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Make Your Own Episode


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Basically, what happens, is you list a title, and you create an episode based on that title at least somewhat. ;) (Yes, I realize this topic could be deep down in this forum, but it probably would be TOO old to bump.)


SpongeBob likes Squidward's Flower.

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Squidward plants a flower in his backyard, but Squidward forgets it and goes on a trip to a concert. SpongeBob then tries to take care of it and then goes to love the flower, and things get awry when Squidward returns..

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That other squid is such a stupig nopal gangam styple that he should just go die in a rain of pie and dogs and penguins are awesome!

(cut me some slaxk for that, I'm tired ;p )

SpongeBob's Pumpkin

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