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first short, quickly written chapter or whatever, not sure where I'm gonna take this though

It had been a long, hectic day at the Lilymu Studios. And hectic was the nicest word available. Or the only word that 2 foot fur-coated Guano could manage on three cups of coffee and ten straight hours of directing. Guano jittered so much that fellow employee/city's nitwit Gonard shook him violently until he squealed like a whatever the heck a sound his creature makes.

"Are you idiots through? It's bad enough I've had to spend endless hours wearing eye candy short shorts. " Lily the former star of Lilymu barked.

"Hey, I've heard milk might get rid of a coffee rush! Maybe you could try that." Mitsuki gleamed in her usual positive tone.

"Who are you?" The four others asked Mitsuki and her cheerful grin formed a frown.

"No, no my dear Gonard," Mikey Simon the star of the show said ever so sure. "You don't shake someone who's jittery, you have to get the jitters outta 'em!" Mikey pulled out a lighter and was just about to light Guano's shrieking hind on fire when the biggest executive producer of Tokyo appeared out front doors in a beaming light.

"Oh thank god, someone actually sane." Lily sighed.

The old man and his shrieky, brown-nosing assistant strolled in.

"Hellllooo my money makers!" Ozu said in his own gleeful yet egotistical way when entering.

"Well almost." Lily said.

"Mikey, Gonard, Lily, Guano and... who let an outsider in my show's studio? You're not allowed here!" Ozu questioning Mitsuki's existence as usual.

"COME ON NOW, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT." Yes Man yelled in a child sized police costume and dragged Mitsuki outside the Studio's lot.

"But you don't understand! I've worked here for seven yea-" She said as the door was slammed behind her by Yes Man.

"Now then. Ahem." Ozu said softly and cleared his throat. "WHY ARE YOU ALL TAKING A BREAK!?"

"MORE BREAKS, LESS PAYCHECKS!" Yes Man popped up behind his superior.

"Oh hey old guy, are you new to this studio too?" Gonard questioned as he layered the camera man Yoshi in his ham sandwich by accident. Ozu looked puzzled and turned his attention to the more clear headed cast mates.

"Guano had too much coffee and is having another nervous break down." Mikey simply said as Guano couldn't even speak without slurring his words. Mikey then helped Gonard with struggling to keep Yoshi inside the sandwich.

"Yeah and now he's gonna keep everyone here just because he said he can't feel his legs and that his vision is getting 'blurred' pffft please." Lily crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.

Ozu walked up to the midget director (who was shivering even more now) and stared him down.

"GUANO. HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU... use decaf coffee." Ozu spoke.

"I'll have to try to remember that next time boss..." Guano said in a monotone.

"We can't just have any sort of lollygagging around, especially with the end of the season and the holidays coming up around the corner! This is 2009 for goodness sake, we have to up our game a bit." The old man told them as Mikey drooled off wondering what year it actually was or which season of Kappa Mikey this was now for that matter.

"By making us work for 12 hours every day?" Lily scoffed.

"Of course." Ozu said.

"DEFINITELY!" Yes Man agreed.

"Wait, what do you mean by 'up our game a bit' Ozu?" Guano asked.

"Between Socky's new soap opera shows, Ozoom Manga comic books and other entertainment
businesses, they're nearly bulldozing us over. So we must work the longest and the hardest and then we will come out as victorious among our enemies." Ozu explained.

"LILYMU ROCKS!" Yes Man shouted and nearly bumped over Lily.

"Sounds good enough for me!" Gonard said and took a bite of Yoshi's hair.

"Now then, get back to work! While I send some 'letters' to our our rivals." Ozu left looking devilishly sinister and without another word. While Yes Man was playing with his tie still inside the building. The cast mates stared at him not sure of what to do next. Yes Man looked up and saw that his boss was gone.

"Uh... Yes Man will be going now too.." Yes Man sped off in a millisecond.

Two hours later of a very drawn out twelve hour work day and a even longer work week, the five cast mates went back to the their apartments in Lilymu Towers. While Mitsuki was arrested when she was getting into her and Lily's apartment for "trespassing" and being not recognized again by anyone. Guano said good-bye to Mikey and Gonard and Lily who (slammed the door at Guano before he could say a friendly good night).

"Well looks like I'll finally get those eight hours of sleep like I've dreamed of all...year." The furry director got his keys out of his nonexistent pockets and shifted his eyes around in his usual anxiety. The door unlocked and he rapidly got inside and shut it. He sighed out in relief and flicked on his lights... And instantly freaked out when he saw his living room and kitchen swarming with fleas. After two hours of figuring out what to do, he called pest control but they said they don't work on the weekends. What's worse was they couldn't be out there at least until Wednesday to expect it.

"How could have my entire apartment been covered by bugs!? And why at the time I actually was gonna get some sleep for once!" He spoke to himself as he carried a sleeping bag and his pink toothbrush across the quiet night apartment hall. He first knocked on Gonard's (and Gonard's mom's) door and got an answer by Gonard who was wearing footie pajamas with Mikey on them.

"Hey Gonard."

"Guano? What are you doing at my door at the middle of midnight? Are you a.. gulp hallway monster!?" Gonard started to freak out a bit until Guano calmed him down.

"No I'm not a monster, my apartment got covered in insects and I have no where to sleep for the next week!" Guano told the blue hair giant.

"Is that because you didn't wash your suit again?" He questioned the short director/writer/actor/whatever.

"NO! ...Well maybe! It doesn't matter now. Can I sleep at your apartment?" Guano asked his friend.

"Sorry no can do buddy."

"But why?"

"My mom said if you get another bug in her apartment floors that she'll call animal control on you." Gonard explained.

"I guess I'll go ask Mikey then, thanks anyways." Guano walked off.

"Good luck on finding somewhere to stay hallway monster!" Gonard shouted in the distance.

Guano knocked on Mikey's door but got no answer. He then noticed a sign way above where he could reach. Guano leaped to grab the note smugly but fell on the hard floor in pain.

"My deer Japanese co-workers and admirerz,

I, Michael Alexander Simon will not be able to answer the door as I've gone a long and perilous journey to enrich my spiritual soul and find out who I am.

Will be back from Tijuana in a week.


"Well there goes that idea. Though I'm not sure how long I'd take living in an apartment that smells like rotten pizza all the time." Guano said and went on again. He was running out of ideas and as this thought sunk in, he became nervous. He went to Lily and Mitsuki's door as his last hope.

"What do you want Guano? It's nearly two in the morning." Lily wore a facial mask, curlers and cucumbers when she opened the door. The sight of her caused Guano to yell out in fear that she was a hallway monster and he ran away.

After panting and running for like thirty minutes the little fur ball settled down. Now he really didn't know what to do. All of a sudden his blue gem begun to vibrate and he pulled out his phone within the crystal. He checked his messages to see that his mom Kiyoko sent him a picture of an iguana with six pack abs and a machine gun. Though Guano had no idea what that message meant (or any of her messages for that matter) he finally knew where to go..

Sleep in the elevator of course! There was no way the director was gonna be locked inside four walls with his boss, his yes man and his boss's business rival. Guano snuggled in a corner in the dark elevator and was all nestled in comfortably. A few minutes of silence rung in the tiny box as the twenty something costumed character begun to set in his mind where he would brush his teeth in the morning and etc during his stay. The sudden sound of a ding shocked him into being fully awoke.

"Oh yeah, will have to get use to that.."

The elevator doors opened as a familiar man in a burgundy suit entered.

"Oh god, oh god, oh existing-yet-not-sure-if-existing-god.." Guano said in his head as huddled in a corner and put the sleeping bag over his head. Maybe, just maybe Ozu wouldn't notice him. And he didn't! Until Guano's girl band j-pop ringtone blasted through his gem. Surprisingly Ozu just shrugged it off as new age elevator music and exited.

"Thanks for another image message, momma.." Guano said annoyed as his cover had almost been blown.

"'Momma'?" He heard the raspy voice of Ozu repeat the phrase and shaking director listened as footsteps reached to his blanket.

"Guano?" The old man said getting down on one knee.

"Uh, uh. Guano's not here at the moment! Please leave a message after the beep!" The frazzled writer said and Ozu yanked back the blanket over his head again. "BEEEP!" Guano cried out.

"Son, why are you sleeping in here?" He asked and Guano still had only his head showing.

"Well, why are you coming home at 3 am "daaadd"?" Guano said back and was actually kinda surprised that he sounded sarcastic. He almost waited for Ozu to hit him or something.

"Well I've been giving out those rivalry messages I talked about earlier at the studio, but uh that's not important at the moment." Ozu said uncertain.

"Well my apartment is gonna be sprayed for bugs soon and I had no where else to go because everyone else was busy.. But I'm good here! Yep, good here!" Guano gave a thumbs up and half effort smile to his boss.

"You know you're not allowed to snooze off in here Guano." The producer said squinting and getting somewhat annoyed at the director.

"I know.. Hey! Maybe I can sleep in the studio! That way I don't have to bother with going to the penthouse for a entire stressful week full of stress and even more stress-" Guano rambled and got cut off by the old man.

"Just go to the house."

"Okay..." Guano said giving up and walking out with boss as they got to Ozu's own 86th floor. Guano then slipped on his blanket as the elevator doors close on his body painfully.

Edited by Cha
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Guano tried to pass the awkward silence of walking to the producer's home in the hallways, even if it was only five minutes away. He wobbled quickly next to Ozu and looked up way high to see the expression on the man's face, if any. Which to no surprise there wasn't.

"So where's Yes Man?" Guano questioned.

"He's back at the home. Says he can't cook anything unless to get his eight hours of sleep every night." The old man explained.

"Wish I could say the same about my sleep... So Ozu, do you go out at 3 am often?" He said trying to make more awkward conversation. 

"Indeed, it's always a good hour in the night to go and run over someone I don't like." Ozu said looking at him.

"Uhh uhh," Guano sweated nervously and rung his furry hands. Maybe while Ozu would unlock the door he could dash away and go sleep somewhere more comfy, like a dumpster outside the towers. 

"Got ya, hah." Ozu chuckled as Guano perked up with confusion. "Your mother was right, you are gullible to any jokes!"

The little director exhaled a bit in relief, maybe staying at his parents' home for seven days wouldn't be THAT bad. Guano had stayed there before maybe two or three days tops. Plus it might be a nice gesture to spend time with his folks more. He had after all had not been separated from his mother for a year now and Ozu two years. Before that of course he didn't even have a family. But that was all in the past, and he wanted was to keep good relationships with his friends and family.. even Yes Man.

"Uh heh. Guess I am. So seen any good tv shows lately?" Guano asked him. 

"Yeah Lilymu if you ever bother finish this season with my good money funded in it that is." Ozu said. 

"Oh heh, is that another joke?" Guano spoke earnestly. 


"Oh hey look, the apartment!" The midget writer said pointing at the door at the end of the hallway to change the topic. 

Ozu unlocked his door and pushed Guano inside when he tried to run away. The large apartment was pitch black except for the glow of the city of Tokyo's buildings from the windows. 

"So I'll just be sleeping on the sofa then tonight" Guano pointed to the living room and started to slowly walk away. Until Ozu grabbed his shoulder that is. 

"Oh no, I'm getting it dry cleaned at the dry cleaners! They make everything have this special lemon scented fragrance too. " The old man said oddly excited.

"Dry cleaners? Isn't that just for clothe-"

"IT'S FOR FURNITURE AND PERSONAL ITEMS TOO." Ozu barked but then realized for once how loud and odd sounding he was being. "Uh nevermind, just come sleep in my bedroom."

"Bet you don't say that to most of your employees." Guano laughed at his uncomfortably weird comment.

"Do you want me to throw you out?"

"YES." Guano said eagerly.

"Well you can't, so suffer." Ozu turned the knob and was startled as much as Guano is on a regular basis. Kiyoko was laying back in a Super Sentai rolling chair inches away from them. She stared at Ozu intently with a letter in her hand. 

"Oh it's just you," Ozu said uninterested and was about to just stroll in the room until she rolled her chair to wear he was walking.

"Momma, what's going on, what did Ozu do?" Guano asked more frightened then confused. 

"HE KNOWS WHAT HE DID" Kiyoko said standing up on the chair and fell over. She got up back on her throne and just brushed it off. "HE KNOWS WHAT HE DID."

"So I sent a blackmailing letter to you, I sent one to all my rivals. Don't feel too special." Ozu pushed the chair aside knocking her over once again. 

"Thanks to you dude, I couldn't even barely eat due to the stress of what you said to others about my comic book writing!" The anxiety stricken yet too laid back woman proclaimed.

"Is that why there's two empty pizza boxes on the bed." Ozu replied as he was washing his face in the sink.

"Like I said, I couldn't even barely eat. You just watch out where you lay your head tonight buddy, because I'll be there. Well, actually I'm always there.. BUT I'LL BE MANICALLY STARING OVER AT YOU". She kept poking the side of his head while he was brushing his teeth. 

"So I'm just gonna crawl into bed since this seems of the norm," Guano said and did so.

He placed the cover over him and actually dozed off thankfully. When he awoke it was still dark inside the room. He tossed around to see if Ozu or Kiyoko were there, but they weren't. This struck the director as kinda odd but he didn't question for it as he was still drowzy. He didn't exactly hear any arguments going on outside the room either. Maybe they fell asleep on the couch after comparing each other's businesses again. Whatever the case was, Guano didn't really feel comfortable sleeping in the dark alone there. Or even just in general. The costumed critter squirmed out of the king sized mattress and shakily tiptoed in the living room. 

"Momma? Ozu?" He said softly afraid of the pitch blackness that engulfed everywhere around him. The director was making his way to the kitchen but heard a slight chingle sound. 

"W-what was that?!" He yelped out and backed away. He went backwards enough to bump into something that didn't feel like furniture. Paralyzed with pure horror, the thing behind him suddenly clomped a hand onto his fuzzy mouth as terrorized Guano jumped out of his skin. 

"DID YA MISS ME?" A shrieking, familiar voice rung out. Guano turned around in disgusted anger against Yes Man. "Your mother was right, you are gullible to any jokes!"

"What's the matter with you, you nearly gave me a heart attack!" Guano shouted and held his racing chest. 

"Lots of things!" Yes Man gleefully replied with a skip in the air.

"What are you even doing awake anyways, it's like 4 am." Guano asked the sinister weirdo. 

"Besides ruining your early morning? And I could ask the same to you, Ozu Junior. But in reality, Yes Man has strict orders from Ozu to bring you to him!" The man with yellow glasses exclaimed.

"What do you mean? Where's Ozu or my mom for that matter?" Guano questioned and flipped on a light near them. They sat down at the dinner table near by.

"Weeelll, Yes Man couldn't really make it out clear what they said on the phone. It was some sort of a panicking bunch of babble between the two." Yes Man recalled. 

"Panicking? Since when does my mom- okay she always does. But when does Ozu ever panic?" Guano was feeling even more nervous now then he did in the dark a few minutes ago.

"Look Junior, all I know is that you need to get your little greasy elbows off my cherrywood table." The director laid them in his lap and motioned for Yes Man to go on (even if he was rubbing with a cloth where Guano had his elbows). "Anyways all I could make out from Ozu and Mrs. Ozu something about a letter Ozu wrote to someone. And the person wasn't too friendly, they took them while we were asleep!"

"Were my parents kidnapped!?" Guano freaked out. 

"Oh no, if they were kidnapped someone would have taken them!"

"BUT YOU JUST SAID SOMEONE DID TAKE THEM!" Guano grabbed Yes Man by his pretty little steam pressed night shirt's collar. 

"OZU WAS KIDNAPPED!?" Yes Man shouted.


"Yeah but who cares about her?" Yes Man asked as Guano looked at him the same way Ozu did when Yes Man did something stupid. "I kid, I kid. aaahh not completely."

The two of them ran back and fourth yelling for a good five minutes. Then Yes Man got out the home phone and dialed 911.


"You idiot, I'M Guano and MY parents were stolen!"

"Wait. OZU'S your dad?" Yes Man said surprised. The 911 operator kept calling out to him because he forgot to answer. "Hi! You want me to give a description of them? Well Ozu's very chiseled, strong, brave, a gorgeous man of 53! And as for the other... I dunno, she's blonde or something. Maybe she's a fire breathing dragon and Yes Man is the brave princess who is saved by his shining knight in armor, Ozu!... HELLO...? HELLO!?" Yes Man shouted. "THEY HUNG UP ON YES MAN!"

"Well call them again!"

"Can't, they blocked the number... and our address... AND this building" The deranged brown-noser replied.

"That's just great! My parents are long gone and I can't even reach them!! This feels like my entire life two years ago before I met them all over again.." Guano started to tear up and hyperventilate. And Yes Man actually having some feeling of empathy felt awful for the little guy.

"NO FEAR 2 FOOTED MIDGET!" Yes Man proclaimed. "Call up your friends Mikey, Gonard, Lily and what's her face! Yes Man has an idea!"

"O-okay.." Guano said sniffling. 

"We will find them or my name isn't Hachirou Hasimoto!" Yes Man yelled.

"I thought your name was Yes Man." Guano spoke rubbing his eyes.

"Ah yes because I'm "The Help" and I'm called Yes Man all the time means I don't have an actual name... anyways call your friends, we have parents to save Ozu Junior!"

"And one more thing Yes Man."


"Stop calling me Ozu Junior."

Guano proceeded to go to each of his friends' houses and bang on the door for help as Yes Man stood in a heroic pose for at least a good thirty minutes. Meanwhile somewhere far away in Tokyo from there, a shadowy figure was ordering two cats from someone off in an alley. 

Edited by Cha
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Sorry I write like really quickly, it's easier to write short chapters anyways lol.

Cut back to an hour earlier before the events of the last chapter. Guano had just fallen asleep in his parents' bed and useless and dumb antics continued. Kiyoko was still poking Ozu's head for the blackmail, while he was brushing his teeth. When he finished brushing and spitted in the sink, he grabbed her finger in mid air and bent it backwards slowly. 

"OH SWEET JESUS," she fell to the floor in finger pain and Ozu just stepped over her body like nothing. 

"Well that takes care of that," The grey hair man spoke and slipped into his bed to doze off. But when he opened his eyes again, he saw she didn't get up even after several minutes and was quiet. Ozu got out of bed a bit worrisome.

"Kiyoko are you alrigh-" The producer asked softly to his competitive equal and then stretched out his hand to help her back up. She grabbed his hand with both of hers and made him fall down to the ground.

"First rule of building up a business, trust no one!" She evilly laughed getting up and brushed herself off. 

"YOU WANT A WAR AT-" Ozu looked at the happy kitty cat clock on the wall, "3:07 IN THE MORNING!? WELL IT'S A WAR YOU WILL GET SISTER." 

The two threw stuff from separate sides of bedroom at each other like pillows, paper weights and desk chairs. Before Ozu could chuck Guano at her face, the two both realized they were getting tired at this because of their old-ish age. So they decided to finish this off in a game of rock, paper, scissors. Unknowing to them though, a mysterious shadowy face you'd find in cheesy stories like this was behind their window. Before they could decide a winner for best twenty out of a fifty-two, they fell asleep. But when Ozu awoke however he found himself and Kiyoko in some sort of small steel crate. The concerned man as he couldn't see outside either because the air holes were really small. But he could feel and hear the bumps of a car going very fast. 

"What, where!? who?!" Ozu started to shift around the tiny 4ft-4ft box and tried to find some of escape door or latch. Kiyoko was snoring off in the corner. "Honey, wake up." He grabbed her arm.

"Morning already? But I didn't even get to have that dream where I'm the king of Louisiana..." She mumbled half-awake and Ozu shook her until she snapped out of it. "What, what do you wa- oh.. this is another one of your pranks to see who wins the war isn't it?" The woman started to chuckle. 

"No Kiyoko, we're stuck in a steel crate inside a car without an escape! I think someone might have kidnapped us while we were sleeping!" He explained.

"What!?" She shouted back in fear and banged on the walls. "I CAN'T BE IN A ROOM THIS SMALL WITH HIM!" Ozu clapped a hand over her mouth suddenly.

"SHHHHH, I don't think whoever kidnapped us would want to help us. And just for the record, I don't think I want to be in here with you either." He whispered to his wife.

"Oh right.. anxiety you know. Heh." She said shrugging and laughing nervously. 

Ozu noticed a small label on the ceiling of the box and tried squinting to read it. Kiyoko noticed what he was doing and tried to read it too. 

"S. Enter-" Ozu read outloud but it was too microscopic to make out.

"Enter-... enterprises! It also says 'home of the entertainment.'" She chimmed in.

"How were you able to catch all of that?" The producer said impressed.

"You'd be surprised what I can do with these big anime eyes," She said and pointed to them, going crossed-eyed.  "Now who would S. Enterprises be? The name sounds so familiar but I can't put my finger on it..."

"S... S.." Ozu said trying to figure out what it stood for. Suddenly a light bulb went off in their heads and said the name out loud in-sync as a bump in the road knocked them over. 


Meanwhile back in the present, Guano had gathered all his friends in the penthouse. He paced back and fourth waiting for them all to come together so he could lay it all down. The midget heart raced because he didn't know if he even had time to save Ozu and his mother now. Or even if they were alive, but he couldn't even bring himself to think that.

"What's wrong Guano?" Mitsuki said in her usual motherly and sweet tone.

"This better be good Guano, I was getting my beauty sleep," Lily grumbled pushing back her sleep mask against her crow's nest hair.

"Yeah! I need my beauty sleep!" Gonard chimed in wearing hair curlers he got out of nowhere.

All of a sudden the door slammed open and a red headed adolescent in a sombrero and sunglasses strolled in. 

"BUENAS DIAS MUCHACHA LATAS," Mikey yelled as he put his arms over Gonard and Lily. 

"I thought you were on vacation, twerp," Lily spoke and slapped his slimy sleeve away. 

"Yeah Mikey, but it's good to see you though!" Mitsuki said with imaginative hearts around her.

"Oh please, I just said that to get some peace and quiet around my humble abode. You can't imagine the amount of stress lines and wrinkles I get from your guys' antics." Mikey said waving his face like he was an old sweaty woman with a fan.

"R-right..." Lily said.

"You guys have to help me, my mom and Ozu were kidnapped! I went to bed with them arguing and proof! They're gone!  And I don't know by who or where they are!" Guano blurted out to them and Yes Man (who was cleaning their dirty shoes while they were still wearing them.) 

"Oh no," Mikey shouted. "Who's gonna sign my paycheck!?"

"Wait, slow down there a second midget muncher. They were kidnapped?" Lily questioned.

"Duh, I think he JUST said that- OW" Gonard said as Yes Man knocked him over to clean the soles of his grimy sneakers so they wouldn't ruin his floor. 

"Are you sure they didn't just leave in the middle of the night to make it up to each other?" Mitsuki questioned.

"Well no they wouldn't-" Guano tried to say but was cut off by her bubbly babbling. 

"Like a romantic stroll across the city in the moonlight, hands together and thinking about their futures. I know any couple would love that." The dreamy Mitsuki spoke looking at Mikey who was chugging two bottles of taquilla at once. 

"Yes Man told me they briefly called him to see if we could rescue them. Something about a blackmailing letter Ozu sent earlier to this person, I don't know. He said the message was unclear... And you know this is Ozu and Kiyoko we're talking about right," Guano said a bit annoyed.

"ROMANCE ISN'T IN THEIR DICTIONARY!" Yes Man yelped and sprung up beside Guano, which startled him. 

"Wait, you're agreeing with me for once Yes Man?" Guano asked.

"Yes, Yes Man is starting to get the shakes without his Ozu! I need to be the Yes Man of someone! And you are the closest seeing how you're 50% him DNA wise!" He explained in his own way. 

"It's like he's a regular sober," Lily said sarcastically.

"W-what's sober," Mikey stuttered, burping up his Mexican drinks and getting dizzy. "Hey can I use your guys' bathroom for a second.." He said and ran to it to up-chuck everything he just had.

"This was a BAD idea, I just knew it. And we can't even contact the police since they blocked the building." Guano said rubbing his itty-bitty forehead and pacing around the living room floors.

"You can block an entire building!? How can you do that, it's so huge!" Gonard said in amazement. 

"Well if you can't contact the police, I'm sure there's a way we could tract them down. Let's see if there's any evidence left at the scene of the crime." Mitsuki said using her skills she had as a secret spy for Japan. 

"That's.. actually an idea I can use!" Guano said with some hope but gulped. "IF there's any..."

They flipped the lights on in the bedroom to find anything out of the ordinary, they moved books, papers, opened drawers and closets. Any sort of clue they could find. Mitsuki, Lily and Guano looked around as Gonard and drunk Mikey laughed at Guano's baby pictures in scrapbooks.  

"Do you remember where they were last before you fell asleep?" Mitsuki asked and looked under the bed. She saw stacks of the equalvient of Playboys but with bonsai trees. "Uh nevermind.." She said backing away slowly in fear.

"Hmmm, I remember my momma talking to Ozu in the bathroom about their businesses." The director recalled. 

"Anything else, something unusual?" She asked.

"Well dad said something about if momma didn't quit poking him, he would have her fingers cut off with a chainsaw and would then send her to Antarctica. But that's pretty normal to me." Guano shrugged.

"NORM OF THE NORM!" Yes Man jumped up behind him.

"Ooooh kay," Mitsuki said feeling uncomfortable. She saw Lily looking around for who knows what. "Hey Lily! Seen anything unusual yet?" 

"There's absoutely nothing unusual. I can't see why we can't call the cops." Lily said.

"But Guano said they blocked the whole building!" Mitsuki exclaimed.

"What about OUTSIDE the building?" Lily spoke while filing her nails. 

"Oh.. why didn't I think of that. Good idea." Mitsuki said excitedly. "Hey Guano why don't-" 

"Hey Mitsuki, I found a clue!" Mikey yelled out.

She and the others ran up to Mikey. He was still looking at the scrap book but turned the page to show him that Ozu had left one a list of people he blackmailed inside the page.

"Maybe one of these people took my parents!" Guano held the note up to his face and sighed with a bit relief. 


"Ozu, you acted like nothing would happen when you wrote letter to everyone. At least when I say something against someone I know that I'm gonna get hit dude." Kiyoko spoke getting frustrated.

"Well I'm not someone who sits back and let's someone punch me in the face Kiyoko. You might find it all fun and games, but some people actually stand up for themselves." Ozu argued back. 

"I stand up for myself when I feel like it!... Or when it's easy and I'm not sloth-ish. P-probably the latter!" Kiyoko yelled back. 

"Why do I even bother talking to you is the real question." Ozu said rubbing his face.

"Well I'm not gonna die from some unknown killer outta style mang," She pulled out a comic book from her bra.

"You carry your comics in your shirt- oh of course you do." Ozu said not that surprised. 

"Hey man, you'll never know if you'll be in a situation where you can't get out. Some people you know get stuck traffic or a line to get some food. Or in the middle of a busy intersection where people nearly run you over JUST because you're getting to the good part where Mothra beats Godzilla. So you panic but accidentally you fall down a manhole and get stuck in the sewers for six hours wandering.." Kiyoko explained. 

"Maybe you shouldn't be reading while you're walking then.." 

"I said SOME people. Now is it just me or does my book still have that rotting sewage smell.." Kiyoko said holding her book upside down to get filthy water out of it. Ozu moved a few inches away in disgust.

"So uh do you have anything else in there?" Ozu questioned.

"Uh no," she said and slowly got out a slice of pizza when he was looking the other way. "So who did you contact?"

"Yes Man of course!" Ozu said triumphantly.

"Of course you did," Kiyoko said patting the steel box. "Well we're doomed."

"Well if we can contact Yes Man, maybe he'll tell Guano and then they'll get help from the police." He explained. "Uh, maybe I should have actually called the police first..."

"Guano, our son who freaks out and gets nervous easily is gonna manage to save us?" She spoke slowly.

"Hey have some faith in the boy like you always remind me. He is the Masked Tanuki after all! The crime fighting critter of Tokyo." Her husband told her. 

"You're right he's a sweet little baby, I'm sure he'll find some way to get us out," She said with a smile. 

There was a brief pause while they thought about it.

"..Yeah we're screwed," they both said. 

Suddenly the the car in which they were driving in for a while made a sudden halt. They heard the loud clomp of footsteps getting louder as the back of the truck opened. The box that they were in was unscrewed from the top and a bright, blinding light shined in their eyes as the owner of S. Enterprises stared at them with a smile. 

"How y'all doin," he said. 

Edited by Cha
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Guano and his friends (and Yes Man) started to walk outside the safety of their fancy life in Lilymu Towers and into the bitter, cold night streets of Tokyo. Being big celebrities they felt unsafe in such an environment, especially with street urchins and passers by giving them menacing looks. Suddenly a black cat out of no where jumped on Yes Man's face and clawed his skin raw. But they continued walking downtown and Lily remembered to try to call the police now that they were outside the apartments. But when she did, Gonard snatched the phone thinking she was getting take-out food and he placed his order for compow chicken. The police decided to block her number and even gave her a nice fine of $2,000 for prank calling. She elbowed Gonard in the gut until he fell down. While he screeched in pain, the semi-sober Mikey held the list of people Ozu had blackmailed.

"Mikey, do you know who's the first name on it?" Mitsuki asked.

"No, I can't read Ozu's atrocious hand writing, it's just swiggly lines." Mikey said putting the paper upside down multiple times.

"Here I'll take it." The miraculously recovered Gonard snatched the letter from the American's hands. "Err uhh, I think this could be Arabic... Spanish maybe.."

"Oh give me that," Lily spoke and snatched it from Gonard who flinched. "It's just in Japanese you hollowed-brained morons."

"Yeah I never got around to learning that.." Mikey wrung his neck awkwardly.

"I didn't know you spoke Spanish Lily. Muchas burritos senorita with grande sized forehead." Gonard kissed her hand as mariachi music somehow played in the background. Lily face palmed herself for the millionth time in her life. 

"Let's see, the first person on the list is someone named Gorou Hayashi," Lily squinted at the name on the paper, as it was hard to read in the dim light of the city's lamp posts. 

"Wait, that guy is the executive creator of the Mighty Sentai Mega Team. He's a real legend in the entertainment field! Aw man, I use to love watching his show and collecting his comic books as a kid. Meeting him would be a privilege, more than a privilege, an honor. Not even an honor at that. A prime-" Guano started to get giddy before Lily snapped him out of his blissful state.

"Hey Sir Geeks-Out-A-Lot, we're kinda in the middle of saving people, so if you could refrain from nerding out." Lily said trying to find an address on the slip of paper. 

"Aheh, my bad," Guano nervously chuckled and sweat dropped. Even Lily was more scarier at dusk.

"Ozu Junior comes from a kin of tokusatsu freaks!" Yes Man popped out from behind Guano's shoulders as the director gave him an offended glare.

"Okay here's an address, 658 Saito street," Lily read it out loud but started whispering when near by hobos were interested in her giving out someone's location. "Uh I'm not actually sure where that is. I've never seen it before."

"Oh I know where that is, it's near by the post office. I had my specially ordered Mikey dolls just dropped off there a few days.. a.. go..." Mitsuki realized she was saying this out loud when her puzzled friends stared at her. "You know, for the show! Aheh."

The six of them eventually caught a bus and traveled Tokyo in search of the street. Mikey pointed to a fancy, red towers with blinding spotlights with the name The Sentai Hotel on the roof. From the inside of the mauled, old bus they could see the apartments were gleaming with activity, even at 4 am. They tugged the bus's cord and it came to a hault. The Lilymu employees hustled out of the vehicle and stood at the entrance. They awed at this marvelous display of the highest living and were drawn to the red velvet carpet that lead them inside. Before they could drift inside, a large and bulky doorman in a suit stood his hand out on Mikey's face and the others behind him trampled up. He looked like he could be a sumo wrestler, but in fact he was one. Guano tried to muster up the courage to talk to the human brick wall, but could only make squeaking sounds.

"Oh hi yes, we're actually here for Mr. Hayas-," Mitsuki stopped when the doorman put his hand up again.

"Name?" The doorman spoke without a trace of kindness in his tone of voice. 

"Michael Alexander Simon, the star of a hit tv show. I'm sure you have heard of me and my friends." Mikey said full of himself. The five actors got into the poses that were normally seen on the advertising posters while Yes Man did some weird Egyptian hand thing.

"Oh yes, Lilymu!" The doorman actually glowed up and the six got excited. "Mr. Hayashi HATES that show."

"Well if we could just enter for a few minutes to ask him some questions, we'll be on our way," Lily said.

"No can do missy, Mr. Hayashi strictly doesn't want any guests of any kind, especially at this early in the morning." The doorman spoke. 

"But you don't understand, we're trying to find our boss Kiyoko. And Ozu from another company we are at high war with called Ozoom Manga. They went missing a few hours ago and Mr. What's His Face might know their location!" Gonard hugged onto the sumo guy but he shoved the crying blue hair man away.

"Do you mean Ozu Yukimara?" The doorman questioned and they all nodded.

"He's on the Do Not Allow In list!" The doorman talked but spitted on Guano's fur and the director felt like he was almost turning pale in fear.

"Hayashi and Kiyoko Yukimara both write nerd attracting comics maybe they know each other or something." Lily said.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot. He knows her too and she's on the Do Not Allow In By Law list." The doorman explained and showed a crude drawing of Kiyoko crossed out with a red crayon.

"Uh, well Guano's a big fan of Mr. Hayashi's work, maybe he could get his signature?" Mitsuki carried Guano who had innocent eyes. The fur ball held out a children's Disney World autograph book out with a Minnie Mouse pen. 

"Ugh, if it'll just get you guys out of my hair. Just go inside, it's too dang early to be doing this." The doorman rubbed his macho forehead.

The Lilymu workers cheered with a "hooray for annoyance!" and entered inside the towers finally. The floor was marble and the counters were in fine cherry wood as fine music was being played by a pianist.  The hotel was so luxurious that they actually felt rip-off from where they lived. But they had no time to pity their already rich lives. According to the list, Gorou Hayashi lived on level 50, A3 and they took the elevator up. Mikey knocked on his door but there wasn't an answer. He even tried banging on it and Gonard chimed in with some Spanish words to see if the man was Mexican maybe. That is until some residents in the other apartments came out and started to yell at them. So they ran off like cowards out of the building. The next name on the list was another executive named Hitomi Suzuki, a famous anime show called Super Warriors, a show Ozu despised with a passion. (Besides all the other ones he despised with a passion.) Yet again, no one was home at the luxurious Warriors Apartments. Guano and others tried other addresses on the blackmail list but they all ended up not being at their houses. They were nearing the end of Ozu's list as Guano's anxiety increased for the safety of his boss and mother. The last house the six were at they got thrown out of a retirement home as a mob chased them down.

"I don't see why someone wouldn't be home this late at night," Guano said between breaths as they ran off from some elderly residents with walkers who followed them into the streets. When an old man tried to grab Lily's legs, they threw Yes Man at him and nearly broke the old geezer's back. Yes Man got up with a sprained leg but the old man pulled him down to the ground in a deadly headlock. The others kept jogging for a few more blocks before slowing down.

"Unless he was kidnapped or even apart of the kidnapping!" Gonard said and his friends gasped. Gonard got a fancy Sherlock Holmes' hat and bubble pipe out of no where. "Yes if my hypothesis is correct, is while the little child was sleeping his parents were taken by this unnamed snatcher or snatchers. And the coincidence that everyone else didn't answer his door could mean that they were a part of the whole mamba jamba!" 

"OR no one wants to answer the door this late morons!" Lily yelled.

"No I think Gonard actually has a point there Lily." Mitsuki agreed. "Maybe it isn't all just a coincidence."

"I mean just because we're waking up people at the very hour they need to sleep for their work tomorrow is no excuse! Besides we're looking for living, breathing people who have feelings. Feelings more important than the feelings of the dozing residents!" Mikey added.

"Well what are we suppose to do? We don't know exactly where all these missing random business people would be anyways." Guano said.

"LOST SOULS WITHOUT A TRACE." The injured Yes Man yelled and hugged his furry purple Ozu replacement. 

"Chillax guys, you're just not thinking like Ozu. Now if you were Ozu, what would you be doing?" Mikey asked them as jeopardy music played in the background.

"Giving out orders?" Mituski asked.

"Taking pills for middle-age stuff?" Lily questioned.

"Yelling at terrified directors?" Guano yelped.

"Praising his glorious self?" Yes Man added.

"Being captured by all the missing people against Ozu's will because he blackmailed them?" Gonard asked scratching his stomach.

They all stared at him confused but amazement.

"Hey, I'm not always the dumbest in this Captain Mickey group!" Gonard spoke irritated and blew bubbles out of his smoke pipe, "..Now where am I again?"


"Alright come out with y'all hands up," The famous rapper and television producer sock said calm and cool at Ozu and Kiyoko. Two guys working for the Socky crossed their arms and scowled at the two. Ozu slowly got out of the truck, raising his arms and Kiyoko followed. The couple could see that they were in some kind of dark warehouse. "Now wave them in the air like you just don't care, aheh."

"Socky what are you doing?! This is completely insane captivating us like this." Ozu barked at the few inched creature while Kiyoko just simply looked puzzled. 

"Oh.. was this suppose to be tonight?" Kiyoko questioned.

"Hey now Ozu, no need to get hostile. You're the one who's been hostile to too many of us." Socky gestured his head to his employees and they snapped their fingers. Instantly the lights inside turned on and Gorou Hayashi, Hitomi Suzuki, and other entertainment executives appeared behind him, all in hateful glares. 

"What..?" The producer said stepping back a bit with his arms still up.

"Cut the nonsense Yukimara, we know about all the things you did to keep your Lilymu show more popular then our products." Gorou told him.

"I did no such thing!" Ozu shot back.

"Now now, Ozizzle, let's be real here. Making reckless bets to win over our companies, buying some of us out even and firing the employees there, saying negative comments to the press about our work, slandering our names and blackmailing us. That's all not cool man." Socky said disappointed the old man as the mob around him agreed.

"That's ridiculous! You all do the same very thing to each other. In fact I bet half of you had planned to threaten me this month, especially you Socky. Plus my show is unique because of my redheaded American star. So it deserves to have the best ratings." Ozu said proud of his work.

"Yeah well you just take it too far buddy with your antics!" Some guy in the back of the mob yelled. Ozu squinted to see who it was.

"Yoshi the camera man...?" Ozu said with question marks all around his head.

"Oh my bad, I thought this was a freedom march," the short, blonde guy said and dashed away awkwardly.

"Yeah what the random short dude said. Get him!" Another man shouted out and the rest of them got the urge to tackle Ozu. But he managed to jump back as a bunch of them went after him. Ozu could easily fend anyone off do to his strength and a black belt for karate he had at home, but fifteen people at once was too much even for him. They managed to tie the producers arms and legs with a rope and were carrying him away as Kiyoko looked on with horror.

"Hey what are you dudes doing?! You let my best friend go!" Kiyoko pounded the back of some big guy carrying the producer, but he didn't feel anything from her dainty hands. She turned her attention to Socky who was watching with pleasure to see his business rival being swooped away. "This is why I didn't join your guy's dumb revenge club. Besides the fact that I'd have to wake up this early to do it...You're hurting a poor man, my husband for Kamen Rider's sake."

"I'm not sure how stealing and tying up the old man counts as hurting him but whatever you say. It's not like we're gonna do anything illegal, we all have to get back to jobs in the morning anyways." Socky shrugged with his nonexistent shoulders.

"Stealing and tying up, those are two crimes alone. I cannot believe you expect to get away with this...And I'm guessing you brought me here to beg me back into your club.." Kiyoko chuckled, looking at nails.

"Actually bringing you here too was an accident by whoever's job it was to capture Ozu." Socky rolled his eyes.

"Well this whole club is as awful as this warehouse smells. I'm calling the police on this and cutting the strings on your puppeteer act. You're going down you over glorified Muppet!" The woman spoke with a fist in the air.

But the sock just yawned and called for his two employees.They tried to tie Kiyoko up like the producer but she tickled them enough to escape. She ran far away out of the warehouse. She reached desolate part of Tokyo before stopping. She started to hyperventilate with fear a bit before slapping herself in the face to get her composure back.

"I can do this, it's just another story. All I need now is to add the hero and write the ending." Kiyoko looked at the dark allies around her and saw a few black cats and a face in the darkness who stared at her. "Or maybe a bad guy.."

Edited by Holiday Hater
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"AHH, shadowy face in the distance!" Kiyoko yelled covering her head with her arms. The man came out of the dark alley and she flinched at the sight. He was wearing total black and had a black mask around his eyes. His hair was bright red and he had a sly smile. He walked up to Kiyoko slowly and was probably a foot taller than her. She froze with fear.

"Hehehehaha!" The man maniacally laughed and coughed up a hair ball. "Oops.. that happens a lot."

"Take my wallet but don't damage my beautiful face, I need it to fire under-performing writers!" Kiyoko cried.

"Actually I overheard you saying you needed a bad guy for something." The bandit clothed guy said petting one of the stray cats on his shoulder.

"And who are you exactly?" Kiyoko said unlocking her arms over her face and squinting at the man in confusion.

"The Cat Burglar? One of Tokyo's biggest villainous threats?" He said utterly surprised that he wasn't recognized for once. 

"Oh... which version of Super Sentai were you in?" Kiyoko grabbed one of her library of comic books in her shirt and started flipping through it. The Cat Burglar grabbed the manga and chucked it over his shoulder into a dumpster.

"I think you got it wrong lady, I'm a real criminal not in TV or book land. A good one at that!" The burglar said with his usual low rhapsody voice. A brown cat on his shoulder started to play with a yarn ball and the man joined in, pawing at it in utter joy.

"Well okay then.." She said feeling awkward while he batted the yarn ball for endless minutes on the concrete floor, laughing and then sneezed a lot. He realized what he was doing, stopped and cleared his throat. 

"I'm sorry, I'm allergic to cats. And it's hard to find a medical insurance company that will cover a deranged felon. But go on." The man said.

"Well I have a job for you and if you can do it, I'll give you all the allergy medication and catnip you could have!" Kiyoko said raising her hands and then muttered to herself, "Or any kind of medication for that matter.." 

"We're listening.." The Cat Burglar said and instantly ten cats surrounded him and Kiyoko winced in shock.

"I need you to distract these worker guys who stole this guy named Ozu so that I can untie and then free him." She said rubbing the belly of a tabby kitten that jumped in her arms.

"Wait you mean Ozu the producer of Lilymu? You know him?" The burglar said in bewilderment.

"Yeah he's one of my best friends. Uh, why do you know him?"  Kiyoko said realizing that saying his name could have been a big mistake.

"He and his employees have put me in prison multiple times!" The Burglar shouted in anger and she dropped the cat in fear.

"Ooh awkward dude.. I'll just be going then.." The writer squirmed out of the circle of cats surrounding her, but before she could go he grabbed her by the shoulder. She flinched the heck out.

"But medication is important to my physical being, hmm... I'll do it." The cat man spoke.

"Oh thank god, I thought you were gonna feed my organs to your fleabags.." She sighed out in relief.

"You know I can hear you right?" He frowned as his felines growled.

"Aheh," She raised her hands, shrugging and sweat dropped. "Well great, I'll give you the plan I came up with in my head while you were playing with your pets."

While she was explaining it in detail, the man didn't pay attention and smirked at the idea of his own plan in mind. He rubbed his hands together and had a quiet, sinister laugh that Kiyoko overheard. 

"You know if you plan on doing anything illegal to them or Ozu I'll have you personally thrown in prison," Kiyoko scowled.

"Oh my bad, it was actually just another hairball in my throat, but continue." He said.


The Lilymu crew and Yes Man sat at the steps of a random house as they pondered over what to do next. 

"I just don't get it. Everyone wasn't home and if somehow they DID steal Ozu like Gonard suggested then where could they be?" Guano asked.

"Things don't seem to be getting any better," Yes Man sighed.

"You guys aren't thinking like a Ozu again." Mikey said standing up, crossed his arms and sighed at them.

"What are you going on about now dweeb?" Lily said resting her head on her hand.

"What I mean is who would want to take Ozu the most? Out of all of his rivals?" He asked them.

"I got it! That woman that hangs around him and too much around my mom. Kiyoko's a blood thirsty vapor Guano!" Gonard pointed at Guano as he frowned and looked surprised. 

"Gonard, why would my mom steal him? She was stolen too. Yes Man said so in his brief conversation to them on the phone before it died." Guano spoke back raising his voice.

"Hey don't get grouchy on me, I'm the one with the bubble pipe and plaid hat!" Gonard said with a fake British accent. 

"How about Socky? He seems to go against Ozu a lot. Was he even on the list?" Mitsuki asked Guano who was keeping it inside his gem and took it out.

"Hmm, I guess I had my paw's thumb over the name and missed it. Guess we can go there." Guano spoke.

"Then let's go gentlemen, tallyho!" Gonard said with a pointing stick that came out of nowhere. 

They arrived at Socky Skyscrapers and demanded the secretary to let them see Socky or Gonard would tell her the long story of how his head got stuck in a blender once. She gave them his room number and the six of them hurried to the floor it was on. Of course no one answered so they used Yes Man as a battering ram. Despite Yes Man's minor concoction and you know the laws about breaking and entering, they searched Socky's apartment thoroughly. Gonard went to the bedroom and looked for him in his walk-in closet.

"I'm not quite sure how a sock wears socks of his own.." Gonard said to himself holding up a pair of tiny little red socks.

"Socky come out you cotton freak!" Lily shouted across his living room and the others called for him as well. 

"Oh this is bad. If we don't find Ozu and momma soon he'll fire us and then blame me as always. Then he'll kill me and then he'll be in jail for the rest of his life for killing his son. He might even be killed for that!" Guano freaked out in the kitchen and went to grab the refrigerator's handle to open it and repeatedly smash his face. But he was too short to reach it and so he just slid on the floor in tears. Mikey came in the room to sneak a snack and some orange juce out of Socky's refrigerator but saw Guano sitting there sobbing. He crouched down and sat next to the frazzled purple puff ball.

"Hey Guano, we'll find them dude. You know when I was little I was separated from my folks for like an hour in a toy store and I-" Mikey stopped remembering that his friend/director had been disconnected from his parents for nearly his entire lifetime. "Uh, sorry bro... "

"It's okay Mikey, I'm sure we'll figure out something. Like we always do.. I guess." Guano looked down at the kitchen tile below his paws. 

"For the record, if anyone I think you could think like Ozu better than any of us." Mikey said looking at him and smiled but Guano looked away.

"How can you even say that?" Guano stared at the red headed kid.

"What?" Mikey questioned.

"Ozu praised you from the minute you came here from America. While I barely could earn his respect as his director for all those years. You've always just been his favorite, he even took you out on a father-son bonding trip that one time and I wasn't even invited. And I'm his actual son! Heck, my mom pays more attention to your Captain Impressive talk then anything when you come over." The director explained.

"I guess I tend to rub off of others. You know all those Christmases Ozu was grouchy at was because he was missing you.  And your parents did call you to rescue them and not me. If those things means anything." Mikey spoke.

"You know, you're probably right Mikey. Even though my relationship with Ozu and Kiyoko isn't that normal as I wish, I guess they do really care for me." Guano sighed.

"There you go, maybe try thinking enough like Ozu and we could find him." Mikey said and got up to get his juice. 

After a few minutes he got up and exhaled out. He could do this, he could find them if he got his act together again. He roamed to where Mitsuki was going through magazines in the television room to find any clues. Then all of a sudden something hit his eye. 

"Wait.. go back to that last magazine you were holding Mitsuki. I remember Socky made a big deal of the location he shot that cover at. It looks like some kind of warehouse. If I was Ozu, I think my rivals could take me there maybe." Guano said with his hypothesis.

"And the address is just around the block." Mitsuki added. 

"Eh, what else do we have to lose." Lily said walking in behind them. Mikey joined the three of them and they walked out of the apartment as Yes Man rose from his unconscious state of head injury to follow the others.

"Come on Gonard, let's go." Guano said at the door and Gonard joyfully skipped around with a handful of Socky's socks.

They arrived at the large grey colored warehouse fifteen minutes later but it looked silent from the outside. There was a tall fence wrapped all the way around the building and it looked like there wasn't any latch or entrance to it either. 

"Maybe Guano could get on Gonard's shoulders to hoist him up over the fence." Mitsuki suggested.

"As long as Gonard doesn't get on my shoulders in some comedic way." Guano spoke and climbed up the giant's back like a little spidermonkey. 

"Alright, here we go little buddy." Gonard said. But he sprung Guano so hard off his head that he went flying in the air and crashed far away, landing on top of the warehouse's roof with a loud thump they could hear from there. 

"Well that worked out good to me." The blue haired man said happily. 

After they all reached the other side, they walked through the unkempt junkyard filled with razor sharp can lids and crawling creatures. Yes Man adjusted his yellow glasses and bright beams flickered out of them like flashlights. 

"Socky did a photoshoot in this awful place?" Mitsuki asked Lily.

"Yeah it was apart of some dumb grunge look he was going for that article I guess. Uh, not that I read them or anything out of jealousy." Lily spoke sure of herself. The five of them walked close enough to the building that maybe they could see their director on the roof.

"Guano! If you can hear us from here say something!" Mikey yelled out but with no results.

"Guano! If you can hear us, wince in pain from when I threw you!" Gonard shouted and Guano actually did answer this time with a moan. "Well at least he's still alive!"

"Someone try opening the door." Lily directed. 

Yes Man walked up to the wooden doorway entry and warmed his hands together. He pulled on the metal handles with all his might but they didn't budge even the slightest. The brown-noser tried again putting both his hands and feet inside the handle but flung back and yelled.

"Aw come now, let a real man do this." Mikey smirked as Lily rolled her eyes, Mitsuki sighed gleefully. Gonard looked excited and Yes Man shouted that he was a real man, a yes man. But before he could touch the handle, the door whipped open, snatched the American by his shirt and slammed shut.

The others gasped in fear and Lily taking the courageous lead as always, banged at the doors.

"Hey listen up dweebs! We know you have Guano's parents in there, give them back!" She shouted.

"And Mikey!" Mitsuki added.

"Yeah I think we can skip him." Lily uttered.

"Hey guys!" 

The four of them looked up to see Guano waving at them, the moon shining bright behind him. 

"There's a skylight up here. Maybe you guys could find a way to get up here and we can save Mikey." The director shouted.

"News flash Guano, I don't think we want to be catapulted into a million pieces by Sir Doofs-A-Lot." Lily said.

"Dumb idea OJ!" Yes Man yelled.

"But, I can't do this myself. There could be so many of them that could get me." Guano said in doubt.

"Yeah you can, you're the Masked Tanuki. You can save anyone!" Gonard said the loudest of them all and Guano freaked out of his alter-ego being exposed out loud. 

"You know what. I CAN do this! I'll save Mikey. Mom and Ozu too!" Guano heroically proclaimed. He saw a rock on the roof and threw it at the skylight. It shattered and he looked for something he could tie to himself to get down there. He pulled some string from his costume around his little body and pulled himself slowly down. As he lowered down, it was pitch black inside. He gulped nervously. 

Edited by Holiday Hater
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short chapter

The warehouse echoed in silence as Guano made his way down it. When he reached the ten feet from bottom he ran out of thread and  he tried to untie the knot, but his claws were preventing him from doing so. So he gnawed it through and fell flat on the floor. Luckily cold hard cement broke his fall and his face. Before he could remember his insurance lawyer's name, he heard a slight creek followed by a moan. He cowered in fear as usual.

"M-Mikey?" He asked to the darkness and turned around to see bright, yellow glasses shining.

"OH LORD." Guano stumbled back and fell on his face for the third time that night.

"Nope just Yes Man, we found an entrance inside." Yes Man pointed to large doors that were opened up wide and next to it was a gift shop. Gonard left a dollar on the cashier desk and secretly stole everything inside. 

"Well that was another pointless jump scare from you." Guano said.

 "Pointless like this whole damn fic." Yes Man added.

After several minutes, the gang found a light switch. Luckily no one was inside the warehouse, which was surprising to them.

"I told you no one would want to come to this drab place." Lily scoffed and watched as Gonard started to stuff all the non-fat snack bars inside his pants. 

"Hey some people actually care about their bodies." Gonard told her and he looked down at her own body.

"Where is Mikey then? Whoever took him grabbed him inside this warehouse." Mitsuki said.

"Yeah, something here doesn't make sense.." Guano added.

Gonard sat criss-cross down on a small box and chewed his stolen loot. All of a sudden, the flaps to the box couldn't handle Gonard's weight and he fell inside the box. Which was really feet deep inside.

"Gonard!" His friends ran up to the cardboard structure and pulled it away. Below it was a miles long hole and they all looked too nervous to go down there.

"After you Mitsuki." Lily said.

"Well I don't know Lily.. it looks pretty deep." Mitsuki replied.

"Nonsense, it just seems that way." She added.

"Still I dont-" Mitsuki was pushed down the hole by Lily. 

"Lily how could you-" Guano got shoved by Yes Man down the hole as well.

"Eh, not bad masochist." Lily said as she and him looked down the hole smugly. She then pushed him down as well. "For a beginner."

She joined them down there. They all landed on Gonard and he softly winced in pain. The Lilymu gang dusted themselves off and got up. It was pinch black yet again down below in the basement. 

"Guano stopped hitting me with your paws." Lily spoke getting annoyed.

"What? I'm not even near you." The director explained. 

A meow broke the awkward silence and startled everyone there. Suddenly endless loud meows erupted and the gang covered their ears in pain. 


"Haha! I got you!" A man's voice yelled as something flew over Guano's head. 

Mitsuki just easily found a light switch and saw the Cat Burglar with a butterfly net on Guano's head. Guano just swatted it away.

"Cat burglar?" Guano and friends said out loud.

"Wait you're not a talking sock. Maybe the lack of air down here is making me hallucinate again." Cat Burglar instantly snapped his fingers and the cats stopped their cries.

"What do you mean by talking sock and what are you doing here?" Mitsuki asked the deranged thief.

"I was waiting for that Socky guy or whatever to come back so I could distract him and get out of him an answer to where they took Ozu.. Or kill him, which ever came first." Cat Burglar explained. 

"Socky took Ozu?" Guano inquired with a rush of concern.

"Yeah him and those other business guys. But I'm just doing it to get my dose of drugs." He said.

"Drugs?!" The innocent Gonard asked in the TV-Y7 rated world of his. 

"For my allergies you moron, I haven't been able to breathe with all this cat hair in here." The burglar spoke with a dripping nose.  

"Do you know where they went?" Mitsuki asked but was cut off by Lily.

"Woah, wait. What makes you guys so sure you can trust someone like the Cat Burglar? He's been thrown in prison countless times." Lily asked her friends.

"Fellon!" Yes Man popped out behind a kitten.

"That is true.. How do you know all this?" Guano squinted.

"Some lady with big black hair and an encyclopedia of children's magazines was babbling about me helping her rescue him. I think she was apart of the whole scrap." He said.

"That's my mama!" Guano said.

"Where did she say she went?" Mitsuki asked.

"I think she said she was going on the other side of town to find them. But that was over an hour ago." Cat Burglar recalled.

"She could be lost!" Gonard said.

"Or what if she's in trouble?!" Guano spoke.

"Then we gonna go find her." Mitsuki said.

"But wait where's Mikey?" Lily asked.

"Er uh, he could have just fallen down and fell asleep somewhere." Cat Burglar sweat dropped and the rest of them agreed that that happens quite often to him.

The Lilymu gang sped off up back the hole they came down from as the Cat Burglar looked on with a creepy smile.

"Yes go save them. While I have your prized Lilymu star in my clutches!" He went to a corner of the basement and tugged off a blanket only to see a bunch of cats underneath. "WHAT?! Where's Mikey Simon?" 

Mikey was seen on his back playing with the burglar's felines. 

"Oh hey, yeah while you were talking out your long, boring plan eons ago I escaped." Mikey said. "Now I'll just be off with the rest of the copyrighted main characters." 

He got up to leave but the man blocked his way. 

"Oh you're not going anywhere Mikey Simon." Cat Burglar did a stereotypical villainous laugh but coughed up another hair ball

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