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CDCritic - Episode 5 - Phineas and Ferb "Moon Farm"

Animation: C+

Story: C-

Humor: C+

Music: C+

Originality: C-

Voice Acting: C+

Overall Appeal: C

Well, I finally had the challenge of reviewing a Phineas and Ferb episode which, for the record, is one of the few cartoons I don't like. I can't say this was really any different.

Now because there were two different plots going on simultaneously, I'll review those separately.

So Phineas and Ferb went to the moon with their friends and some cows via a rocket for...what else? Moon Cow Ice Cream! At the same time Candace is preparing a dinner for whatshisname--Jeremy, I think. Anyway, Phineas and Ferb incorporate farmy stuff to make the cows feel at home or something. How do they accomplish it? With an inflatable barn and some instant grass! Yeah, way to confuse NASA Phineas.

Candace wants to prepare a certain meal involving lamb and Ferb happens to know the recipe for it. So Phineas conveniently delivers the recipe to Candace via Mission Control. Oh, and Candace's friend stupidly sets the oven to 9,000 degress. Moron.

Now that Phineas and Ferb have a batch of Moon Cow Ice Cream, the whole group breaks into a song that tries too hard to be trippy. The Indian kid breaks the fourth wall a bit forcefully and has a conversation with the guy singing the song. Admittedly, the name "Disembodied Reggae Space Voice" was kinda funny. I half laughed. :P

And now that Candace is done with her meal which ends up being live action--another mildly amusing part--Phineas and Ferb come home on their rocket to witness Candace's Lamb Dinner be destroyed by Doofinschmirtz's laser (which I'll discuss shortly) just as Jeremy arrives. Phineas and Ferb save the day by swapping the destroyed meal with the Moon Cow Ice Cream. End of episode!

...or not. Now for the Perry Plot. Ha. Alliteration.

So Perry is sent on a mission to stop Doofinschmirtz once again. Perry predictably falls into Doof's trap and...Doofinschmirtz painted himself green?! He explains this all in a way too fast paced "joke" for me to follow and type my thoughts at the same time, so no comment on that. Doofinschmirtz reveals a new laser--one of his famous "inator" machines--which he's going to use to wither his neighbor's plants. Why? Well, if his neighbor's plants look crappy, then surely Doofinschirtz will appear to have green thumbs! ...figuratively. His thumbs didn't get painted because he was holding the bucket with them. A pity. I would have gladly dumped the whole thing on him and given him a thurough paint job.

Doof fires the laser and... the plants aren't withered. He takes the failure out on Perry and makes him wither...only to wither seconds later. They both have some tea and it's revealed that Doof's neighbor's plants were plastic, hence why the laser didn't work. It's all topped off with Doofinschmirtz getting stuck in a cat door seen earlier and Perry placing a Do Not Disturb sign on Doof's butt. I don't care what you say, Perry. I'll happily disturb his butt regardless of what you say.

Yeah, so you can probably see from my several cracks about the episode that I didn't enjoy it too much. It had a few brief amusing moments, but honestly the whole thing was smothered in so much talking that it was hard to follow and write down my thoughts at the same time. Really, the most the episode went without any dialogue at any point was like 1 second. On second thought, maybe the whole cast needs their butts "disturbed." Anything to shut them up.

Not really much else to say...oh yeah. The animation in this episode was eh. The fact that the characters hardly moved at all and were mostly standing in one place while they talked was kinda distracting.

Now that I've said my last words, it's time to close this unusually long review. Long story short, Phineas and Ferb is not my cup of tea. I never really understood the appeal, but hey--if people like it, that's cool. And if you want to torture me and request another Phineas and Ferb review, be my guest! I'll just include a 200,000 doubloon fee.

...just kidding.

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You really did draw the short end of the stick with that episode, it's really not that great. I'd recommend another episode like "Oh, There You Are Perry" that you may hopefully like more...

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CDCritic - Episode 6 - The Looney Tunes Show "Customer Service"

Animation: B+

Story: B

Humor: C+

Music: B+

Originality: B

Voice Acting: B

Overall Appeal: B

Well, this was interesting. I'm not a super huge fan of this show mainly because of the way it handles the Looney Tunes characters. The way I see it, it does what any long running show is known to do--changes the characters personalities. But...I ended up liking this episode.

So, Bugs was watching a basketball game while Daffy was ranting about things he wanted to do for a career. All of a sudden, Cecil (the cable customer service guy) shut off Bugs' cable because that's the kind of jerk he is. As anyone would do, Mr. "Byoogs Byooney" (as Cecil pronounces it) calls customer service and lo and behold, Cecil is a horrible customer service representative. He contantly picks on Bugs for his own amusement. Their phone conversation ends with an angry Bugs being told that Cecil will arrive between 6am and 8pm the next day. Daffy finally decides that he wants to be...gasp! A customer service representative! All they do is yell at and fire people. The perfect job for him, right?

Meanwhile Tina is being a jerk to a customer at the place where she works. Her boss suspends her. After being awkwardly excited about her printer toner freckles, Lola decides to help Tina be nice. They go to a mall and Yosemite Sam takes their parking spot. If that's not enough, they have an unfortunate encounter with the... perfume department! *cough* *cough* *wheeze*

Back to Bugs--he's been drinking massive amounts of liquids to keep himself focused I guess. Don't know why...it's not like he's staying up all night. He learns the hard way when he has a potty emergency. Annnnd Cecil--who was creepily stalking Bugs--comes to the door immediately. Bugs hears the doorbell and rushes...too late! Angrily he calls Cecil on the phone and after a little discussion, Cecil upgrades Bugs to the Bronze Package which merely consists of one channel which showcases a Spanish sitcom that Speedy considers to be "garbage." Bugs is even more furious when Cecil tells Bugs that the only way to get the channel with the basketball game is to upgrade to the Gold Package. It's a wonder why Bugs is letting Cecil take advantage of him. Normally I'd expect him to take action.

Daffy now has the Customer Service representative job...at the same place Cecil works at! He enjoys himself firing pretty much everyone in the place except Cecil!

Let's return to Lola and Tina's subplot. After a few unfunny jokes about Lola not understanding what a cenario is, Tina gets Lola to imagine herself in a similar cenario like she was in earlier in the episode. Of course, the customer Lola imagines is Bugs. Cue the lovey dovey scene.

The time has finally come for Bugs to come to his senses and get his revenge. In a way remniscent of the old Looney Tunes shorts, he dresses up as random people and follows Cecil around in a stalkery way. Using the exact same dialogue from the scene with Tina and her customer, Bugs is a jerk to Cecil. He flees to an elevator only to find Elevator Dude Bugs asking if he'd like to upgrade to the Gold Package for his elevator ride. That was pretty funny. :P

Yosemite Sam is yelling and Tina's boss because he won't let him photocopy a dollar bill 1 million times. Ha. Tina's boss begs her to come back and yell at Sam and so she does, even managing to fit in a complaint about him stealing her parking spot.

Bugs is dressed up as a Darth Vader-y guy and finally pushes Cecil to the point where he restores Bugs' cable free of charge, including all the Spanish stations. Daffy returns to see this resolution and finds it appropriate to fire Cecil...the only person who actually deserved it. His boss is aware of this, so he fires Daffy because he fired every employee in the place.

The episode ends with everybody watching the Spanish show which Speedy is now really enjoying. Lindsay has her baby... just like her father! Bugs decides he'll just watch next year's playoffs instead. Cue the credits!

I'll try to explain this all in one paragraph. The animation is pretty good for modern animation and the story here is pretty original, although it's got a few moments where it takes predictable turns. The jokes are alright, but as I mentioned before there are a few points where the episode was more annoying than funny...mostly with Lola. In the episodes I've seen, I've found her character to be very obnoxious and too remniscent of the stereotypical teenage girl. Why they decided to warp her into that... I don't know. I downgraded the humor rating because of her. The music in the episode is pretty well done. I definitely like the little remix of the classic Looney Tunes theme they have for the theme "song" in this show. And the voice actors do a decent job of sounding like the original Mel Blanc voices...except Speedy Gonzales seems to have more than an accent than before. Eh, well at least it's not obnoxious like Lola's voice. Ugggggh...

Overall this show does an okay job of transitioning the classic Looney Tunes characters to a modern sitcom setting, but I've always felt like they should have incorporated more of the wacky gags and slapstick humor instead of relying on modern jokes 85% of the time. After all, this is supposed to be Looney Tunes. I wouldn't exactly recommend this show to anybody unless they're familiar with the classic shorts first. My personal opinion is that you should see the classics first and then this show--otherwise Looney Tunes Show might make the classics seem stupid and boring to younger viewers.

Th-th-th-that's all folks!

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