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[2nd] Dunces & Dragons Sign-Ups

Jjs Goodman

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It's here...

:squilliam2: DUNCES & DRAGONS: SBC EDITION :squilliam2: 


Yup, Dunces & Dragons is our new weekly SBC game, joining Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy! To those who played this during April Fools and/or Summer Knights, it will work the same as those runs, with a few adjustments. If you never played this game during the beta stages, then now you will get to experience it...

The second game will be Sunday, October 2nd at 7:00 PM EST. Adjust the time accordingly if you don't live in the eastern timezone. Dunces & Dragons is locatedhere. The host will PM a reminder the day of the game. 


1.) 2,000 Doubloons

2.) D&D Champion Badge (you keep it until the next game)

How Do I Play?:

The game works more or less like the real Dungeons & Dragons, but not mostly. There are nowhere near as many rules to it, it is actually pretty simple. All you have to do is roll a die, say where you want to go, and the story will play out from there. There are currently three possible game modes: Story (the default mode), Survival, or Hide and Seek.


1.) As of the current moment, you can still play in the next game if you win unlike Jeopardy. This is because Dunces & Dragons is more luck based like Wheel of Fortune.

2.) You can win the game through a multitude of methods: finding an object or someone, finding everyone in hide and seek, last man standing in a boss battle or survival mode, or completing a variety of tasks, depending on the theme of the game.

3.) Do not get upset if your HP is lower than everyone else's; HP is randomly generated, and we have no control of who gets what. The only way to change your HP is if someone uses a health item. 

4.) Be respectful to everyone playing. Staff will be there and can kick you if you are disrupting the game.

5.) If you are not active during your turn for 30+ seconds, you will be automatically skipped. 

6.) Most importantly, have fun!

Otherwise, there aren't many other rules to say for this, as it is pretty simple when you get used to it. Feel free to sign-up here, by saying something to show you are playing, or saying something like "Squidward loves Patrick more than SpongeBob!" or "Art thoust feeling it now, Mr. Krabs?".


Ol Bold and Brash (maybe)


Renegade the Unicorn


Spongetron (maybe)


Edited by jjsthekid
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