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I theorize that I do but I was just using a play on words.
I theorize that was well played, m'boy. Here's a cookie.

I theorize that Steel is a spartan.

Age: 16. Multiply that by 13, the first double digit number in his number of doubloons. 208. Galulana has 8 letters. Subtract 8. Add 58 and 25. The two double digit numbers in his name. 83. 283. Add 1 to his age. 17. Add those together. You have 300. 300 was the name of that spartan movie about that war. Steel was there.

I theorize that was well played, m'boy. Here's a cookie.
I theorize that I will never get Ex's cookie.

I theorize that Steel is gonna get got by all the little Jimmys out there.


Gaaahh, sounds so familiar, but I can't picture it. D:

I theorize that OMJ use to be homeboys with Harold Camping.


I theorize that Jelly is not partaking in our late night post rush.


I theorize that Jelly is in an e-marriage with Steel, meanwhile OMJ is in an e-marriage with Elastic.


I theorize that OMJ knows that his best friend, Mosquito Valentine, has a skin pigmentation problem.

I theorize that Ex is secretly member of the Japanese Yakuza. The proof is in the pudding.
Confirmed by the dead bodies in my closet, back of friends pick up truck, and at the bottom of the lake.

I theorize that Steel made me kind of lol at the Patty Mayo joke.

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