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The Little Mermaid (2023)

Danny DeVito

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I saw it; and honest thoughts? I knew going in that it was never going to hold a place in my heart like the animated original does; mostly because it was the one I grew up with, so I'm probably always going to identify that version as the "Go To Version" of "The Little Mermaid". But at the very least, it's NOT a complete shot-for-shot remake the way "The Lion King" 2019 version was. They changed the order of some sequences, removed a couple of plot holes to better explain why Ariel can't inform Eric of Ursula's plan non-verbally, and they removed one unnecessary sequence, in order to add some new sequences that better show Eric's backstory. And we also get to hear Ariel's inner thoughts at certain points in this movie while she is unable to speak. Also, BONUS points to Disney for having an African-American Queen! And Jodi Benson (original voice actress of the animated Ariel) has a cameo appearance in this movie, to! So, while this movie doesn't hold a candle (or a 'Dinglehopper') to the original animated version, it did accomplish what it set out to do. Make a version of "The Little Mermaid" for the 21st century, that will hopefully make the kids of today happy, the way the original animated version of "The Little Mermaid" did for me. I give the live action version of "The Little Mermaid" an 89/100. (Imaginary Bonus Points if you know WHY i picked 89/100). Enough said, true believers!

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