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Danny DeVito

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Status Updates posted by Danny DeVito

  1. we have a mystery on our hands gang: where did my rum ham go

  2. Have a happy or terrible 2025!

  3. DeVito Claus is here to grant you your deepest wishes

    1. Zaid


      i want a countach, but not one of those kit car ones frank drove.

  4. Santa Claus is a fraud, sorry to tell you all

    1. WhoBibbles


      No, you lie, YOU LIEEEEEE.

    2. Jjs Goodman

      Jjs Goodman

      I am now declaring the War on Christmas

  5. I am going to rig the Golden Community Awards

    1. SpongeOddFan



      go back to Holltywood.

  6. 4Kids TV is always on!

  7. I just love latinas, gamefreak

  8. I've been to the Leaning Tower of Pisa. It's a tower, and it's leaning. You look at it, but nothing happens, so then you look for someplace to get a sandwich.

  9. anthemic anniversary will go down as one of the best events of all time, even IGN liked it

  10. play that song, the one that makes me gooo

    1. Steel Sponge

      Steel Sponge

      Not Gilda Radner, Buddha, or the dude who had Pop Rocks and soda at the same time

  11. Welcome back to Out of Context It's Always Sunny Clips!


  12. I am pleased to announce I have been chosen for Vice President

  13. I would still like a guest role on spongebob

  14. what happens when a horse walks into a bar

    1. PizzaPizza72


      It walks into a bar.

  15. The Smiling Friends Meet The Gang

  16. what's a web page something ducks walk on?

  17. I do not have donkey brains.

  18. Now, I don’t see so good, so I missed, then they ran away. I ran after them. Bang! Tried to shoot them in the back, but I don’t run so good either. Anyway, you guys all think I’m a hero, and I’ll accept that responsibility.

  19. who stole my pimp chalice?

  20. enjoy this rare opportunity to post on a leap day


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