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Status Replies posted by Nosferatu!


  2. tfw u eerily resemble ur idol circa 2009

  3. my friend is so nosy!! she always catches me on either here or sbm during lunch. :stinkeye:

  4. im so sad now bc my school recently blocked this site

  5. lovin that new name & profile pic :plankton:

  6. Let not the sands of time seep into your shorts... for it shall chafe.


  8. Give me a raise or I'm quitting. 

  9. Got a stomach flu somehow, welp.

  10. I'm ok u guys. I wasn't anywhere near the airport but unfourtunately so many people died and I'm sorry for all losses. Is there even a hope for terrorism to stop cuz I lost mine :(

  11. Three days until I get to see The SpongeBob Musical... again. :funny: (THREE DAYS!!!)

  12. I must find someone who will go see the SpongeBob Musical with me again :norton: 

  13. I'm totally alive and not dead and stuff. 

  14. What is so hot it's coolbut is so cool it's hot?

  15. Hey, is everyone having a wild time?! 

  16. Hey, is everyone having a wild time?! 

  17. I worry for SBC's future if no one knows what 2+2 is.

  18. like if ur glad they brought Jennifer Soufflé back into the ocean

  19. Well, my sister was in a car accident and I'm pretty sure I botched this interview. Today is not a good day. 

    1. Nosferatu!


      Thank you<3 I'm sure she'll be fine, it's just the fact that she had her kidney surgeries not too long ago, her back had already hurt enough from that, so we don't want it to get any worse.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  20. Well, my sister was in a car accident and I'm pretty sure I botched this interview. Today is not a good day. 

    1. Nosferatu!


      Her back is messed up, we're hoping it's nothing too serious but she's going to see a doctor regularly to make sure things don't get bad.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  21. VERY VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION: Who's a bigger slut, Katie or me?

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