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Mr. Eugene Krabs

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Status Updates posted by Mr. Eugene Krabs

  1. I love the young people's music.

    1. Salmon



  2. ahoy lads I've overdosed on ketamine

  3. I will not fry today!

    1. WhoBibbles



  4. We HAVE to get back those swollen naggy daddies!

    1. Rebel the Wolfgirl

      Rebel the Wolfgirl



      No, Mr. Krabs, it's "stolen Krabby Patties".

  5. Get that suit on sailor, it's already been paid for!

  6. fries should be fries either way

  7. Thank you Yuno Miles for teaching me how to evade taxes, ar ar ar!

  8. If a free salad bar won't bring new customers...what will?

  9. A pony with saddle bags full of money!

  10. Now I'm gonna let go of yer lips, and when I do, I want you to calmly tell me what youse need to tell me, understand?

  11. ScaredyPants gets easier to scare every year!

  12. Nobody's taken a break from the Krusty Krab since the Chum Famine of '59!

  13. You put the dime in me pants!

  14. You and that bubble have been nothing but trouble!

  15. I love Bubble Buddy!

    1. That Excited SpongeKid

      That Excited SpongeKid

      Keep your eyes off my husband krabs, I'm the only one who loves bubble buddy

  16. But they didn't, did they, Mr. Squidward? 'Cause they were too busy eatin' outta mine. I wish you two had gone on strike earlier. Thanks for attractin' all these payin' customers with all your signage and your sloganeerin'!


  18. The deed is done.

    1. Old Man Jenkins
    2. That Excited SpongeKid

      That Excited SpongeKid

      The dark deed you requested is done sir.

  19. What doesn't kill you, usually succeeds in the second attempt. Have a nice day!

  20. Well, during this summer break, the children wander Bikini Bottom unsupervised, their pockets lined with allowance. Free to spend their money without any parental guidance whatsoever. I guess that's what I like best. Sure, I suppose some would try and take advantage of this situation by selling them toys or candy, but I sleep well at night with the knowledge that I'm providing them with something they need: a nutritious meal. Come here, you little piggies!

    1. That Excited SpongeKid

      That Excited SpongeKid

      I'd rather play on your lawn

  21. I can think of ten good reasons to never let go of a dime, boy.

  22. I love me mother so much I actually spent money on her Mother's Day gift! Shame she doesn't appear on the show anymore.

  23. But they didn't, did they, Mr. Squidward? 'Cause they were too busy eatin' out of mine. I wish you two had gone on strike earlier. Thanks for attractin' all these payin' customers with all your signage and your sloganeerin'!

  24. We shall never deny a guest, even the most ridiculous request.

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