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Ghost Pirates
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Status Replies posted by E.V.I.L.

  1. Watermelon is so refreshing on days like this.

  2. Watermelon is so refreshing on days like this.

  3. Watermelon is so refreshing on days like this.

  4. I hate this Channel

  5. Uploading a Video Its a Clip But i have TO wait 363 Min For the video to upload WHAT!

  6. Just realized I hit 11k posts. Imma making my way up.

  7. Worked on a music video since 10 this morning and didn't finish until a few mins ago. I actually didn't do that bad. #Feels Good

  8. When a woman you like helps you fix your home and she adds strange things like a garden, make sure to note that in the future when you're married.

  9. I hate this Channel

  10. Watermelon is so refreshing on days like this.

  11. You be my Patrick and I'll be your Patricia. ;D

  12. School starts in a week for me. I'm super excited! :D

  13. Why is the Glove World subforum gone from the site, and why are the stores now in the trash? Have I missed something?

  14. Got Sandy and Mr. Krabs toys from McDonald's. :D

  15. I'm having problems with putting a gif into my signature wonder why? it won't show up

  16. I'm having problems with putting a gif into my signature wonder why? it won't show up

  17. Cha-ching!

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