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Today in New Kelp City


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Episode 1: BOOM


 The buildings fell and everyone died!!!!! HA!





 I'm kidding! KIDDING! Seriously!


 REALLY. Let's just start this baby up.


 Spongebob walked out of the taxi. He grabbed his bags and closed the door behind him. A current flowed by, causing Spongebob to shiver. So this is it, he thought. New Kelp City. My new home. He wasn't wearing his usual attire. Instead of his usual brown shirt, he was wearing a scarf around his neck, a stained sweater, and some sandals. He continued to walk down the gloomy streets until he found his destination: Pomus Apartments. He slid through the doors in front, and he said hello to the clerk.


 "Hello, and welcome to Pomus Aparments, the #1 value choice!" the girl grinned. "I'm sorry if this place looks... well... ugly, but I'm here to spruce it up! Are you a Bikini Bottomite?"


 "Yeah." Spongebob frowned.


 "I'm so sorry for what happened. We are currently preparing your room, so hang on. Please take a seat over there." Spongebob sat down at the chairs. The dingy chairs didn't make him feel any better. The best thing to him was when Squidward came in. Spongebob was happy, but something didn't feel right when Squilvia showed up (Yep, I'm using Squilvia in this spin-off. Sue me). Spongebob watched as they seemed... happy. Squidward sat down next to Spongebob. Squidward was dressed differently. He had a scarf as well, he had a plain grey shirt, and he had some jeans on. Spongebob tried to say hi, but he couldn't speak.


 "Spongebob, you look sad." Squidward put his tentacle out. "It looks like you are about to fall out of your chair. Please talk."


 "I'm fine." Spongebob moaned. "I just want my peace." Spongebob heard the clerk call him over. "Mr. Spongy!" She smiled.


 "Is my room ready?" He asked.


 "As ready as it will ever be." She handed him a key. "What's your name anyway?"


 "Spongebob Squarepants." He answered.


 "I'm Ella Tuna. Please call me anytime." She winked at him, and Spongebob didn't answer. He took the shaky elevator up to his room on the 7th floor. The place was worse than he imagined. The walls were peeling, the fridge was open, the furniture was broken, and little krill scurried the floors. Spongebob laid his stuff on the bed: A pair of clothes, a pad of paper, a pencil, a shell-phone charger, a few dollars, a picture of his neighborhood, and his hat from the Krusty Krab. He opened up the other bag, and Gary came out. Gary looked terrible. His shell was molding, his skin was pale, and his eyes were always droopy. "Welcome to your new life, Gary." Spongebob shed a tear. He looked out the murky window and saw other skyscrapers. He sighed and laid on the bed. "It looks like this is your new life." Spongebob told Gary.


The next episodes will be shorter, I just need to identify the characters. Look out for the next episode, coming out in a year soon! © 2013 New Kelp Studios









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