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Steel Sponge

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Everything posted by Steel Sponge

  1. Mickey Mouse has entered the public domain and the world is going absolutely nuts over it. So of course, just leave it to the horror film industry to announce this the very moment the mouse's copyright term ended. If you liked Blood and Honey, you'll love this. Otherwise, if you didn't, then you hate this too.
  2. Week 1: SpongeBob SquarePants: Lost in Translation: The Finale ("War of the Words") Week 2: Chemist Bob's Catastrophic Creations Cinema Week 3: Total Drama Treasure Tour Week 4: Staring Over Week 5: One-Shots: New one-shot stories are expected to be released on Oh Yeah! Collections later in January, starting with one that will be inspired by my own "Dannon! at the Disco" meme. The possible return for my original one-shot projects will also be on the table, with the story titled "Anchor" being next in line. (Oh yeah, and since Claps has announced a sudden return with a new spin-off/lit project, expect me to pitch in as one of the guest writers for it)
  3. -Cash (which I can't show lol) -Three Hot Topic cards -Three Barnes & Noble cards -New Nintendo Switch joycons -Wok pan (didn't actually ask for this btw, but I don't really mind it) -Popcorn maker -Mudkip Build a Bear -Bluetooth stereo boombox (technically asked for a handheld CD player, which is apparently absolete now...? But since it still plays CDs, I'm happy with this) -Another Gorillaz shirt -The War on Drugs - I Don't Live Here Anymore album -Turnstile - Glow On album -Alvvays - Blue Rev albums -Cuphead (Nintendo Switch) -Two Pokemon blind boxes (Pop n' Sweet Galar Ponyta, and a Terrarium Marshtomp (which I already had, R.I.P.) -SpongeBob "Merry Hot Cocoa for Two" set (or hot cocoa for one since I don't have friends, R.I.P. again)
  4. Week 1: SpongeBob SquarePants: Lost in Translation: The Finale ("War of the Words") Week 2: Chemist Bob's Catastrophic Creations Cinema Week 3: Total Drama Treasure Tour Week 4: Staring Over: Starting Over, the 101 Dalmatian Street fanfic that I've been writing "incognito" on AO3, will start being cross-posted to SBC in February next year, along with the prologue preview, that in which will be posted in early January. Week 5: ???
  5. The theme I've done for this one is 'Songs that helped me through 2017-2020:'
  6. The Pokémon franchise is like a game of jenga. If you move one thing it all falls apart.

  7. Week 1: SpongeBob SquarePants: Lost in Translation: The Finale ("War of the Words") (will be out next week this time, i swear) Week 2: Chemist Bob's Catastrophic Creations Cinema Week 3: Total Drama Treasure Tour: This series will return from its sudden hiatus with a new episode, projected for next Friday on the 22nd. Week 4: ??? Week 5: ???
  8. 8. Lame-nt (Guru Gakuto; Episodes 13) Well...better late than never, right? We have reached the climax point of season 1, and that means that this should be the instance where the spin-off gets interesting. So far, Guru Gakuto has failed to impress me beyond its premise, so I know I have to keep my expectations low. Since I have gotten this far, I feel like the next batch of episodes should be more rewarding, and we’re starting off with an episode titled… 13. Lament The one-word title says it all. This could be the episode that makes or breaks this spin-off. In a matter of time, Sierra and co. appeared in Lake Superior. They made it to Lake Superior, and it was only a matter of time that they’d make it there. As if they haven’t made it to the Great Lakes in the last couple of episodes. “Here we are: Lake Superior,” said Kaan. Is it going to be so important that the story is going to keep reminding us that? ”I’m still upset though,” Sierra said, still thinking about Theo. So she’s not also thinking about wanting to give Savannah a knuckle sandwich? “We’re all saddened, but we’re still caught up on our search for Gakuto, and we’re not giving up hope on finding the revival chamber either. It’s okay Sierra,” Mason said, trying to comfort. Well, your comforting skills could use some work. ”No, it’s not okay…” said Sierra; “I suppose Gakuto is not here either.” With the spin-off going many miles an hour without any real progression, the feeling is mutual. “We tried,” said Kaan. “Hopefully, it won’t get any worse,” said Jonah. In the next scene, Gakuto and the others were shown planning a war attack like in the mid-40’s. Wait-wait-wait-wait, hold up! Gakuto...the one person that the seven deadly sins kids are trying to look for…is planning a war strategy World War II style? Either that’s the series’ biggest and most unprompted plot twist, or that just has to be a typo. Man, when Jonah is right, she’s right. “For their attack on their grounds, Doodle Swordsman and Doodle Wizard coming to it,” Horacio said referring to Sierra and co., “I will take an omnipresent role and start with that yellow sponge.” Okay, so it is a typo and somehow the author mistook Horacio for Gakuto for some reason, but the damage is already done. “You cant do this!” David said. David: I still haven’t gotten the chance to properly establish my own character! ”All’s fair is love and war,” said Gakuto, “When Doodle Swordsman takes you to Lake Superior, you are free to go, but that will only last for three seconds.” Again with the mention of Gakuto, so unintentionally, the story expects me to think that he and Horacio are somehow in kahoots, let alone in the same room. “What do you mean?” David asked. “You’re going to be dead than alive when you have the chance to cover your integrity,” Horacio said. No, no, David is right. What are you even trying to say, Horacio? You just can’t pull out random words from the dictionary to make yourself sound smart. “I know they’re going to find out some day, but I have the guts,” David replied. You may have guts and the ego to boot, but Horacio has an army, so you’re outmatched. “Alright then,” said Horacio, “But you’re still going to be escorted out of here, while I stay here and think. Horacio: I could have the opportunity to strike, but today, I require more time for thinking! Yes, I’ll wait, and Doodle Swordsman…” ”What would be your request, sir?” Doodle Swordsman said. ”From my studies, there’s some guy wandering around here, bring back some evidence,” said Horacio. It goes back to Lake Superior, but starting with Justin riding his motorcycle around the forest. His shades flash in the moonlight and he then pulls out from his vehicle. Man, isn’t he so cool, exhibiting some of the most basic bad boy stereotypes? “Lake Superior, they must be here,” said Justin. I guess it’s the golden rule for Guru Gakuto’s characters to remind me of this fixed location of theirs whenever they’re present in Lake Superior. While Justin was still driving around, the seven were having a conversation. His motors were so hot that the main seven blipped past his radar. “Look guys, if Theo is dead, he’s dead. And speaking of that revival place wasn’t that just a myth?” Savannah said. Savannah back at it again with her ham-fisted concern trolling. “That’s because you don’t know anything. I was there, and so was everybody else. This may be an appropriate time to give the people in the back who had never met Gakuto, or been revived by him, a good ol’ lecture about him, but we’re not really asking for it. Kaan hasn’t, but he believes in that. Kaan: I just fly stuff. You don’t have to bring me into this. Throughout, you have been nothing but rude and self-absorbed,” said Sierra. “Look at her everybody: she is the lustful one,” Savannah said sarcastically, Savannah: She’s the embodiment of Lust and she hasn’t gotten laid once! “I wasn’t trying to be rude or egocentric miss, and you should know that Rick cares about me.” “But…you just get in my nerves, you’re the first person who has,” Sierra replied. Nice “No u” argument, Sierra. You should find someone who’s better at writing your own roasts. ”Because you love Rick, don’t you?” Savannah said, As a sibling, if I may add, but after all those earlier implications, I still really don’t want to be forced into pro-ship territory. “My apologies pal. That just had to be brought up.” At the very least, that harsh reminder could help Sierra get her priorities straight. “Stop it, please!” Sierra exclaimed. “I don’t know why you guys want to find your father anyways; he might probably find you,” Savannah said. She must truly be a Reddit user with the way she keeps doubling down on her lack of empathy towards Sierra. “Because he’s missing, and the world is going to be in chaos!” Nah, he clearly abandoned you lot. You all might as well just accept it at this point, because I’ve already been convinced that since I began riffing this. “What about your mother?” Ohhhh, she’s going in for the big guns, now! “I…don’t…know, and you’re going to pa…just please don’t speak of that again, and try not to make me any more angry!” Sierra said, confused with the words Savannah brought up. Sierra then breaks again, but only a little bit. Sierra is broken? Well, that’s a major inconvenience. “Surprisingly, I’m curious about that,” said Rick. “Me too,” said Jonah. This is so jarring. From what I understand, the seven children of Gakuto were reincarnations of past lives that would otherwise have come from different families. The spin-off already establishes that they were all revived and reborn as his adopted children from the Sin Circle, and he’s been raising them all by himself until he decidedly up and went. There was no mother figure present and Gakuto’s kids don’t seem to have clear memories of their past lives. The logistics of non-biological families shouldn’t be so hard to understand, and yet the spin-off makes it seem so complicated. “Forget about it,” said Sierra. Agreed. “It looks like you’re building up an emotional breakdown, Sierra,” said Mason. What gave you that idea? “No, I’m perfectly fine! You know I’m the lenient one!” You’re the what now? When you’re acting less than compassionate right now, suppose that is what you mean by being ‘lenient,’ you shouldn’t be one to speak. Sierra exclaimed who is obviously being agitated. So, how much involvement did Captain Obvious have in the writing for this episode? It sure does feel like he’s cranking it up to eleven. “Well, our lips are sealed now,” said Rick. “If it makes you feel better Sierra, I’ll find that place for you,” said Kaan, “Even though I may not.” Nice save, dude. “I would be pleased,” said Sierra. Kaan then takes the supposedly-dead Theo and flies away in his jet. Yeah, just trust some weird European model to fly around with a corpse. “He’s a strong, reliable guy,” said Mason, “I wish I was like that.” “And he’s pretty handsome, we’re lucky to have a guy like him,” said Vivian. “We better leave now. If Gakuto is not in Lake Superior, then there’s no use for us to be here.” Vivian once again being the voice of reason, excluding the whole bit about her simping over this Kaan fellow. Then, lights flashing from Justin’s motorcycle shined in their eyes. Thus, Justin has arrived. I guess this was before the author had known of the word ‘headlights.’ ”Huh, he followed us all the way here?” Savannah said. Must have missed the moment where he gave you a ransom note that read “Let’s talk like adults.” “Yes. Today, I show no mercy,” said Justin. “And to think we just met him,” said Mason. As petty as he is, you got to give him some credit for his commitment to drive up north from the gulf coast to get back at the two-timer. Meanwhile, it shows Spongebob, Sandy, and DoodleBob back in Bikini Bottom. Oh yeah, these guys have their own plot too. How could I forget? “What do you want me for?” Spongebob asked. Just to boast, in the old fashioned way that villains usually do. ”I’m only here to boast and talk. As you can see, with a powerful army organized by Horacio, Bikini Bottom will be ours, or even the subterranean area of Earth!” DoodleBob said. If you’re successful enough, you could rule the entire Tri-State Area. “You’ll never do that!” Spongebob said. Yeah, you go, SpongeBob, crush that doodle’s dreams! “You may have saved Bikini Bottom numerous times, but you’re looking at a true disaster!” DoodleBob said. “How about you take a look?” Spongebob, Sandy, and DoodleBob enter outside, to see utter destruction of Bikini Bottom, days since Spongebob stayed inside his office. Wait, so those two were being self-quarantined all this time? How can you expect to be able to run a city if you’re not doing the job you should be doing? “I guess I was in my office for too long,” said Spongebob. I don’t think going ‘Uh-oh, Spaghetti-o’s’ over the idea of most of your people ending up homeless from the destruction of the very city you’ve been leading is the appropriate way to react. DoodleBob gives half a facepalm and then says, Wow, even the supreme overlord of Doodle Darkness is irritated over SpongeBob’s incompetence. “Look at this: clouds with ink, Horacio’s men, and plain, simple misery are what are going on now!” If Nikocado Avocado was around, he’d be telling you that ‘iiiiiiiiiit’s YOUR fault!’ Somewhere in the background, one of Horacio’s men erased a fish into ashes. SpongeBob: Oh no, one of my civilians died. Anyway… “Admittedly, Bikini Bottom seemed a bit fine after I escaped, but I never expected such horror,” said Sandy. That what happens when you don’t step outside like you should. “Well, Gakuto’s team is going to keep finding them, and then you can say good-bye to your tyranny!” Spongebob said. “To me, it’s likely going to last until every last mantelpiece of Bikini Bottom’s power busts!” DoodleBob said and then was ready to leave, So much for that plastic singing fish being a viable source of power against Doodle Darkness. “I’m done. And remember, I have the secondary control!” After that, DoodleBob leaves Spongebob and Sandy alone. What do you mean you have secondary control? You’re the main villain of this spin-off. “It wasn’t meant to be, everybody’s going to be a goner,” said Spongebob, physically developing tears in his eyes until crying a river. SpongeBob: Now everyone is going to vote me out of office for doing nothing! This is the worst day ever! “You’re a strong, lovable manager Spongebob,” said Sandy, “And a child at heart. That’s what I like about you.” And you have a bad taste in men. “What about DoodleBob and that Horacio guy?” Spongebob asked, “I’m thinking about giving up. Their reign of terror is unbelievable to my eyes.” ”Look, they’re strong, but I know you’re stronger,” said Sandy, “Anyways, you can’t give up. We still develop an implausible force, and I know you’re a believer.” Sandy: My words of motivation may sound really ham-fisted, but I am doing my best! “Sandy…I find your mind into sorrow pretty rare. How did the author think this sounded like a real sentence people would say? You’re a good friend,” Spongebob replied. I think the term you’re looking for is ‘A great pal (and more!).’ ”Well, I do have one moment that stays in my mind, I’ll explain that later,” Sandy replied. Why not say it now? Clearly, you and SpongeBob aren’t doing anything except mope. Then, Kaan’s jet arrives and comes down. “You must be Kaan,” said Sandy. “Holy shrimp, Theo is dead?!” Spongebob said with surprise. SpongeBob sure knows how to jump the gun on the subject. “I’ll give explanations later; do you know where Theo and the others were resurrected?” Kaan asked. No, no, do proceed. There’s no point in dodging that question now. “Come with me, I’ll see what I can find through my computer,” said Spongebob. Oh yeah, because if there’s any source of information on where the Sin Circle is located, it has to be on the internet...which they had the whole time! Spongebob, Sandy, and Kaan then rush inside. Horacio appeared without a notice. When they started using the computer, Horacio uses his eraser to jam the electricity and make the office black out. Horacio dropping in to destroy their technology before Patrick could. In the next scene, David, Doodle Wizard, and Doodle Swordsman were seen walking around the forest. David: So here we are in Lake Superior... “Nothing suspicious yet,” said Doodle Wizard. “Yes, because it would better if those teens showed up seconds ago,” Doodle Swordsman said sarcastically. “I think they could be a mile away…” said David. David: ...from the nearest Pizza Castle. “Tell your lies all you want, we still have you captive,” said Doodle Swordsman. From a mile away, Sierra and the others were shown again. Wow, he wasn’t even lying this time. “So I’m a dirty liar, but me and Rick are like love at first sight…or second in that case,” said Savannah. Everyone may hate her but at least she’s got Rick to simp her toxic behavior. “I’d say plenty. I was there…and I saw it,” said Justin. She’s got a long list of ex-lovers, that’ll tell you she’s insane. “She cheated more than once?” Sierra questioned. She probably also uses AI to write her homework. “But she hasn’t caused any more crime, ITS A FREAKIN’ MISUNDERSTANDING, I TELL YOU!” Rick exclaimed. “Yes, defend your girlfriend. Maybe in the next day, she’ll find true love, again and again,” said Justin. “I’m so confused now…I happen to know that on the inside, Savannah has some hidden honesty in there,” said Rick. I don’t think confusion is the same thing as ignorance, but you do you. “That ghost story, Somehow that was important enough to bring up. Just tell him that she’s a grifter. falling in love WITH YOU. She’s been lying to your face,” said Justin, and brings out a sword, “I challenge you.” Wow, he’s not holding back. ”Are you saying you want to kill me? Doing this for because of Savannah cheating on you is just too harsh and of course, I have a Pebble of Life, so I’m immune no matter what you do!” Rick replied. Say, has anyone in the group remembered that they’re supposed to be looking for this Gakuto fellow, considering that the “Gakuto” we just saw at the start is really just an imposter? “This isn’t good,” said Jason. Rick accepts the challenge and Justin starts swiping away with his sword. “Damn it, I could at least use something,” said Rick. Fight with your fists like a real Wrath-incarnate. Rick just tries kicking away while avoiding Justin’s sword. Rick: I should’ve known those Karate Kid movies wouldn’t help me! Rick then starts swinging his fists around, but no matter what, Justin would be untouched. The less experienced Rick still uses his regular defenses against Justin, while Justin would keep swinging around his weapon. What’s the point of this fight when he’s clearly outmatched? Just start it and end it with Justin impaling him with the sword. Rick then sways around his right leg and hits Justin’s left leg to try and take difficulty for his balance. Justin: Ahhh! I can’t believe you hit me in the leg with your leg! Justin continues using his sword while Rick avoids as much as possible. “This is where it ends,” said Justin, “where one white lie grows into a major quandary!” I don’t even know what the frick you just said, but...proceed. “But you’re the one causing the trouble!” Rick said. “That’s what I do,” said Rick, “I agree,” said Rick. “Even though for a series of lies Savannah has, I’m the direst and most feared citizen around!” Rick just out-edgelorded himself...or is it Justin who’s actually speaking? “Why couldn’t you just kill Savannah?” Rick replied. Rick: Not that I’m asking you to... “She’s a girl, and you were the one in the way for her. With you out of the way, I will be absolutely sure that Savannah will not experience any more karma. If she does…it won’t be my problem.” But she totally deserves that karma, so what’s your point? “David and the two doodles arrived at the lakeside and David grasped out from the Doodle Swordsman to run to Sierra and co., seeing the Swordsman ready to scythe through him, Rick prevented it with a swift punch in the chin. Rick can’t even throw punches at someone who’s as much as a douchebag as he is, and yet he’ll wallop a Doodle with the same weapon no problem. “David, you’re back!” Jason said. “Not for long,” said Doodle Swordsman. While panting, David says, “I’ve been captive by DoodleBob and Horacio with the swordsman, what’s going on?” Just some love triangle/square/dodecagon plot shenanigans, so you’re not missing much. “You missed a lot, I don’t want to explain it,” said Sierra. The Doodle Swordsman was about to break against Rick’s grip against him, but Rick was still determined to hold on. That was until Justin sneaking snaps the Pebble of Life from Rick’s neck with a heave from his sword. Justin then quickly uses his sword to go through and slaughter Rick from about the end of the gut. Man, the spin-off is killing its main characters faster than it could kill anyone in DoodleBob’s army. A long moment of silence was shown while Rick leisurely falls to his death. “He didn’t say he has no weakness,” Jason said softly and sprints away from Lake Superior. Well, thanks so much for your attempt to show any ounce of sympathy, Jason. “We better report this to Horacio,” said Doodle Swordsman, and he leaves along with the Doodle Wizard. Doodle Swordsman: He did have us chasing after a dead child corpse, but this is only his concern… “He’s slain, but the Pebble of Life isn’t damaged. Of course, the fetter is ripped,” said David. A-are you sure about that choice of words?… fetter: a chain or manacle used to restrain a prisoner, typically placed around the ankles. “Rick…no, I dont want this to happen!” Sierra said and breaks into tears. While crying for about 20 seconds, along with everybody else with a short series of tears, a sudden sensation goes through Sierra’s psyche. Her eyes started glowing white with anger and the rest of her body was showing off a blazing red polish. “HE CANNOT DIE! MALICE SHALL BE CAUSED FOR WHAT HE’S DONE!” Sierra exclaimed. Either she’s summoned an actual demon, or she got possessed by Rick’s ghost. Sierra’s anger also causes strong winds to surround the area. Must be tornado season somewhere in Michigan. “Sierra…” said Savannah. “PROPHET YOU ARE! BE GONE OR BE PUNISHED THROUGH MY BLISTERING AUTHORITY!” Sierra exclaimed. I guess her unbridled rage caused her words to become flowery. With that, Savannah was threatened to leave the lakeside. I’d get the hell out of here too if I was told to be punished through their “blistering authority,” whatever that means. While Sierra was still angry, Rick’s pebble was glowing, and Sierra’s glow was growing stronger until the whole area was blinded by the light. After that, Sierra was calm and the pebble’s thread was repaired. “What happened?” Rick said. Rick: And why do I have a shank on my back? “Rick, youre back!” Sierra said with relief. Yeah, let’s just forget that she was super pissed a mere moment ago. “Well I’ll be,” said Mason. ”You’ll never believe what you’ve done Sierra; you suddenly went out of control and went furious. I don’t know how that brought Rick back to life, but it happened,” said David. I heard they call that a ‘deus ex machina.’ Sierra simply breaks into tears again. ”What’s with you today, Sierra?” Vivian questioned. “I feel horrible, I’ve never felt such fury, and I’m worried it could happen again,” said Sierra, “I blame myself.” Sierra: The goal of my adventure is always to entertain. I’ve made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgment- “It’s alright. Because I’m fine, and Kaan is going to revive Theo,” said Rick, “I bet everybody else feels saddened like you.” Sierra then exhaustingly hugs Rick. It’s weird for Rick to be the one comforting Sierra here, but since all the others are so lacking in personality and are barely present in this episode, I’ll buy this. “Yeah, I have pride, but I can’t seem to show it until Justin suddenly stabbed Rick,” said Jason, “I don’t feel sad though, but what I just saw was simply touching.” Jason: I don’t know why I keep contradicting myself but- “I’m envious, but it makes me upset when I demand too much,” said Mason. ”I’m lazy, but sometimes it puts me to shame,” said Vivian. ”I’m pretty greedy, but I hate it when I seem to be preferred as “spoiled,” said Jonah. It’s in their genes, they can’t help it. “Well, that’s few things to be sad about, but not as sad as what you’ve experienced,” said David, “For me, I’m upset for whatever bad thing happens and when guilt tries to eat me alive.” David: This is my one attempt to shed some personality in this spin-off, so I better make it count! “You’ll feel better Sierra, now let’s get out of here,” said Jonah. Sierra and co. then walk away from Lake Superior, hoping for Kaan to come back with is jet. At the rate this story is supposedly going in, I’m certain they’ll be going back to playing some 3D tic tac toe. In another scene, Justin was shown walking away from the forest, and beginning to experience a flashback, showing a younger ego of him seeing his parents in front of an unknown figure, which could resemble Horacio. Oh wow, so NOW we’re supposed to feel bad for him, after going out of his way to try and claim a life? Almost everybody has a sad moment to look past. Yeah, it’s a sad episode, but you’re not seeing tears coming out of my eyes. Savannah’s guilt causes her to roam off, I thought it was because demonic Sierra scared her out of her wits. Justin’s easily tempered attitude causes one to almost die, The second half is true, but as for the first half, nah, he was just being an a-hole. which causes Sierra’s breakdown to go out of control. All that, and Spongebob and the others’ fate are unknown. In a matter of time, the sorrow could end. ...Or maybe it won’t. I’ve given up on hope towards the spin-off being anything good at this point. To be continued… In the original post for the episode, the author asked if it was the best episode he had written to date. For my long overdue answer to that inquiry, no. The episode is absolute trash. It’s all over the freaking place and tries to tie in so many plot threads without making any real progress with the story. There’s a slew of typos and nonsensical dialogue too, and the prose itself tries way too hard to be this emotional tearjerker, all to end a pointless romantic storyline, that somehow wins the prize for having writing that’s even more amateurishly-written and less nuanced than Total Drama World Tour’s love triangle plot, which goes to show that writing something out of spite doesn’t always do somebody favors. So that ends Guru Gakuto Season 1, and it’s not very good. I don’t feel like doing the joke featured character, after all of that, I deserve a break from this series for a while. Of course, there’s only seven episodes left, which makes me wonder how it’s going to tie everything up by that point, but for now that’s the least of my worries. I’m going to try something different next, and I’m going to hope that the riffing theater gods don’t let me down… ...I hate you.
  9. Week 1: SpongeBob SquarePants: Lost in Translation: The Finale Week 2: Chemist Bob's Catastrophic Creations Cinema - The riffs for the season 1 finale for Guru Gakuto will be posted on Friday, December 15th. I can't guarantee that it will come out later this month, but there will also be a one-off special on the way too. Week 3: ??? Week 4: ??? Week 5: ???
  10. Oh, you're not getting into Heaven in those, honey, no. I'm sorry. I died for your sins, but those pumps are unforgivable!

  11. STEEL SPONGE PRESENTS - DECEMBER 2023 As a compromise for my lack of spin-off news/updates over the course of 2023, (which I will explain at a later time), I'll be spending the rest of the month releasing new spin-off/lit material before the end of the year as a Christmas present of sorts. Each week every Friday, including today, will be a short announcement regarding a new arrival, and so for this week, I present to you... Week 1: SpongeBob SquarePants: Lost in Translation: The Finale - The long-delayed conclusion to this series will be out by Saturday, December 9th [when it's done, lol]. This special episode will be original to this series, in contrast to all the previous ones being translated versions of pre-existing episodes, while also being a two-parter, with the other half being a Google Translated-redux of the first half. Week 2: ??? Week 3: ??? Week 4: ??? Week 5: ??? That wraps up the brief news update for this week. Be sure to check in for the next four weeks to see else I'll have to announce.
  12. Bump, as WBD are now being put on blast for cancelling the upcoming Coyote vs. Acme movie for a tax write-off: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/coyote-vs-acme-warners-investigation-1235647011/ It's been saved, however, as the movie is now being shopped to other firms, but for a lot of people, including those in the entertainment industry, this move was the straw that broke the camel's back.
  13. Even though I've taken refuge in Discord and Tumblr to post my art now, I'd figured I post this here for everyone else to see, considering how much of a magnum opus this recent drawing of mine turned out to be: (Plus, feel free to follow my new Tumblr blog for those who are interested):
  14. Funniest Member: Wumbo, kev, Prez, Fred, OWM Kindest Member: SOF, Ex, Cha, Meko, The Excited SpongeKid Spongiest Member: Carotte, Salmon, Winter, 4EverGreen, RDSP Best Gamer: Jjs, Ex, Winter, dman, OMJ Show Stopper: WhoBob, Katie, Jjs, Clappy, Storm Geekiest Band Geek: Prez, kev, Kat, SBManiac, Clappy Most Artistic Member: Nuggets, Salmon, RDSP, Cha, DarknessDG, Sportiest Member: Clappy, JCM, Trophy, Prez Honorary Creation: Pirate Legends and Total Cartoon Honorary Staff Member: terminoob and Trophy Honorary Member: Salmon and kev Honorary Skin: The Stephen Hillenburg Community and Cosmic Shake
  15. Hey all, with one of this month's big holidays already on the horizon, it felt like a good time to do another one of these, especially with the success of the first block party collab. This time, I thought I'd do a theme, and the theme will be... ALL 80s, ALL WEEKEND For this SBC block party project, I'm combining one of 91x's general events with the special events that my local classic hits stations enact. As it should be telling, my classic hits radio stations LOVE 80s music and during holiday weekends, such as for Veterans Day, they host a marathon with a lineup mostly consisting of 80s music, but can we make something better with that idea? That will be the main topic for this SBC block party. So, the rules are as follows: -You need to make your playlist through Spotify. but as long as the songs are all available on Spotify, I will accept it entries without an embed playlist. -Pick 3 music acts with 3 songs for each corresponding artist, with each entry being up to 9 songs total. -Per rules of this playlist's theme, all of your songs selections must be from 1980-1989. Anything from before or after that period will have to be replaced. -No repeat songs/music artists, or joke entries. The current deadline for this playlist collab is currently November 10th, the day before Veterans Day. If interested, be sure to post your Spotify playlist to this thread before the deadline. So go ahead, put on your rollerskates, your parachute pants, and your walkman, and get to building your ideal 80s throwback playlist. Entries:
  16. Going to make it easier on me and do all of the creative categories before the others: Best Creation: JCMovies, SpongeBrawl: Nostalgia Run's End, Power Rangers: Multiverse Force, Toast Krusters Best Miniseries: Patrick Star in the Multiverse of Madness, Aquatic Avengers: Unite!, One-Time Power Rangers Characters: Where Are They Now? Best Episode: JCM Hunts for Lost Media (JCMovies), Unite (Aquatic Avengers: Unite!), Act V (Multiverse of Madness) Best Comedy: Jjs' Riffing Theater: Tales from the Internet, JCMovies, One-Time PR Characters Best Storyline: Power Rangers: Multiverse Force, Aquatic Avengers: Unite!, Patrick Star in the Multiverse of Madness, Best Character: Manny Mangrove (MegaloMania), Lego Patrick (Multiverse of Madness), Blue Arrow (Aquatic Avengers: Unite!) Best Artwork: "Spicy" - Nuggets, Wil E. Coyote - Salmon, Fawful and Crackletta comic - Cha, Amy - Patty Rose, Squid Noir - Cha Best Pictionary Drawing: Turtle - Appy, Opposite Day - DarknessDG, Planet of the Jellyfish - dman, Feral Friends - Carotte
  17. Wasn't sure what story to stick with, so I chose them all. Steel Sponge’s Super Speedy & Supremely Stupid Spooky Short Story Spectacular The Last Magnetbender Water, fire, air, and dirt. Fucking magnets, how do they work? These are all the five miracles in the world. However, everything changed when the Dirt Nation attacked. Only the Juggalo, master of all five miracles could stop them, but when the world needed him most, he vanished. One hundred years have passed, my brother and I would discover a Juggalo trapped in a Faygo iceberg. This is where our story would begin… We saw as the Juggalo, with glowing blood-red eyes stepping out of what was now the demolished Faygo glacier. I, Killtara, of the Water Gathering, along with my brother Sokka 2 Dope, put down our Hatchet Gear as we waited for the Juggalo in the iceberg to greet us. “What’s up? I’m a magnetbender,” he said. “My name is Ong.” Face it. Halloween is ruined. The Yard Sale Today I decided, for no apparent reason, to check out some local garage sales. After a few uninteresting trips, one yard sale had an item that caught my eye. It was a case for a game that I hadn’t played for years – Pokemon Channel, but the label was poorly scrawled on with some Sharpie, with “Pokemon Channel 666” written over it. It was sketchy, sure, but it was a free GameCube game, so that was a steal. Now, of course, I could then go on some long-winded tangent about my experience with Pokemon Channel, but then a weird old man came up to me and cried out, “Do not play that game that you now hold in your hand! It is cursed, cursed I tell you!” I rolled my eyes and replied to the old man, “Yeah, okay.” “That video game disc will consume your soul if you play it during the witching hour!” The old man continued on. “If that’s true, then how are you here to tell the tale?” I asked. “My grandson sacrificed himself to cut my family’s ties to Pokemon Channel 666. It must never be played at any cost, especially your own life.” I left myself to my thoughts and then asked the elder, “Does it have any interesting post-game content?” “Uhhh...no…” “Then I don’t want it.” And so I left the yard sale behind without having to spend my money on anything. I managed to save $100,000 and my soul today, so that felt good. Anti-Piracy Screen So, you’re wondering how I ended up like this. Of course, I didn’t say what happened, but I’m getting to that part. The post-release market for the video game SpongeBob’s Revenge of the Flying Dutchman has suddenly gone up. With there being no re-release or compromise to the cost inflation in sight, I was desperate to find a cheaper copy, and it would happen to be my luck when I found what I needed. As you can tell, the game started off normally and all, but that was until after finding the first treasure. Instead of triggering the usual cutscene with the Dutchman taking Gary, I came across a different cutscene. “So, what’s this I hear about ye scallywag pirating this game?” The Flying Dutchman spoke. I was shook. Was he referring to me? “I may be a ghost pirate, but the thought of stealing other peoples’ work and distributing it illegally makes my ghostly blood boil! If you’re going to be a thief, a criminal, let alone a pirate, then I’ll treat ya like one! Either you turn off your console and remove this illegal copy of Revenge of the Flying Dutchman and return it in exchange for a legal one, or you can just leave it be and then suffer a very unfortunate fate. ...Well alright then, you’re my prisoner now, and look, I have something that you may be interested in…” I was suddenly in a trance when he pulled out what looked like a golden case of said video game in front of my screen and swung it around like a pendulum. “The expanded, never before released director’s cut of the video game you stole. I have it just for you. All you have to do is join my pirate crew, pirate!” Just right afterwards, the screen blacked out. Then I blacked out...and appeared on the very ghost ship guided by The Flying Dutchman himself, along with The Flying Dutchman. So this is what happens when I don’t buy a legal copy of a video game? Honestly? I have no regrets. Ghost Toast I wake up in the morning and I am hungry. I feel like making myself some toast, so I put some bread in the toaster. To my surprise, the bread ejects itself from the toaster? So I kept trying until I decided to give up and confirm with myself that the toaster is broke. However, when I heard a strange, spectral noise once my back was turned and that was when I saw a ghost...in the form of a slice of toast. “I am the piece of toast that haunts your very home!” It spoke. “I seek vengeance for all the bread brethren that you have burnt, the lives you have buttered up, and the innocents that you used for your fancy avocado toasts!” “What can you do to convince me that I’ll never eat another piece of toast again?” I asked the floating crispy bread. “What am I going to do?” The ghost toast mused. “I’m going to raise my army of the undead!” With that, the phantom bread used the toaster to fling 8 slices of ghost toast per second to send flying right at me. I tried my best to dodge, but I kept getting hit. “What have I done to deserve this? I just wanted to make some toast for breakfast,” I bemoaned. “Breakfast? Don’t you realize it’s 6 PM!?” The ghost toast told me. And that was when I realized….I am probably on crack. Interview with a Vampire “What’s your name, sir?” A man from the other side of the table asked. “Count Dracula of Transylvania!” He replied. “Tell me about yourself.” The interviewer continued. “I spend most of my days resting in my coffin in my castle atop the Carpathian Mountains, and I spend all my nights preying on the blood of any unsuspecting travelers that I find by biting their necks, sucking away their life force completely dry. I have a relative who has his own breakfast cereal, Count Chocula. I’m sure you’ve heard of him.” The vampire replied. “What would you say your strengths and weaknesses are?” “A vampire poses many weaknesses, but I oblige to tell that they shall not hinder the best of my abilities. Almost every day, I’m having to hide away from the harsh sunlight that the day brings. I can’t even stand the sight or the smell of garlic, for my senses are too strong not to notice it. Don’t get me started on silver. I can’t even stand to touch my own silverware most of the time. As for my strengths, I don’t believe I need to go on about how impressive it is that I can turn myself into a bat and fly accurately as such. I can also move as fast as the speed of sound, so I can guarantee speedy service.” “I see. So, why do you believe you’re a perfect fit for a job at Olive Garden?” “I can make a mean chicken carbonara.” Bambi: Hunt or Be Hunted This Summer… Your favorite childhood characters are going buckwild… And the hunters that killed Bambi’s mother…. Can only be prepared for a taste of their own shotgun rifles, because…. It’s paybuck time. (Collection of footage showing Bambi slaughtering several humans by either shooting them with a rifle, ramming them into a cliff or a rock wall, or setting off traps, Thumper biting the faces off same human fodder, and Flower, donning a gas mask, pushing the humans inside a gas chamber with skunk fumes, among other gruesome acts of bloody and gory violence.) Because now… The hunters are the ones being hunted. (End clip showing one of the hunters aiming their rifle, hesitating to shoot while the murderous buck himself, Bambi, intimidatingly looked at the human before an army of deer appeared right before them, with glowing and menacing eyes.) BAMBI: HUNT OR BE HUNTED [So you see folks, this is the kind of stuff that you have to deal with when objects from your childhood go public domain.]
  18. Drop the Krispy Kreme, Serpico! We need your help here!

  19. The newest season of Total Drama is expected to premiere in Canada on the 21st (with no news for a U.S. release yet) after having come to Italy first (so to anyone who saw the new season through that, I urge you to keep any spoilers hidden), so I might as well make a thread for it. Thread will be updated afterwards once the release is official.
  20. Decided to keep it simple and dedicate my entry to my signature Chemist Bob avatar:
  21. What are you looking at? Go away before I turn you into a toad or a snake!

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