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  2. Ah yes, my favorite emo artist, Tom petty
  3. ...did you even read the theme?
  4. "Keep Bikini Bottom Beautiful" probably would have made my list had there been more choices. Honestly speaking, aside from the gross-up close-up in "Whobob Whatpants"; the episode special isn't TOO bad, especially if one views all the other BAD episodes (that will be ranked AFTER "Whobob Whatpants") and consider THOSE episodes as having come right BEFORE "Whobob Whatpants" happened, THAN the episode makes a lot more sense for Spongebob's friends to act THAT way! At least Squidward got "Laser Guided Karma" in the end, so I can't hate the episode (I'm not even sure if I ever really have). Enough said, true believers!
  5. Yes KBBB is not my #1 worst anymore as crazy it sounds. It is now my #5. People can speculate on my new #1.
  6. Yesterday
  7. Keep Bikini Bottom Beautiful is a really lame episode. It wasn't on my list, but it deserves to be here. The episode is super boring, and also has a lot of gross moments littered () throughout it. The episode's entire attempt at humor is just a police officer ticketing him for "littering" when he wasn't actually the one who littered.......like 20 thousand times. That's it, that's the episode's entire humor outside of occasional gross-out moments like the trash house. This episode is just so boring and unfunny. I also find it funny how this is Squilliam's last notable appearance. Imagine this being your final episode lol. Honestly in hindsight I probably should have rewatched WhoBob before making the list, I barely remember it nowadays. I always thought of it as mid but I wouldn't be surprised if I hated it more on rewatch. All of this applies to Clash of Triton (which I assume will make the list) too, so I won't bother making a comment on that episode either.
  8. So, we're entering the bottom 20!!! Things are gonna get more interesting from here, stay tuned! 20. Of all the garbage that comes out of your mouth, this is the least annoying. Keep Bikini Bottom Beautiful - 73 points 4 of 21 lists (Highest ranking #2, @OWM) (-4) Season: 7 Writers: Luke Brookshier, Nate Cash, Dani Michaeli Plot: Squidward tries to clean up Bikini Bottom in a day in hopes of earning a statue against his rival Squilliam. I thought this wouldn't make the list cuz at first I didn't see it in many lists but it ended up #20, 4 places less than 2021. Anyways, this is one of these episodes that makes me wonder if I'm really watching SpongeBob. Again, not bottom 15 worthy but it's definitely in my bottom 25 and SBC's ranking pretty much aligns with mine. I have to say I didn't need to see trash for 11 minutes and of course that dreaded gag of the cop giving tickets to Squidward that felt like a FOP season 10 running gag. Not to mention, this episode almost has no energy as the "jokes" drag for way too long such as Squidward fighting the chewing gum or the Squidward's house full of garbage scene. The latter is so uncomfortable to watch as it's pretty gross and Squidward took 15 business days to realize he lived in such conditions. 19. I'm a jobless deadbeat? What a sad existence I don't remember I lead. What Ever Happened to SpongeBob? - 76 points 5 of 21 lists (Highest ranking #5, @OWM) (+7) Season: 5 Writers: Casey Alexander, Zeus Cervas, Steven Banks Plot: SpongeBob thinks that his friends don't like him anymore and decides to leave Bikini Bottom. Along the way, he accidentally bumps his head and loses his memory. "IDIOT BOY" I didn't include it on my list but I'm not surprised it's higher this year. This is one of the most mean-spirited episodes in the show and it's not even funny. So the plot device was making all of SpongeBob's friends out of character and call him "IDIOT BOY" every time he was a nuisance as if he does that every day to them??? You gotta feel for SpongeBob cuz even he seems surprised his friends act this way. Mr. Krabs, who's always been like a father figure to him, was the last straw. Then he leaves Bikini Bottom, falls and bumps his head and as he gets amnesia he starts a new life under a new identity. Then when everyone is looking for him they regret their actions, as predictable. Honestly the New Kelp CIty scenes (besides the gross close-up) are not as bad tbh, my main problem with this episode is how the bad characterization of Patrick, Sandy and Mr. Krabs led to a whole 22-minute special's plot.
  9. "The Main Drain" is another one of those episodes I completely forget about, as I personally don't think it has any BAD writing; but it also doesn't have any GOOD writing! So I guess it's...mediocre. Squidward: "Mediocre?" And "Squid's Visit"...on the one hand, it doesn't make ANY continuity sense as Squidward HAS visited Spongebob's house PLENTY of times in the past and has NEVER complained about it (unless the episode was MEANT to take place BEFORE Squidward had EVER visited Spongebob's house, in which case; the writers should have made THAT part more clear!) On the other hand, I personally find the episode to be on the same, watchable level that "Slide Whistle Stooges" is, so I can see this episode completely slipping OFF the Worst list the next time we have one of these. Enough said, true believers!
  10. The Main Drain is an episode that I just don't really care about. It's mid, but not one I hate or anything. It's pretty boring, has a couple funny jokes (the wet floor sign joke is hilarious, as is Patrick playing scary music when Mr Krabs tells the story), and the writing is iffy. The twist was a huge surprise as a kid, so it did that correctly, but... the story also just doesn't make any sense. If Mr Krabs and Plankton pulled the drain plug before, and everything was pulled into it, then why is everything perfectly ok now? This technically gets answered by it turning out to just be a story within the Spongebob universe, but then the story itself still doesn't make any sense, so it doesn't help much. Patrick just pulling the drain plug anyway was also kinda dumb. But overall, I just think this episode is mid. Squid's Visit on the other hand I actually like.....at least I think, idk I haven't seen it in years. But it's just so funny how Spongebob manages to perfectly replicate every little detail about Squidward's house. This episode has an interesting and unique vibe to it because of how unnerving the episode feels compared to others. They did a great job at giving Spongebob's ability to perfectly replicate Squidward's house a creepy and unsettling vibe, and it makes you wonder how exactly he did that. Does he really have all of Squidward's house, down to minor details, completely memorized? And the fact that throughout all this, Squidward's house is burning down without him realizing just adds to this, and his house burning down also meaning he has to stay at Spongebob's house (which is really basically his) just adds to it. The scene showing Squidward go insane and having tea with his vacuum cleaner is the creepiest part of all, which was a great way to sorta end the episode (tbh they should've just straight up ended it there). Overall, this is a cool episode and I feel that it did a fantastic job of doing what it was trying to achieve.
  11. The Main Drain is one I really can't write much about -- either I've forgotten most of it out of apathy, or it really does have that much to say about it. I remember it being incredibly slow and meandering though. The twist ending was stupid too but I remember the rest of the episode being much worse overall. Now, as for Squid's Visit... I am a contrarian with this one too lol. I actually find it really funny, outside of the scene early on with Spongebob crying which was forced and unnecessary. I find most of the stupid situations and Spongebob's latently deranged behaviour absolutely hilarious. Once again, this one's a matter of my own personal taste and sense of humour, so I get why it isn't viewed so well by most. Personally, I find this to be a highlight of what was otherwise a mediocre season.
  12. Squid's Visit is kind of admirable as a high concept weird episode maybe. I'm not a squids visit revisionist or whatever but there's cool elements within it.
  13. Last week
  14. I would argue that Little Yellow Book is a touch overhated, but outside of Krabs wearing a kilt and "P-p-plaid?!", it doesn't really have much going for it. The Bikini Bottomites were pretty unlikeable in this one alongside Squidward, and overall, it's another episode that's suffering from a massive amount of padding. Criticizing APFG nowadays is essentially the equivalent of beating a dead horse since everyone and their cat has probably talked about the episode from 2013-2016, but yeah, it's still a garbage episode that portrays SpongeBob at his worst. I can't really take the quote "Gary! You put Puffy Fluffy down right now!" all that seriously; in fact, I do find it funny out of context. SpongeBob overpronouncing "enchiladas" was also pretty chuckle-worthy, and Puffy Fluffy's monster design was cool, even if it feels out of place. I wanted to give this episode another chance, but SpongeBob came across as oblivious at best and downright abusive at worst. Main Drain might as well be renamed "The Lame Drain". The twist ending is another bad case of lazy writing, and the plot feels as empty as the Bootes Void. It's like any attempt at a cohesive story or anything with entertainment value went down the drain (*laugh track*) and landed into season 7's sewer of tedium. The problems with Squid's Visit are pretty obvious from the start, so I can't bring myself to defend this episode. SpongeBob came across as a stalker with no sense of boundaries, and the beginning of the episode was one of the show's most annoying ones. It's not like this episode is going to give me nightmares, but SpongeBob was wayyy out of character here. The few jokes that this episode had weren't really that funny besides Squidward having a tea party with the vacuum, so yeah, it's not an episode that I am looking forward to rewatching.
  15. 22. But Patrick, how are we gonna get to the center of the ocean? The Main Drain - 70 points 4 of 21 lists (Highest ranking #2, @Coffee_lover) (-7) Season: 7 Writers: Luke Brookshier, Nate Cash, Doug Lawrence Plot: SpongeBob and Patrick search for the main drain on the ocean floor that once destroyed Bikini Bottom. First of all, I'm always surprised this legends episode always makes it to the bottom 25. While I think legends episodes mostly suck, this one is bad but I've never thought it was bottom tier. However, this episode suffers from boring writing like 90% of season 7 and it's a mess like...Mr Krabs made us believe two kids pulled the lever but then he confesses he and Plankton did it? How did they survive? This part was never explained. Also, there is another epic twist, it was actually a bedtime story SpongeBob was reading to Patrick. Again, I think the concept was interesting but it was very poorly executed and the twists were very lazy. 21. SO, are you enjoying your stay at Chez Spongéeeee?? Squid's Visit - 70 points 4 of 21 lists (Highest ranking #2, @Clappy) (-9) Season: 6 Writers: Casey Alexander, Zeus Cervas, Derek Iversen Plot: SpongeBob makes his house a replica of Squidward's house as he's desperate to have Squidward visit his home. This is the first episode (and probably only) on this list that I will almost defend I used to hate it years ago but now I realized it has a few funny jokes that don't allow me to hate it anymore, so I'm glad it dropped 9 places compared to the last list. Overall I think it's pretty much a mixed bag though. I still hate the beginning where a crying SpongeBob begs Squidward to visit him and follows him everywhere. The ending is pretty weird and out of place as well. However, from the moment SpongeBob sends him a letter that he borrowed his vacuum cleaner (when in reality he just did it so that Squidward visits him), there are a few laugh-worthy moments like the whole phone call scene or the quote I just used above for this episode which kills me every time.
  16. Here's mine. / 1. "Smooth Criminal" by Alien Ant Farm. 2. "Hero" by Chad Kroeger and Josey Scott. 3. "This Love" by Maroon 5. 4. "She Will Be Loved" by Maroon 5. "Really Makes Me Wonder" by Maroon 5. 6. "By The Way" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. 7. "The Zephyr Song" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. 8. "Dani California" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. 9. "Saving Grace" by Tom Petty. / I hope you enjoy my choices as much as I did coming up with them!
  17. I recently bought some NEW (old) stuff! A Bonnie Raitt CD collection, with FIVE CD's for the price of about two; mostly music she's made that I've never heard before, but so far; it's really solid stuff! I've gotten through the first two CD's in the collection, 1974's "Streetlights", and 1975's "Home Plate". Still need to listen to "Sweet Forgiveness", "The Glow", and "Green Light". I am also working through Night Ranger's 1989 "Greatest Hits" CD album; "Don't Tell Me You Love Me" might be one of the best ANTI-Love Songs ever written, and "Sister Christian" might just be the BEST Power Ballad ever written! Enough said, true believers!
  18. Let's see, since the last time I posted; the major games I have beaten are the "Super Mario RPG" remake for the Switch; the "Arcade Archives" version of "King Of The Monsters 2", and "Turrican" for the Amiga via "Turrican Flashback" for the Nintendo Switch. I am currently working on the other "Turrican" games within that collection.
  19. "Fungus Among Us" made my list at number 7; I honestly thought "Rodeo Daze" was too forgettable (which from my standpoint, is better than being outright bad, so it didn't make my list). I have a...complicated outlook with "Little Yellow Book". On the one hand, I feel like it was the writer's way of TRYING to throw Squidward a bone for all the times he has been HORRIBLY treated throughout the series (justified or otherwise), but the writers could've just as EASILY done the plot with Squilliam, a character who actually DESERVES to be mocked. "Little Yellow Book" probably would've made my list with more choices available. And I'm honestly surprised that I'm the one who ranked "A Pal For Gary" the highest! Than again...we HAVE never seen Spongebob act THAT stupid or ignorant towards anything ELSE since that episode has aired, so if anything GOOD can be said to have come from THAT episode airing, it's that! Can't wait to see which episode scores the highest (by being the lowest!) Enough said, true believers!
  20. Honestly I really like Little Yellow Book. I find it really funny. The stupid things Spongebob has in his diary (his obliviousness to Squidward hating him, stripping to his underwear whenever he hears the anthem, and clucking like a chicken when he sees plaid) are very funny, and the second half of the episode is even funnier. The fact that Squidward's house terms is violated by reading a diary, and then has to be flown away, is fucking hilarious, and the police officer's line "I had a diary once. My brother read it! I had a brother once" is the best joke in all of 9a. I also don't mind the townspeople's behavior or Squidward's (except maybe the ending). The only thing they heavily failed at IMO is the customer's change of behavior upon "finding out " it was Spongebob's diary. I actually think it makes sense; once Spongebob finds out and cries about it, the townspeople no longer want to seem like they were part of the reason for it, so they become hypocrites to put the blame entirely on Squidward. The problem is, the episode doesn't make it clear that this is what happened, so it just looks like bad writing (and I mean....maybe it was, and that wasn't even the intention, who knows). I think having Squidward call them out on this right when they turn on him would have helped the episode a lot, as it would be more clear that this is what happened. Still, I like this episode and it's a shame it made it here. A Pal for Gary is an episode I want to like. For season 7 standards, it's actually really good in a lot of ways. Puffy Fluffy is a really good idea with an awesome design. The stuff he does is also really cool. And Spongebob initially seems like a good and caring pet owner, being worried about Gary being alone by himself and deciding to get him a friend (Gary actually enjoyed being alone, but he wouldn't have known this). And it also has great action scenes during it; Gary fighting Puffy Fluffy and driving him off with the cowboy skills that he got from the cowboy movies he's shown to watch earlier in the episode is great. The animation is also shockingly good for being in season 7. But, in typical season 7 fashion, the writing is terrible. Spongebob thinking Gary is the one being mean to Puffy Fluffy and not the other way around is frustrating, but as he isn't seeing what's happening, I can let that slide. Spongebob will figure it out eventually, and then it'll be nice. Seeing damage to his house and automatically assuming its Gary and not the pet he just introduced to the house sucks, but I can let it slide..... then he sees Puffy Fluffy literally eating Gary and somehow thinks Gary is the one harrassing Puffy Fluffy? huh??? There's a reason you never see anyone, even defenders of the episode like me, defend this moment, and its because it makes zero sense. Its one of the worst scenes in the show, and one of the worst written scenes. This scene deserves all the hate it gets and I've never really seen anyone say otherwise. What people don't bring up enough compared to this scene, however, is that even after Spongebob is saved from being eaten too by Gary, he STILL thinks Gary was the one at fault, which makes just as little sense. Then he forced Gary to be with him at the krusty krab for now on, which ruins all his fun time alone. It's just both frustrating and sad, and also horribly written and shows Spongebob as a terrible pet owner, which is OOC. I also hate how him buying the pet was protrayed; Spongebob would care about making sure the pet he gets to be Gary's friend is someone who Gary would like and would be nice to Gary. The fact that he just ignores the store owner saying they are dangerous is really dumb, and it would've been a lot better if the store owner was lying to Spongebob, making him think Puffy Fluffy is perfect when its actually a monster. Honestly, I always considered season 6 the worst season, but over time, I've come to realize that no, season 7 is the worst season and it isn't even close. The writing is absurdly terrible in this season, even compared to the other infamous post movie seasons surrounding it. And while a lot of season 6 episodes become better to me over time, season 7 episodes just get worse. The writing did so much damage to this season and this episode shows this perfectly; with even half-competent writing, this episode would easily be one of, if not the best episode, of season 7. But they managed to make the writing so terrible, that it caused the episode to become the most infamous episode of the series. While this episode is not in my bottom 50 because of its good aspects, I 100% get why people hate it, and I don't blame anyone for putting it on their list. "You put Puffy Fluffy down right now" deserves its place as the most hated scene in the entire series.
  21. I see these two episodes are having a mid-off. Little Yellow Book is incredibly boring and, as stated in the main post, confusingly written. To this day it is still uncertain why exactly the Bikini Bottomites decide laughing at Spongebob's diary is wrong -- just moments before they were having a blast mocking him for its contents. I can't bring myself to feel much for this one anymore, but I certainly can't vouch for it being any good. If you knew me years ago, you may have known A Pal for Gary to be my least favourite episode of the show. It holds this spot no longer; in fact, I don't feel too strongly one way or another anymore. This doesn't excuse it, however, from being a poorly-written mess with few redeeming qualities. I think the plot could have worked if Spongebob weren't written to be so dense and oblivious to Gary's fear, especially in the climax where Puffy Fluffy has morphed into a horrific monster. That design is really fucking rad tbh, I feel like it would have been killer anywhere other than Spongebob lol. There are breaks in the poor writing that prevent me from putting this lower, but it's certainly not a favourite either way. I heard the network screwed with this one a lot, so I can't really fault the writers for some of this episode's slip-ups (looking at you Mr. Enter).
  22. 24. Reading somebody else's diary...that's terrible! Tell me more! Little Yellow Book - 68 points 4 of 21 lists (Highest ranking #6, @Bob Carotte) (-6) Season: 9 Writers: Luke Brookshier, Marc Ceccarelli, Derek Iversen Plot: During their working shift, Squidward finds SpongeBob's diary and starts reading it out loud in the Krusty Krab. Yes, as you can see this is another episode where I'm one of its biggest haters, it never left my bottom 10 since 2013. So...where can I start? This is one of the most unfunny episodes I've ever seen, like it's basically Squidward reading things on SpongeBob's diary out loud to the customers in the Krusty Krab and everyone laughing at him for half the episode which it quickly turns boring. This doesn't seem like a big deal because I still haven't mentioned the worst part. After SpongeBob runs out crying after finding out, the customers pretend they didn't know it was SpongeBob's diary and get offended??? They KNEW it was SpongeBob's and they were clearly enjoying it...hypocrisy at its finest. Then in the second half they treat Squidward like he committed a genocide for reading SpongeBob's diary. All of this sequence is such a writing mess that doesn't make sense. It later turns out that that "diary" was meant to be published but then Squidward gets the real one out of nowhere like bruh??? The ending is probably the worst "here we go again" ending I've seen in the show. 23. Now eat up, I'm gonna go make some enchiladas A Pal for Gary - 68 points 4 of 21 lists (Highest ranking #5, @Dragonball Z) (+6) Season: 7 Writers: Casey Alexander, Zeus Cervas, Richard Pursel Plot: SpongeBob feels guilty for not hanging out with Gary, so he brings him a new playmate which soon starts tormenting Gary. Same amount of points, same amount of lists than LYB, but AFPG is worse because its highest ranking is higher (goddammit i should have put lyb higher , rant on discord incoming ). Seriously though, I'm surprised this episode is in a worse place than in 2021 considering the hate for this episode is lower every year. It was on my list for the longest time but this year I removed it. Despite this I still consider it a pretty bad episode mostly because SpongeBob is fucking dumb and blind. I feel for Gary because he was trying so hard to explain to SpongeBob that Puffy Fluffy is very aggressive to him but he never knew because Puffy transformed back into cute mode very quickly before SB sees his evil self. Honestly, I could tolerate this (I even like the enchiladas joke)... until the you know what scene which I still hate because monster Puffy is right on his face trying to eat Gary and SB still blames Gary????? Everyone was so badly written in S7 but SpongeBob here is just...something else it's unbelievable.
  23. Xenogears, something I've picked up and put off for far too long and need to actually finish lol. Goddamn this game is long
  24. Fungus is yet another episode that barely missed my bottom 15. Not only is it pretty "ick"-y (*laugh track*), it's just devoid of anything interesting or funny. I wouldn't say that it's as revolting as Pet or Pests or The Splinter, but the scene where SpongeBob was in a bubble at the Krusty Krab made me seriously uncomfortable. The foreshadowing at the beginning was nice, but other than that, I can't say anything good about this one. Rodeo Daze is such a snorefest of an episode. The rodeo song was okay, but the rest of the episode felt like the equivalent of cramming a major school project the night before it's due. For an episode called "Rodeo Daze", we only got mere seconds of an actual rodeo, and a terribly animated one at that. Again, the vast majority of the episode consists of nothingness, which is a recurring theme in season 7.
  25. Moved Trenchbillies off of my list from 2019 or whenever it was for the record. It could have been higher if I kept it on but I didn't. other notable entries here on my list were Rodeo Daze which is just a dreadful episode. SquarePants Family Vacation also made my bottom 10 it's an episode with just a complete lack of energy. It's not funny in the slightest besides remembering remarks about underwater atmosphere by members of the SpongeBob fandom. That's all I have to say for now I suppose.
  26. Fuck I forgot about Silverstein and early Paramore
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