toward the scene, as General Barracuda as Tigress quickly counts: "Five, six, seven, eight, nine, TEN!!!!" And General Barracuda as Tigress lunges forward, only for Po to grab the disguised fish by the tail, and Po asks: "What are you DOING?!!! We had an AGREEMENT!!!!" General Barracuda as Tigress says: "Stay out of my WAY, foolish pretentious PRETENDER; or you won't live LONG!!!!" And General Barracuda as Tigress gives Po a left uppercut, and pins Po on the ground! General Barracuda as Tigress says: "I'm not just doing this for you, I'm doing this for ME!!!! We HAVE to prove that the STRONG are the STRONG and the WEAK are the WEAK!" But General Barracuda is totally unaware that Spongebob is actually FREEING the sword as light begins to shine on it! General Barracuda as Tigress says: "If we let Spongebob win this season, do you have ANY idea what that would DO to the balance of NATURE?!!! Horses would ride cars, cats would mother porcupines, humans wouldn't even be the main stars of an animated sitcom! It would ruin EVERYTHING until there is nothing RECOGNIZABLE of the Earth we KNOW! Is THAT WHAT YOU WANT?!!!" Po asks: "Tigress, what's WRONG with you?!" Spongebob angrily says: "I know what's WRONG!!!!" And Spongebob actually MANAGES to completely pry Excalibur FREE of the Sword In the Stone, causing General Barracuda as Tigress to scream: "AHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" And Spongebob actually manages to swing the sword, causing General Barracuda as Tigress to quickly defend with his/her own sword! General Barracuda as Tigress says: "Im...IMPOSSIBLE!!!!" Spongebob angrily says: "Like I said, 'Let's agree to disagree'!!!!" General Barracuda as Tigress, dodges out of the sword-lock, and gets to a standing position! General Barracuda as Tigress angrily says: "I don't CARE if you CAN turn Super Saiyan 2, wield Excalibur, star in around 300 episodes, 3 movies, and potentially 2 more movies, you will STILL never be stronger than ME!!!!" Spongebob says: "Your complete, utter, and unwarranted arrogance has ALWAYS been YOUR greatest weakness! But, I will agree with you on ONE point; I HAVE never been ABLE to beat YOU in combat before...GENERAL HORATIO BARRACUDA!" This causes General Barracuda as Tigress to go utterly BESERK, and he/she says: "I WILL PROVE MY SUPERIORITY IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO!!!!" And General Barracuda as Tigress begins thrashing and slashing with his/her sword as hard as possible, but Spongebob keeps BLOCKING every blow! Johnny Krill says: "Remember when this show USED to be about contestants answering questions and finding lost legends?" Olmec says: "Sadly, I do." Marlene says: "How long can they possibly FIGHT like that?!" Bulma says: "Even I don't know! Stamina and endurance can only help you hold out for so long, eventually, one of them is going to have to give!" General Barracuda as Tigress says: "You've been a LOT more trouble than ANY sponge should be worth, but it will SOON be over NOW; you MISERABLE INVERTEBRATE--!!!!" But at that moment, General Barracuda as Tigress begins twitching, and nervously says: "NO!!!! Not now, not now! Not now when I'm so freaking CLOSE!!!! AGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" And at that moment, the Anti-Fairy magic wears off, and General Barracuda reverts back to normal!!!! General Barracuda, in his normal voice screams: "NO!!!! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, and NO!!!! I was so close, I was so close, I was SO close; I was so, SO, STINKING CLOSE!!!! I didn't hesitate, I didn't mess around, I was the PERFECT warrior! And you're telling me I STILL couldn't seal the deal?!!!" Sniz says: "Well, while I appreciate the great fight, the fact of the matter is; the FIGHT was SUPPOSED to be between TIGRESS and Spongebob! YOU are NOT Tigress, so YOU are disqualified! Which means, by the rules of your OWN deal, Spongebob is the WINNER with Immunity!!!!" General Barracuda sputters, and he says: "But...I wasn't ACTUALLY supposed to ACTUALLY lose!!!! There's just no way!!" Spongebob powers down, and he drops Excalibur, and he says: "So, WHO'S the coward unwilling to accept his OWN deal now?!" General Barracuda angrily fumes, and he says: "I NEVER go back on my word! You've WON your little game and your little Immunity; but play time is over for YOU NOW!!!! Now, you have to FORCE one of your friends OUT OF THIS GAME!!" Sniz says: "I'm afraid, General Barracuda is right! A deal IS a deal! And someone must be eliminated from this challenge!!!!" General Barracuda laughs wickedly, and he says: "I'll still get the LAST laugh! You ALWAYS HURT THE ONES YOU LOVE!!" And Spongebob gulps nervously! (Castle Confessional) Spongebob says: "What have I gotten myself INTO?!!! I knew I shouldn't have fought General Barracuda, but he was just so...ERRR!!!! Well, I've got ONE trick that might SAVE my friends! I just hope it works!" / Marlene says: "Seeing Spongebob fight against General Barracuda was SO awesome! But was it worth it? Spongebob certainly isn't going to keep someone like ME around, if he WANTS an easy win! And I highly DOUBT he'd be willing to break Yakkity's heart! I just NEVER thought the game would end THIS way!" / Yakkity says: "I highly doubt Spongebob is going to want to keep ME! He's known and been friends with Marlene for FAR longer than he has with me; and therefore, has a lot more to LOSE by eliminating HER! I seriously DOUBT he's going to risk breaking Marlene's heart! I just NEVER thought the game would end THIS way!" (End Confessional) The Contestants, their helpers, Buhdeuce, Sway-Sway, Johnny Krill, Po, Wanda, Sniz, Olmec, and a reluctant General Barracuda are standing around a makeshift campfire. Po angrily says: "You have a LOT of nerve magically disguising yourself like Tigress and trying to make her LOOK bad! You ought to be ASHAMED of yourself!" General Barracuda scoffs, and he says: "PLEASE!!!! If I were CAPABLE of feeling ashamed of myself, I would NEVER admit that Bubble Bass, was in fact MY son; which I have!" Bubble Bass says: "I'm not sure whether to feel delighted or insulted by that comment!" Johnny Krill sighs, and he says: "Sad to say, General Barracuda has the same contract I've got. Sniz will let him finish the season before he decides what to do with him." Sniz says: "Well, I've just got to say, this episode went NOTHING like I thought it would! Don't get me wrong, it was interesting! But; I hope the next episode will go a lot more according to plan! Contestants; since Marlene and Yakkity will obviously vote for each other and cancel each others vote out, Spongebob will have the deciding vote as to which of his contestants he will eliminate. Once the choice is read, the contestant and their helper must hop on the Magical Mystery Tour Bus, where they will join the other eliminated contestants. That means they are out of the game and can never come back, EVER!!!!" And everyone looks nervously at Spongebob, who's looking nervous himself! Johnny says: "I have no personal stake in this thing, and even I'M nervous about the ordeal!" Sandy says: "Don't worry yourself, Spongebob will make the right call!" Bubble Bass says: "I hope so, otherwise, I'm going to miss out on the finale!" Bulma asks: "What about ME?! I'm the prettiest AND the smartest! I have EVERY right to be here, you know!" Buhduece says: "Like this season even REMOTELY revolved around YOU!" Yakkity says: "Exactly! I'M the one who's actually at RISK of being eliminated!" Spongebob says: "Everyone, just CALM DOWN!!!! I need to cast my vote!" Sniz says: "Right! Since we don't have our voting machine, Spongebob will write his choice on a piece of paper, and than hand it to me. You can use the Confessional to do your writing!" Spongebob gets up, and Sway-Sway sincerely says: "Good luck, Spongebob. You're gonna need it." General Barracuda says: "You didn't have to say THAT!!!!" (Castle Confessional) Spongebob looks around, and he says: "OH, PLEASE let this WORK!!!!" And he writes something down! (End Confessional) Spongebob heads back, and hands Sniz the piece of paper. Sniz says: "Spongebob has spoken! And the next contestant, who will be eliminated from this game, IS...!!!!" And everyone tenses up in anticipation, only for Sniz to get a WEIRD look and say: "NEITHER?!!!" Sniz says: "Uh, Spongebob; you were SUPPOSED to write down a contestant you WANTED to eliminate!" Wanda says: "Actually, what Spongebob did was a perfectly LEGAL maneuver! There's nothing against the rules against him wanting to NOT eliminate EITHER of the contestants! And once the vote is cast, it's valid and unbreakable; EVEN for you!" Sniz is exasperated, and he says: "And here I thought, Spongebob NOT wanting to eliminate anybody was amusing. But now, it's become a hindrance. Obviously, that's going to have to be a rule patch for that kind of stunt NEXT season! Well, since I am SO generous--." And everyone else laughs LOUDLY at that statement, and Sniz says: "Don't know exactly why THAT is so hilarious, but get it out of your system; I have decided that it WILL be a Final Three after all!" Marlene breathes a sigh of relief, and she says: "Spongebob SAVED us, Bubble Bass! We're STILL in the game!" Yakkity breathes a sigh of relief, and he says: "I never thought Spongebob would save US, Bulma! We still get to play, to!" Sandy is exasperated, and she asks: "Spongebob, why in the world did you DO that?! You've just MADE the Final Three at least 33-50% HARDER for yourself than you NEEDED to make it!" Spongebob says: "Maybe so! But I wouldn't feel right about it any other way! This way, I can play this game with as clean a conscience as I possibly can! This way, I'll know for sure which of the three of us is the best contestant among us!" Sniz says: "Well, that's all the time we have for this challenge, but tune in next time for the FINAL episode and challenge of this season!" Olmec says: "So don't be vain, and don't be whiny, or else we might have to get medieval on your heinie!" / Episode Notes: Featured songs in this episode, "The Sword In The Stone Theme Song," and "The Magical Mystery Tour". First time that General Barracuda has openly antagonized Spongebob since season two's "Predator Aliens: Countdown to Disaster!" The Final Three remains a Final Three due to Spongebob (legally) deciding to not eliminate either of his remaining contestants! Eliminated Contestants: 46. Kowalski. 45. Private. 44. Kaput. 43. Johnny Krill. 42. Haggis McHaggis. 41. Monster Krumholtz. 40. Aang. 39. Verminious J. Snaptrap. 38. Darwin. 37. Heffer Wolfe. 36. Judy Funny. 35. Sway-Sway. 34. Invader Zim. 33. Gonard. 32. Blonda. 31. Squidward Tentacles. 30. Dora the Explorer. 29. Tigress. 28. Otto Rocket. 27. Dog. 26. Zarbon. 25. Super Chum. 24. Kitty Katswell. 23. Jenny Wakeman. 22. Treeflower Fields. 21. Gerald. 20. Fee. 19. Harvey Beaks. 18. Daggett Beaver. 17. Pearl Krabs Barracuda. 16. Bulma Briefs. 15. Keswick. 14. Taotie. 13. Stimpy J. Cat. 12. Sandy Cheeks. 11. Larry The Lobster. 10. Wally. 9. Future Adult Rube Goldfish. 8. Chameleon. 7. Bubble Bass. 6. Po. 5. Dudley Puppy. 4. Buhdeuce. The Final Three: Spongebob Squarepants ("Spongebob Squarepants"). Marlene Otter ("The Penguins Of Madagascar"). Yakkity Yak, ("Yakkity Yak"). / Personal Notes: Prior to this season, I never thought I would be able to write for Spongebob in a compelling, and meaningful way. Thankfully, the advent of "The Patrick Star Show", and it's successful experiments with experimentation regarding character development in regards to Patrick, made me realize I could apply the same principle to Spongebob! This season, and his personal character arc, has been about him, transitioning from his ordinary, meek, extreme doormat personality; to (at least metaphorically) growing a spine, and becoming a competant, capable man who can stand up for himself and not let himself get taken advantage of others; or without sacrificing his integrity to be kind and compassionate towards others. As for what will happen in the finale? You'll have to wait to find out for yourselves! I hope you enjoyed reading this episode as much as I did writing it! Enough said, true believers!
  18. Just a reminder that there will be a blue, GIANT super moon in the sky, soon!
  19. Glinda making bubble popping look as BEAUTIFUL as it possibly can!
  20. I think this must be some kind of magic bubble, because I've never seen a bubble like THIS in real life!
  21. Even Barack Obama knows how to "Bring It Around Town".
  22. Does popping a bubble gum bubble count as popping a regular bubble?
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