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Minty Car

Cotton Candy Blue
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Status Updates posted by Minty Car

  1. That 7th inning in Toronto was the most legit inning of the year

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Minty Car

      Minty Car

      Top of the 7th: Texas scores a play where the ball deflected off the batter's bat. It stood after review and Toronto fans were so mad, they littered the field. Texas lead 3-2

      Bottom of the 7th: Rangers committed 3 consecutive errors on ground balls, loading the bases with no outs. Toronto tied the game at 3 with a single, and then Jose Bautista hit a 3 run home run that gave Toronto the 6-3 final score.

      Again, pretty legit

    3. E.V.I.L.


      I had to miss it for hw :(

    4. Minty Car

      Minty Car

      That's why highlights exist man ;)

  2. You know it's gonna be a long day when you mispell East as eats... And it makes you hungry

  3. *Heroically jumps from the flaming debris of Pirates bandwagon into the safety of the Cubs Bandwagon*

    1. illiniguy34
    2. So Sejima

      So Sejima

      Those counted as bandwagons now? o_O

  4. Farewell Matt Williams (even though you had it coming)

  5. Ladies and Gentleman, meet Josh Scobee: The scapegoat for the 2015 Steelers season

  6. *prays Michael Vick doesn't suck tonight*

  7. When you wake up to find out class was canceled >>>>>

    1. Ron


      omfg lucky that never happens in cali

    2. 70s


      How about when you wake up too late to go to class :)

    3. Ron
  8. Is it breaking Sabbath to use Chick Fl a Wi-Fi on a Sunday? ^_^

  9. Wow, this is all so great

  10. Speechless. How do you lose that game? R.I.P. 2015 Nationals season

    1. Clappy


      Even tho I'm a Yankees fan through and through, watching the Nats self destruct like they have been is rough. Time to fire Matt Williams.

  11. Crud, there goes my laptop screen

  12. No! My Nats lost :(

    1. Katniss


      and to the Mets, ewww

    2. Minty Car

      Minty Car

      Those pesky metropolitans!

  13. I just asked the dog to give me the phone

  14. Sportscenter is the TMZ of sports now

    1. Macrinus


      I was just watching that this morning lol

  15. The redskins are the biggest joke in sports

    1. Macrinus


      No, that's still the Chicago Cubs.

    2. Minty Car

      Minty Car

      They're having a pretty nice run right now though at least. The guy we gave away a ransom for is our backup now :/

  16. Anyone else excited for the return of CFB tonight?

  17. Turn down for what!

  18. I live in a yellow submarine

  19. I can cashier if you'd like

    1. MMM



  20. Overall, I'd say that went well enough

  21. And so college begins, or really, the various ways a college can steal your money

  22. Online sections for two of my five classes costs a combined $171. This is going to be a long semester

    1. Popeye Q. Krabs
    2. Minty Car

      Minty Car

      Liberal Math and Western Civilization

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