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User Info
Registration Date October 12, 2009
Age 35
Status Semi-active
Group Loyal Customers
Notable Creations Clapping, Movie Reviews, SBCinema, And Then There Were Less, Spin-Off Action, Patrick's Paradise

Clappy, originally known as Clapmaster, is one of the most respected and well-liked users on the SpongeBob forum from He has been around for longer than most of the regular users have. Clappy was known for being able to find a middle ground between being mean and honest. He's also known for his interest in movies and reviewing them. In November of 2009, JellyfishJammer confirmed that Clappy had left

However, on June 12th, 2010, Clappy took a visit at the Spongebob Xat. He chatted with ExKizuna and Jjsthekid. He was wondering what happened while he left, and said "we will see if he returns." Then, sometime in August 2010 he made a blog of his short return. He said that he wanted to come by and see everyone again. He hinted that he may come to SBC, and this was proved true. He came to SBC on August 22nd, 2010. He was later made a Moderator at SBC, taking over for Dragiiin.

In May 2011, he was made an Admin on SBC, but sadly resigned in September 2011. He spent a few months as a Consultant, but in late 2012, was given the position of "Head Of Innovation", thus becoming an Administrator again. He resigned again on November 2, 2013 to focus on his personal life. Ever since 2014, Clappy has become sporadically less active on SBC than he used to be, but still visits and contributes often. He still chimed in for staff discussions as a Retired Employee. In late 2022, Clappy became a father and still tries to drop by the Discord occasionally.


Clappy amassed an extensive library of spin-offs and literatures on both and SBC.