Historic Spongecraftia

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Flag of Historic Spongecraftia

Historic Spongecraftia is the downtown and central hub of Spongecraftia. It was where the server began, and was the epicenter of activity for the server's first year. Historic Spongecraftia City is the largest city in Spongecraftia and serves as the de facto capital of the greater Historic Spongecraftia country, which includes other towns such as International Village. It directly borders Unknown Spongecraftia. HSC was the original spawn point for all of Spongecraftia, before the spawn point was moved to the Grand Spongecraftia Directory. Its primary religion and church is the Church of Magius.

Historical Landmarks

Defined as creations from early SpongeCraft Classic or creations of importance as a result of an event or vital purpose.

  • Historic Spongecraftia Sign - A historic sign that welcomed cartriders into SC from the suburbs.
  • Historic Spongecraftia Directory - The original hub for traveling to other countries. It had since been closed to future countries, but remained operational for travel.
  • Grand Budapest Hotel - A large yellow building that dominated the HSC skyline. It was built by Patty Sponge and was the tallest skyscraper in Historic Spongecraftia.
  • Spongecraftia Park 2 - A massive amusement park area that featured rides, a movie theater called The Reef, and a park area that sat right in the middle of HSC. The original was destroyed in the 2015 Griefing.
  • MDPP's Castle - A castle near the historic spawnpoint built by MDPP. It was one of the first buildings ever in SC. It had been protected to prevent any future vandalism until sbl and OWM destroyed it to commemorate the end of the server.
  • HSC City as it appears in the September 2019 release of Spongecraftia
    Historic Spongecraftia Apartments - Stone apartments built by crushingmayhem. They were known for being the origin of the Squid Plague.
  • Founders' Tower - A quartz tower dedicated to the first users of SBC and the third skyscraper in HSC. Built by tvguy347.
  • Cake SBC - A sign made out of cakes in the original spawn center.
  • Ruins of Cake Boundary - Remnants of the original cake borders that limited where building could take place. Several original cakes remained, whereas a river existed outside Spongecraftia Park where the cake boundary originally ran.
  • Ruins of original ice rink - Underground ice remains where the original ice rink was built. It was destroyed to make space for the growing directory. A museum then stood atop it.
  • Original spawn point - A historic area where people used to spawn when entering the game. It was no longer open to the public for building in order to preserve it.
  • Da Controls - A yellow building in the Original Spawn Point where controls such as nighttime switch and "Make It Rain" were housed. It was one of the oldest buildings in HSC. spongeboblover named the building.
  • Krabby Patty - A Krabby Patty build in central HSC by Acidic Dragon. It featured the "I married Nicolas Cage" sign atop of it, a signature of Acidic. It was the first Krabby Patty build in Spongecraftia.
  • Original Directory - When Spongecraftia expansion began and new countries were created, a green building was constructed atop Da Controls to house teleportations to other countries. A new directory was created in July 2015 and the original directory was closed. It was still functional, although no new countries were added.
  • JCM's Dojo - One of the first ever buildings in Spongecraftia, JCM's Dungeon was surrounded by a small moat and was one of the few structures that survived the 2015 Griefing.
  • SpongeBob Club - A building above HSC that was partially destroyed in the 2015 Griefing. It was built by BlueFire and was never rebuilt.
  • Spongecraftia Mall 2 - A reconstruction of the original Spongecraftia Mall, which was destroyed in the 2015 Griefing.
  • SpongeBob SquarePants Statue - A statue of SpongeBob built by Big Bird and crushingmayhem. It was partially burned down in an accident by OneFlutterAway and was rebuilt.
    SpongeBob SquarePants Statue
SpongeBob! statue
  • SpongeBob! Statue - A large sculpture located in central Historic Spongecraftia. The statue was created by CNF1, CDCB, MDPP and spongeboblover (the interior). It was built on January 30, 2015, making it one of the oldest surviving creations in Spongecraftia.
Anniversary Square
  • Spongecraftia City Hall - A large building that served as the political hub of HSC. The first elections were held there on June 28, 2015.
  • Patty's Castle - A large unfinished castle in HSC created by Patty. Construction began in the first days of Spongecraftia and halted thereafter. As of August 2015, it was the largest unfinished building in HSC.
  • Mega Man - A large sprite by Patty Sponge that was destroyed in the 2015 Griefing and later rebuilt.
  • SBL Farms Bulletin Board - The original SBL Farms once stood in the spawn area; its bulletin board was repurposed as the HSC "Things to See" Board and could still be seen until the shutdown.


  • Anatomy Towers - Large twin towers built by tvguy347. They were of his first creations in SC and stand as two of the tallest towers in all of SpongeCraftia. MDPP and CNF1 assisted in their constructions. In August of 2015, floors were added to the towers.
    View of the Anatomy Towers with Founders Tower in the center.
  • El Bosque - A skyscraper built by tvguy347. It was green; "El Bosque" means "The Forest" in Spanish.
  • Spongecraftia Airport - A massive building located east of Historic Spongecraftia and west of the directory, constructed by multiple people. It consists of several interconnected terminals dedicated to specific countries, each providing flights to airports there. Terminals included:
  • Anniversary Square - A plaza of multiple buildings and art pieces, created in a build contest celebrating SpongeCraft's 10th anniversary in January 2025. It is the first major new build in the world of Spongecraftia to have taken place on the second-generation server, SpongeCraft Frontiers.

Cities and Towns

  • Historic Spongecraftia City - Largest City in HSC and in all of Spongecraftia. Where the game began.
  • International Village - A densely populated city located in the tri-border region between HSC, USC, and BSC. The second largest city in HSC.
  • Spongecraftia Suburbs - A town that served as a suburb for the players. Some of the best creations were found here.
  • Moon City - A surreal town for unusual builds.
  • New Spongecraftia - A replica and recreation of the original New Spongecraftia which was destroyed in the 2015 Griefing.
  • Rabbit Hole Spongecraftia - A hidden town that was accessible via underground travel.
  • Tentacle Acres - A village next to HSC City, part of the city's vicinity.
  • Ukulele Bottom - A large city near Atlantean SC. Home to the HSC Zoo.
  • Diamond Town - A "formerly illegal mining town" that had diamond houses and structures. It was filled with luxurious, extravagant diamond mines of which parts of can be seen in suits of armor, buildings and even the flag. The reason the town was "illegal" is the fact that diamond ores can only be placed down by administrators and operators.
  • Kelp City - A city of forest and lumberjacks.
  • Goldinia - A wealthy city mostly made of gold.
  • Faceopolis - A town based on the Hide & Seek game that was copied into HSC, given to Face as a gift for creating vehicles.
  • Penumbria - A city in far-northern HSC. It boasted a lake and windmills.

Nearby Countries

Countries and regions close to Historic Spongecraftia that share a common border with it.

  • Unknown Spongecraftia
  • Soviet Spongecraftia
  • Saharan Spongecraftia
  • British Spongecraftia
  • Canadian Spongecraftia
  • Mushroom Spongecraftia
  • New Kelp City
  • Atlantean Spongecraftia
  • Raspberry City
  • Tropical Spongecraftia
  • Outer Spongecraftia
  • Arctic Spongecraftia
  • Outland Spongecraftia
  • Crushing's Reserve
  • Overworld