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There was a topic on social media alone, but how about the actual act of communicating to someone via instant message/text? 

I think it has its advantages and disadvantages. It's pretty awesome to be able to use emojis or send people reaction GIFS. In addition, I think it's lovely that you get to have a little bit of time to think about what you want to say. It definitely makes it easier for me to, say, come up with really bad puns. :P It's also a very convenient way to talk about personal things when other people are in the room, or even in general as you have more time to think about what you wanna say and say it how you wanna say it. However, I do miss seeing facial expressions and often tone can come out really cold unintentionally. It's nice to often see for sure that you make someone laugh, because, let's face it: no one laughs when they say Lol.

Texting can also suck primarily because, some people just don't effin know how to text, unortunately. When texting is done right, at least in my view, it's either to coordinate plans to Skype or meet up, or both parties actually have an actual conversation where effort is put forth and both parties are saying things of actual significance. Keywords EFFORT FROM BOTH PARTIES. As for the people who really effing suck at texting, I will never understand why people think it's okay to one-word respond all the damn time. It is never okay to reply to a long chunk of text after long chunk of text with responses such as "yep", "nice" "haha" "lol" "yeah" "oh"...... maybe I overthink it but in my eyes you seem like an entitled, lazy ass who thinks you're too cool to actually put in any effort for anyone and that people should just try to talk to you. That really burns me out tbh and 90% of the time, I just flat out stop responding unless it's someone who's really special to me and even then I'm bound to feel burned out and confront them about it soon enough.  Like, I actually do not understand why some people find it that freaking hard to just say more than one word and maybe *gasp* ask a question. -_- (In case you can't tell, one wording is literally one of my biggest pet peeves in the world omfomf. I HATE it. It burns me out. -_- )

I can understand not responding once the conversation naturally dies down, but other than that I think it's quite rude to just not respond either. At least say you don't want to talk.                                                                                                                         

But maybe I myself am a bit too spoiled and expect too much from texting? IDK, what do yall think :P 

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I only text via group chats from Facebook and Skype. On Skype, it's mostly legitimate discussion without dumb one-word replies. On Facebook, it's about half-discussion and half-spamming the ? emoji for fun. I like both ways.

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16 minutes ago, Halibut said:

 On Facebook, it's about half-discussion and half-spamming the ? emoji for fun. I like both ways.

There's a difference between spamming an emoji for fun and one wording everything someone says because you're an ass and don't wanna put in effort to keep the convo going. Spamming emojis/gifs is actually fun for both parties; getting everything one worded just feels like getting stabbed tbh esp when it's someone close to you.

I freaking love shitposts xP

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4 minutes ago, E.V.I.L said:

There's a difference between spamming an emoji for fun and one wording everything someone says because you're an ass and don't wanna put in effort to keep the convo going. Spamming emojis/gifs is actually fun for both parties; getting everything one worded just feels like getting stabbed tbh esp when it's someone close to you.

I freaking love shitposts xP

SBC is basically half-shitpost anyway lol

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1 minute ago, Halibut said:

SBC is basically half-shitpost anyway lol

It's pretty great, it's nothing like this crap:







Shitposted memes are the best omg

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Guest hilaryfan80
9 hours ago, E.V.I.L said:

There was a topic on social media alone, but how about the actual act of communicating to someone via instant message/text? 

I think it has its advantages and disadvantages. It's pretty awesome to be able to use emojis or send people reaction GIFS. In addition, I think it's lovely that you get to have a little bit of time to think about what you want to say. It definitely makes it easier for me to, say, come up with really bad puns. :P It's also a very convenient way to talk about personal things when other people are in the room, or even in general as you have more time to think about what you wanna say and say it how you wanna say it. However, I do miss seeing facial expressions and often tone can come out really cold unintentionally. It's nice to often see for sure that you make someone laugh, because, let's face it: no one laughs when they say Lol.

Texting can also suck primarily because, some people just don't effin know how to text, unortunately. When texting is done right, at least in my view, it's either to coordinate plans to Skype or meet up, or both parties actually have an actual conversation where effort is put forth and both parties are saying things of actual significance. Keywords EFFORT FROM BOTH PARTIES. As for the people who really effing suck at texting, I will never understand why people think it's okay to one-word respond all the damn time. It is never okay to reply to a long chunk of text after long chunk of text with responses such as "yep", "nice" "haha" "lol" "yeah" "oh"...... maybe I overthink it but in my eyes you seem like an entitled, lazy ass who thinks you're too cool to actually put in any effort for anyone and that people should just try to talk to you. That really burns me out tbh and 90% of the time, I just flat out stop responding unless it's someone who's really special to me and even then I'm bound to feel burned out and confront them about it soon enough.  Like, I actually do not understand why some people find it that freaking hard to just say more than one word and maybe *gasp* ask a question. -_- (In case you can't tell, one wording is literally one of my biggest pet peeves in the world omfomf. I HATE it. It burns me out. -_- )

I can understand not responding once the conversation naturally dies down, but other than that I think it's quite rude to just not respond either. At least say you don't want to talk.                                                                                                                         

But maybe I myself am a bit too spoiled and expect too much from texting? IDK, what do yall think :P 


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Like you said, when engaged with people that aren't dumb, texting is fun and easier for me than other apps like Kik (lmfao) or Skype. Emojis and all the other keyboard garb is great.

Texting the opposite sex is a completely different story of anxiety. Could have an entirely separate topic for that tbh

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1 hour ago, Bada Bing Nuggets said:

Texting the opposite sex with intent to engage in relations is a completely different story of anxiety and evil awfulness. Could have an entirely separate topic for that tbh

Every time I have to message a girl it feels like I'm back in high school English class and I'm writing a final paper that's worth 70% of my grade. Every message goes through hours of revisions and edits and about five drafts. I start using friggin' hyphens and semicolons for no reason other than to just to show that I know how to correctly use them and hope that scores me some extra points in the "Technical" part of the grading rubric. I've been texting this girl for the past month and a half or so and I've been in constant fear of saying the wrong thing the entire time. It took me a week to even figure out the exact right thing to say to start the conversation with her.

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20 minutes ago, terminoob said:

Every time I have to message a girl it feels like I'm back in high school English class and I'm writing a final paper that's worth 70% of my grade. Every message goes through hours of revisions and edits and about five drafts. I start using friggin' hyphens and semicolons for no reason other than to just to show that I know how to correctly use them and hope that scores me some extra points in the "Technical" part of the grading rubric. I've been texting this girl for the past month and a half or so and I've been in constant fear of saying the wrong thing the entire time. It took me a week to even figure out the exact right thing to say to start the conversation with her.

Even if I got a girls' number I doubt I'd ever call or text her for that exact reason. Even with people I've known for years I'm unable to have anything close to a meaningful conversation through text because I'm afraid of saying something wrong. That's probably why I don't have any close friends IRL.

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