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Status Updates posted by Macseed

  1. Got a warning from another site (Not SBC or SBM) for kidding around with http://www.shadyurl.com/ >.<

  2. Got adminship to the Yo Gabba Gabba Wiki! :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CartoonCF
    3. So Sejima

      So Sejima

      I was waiting to see if you got it. They needed one, you can tell by an article for a character saying "SLENDERMANS RETARDED MIDGET COUSIN!!!" in there.

  3. Got the full version of Where's My Water?. :) Now all I need is for my mom to not yell at me for placing blankets on the floor then I can play with my imaginary friends and I'll be 8 again :D.

  4. Guys, remember to play the SpongeBuddy Mania Amazing Race game if you signed up! SpongeOddFan is with the Ugly Barnacle, I am with ClassicNickelodeonFan1... I guess that's it.

  5. Had a dream where I was on the Amazing Race. The race took place at some school. We couldn't find the detour. But the detour would've meant underage driving. Wierd :o

  6. Had a dream with an SBC user in it. It was Dylan and he was doing things to toast while I looked away disgusted.

  7. Happy new year, and happy new SBU! Won't be able to show, but I wish the best of broken legs!

  8. Have a sore throat D:

    1. ooooooofy


      D: I had a sore throat and a headache yesterday, and today I have a stuffy nose.

    2. chocolatesoup


      I have a sorer (actual word) throat. :P

    3. Webizoid


      Sore throats suck ass. Get well soon, bro.

  9. Hello, Oceans!

  10. Hey! It looks like you’re writing a letter!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Space Cowboy

      Space Cowboy


  11. Holy crap my subscriptions are visible to the public. What, is Youtube going to ask for my address now?

    1. ClassicNickelodeon Fan 1

      ClassicNickelodeon Fan 1

      Yes, it's their master plan.

  12. How did me and Spongepat suddenly get so hooked on TGWTG? I mean, it was NC, then Nostalgia Chick, then Rap Critic, Todd in the Shadows... dang.

    1. ClassicNickelodeon Fan 1

      ClassicNickelodeon Fan 1

      SpongePat should post here more.

    2. Elastic Dawg

      Elastic Dawg

      Watch the Cinema Snob, he's the best one.

  13. I "finally" finished up STABBING!. You can celebrate now.

  14. I am nearing a thousand posts and I'm wondering what creative thing I can do.

    1. Webizoid


      Something PUNNY!

    2. E.V.I.L.


      Going to the Arctic to play with cute penguins for 1000 minutes. :)

    3. William Leonard

      William Leonard

      Just hold a party. Everybody does it, and it never gets old.

  15. I bet if I was a girl here on SBC, nobody would know the difference.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Clappy


      What are you trying to imply Max? :P

    3. The Crow
    4. crushingmayhem


      Your name easily says your a boy. :P

  16. I can (sort of) do Cups now. Yay.

  17. I can't wait to come home later today and smother myself in some Sims 2! #yes

  18. I don't really see the funniness of this all, really. It was kind of creepy :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Crow

      The Crow

      How about my acting, huh? :P

    3. The Lion King

      The Lion King

      I deserve an Oscar for my performance.

    4. crushingmayhem


      No, I think you should get a Nobel Prize.

  19. I found computers at the place I'm at. Unfortunately, they don't allow games... OR CHATROOMS. Dammit :(

  20. I give thanks to every single person here! Happy Thanksgiving, friends!

  21. I guess today wraps it up for Unlimitedcha.

  22. I had this folder with drawings traced back to 3rd, and my grandma threw it away. I think I got all of it, but it's so annoying. To make matters worse, she thought it was just some old crap that was there for too long. This is so freaking depressing, it goes to a point whre I just want to ball up and watch tv and not do my homework or anything.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Space Cowboy

      Space Cowboy

      Iknow how you feel.. I hate when my drawings are thrown away..

    3. SG19


      Parents should give two shits about their child or else they don't deserve to be parents.

    4. SG19


      Plus, I can tell Max is exaggerating at least some of the time.

  23. I hate it when random shit pops up... Because after a week of finals, all I want to do is spend 9 hours in this chair playing Sims and going to the xat. BUT NO, WE HAVE TO EAT OUT EVERY DAMNED DAY OR HEAD TO SOME RANDOM THING. UGGGGGG

  24. I hate my aunt. >.>

    1. E.V.I.L.


      I hate my family. >.>

    2. ClassicNickelodeon Fan 1
    3. E.V.I.L.


      You are a ginger. >.>

  25. I have so much happening now I feel like I'm going to explode. I just want to slow down...

    1. Space Cowboy

      Space Cowboy

      you need some cracklin' out brain:

    2. Space Cowboy

      Space Cowboy

      i mean oat brain

    3. ClassicNickelodeon Fan 1

      ClassicNickelodeon Fan 1

      Don't worry Max, just hang in there. :)

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