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Danny DeVito

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Everything posted by Danny DeVito

  1. didn't skodwarde already do this
  2. I saw the firefighters and construction workers down there at 7-11. One of the greatest stores of all time
  3. I've been to the Leaning Tower of Pisa. It's a tower, and it's leaning. You look at it, but nothing happens, so then you look for someplace to get a sandwich.

  4. the PS5 has been blessed and saved with the best game ever made #astrobotsweep
  5. the most unrealistic part is that yanderedev actually made a game but otherwise bravo my son, could easily be an episode of the show
  6. anthemic anniversary will go down as one of the best events of all time, even IGN liked it

  7. play that song, the one that makes me gooo

    1. Steel Sponge

      Steel Sponge

      Not Gilda Radner, Buddha, or the dude who had Pop Rocks and soda at the same time

  8. I'll continue to make cameos on this wonderful community as long as I live
  9. Welcome back to Out of Context It's Always Sunny Clips!


  10. I am pleased to announce I have been chosen for Vice President

  11. I would still like a guest role on spongebob

  12. i miss the rage
  13. shaping up to be this generation's The Room (2003)
  14. what happens when a horse walks into a bar

    1. PizzaPizza72


      It walks into a bar.

  15. they really changed the terminology of sbc fanfiction grr I am so mad at these retcons
  16. this is a movie that exists and I like lasagna 8/10
  17. The Smiling Friends Meet The Gang

  18. what's a web page something ducks walk on?

  20. bumping since this is now an sbc fad
  21. can I have a gumball

  22. Looks like a totally safe and healthy place to eat! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heart_Attack_Grill
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